Local man too decent to hit on fellow associates

>Local man too decent to hit on fellow associates
>he must be gay
Is this what male writers think female expectations are like?

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Women are assholes, simple as that.

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Literally every time I rejected a girl or woman they got triggered and accused me of being gay

I've been thought of as gay by women simply because I knew how to cook really well and have a cat. People in general are fucking stupid and presumptuous as hell.

they'll never discover cap's secret.

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>None of guys relationships work out
>"Must be gay!"
>Make him gay
>Still can't score

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This has happened to me many times.
>One time, I broke up with a girl because we just didn't click
>She kept raving on and on to her best friend that I broke it off because I'm secretly gay.
>Her best friend laughed as she told me about this.
>Her best friend and I had been fucking secretly on the side for weeks before and after the breakup.

Yeah, happened a couple of times. It got so bad that when I introduced my gf to her, she thought she was a beard.

Women are incapable of processing rejection.

Good fanfic, who are the main characters?

And then Iceman got turned gay. God I hope Hickman fixes that.

Yeah that's more of a male way of thinking
>Girls doesn't like me, she must be a lesbian and a cunt.

Was this by Marjorie Liu? All I know is that after bendis revealed Ice Man to be gay she backpedaled hard and said that she always saw Bobby as gay.

zuko mai and azula

Literally coping (with not being up to Cap's standards).

Lol who are you all trying to fool

>and have a cat.
I mean, to be fair that's a safe assumption at that point.

Monica lies a lot, you dumbfuck. Read the fucking comic, assclown.

I don't think I've seen Cap be interested in a black woman. It's just been white women, latinas, an Atlantean and a Dark Elf.

That's is before the reveal, that shi'ar was trying to get in his pants across three different runs.

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It's funny that people think this is exclusive to men. I've had women I wasn't interested in spread rumors that I was gay, and I've been asked by women "Is he gay? I really want to hook up with him, but he acts like he isn't interested at all." It's amazing how many people think men and women are completely different.


It just comes from people being egocentric. I mean, its not deliberate, but people often think themselves to be much better than they actually are. You just tend to see the "guy isn't interested in X girl, must be gay" trope so often due to people assuming men with fuck anything that moves. Heaven fofend that some people actually just aren't interested in you for whatever reason, the fault has to be on the other party.

Yeah, "reveal."

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I thought Warbird was kinda cool and she just vanished.

Women do think that way. In fact it's a very common way of thinking for attractive people in general, regardless of gender. If you think you're hot shit but someone doesn't seem to be interested you either think there's something wrong with you or something wrong with them. Either way it brings up a sense of insecurity and it's up to that person to interpret it the way they want. Naturally the best reasoning is to just think that some people aren't interested in that person.

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Actually happened to me at a retail job.
I’m fat and had a loner look and another fat coworker asked me out.
I turned her down and she told people I was gay afterwards.
They all believed it too since I never talked about having a gf. (every girl I wanted rejected me and I rejected every girl that wanted me since they were too ugly)

The women at the last place I worked at, thought that I was gay because I didn't hit on anyone or ask anyone out, it happens.

More like
>Girl doesn't like me, she must be fucking that damn CHAD

In my experience this is absolutely what women are like.
If you're not a mindless beast looking to fuck anything with a hole, you must be gay. Only then can her ego stay intact.

Don't worry dearie, all those boys who turned you down really WERE fags.
No straight man would EVER reject someone as pretty as YOU!

I really like this page. It's... sweet.

>why does this book filled with cunts feature cunt-like thinking

That has to be one the most wholesome superhero "how we met" stories I've read. Writer and artist?

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Identity Crisis

lmao, you deserve it, you choosing beggar

>having standards is bad
pro tip: anyone can have them and reject anyone for anything, you fucking idiot.

no joke i got asked if i was gay last week by a girl, and i'm guessing me taking her hands off me was why

>i-it's called s-standards!
Yeah, nah. Lose some weight, fatty.

It really is.
too bad she's brutally murdered in that same mini series, being revealed to be pregnant, and it is also later revealed via flashbacks that she was brutally raped as well.

oh DC
why am I not surprised

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Maybe he just isn't attracted to an ugly sheboon.

>Was this by Marjorie Liu?
WatXm and Amazing X-men by Aaron.

Same here, what was baffling is that it wasn't just something in the realm of possibility, but they really were sure about that.

Was mistaken for gay because my crippling self-esteem issues turned me into a dense animu protag everytime there was even a hint of interest from someone.

Might be also because that their self-esteems as well...

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This is actually pretty offensive to gay guys. What the point of this stupid oversensitive social justice era if they're still saying shit like this?

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You stupid fucking conservacuck that's Nextwave, look up when it was published.
Dumb cunt.

>still saying shit
Nextwave was released over a decade ago.

I don't read comics, they're lame.

>Admit you don't know what you're talking about
Bold strategy.

I am surprised that they haven't given Cap black woman love interest yet.

>Who is Falcon going to be!

>be coddled egotistical chauvinistic cunt
>get rejected because you're fat and ugly no matter what Oprah and your girlfriends say
>and unlike a man, your wealth and career don't matter worth a damn because a guy still has to get it up
>you either have to face the fact that you're NOT hot SHIT and maybe hit the gym to improve yourself
>or you can just spread nasty rumors about a guy being gay in order to rationalize being rejected and sabotage his future relationships

It's clear which one a woman is most likely to do. Poisoning the well with rumors and gaslighting is what women do best. It's only significant when a man does it because that's the exception to the rule. Most guys at least grow to know their place.

Dude why 30s man not like blacks????

Hey maybe Cap is closet Jungle fever guy.

Jesus Christ, you need to get laid or something.

She tried, user.

The Dibneys were an adorable couple that truly loved each other. Which is why Meltzer thought it best to brutally murder Sue and why people flipped their shit over it. At least they stayed together as ghosts, after Ralph went crazy and almost resurrected his wife as a doll and then died. Hopefully they're alive again? I think Ralph was around in New 52 in Simone's Secret Six.