
Hickman says all that continuity fits into 10 years. How do you feel about that?

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Still better than when DC tried to say all Batman continuity from Dick to Damian happened in 5 years

Attached: Batman Beyond.jpg (800x1200, 213K)

i say that i don't care about continuity all that much

Given how much Time Bullshit happens in Marvel into, I'm not surprised someone would try and claim this.

Attached: Uncanny X-men first class issue #2 page 21.jpg (1037x1600, 650K)

Marvel's sliding timescale has generally been accepted as set about 10 years after the Fantastic Four started.

It's fuzzy. Sometimes it's more like 15 years. There's no set timescale for it and never will be - things that no longer fit get dropped all the time, but any elements of them that are necessary to explain the modern era remain canon.

Examples: War Machine once had an alien armor. It's totally ignored today because nobody even read that series, but for a while he was bonded to an alien armor that totally wasn't a symbiote like Venom or Guyver or anything and definitely didn't kind of look like a penis. Spider-Man once met the cast of Saturday Night Live when John Belushi was alive and Bill Murray was on the regular cast.

Since nothing in these books was even slightly important to the modern era, none of it is necessarily canon. It still happened, and it happened in main continuity, but it's obviously impossible to reconcile with for example modern Spider-Man with smartphones and whatever other trappings of 2019, so maybe it's been shunted out of main continuity into a side-continuity, which, honestly, isn't the worst thing. It means all those decades of stories don't have to have happened within 10-15 years.

>fits into 10 years.
How the fuck does Wolverine sleep?

Even less, considering year 0 is when Xavier met Moira... are we sure he created the X-Men that same year?

You think that's ridiculous? Within marvel Canon Carnage USA only happened like a year ago

>Wayne's death, Bruce is 8
>Starts training at 16
>Suits up at 24
>Meets Dick at 28, Dick is 10
>Dick becomes Robin at 12, Bruce 30
>Dick leaves at 16, Bruce 34
>~6 month gap, Bruce finds Jason, 13
>Jason becomes Robin at 14, Dies at 15, Bruce is 36
>2 year gap, Tim comes in at 12
>Becomes Robin at 13, Bruce 40
>Tim changes to Red Robin at 16
>~A year gap, Talia brings Damian, 9, becomes Robin in only 4 months
>Bruce currently at 45-46
How's this for a (slightly) realistic timeline? I'm obviously just spitballing here and don't know any canon numbers.


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Tomasi's got it at 20-ish at this time

In that a character was conceived and born in at least Dick's first year and is now at minimum college age

Didio would die before he let a character be over 40.

Chalk it up to the secret wars and move on, powers of X is hype shit

Healing factor makes up for it.


Sliding timescale means everything has always happened in the past 10-15 years. It’s been like this for ages now.

And then she went and banged Gorgon a few years later.

I always imagined Bruce as being around 32-34 when Dick was 16-18 and then being around 40-42 when Tim shows up, so about 37-39 with Jason. So closer to 47-50 when Damien shows up

But I like the idea of him getting aged down to early 30’s around the time Damien shows up too

And that is one of the reasons why Black Bolt join the Illuminati.

Attached: it's the cucked and Redhead lovers club.png (475x308, 13K)

Goes against the comics. Basic stuff, too.

Bruce's age is flexible. It's ranged from 18 to 25.
Dick's starting age is flexible. It's ranged from 8 to 16. In all post-crisis retellings, Bruce took in Dick during Year 3.
Dick attended and dropped out of college before dropping Robin and becoming Nightwing. He was at least 18.
Jason's age is flexible. He dies within a year.
Tim was in High School and able to legally drive his dad's car when introduced. He couldn't have been younger than 15. Probably 16.
Damian was 10 when introduced, and was introduced before Tim became Red Robin.
Tim was redoing his senior year of high school during Batman RIP. He was at least 18 when he became Red Robin.

I just headcanon it somewhere between 10-20 years

I got distracted, though. Hickman's 10 year timeline makes no damn sense. Cyclops, Beast, etc. are still in their 20's? Really?

do you even /sci/ence? He isn't saying it's 10 years, there is wiggle room because he completely left out the first part of the equation which is c. so it looks C * X^Y where Y is 0->3. It's the perfect system for a sliding continuity because the C can be any number

Tim was 13 when introduced. Someone did the math once before and you can fit pretty much everything in and have Bruce be pushing 40, with the only real issue is the apparent 3 years in-universe since Damian debuted.

It only shaves a couple years off in practicality. If anything it fucks over Spider-Man the most as his starting age of 15 is known, with a ten year timescale everything since the late 80s has to fit in a year maximum.

user, I...

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>Ewing shit
Nah senpai fuck off

Breevort said once that SpiderMan, Human torch and Cyclops are 23-25.

What's with Hickman and this kind of helmet? He did the same thing to Reed Richards

Attached: 4692514-reed_richards_time_runs_out.png (985x1059, 753K)

I'm surprised people are actually discussing continuity for once

I read every comicbook Marvel published between 1998 and 2015 with Hickman's Secret Wars. I haven't seen anyone really care about the continuity for ages and the fanbase beyond being bitching about the current climate/shoehorning political shit into it is all that there's left

I want to write it out clearer and use for the basis of C

C = Sliding Time Scale Factor
this is the number that slows as more marvel comics are written, it also slows for characters who have more stories. Thus the gap between 1 and 2 is less than the gap between say 10 and 11, since aging seems to slow more and more as character age.

C * 10^N : N=[0,1,2,3]

C will automatically vanish at the inception of Xaviers dream here since any number to the 0th exponent is 1.

Who cares. Continuity should serve the story, not the other way round.

It is because of low standard retards like you that everything is so half assed

Maybe they're mutant years.

How old is Franklin Richards now?

Attached: richardswedding.jpg (823x389, 116K)

"Powers of ten" means it's closer to 10 years than it is to 100

Go away Frieza

>Thus the gap between 1 and 2 is less than the gap between say 10 and 11
oops, I should have included decimal points here in the example, it should be .1 and .2 and 1.0 and 1.1.
and to clear up C=1 in the first iteration.

FF and their associated characters don't exist anymore cuz disney dictates what exists at marvel

Upgrade your memes Yea Forums.

he is something like seventeen but he aged when he was travelling the Multiverse.

Read the fucking comic before posting. Christ, OP even posted the relevant image, you retard.