The original spider-man teaser featuring the Twin Towers just got leaked in high quality for the first time

The original spider-man teaser featuring the Twin Towers just got leaked in high quality for the first time

Attached: E50FB78A-5384-4FCA-9995-4AEF5598EE49.jpg (2048x1147, 1.11M)

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God I love the early 2000s



Those's like watching a high-tech sunglasses commercial

>this is what the Dark Knight would look like if it was directed by Raimi

We live in an alternate bad timeline like fucking back to the future

Not having this in the movie is by far the worst consequence of 9/11

Its so weird how late 90's it all looks.

Jesus, Raimi...


Keep circulating the tapes

I was speedily reading this and I thought OP meant the original scene in the movie was leaked. Damn.

The teaser was sent to theatres in 35mm canisters back then

Someone found an old one and converted it to digital

>"Peter, what did I tell you about hanging around with those kikes after class? You're gonna end up caring more about money than human beings, just like those schlomos!"

Wow, a bit on the nose there.

Bring them back. The towers

just why the fuck did they convert truly digital movies to 35mm canisters for theaters?
rather a downgrade if you ask me as film is even easier to get damaged than hell, even professional grade tape.
Could've used broadcast grade tape.
this makes me surprised that Independence Day could have NYC get blown up even after 9/11

Fun fact: the nickelback song they made for the movie was made to be from the perspective of the towers

I remember seeing this trailer in theatres the summer of 2001 I don’t remember what movie I saw it with though

Never Forget

Those dudes are dead as shit then right?

How could anybody possibly get them down safely before the web dissolved and they fall to their deaths?

Maaaan, I remember when this dropped. It's very early 2000s but oh me god believe me when this debuted everyone was FUCKING HYPED.

There was no "original scene". This was filmed just for the trailer, it wouldn't have been in the movie either way.

What was cut was a scene of Spider-Man saving people on the subway, but Jameson still references it later in the movie.

Spider-Man is truly a menace

Jurassic Park 3.

Raimi's Spider-Man has organic webbing. It doesn't dissolve after an hour.

Why wouldn’t his organic webbing dissolve soon after? It’s not like he grew six arms, so it’s clearly not spider accurate

I wish I could wipe my memory to experience the excitement of seeing a Spider-Man movie being revealed for the first time.

Blame the idiot who caused The Dragon Break That bought this Timeline

>God I love the early 2000s
fuck yeah man

it's in 4k
realized that almost 4k people died

Attached: SPY2.png (450x571, 110K)

Is Osama Bin Laden the Ulfric Stormcloak of Earth?



>I wanna take you on a roller coaster
Every fucking time!

>go to see Jurassic Park 3
>leave knowing a Spider-Man movie is a year away

Attached: JPEG_20181008_180546.jpg (300x300, 10K)

I chose to see this instead of Jolie's Tomb Raider, the first one, with the padding.

To this day I still don't know if I should feel bad or not, or even if I made the right choice...

I know right! Shit I remember seeing this shit for the first time back in 01 and gettin' hype, fuck where did the time go. Seems just like yesterday I went to the midnight showing of Spiderman 2...

Fuck I miss teasers like this and the one for the 2003 Hulk movie. When you first watch it and there’s an actual sense of mystery

This reminds me of Tekken 3 for some reason.

20 year old here, what was it like seeing this teaser in the theater?

Similar, fill us in.

Independence Day didn't come out post 9/11

Hell yeah, we need more teasers like the ones for Alien and Independence Day, I'm so sad I never really lived through those eras of film

Back when everything was about being as loud and in your face and cool as possible.

I was extremely hype.
I had no idea where this "trailer" was going.
It was a huge surpise to see the camera pan out to show a spiderweb between the towers, realizing we were watching a Spider-Man Teaser.
Spidey looked great swinging. Remember this was before any movie version of Spider-Man existed, so the footage and production values really blew away expectations.

All in all, seeing this teaser trailer was the best part of seeing Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

Attached: aki ross.png (1200x1600, 1.93M)

>before any movie version of Spider-Man existed
There were. Not officially of course

Marvel 1999:
>Spiderman webs past the WTC in a spread
Marvel 2019:
>Spiderman is black and teams with Muslim ms. Marvel

fuck yeah.

was just at the ground zero 9/11 memorial in Manhattan. It's fucking good. definitely worth checking out. buy your tickets in advance online though.

Attached: reflecting pool at 9_11 ground zero.png (986x642, 718K)

>buy your tickets in advance online though.
You have to buy tickets?

I can't think of anything more American.

Attached: Itstinks.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I like my spirits to be within her if you know what I mean

The museum you have to buy the tickets (and no I don't know why, I'd hope to help families of victims and first responders), the memorial he put on the picture is free. As are most other museums in New York and Washington

That makes more sense.

Because digital projectors cost 100k+ even today. There wasnt a digital projector in our town until 2005 and cinemark only had 1 of them.

I've never heard that before.

Yeah, you want to do your part to stop the Phantoms.

What a terrible setting for a film. It reminds me of that tragedy.

man,i always wanted to see taht,i only heard rumors,you are cool OP

Think about all the cartoons, shows, videogames that were censored after the tragedy

Attached: Spiderman2TwinTowers.png (1187x674, 915K)


>I was extremely hype.
stop that's not how english works

>colour correction
I'm sure it's not meant to be this yellow

don't get all french on us

Can we pinpoint the exact moment the timeline diverged, and stop the hand-off of the figurative Almanac? Is it possible the 9/11 attacks are actually what caused all the shittyness of the modern world?

Yeah, it had something to do with those semitic people, you know, Muslims.

Attached: norm.jpg (586x390, 21K)

9/11 was the flashpoint but there were other events in 2004, 2007 and 2011. The frequency has only sped up since.

>the absolute state of the theatrical industry
meanwhile international countries could afford digital files for broadcasting as early as the 90's

you can just buy film reels and scan them
>for the first time
it's weeks old

a build of this game with the twin towers was found in the last year or two

holy shit she was my crush back in the days
damn user you hit my nostalgia bone really hard with this one

really ? Neat

If that's true, than why the fuck did they keep in the scene of Spider-Man swinging at the end, complete with the reflection of the Twin Towers in his eyes and everything?

betting 10 dollars that there's 35mm copies of the 2019 TLK movie

>it's in 4k
>realized that almost 4k people died
I shouldn't laugh, but...

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The worst thing about 9/11 was the changes it brought to air travel. Growth fucking halted. The job market evaporated. Airlines dropped dead. Wait times shot through the roof. And the damn TSA was born. Things have been on the up and up recently, but air travel in the early 2000s was fucking ruined. It only took a decade to somewhat unfuck it.

>It only took a decade to somewhat unfuck it.

Attached: 27-february-4-march-2016-1.jpg (242x242, 22K)

Dolan represents a regression. Its rich people shouting "LOOK OUT there's Mexicans in your front yard America!!!" while they haul all the prosperity out the back door and load it up for the Caymans.

I had to throw away a good stick of deodorant because TSA is paranoid I'd sneak an explosive in there or some shit. Fuck 9/11, dude.

It didn't age well.

Your parents think the same thing about you.

nigger film projectors and film look sharper and better than DCP's

>but much digital wank
>but digital looks clean!!!!
>its the nyu normal!

God I missed on digital theaters.