Good evening owls,
still the most fun comic you'll read today
Good evening owls,
still the most fun comic you'll read today
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Hello, Storyteller.
>still the most fun comic you'll read today
I dunno, Green Lantern was a blast. Fuckin' Air Wave, yo!
>Ellis WildCATS cancelled
I'm....happy for everyone who's digging Hickman's convoluted Hickmanness but I am so meh on his big planz after Avengers
it's going to be resolicited, it's probably just trying to line up with other stuff, someone who gets Actual Emails from DC posted about it on twitter
>Gee, Grant, how come Didio let's you have TWO Hal Jordan's!
Ooh a big MMO thread
Humphries is going to write Gen13 next
He only had like two years to write it! How could anyone get it done in such a short timeframe!?
That's fair.
I do find it funny how many posts are saying shit like "I don't get it", "This is too complicated" etc.
Like damn man, I really shouldn't think so highly of comic readers
>Show, don't tell, Uncle Hal
I'm already on beer #2
This is the same planet where Inception was considered a complicated concept
Caitlyn truly is a Good Girl and desert as her role as leader.
I feel like most anons who shit on Hickman for words would have a heart attack if they ever read any Claremont
I've enjoyed his first two issues well enough. But it's definitely a wait and see thing for now. Not getting invested in it yet
Knock it off, Sugartits, the bit was never funny in the first place.
Seriously, I'm always ragging on Morrison for eing an arrogant chucklefuck who needs to let Animal Man go. But now it seems like he let Animal Man go and wrote normal stories again, and they've been fuckin solid.
>>Show, don't tell, Uncle Hal
I love that line. THAT is the kind of metashit that is acceptable.
Or old comics in general.
Like fuck, imagine them versus Gerber or Starlin's full text pages.
The looks into the future kinda satisfy me on that cause like we know there’s an endpoint at least. I liked it a lot. And I’m generally meh on Hickman.
The Mr Sinister stuff was straight up hilarious
Gerber's a way better text writer than Starlin
I'm not a fan of Cyclops and the O5 being around 25-26 years old
LOL, is it being wordy like an actual complaint people have? Pretty sure most comics are far more wordy
You can blame JDW/Brevoort for that one. Hell I think even JDW ball-parked Cyke at early 30s before Brevoot intervened
"old" being late 1980s stuff too.
Swamp Thing is known for being pretty slow of speech, but those issues by Moore have a lot of text going on in them. And those who followed in his footsteps (Gaiman channeling him hard for early Sandman, and Delano for Hellblazer) did the same thing.
I wanted to complain there hasn’t been enough words in it
I wasn't comparing them qualitatively, it's just somethung they'd both do.
Can't have heroes being old, user! People only care about teenagers or the teenage adjacent! Ignore the billion dollar franchise of dudes in their forties!
JDW said that Cyclops was around 32, then Brevoort yelled at him and said that he's "not 30"
Okay, can we seriously talk about this? Not to go all boomer, but it really does seem like the further into the present day you get, the less able/willing the masses are to understand /accept high concepts.
Like, if you take a good look at any religious text or mythology, the stuff that's in there is fucked up and borderline nonsensical. People are cool with the idea that there is an all powerful, all knowing, and all present entity that created reality and controls every aspect of existence at all times, but sapient gorillas and invisible jet planes are just too fuckin wacky? Bullshit.
I made that joke in the thread. I lost my New Mutants downloads bc there’s a page that’s amazingly dense
Reactions itt make me a little happy I missed most Yea Forums discussion. This is like the most straight forward Hickman’s been
>Brevoort yelled at him
That's one way to read that
Spider-Man should also been in his 30s by now too, goddamn it.
Tbh the only Marvel characters that currently feel their age are Cap/Invaders and F4
Maybe Hulk
Case in point, Tynion and Ram V have been trying (and failing) to emulate that kind of writing, so someone always complains about WORDSWORDSWORDS in every one of their storytime threads.
Like today
My goddamn kingdom for heroes in their mid-late 30s who feel like they've lived some instead of these endless 20-something womanchildren
Speaking of Invaders, how has the Zdarsky book been?
Hulk definitely sorta does....which makes it weird when they start referring to shit only being, like, 6 years in
I think he was about 30/early thirties when JMW was writing him. But then OMD de-aged him mentally and physically.
I don’t think anyone is reading it but me but it rules
That's one of the reasons I HATE Barbara being Batgirl again. Not only was she cooler as Oracle,they started writing her like she was teenager,rather than the grown woman she was.
The trade came out today so I might give it a try
It’s meh
Because no one else seems to know, what's a good Claremont-era X-men reading list? And I mean everything, Claremonts minis, X-Factor etc.
When I was reading it I didn't have any problems really, it just felt kinda slow. Maybe its just the characters but it just felt like a better version of Robinsons book in that it was good, I just wasn't personally engaged
What bit?
Are there any good YouTube comic related channels
Again, it's fucking bullshit that Diana is the only member of the Trinity who isn't allowed to have a kid. Especially when Lyta predates both Damian and Jon by decades. Let her progress by becoming Wondermom, dammit!
This. All of this. As shitty as the Killing Joke thing was at the time, Oracle was ultimately the best thing that ever happened to Babs.
Strip Panel Naked is good
The entirety of X-Men happening in a decade is some amazing Marvel Time bullshit. I love it. And it doesn’t even work cause Kitty joined at 15 and is minimum 35 now
Bendis is bringing back Kate Spencer!!
>Especially when Lyta predates both Damian and Jon by decades
She doesn't predate Helena
Dude it’s literally all of it. There are reading orders online but you can get to like Uncanny 150ish before you need them
How'd Manchester Black get to Wildstorm Earth?
Oh boy, Bendis is writing Kate Spencer. What woman is she going to call a bitch without the actual sense of camaraderie that Andreyko managed to bring to her and Chase?
Does this represent fear, excitement, sarcasm or all 3?
Times out on my end but thanks user
>Dude it’s literally all of it.
That's what I mean, I don't know what all of it consists of. Is there pack up on MEGA or
I like how DC only lets Bendis and Rucka and Andreyko write strong Women characters
Zdarsky has been impressing me with Marvel Two in One, Spider-Man Life Story, and Invaders, and supposedly his Daredevil has also been pretty good.
It's nothing spectacular but considering I previously thought of him as that one guy who tries way too hard to be quirky/Matt Fraction, it's a step up.
Matt’s a much better writer than Chip
Rucka is a lesbian user, who else can give you the true authentic experience? An actual female writer?
hello style change
The only Fraction comic I've really liked is Casanova. Iron Fist was okay.
omg the page number figures
No self-respecting woman will write for them, so that's what they get.
Bobby charging up his kamehameha...
Oh well look at all the fabulous red raw fucks I don't have to give! The point is that Diana and Lyta got fucking robbed because Didio and friends are retarded assholes.
Fuck, Lyta(well, Fury at any rate) was last seen being one of the main characters in Earth-2. Earth "Where do they shit?" fucking 2! That's just fuckin' criminal.
Kate is the worst, but she does not deserve that.
Hey OP, speaking of Claremont are we doing the next volumes too or are we stopping after this one wraps up?
>Cannot predict now
I think Andreyko has written most of her actually. I know he’s not writing Renee and leaving her to Rucka
Uncanny X-men 94 to 200 something.
New Mutants Graphic Novel and 1-98, after/during Brood Saga, which I feel is the 160s
X-Factor I don’t know when the Simonson issues, it’s early 7 or 8, but it starts a little after Uncanny 200
Magik and Storm miniseries after the issue where she’s trapped in Limbo that I can’t remember the number of
X-men vs Avengers after 200
X-men/Fantastic Four is after Mutant Massacre
There’s an Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn one shot before that ongoing which is after X-men/FF, the story of what happened to Rachel is a book that got sadly cancelled
Ganguro is not a good look on Caitlyn.
>that chibi Anna in the corner
I'm going to be very sad when she inevitably turns out to be a manchurian agent programmed to kill them at some point.
Iron Fist also had Aja art and Brubaker helping.
brutal--but true
>Kaare Andrews
Great, this asshole.
Thanks user, I'm gonna jump onto that after I finish Morrison
I think Bru has said he didn’t do much on IIF
These putzes reek of "rival team" for some reason. Warren would absolutely give Gen-13 a rival team if allowed, just for maximum anime.
Rivals are so oddly uncommon in superhero fiction, and I can't understand why.
Fuck his tiny text is hard to read.
Hmmm Mongolian Barbecue.
>panels 1, 2, and 3
Holy shit, these guys are totally the rival team.
Ah, Dennis Miller, before 9/11 destroyed the last vestiges of anything resembling respectability in his smug, insufferable ass.
he's one of the clearest brain eater cases I can think of
You have to wear white pants in ferret legging, to show the blood from the bites!
You absolutely should not. It's the reason why so much garbage is out there. Comics are bound to be over saturated with Be dis dialogue, Tom King mental illness, and half baked material from dishonest females. That or and including just plain bad writing with no volume to it's story.
Shouldn't Swift be fucking doing something about here chucklefucks?
This is super fun
And now, some ass
Thanks for reading, back Saturday
>dishonest females
fucking lol
Skinny bad guy cast a Somebody Else's Problem field on everyone else; same reason Rainmaker's still sitting at the bar.
Thanks for running, OP.
Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.
So help me, I am a sucker for rivals.
>dishonest females
Thank you I had a good time
I thought you were supposed to call them femoids
So to that guy who hates Grunge. You're about to get a whole shitload of ammo. Goddamn it Grunge.
This isn't an Authority book. Thank God.
>still the most fun comic you'll read today
Dunno, I bought Death's Head but haven't read it yet.
Roxy? More like Trixie.