Should the " The Boys" series have been more faithful to the comic?

Should the " The Boys" series have been more faithful to the comic?

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Should have had Terror, and Hughie not save A-train at least

Haven't watched it yet, but as a Garth Ennis fan, I have to say no, the comic is just Garth indulging his superhero hate and sexual hangups. The Boys not having superpowers is an excellent idea.

Don't think they would had the budget for it, even though most powers aren't that flashy


Little bit.
Making Frenchie a sensitive, underground arms dealer who is into electronic music was rather lame.
Mother's Milk has a nickname that makes no sense now.
Compound V is too ubiquitous. Should be the billions of dollars per dose resource that it is in comics. Makes more sense gor there to only be a few hundred capes after decades of work.
Not into the Deep. Whole "asshole who sees how much of an asshole he is" is boring. The gill fingering was dumb.
Hughie is too talented at everything. Hw doesnt seem like he's out of his depth so much as he seems to be finally in a pool deep enough for him.

Did like:
Black Noir
Elizabeth Shue character that was entirely and predictably disposable, shes great, but i can't even remember her name.
The Female
The sex changed Mallory

With what they did, I think they should have cut Hughie and A-train and just had a Mallory running the Boys season.

Can't really say till it's finished but it's missing a lot of the mystery that hooked me in the comic, like the stuff with Homelander. But the unanswered questions of Lamplighter and what happened with the first iteration of The Boys is a good sign at least.

They seem to be more interested in The Seven and what makes them who they are. They could probably just call it The Seven and show their descent into madness.

It doesn't have to be a 1:1 adaptation. You can maybe do a 2D film that's very faithful but adapting for live-action is obviously going to incur some changes.

However, there's a few things they perhaps should NOT have changed.

Butcher's history. Pretty integral to his character. Last episode sort of fucked him entirely.

Starlight should have blown A-Train. I think it's important that she blows the same guy who destroys Hughie's girlfriend. It becomes a much bigger deal when she eventually finds out the whole truth and causes the main issues in their relationship.
Hughie takes learning that Annie is Starlight VERY well in the show. I'm pretty sure he was really put off by that in the comic.
Also, how Butcher finds out about Annie and how he reacts is much different. Now we're definitely not gonna have anything like the G-Men arc which was about Butcher not trusting Hugh.

Mallory seems to have no reason to exist because there's no history with chasing down Dr Vogelbaum. There's no modified Compound V for The Boys.
A woman started The Boys...?

No Stillwell. Hopefully Los Pollos Hermanos will act like he's meant to though.

Mother's Milk is totally butchered. He has no reason to have that name and no motivation to want to fuck Vought over.

The good things?
The guy who plays Homelander is GREAT. Makes me want to try the other show he's in.
Frenchie is pretty good.
Deep gets fleshed out in a reasonably good way to demonstrate that heroes are mostly directionless muppets when they're not being directly sponsored by Vought.

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Not a bad idea.

Hughie was a weak protagonist in the tv show.
Might as well have started with the Mallory days, the original Seven, have shit go down, The Boys take out Lamplighter, Mallory leaves and we see Highie recruited into that shit show.
On the show, The Boys seem ineffectual and irrelevant, just lucking into things.

Oh and i didnt really appreciate the call outs to everything thay DIDN'T happen on the show as it did in the comic. It was tiresome and gratuitous. I dont need to be told that if Mallory had been an dude he would be into whiskey, that they might've gotten the flatiron building office or that Terror isnt going to be around. Just do your show.

I don't totally mind that Hughie is actually useful. He's good with electronic stuff and helps with the bugging. But I'm not really sold on his characterisation so far.

What's irritating is that Butcher:
>Doesn't know what Compound V is
>Has zero blackmail on The Seven (which gives him zero threat level unlike the comic)
>Has pretty much no plans and is clearly making shit up as he goes
>Got cucked and now has no motivation other than to murder his wife

>Haven't watched it yet,
>The Boys not having superpowers is an excellent idea.

It's kind of annoying every time they mention MM/MOTHERS MILK and there is absolutely no reason for it.

Yeah, but Hughie isnt just useful, hes more insightful and resourceful than the CIA trained special ops squad put together to face superpowered beings.
Mother's Milk calls him "the rainman of fucking people over" and he is consistently resolving issues. I get they was to showcase his untapped potential, but they are laying it on too thick. If he weren't in a squad pf antiheroes, hed almost be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu.

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>"adapation" actually BTFOs comic spoilerfags

It's a shame they wasted the plane scene too.
Would it have cost too much to have Queen Maeve panic and jump out of the plane forcibly? Getting covered in gore and blood?
I wanted to see The Seven really fuck that situation up. FUCKING NIGGER

Instead, Homelander is very competent seemingly from the start. He assessed that it was a shitshow and calmly walked out, already thinking of the PR spin he was gonna do.

In fact, he's TOO competent. By the end of S1, you kinda wonder why he just doesn't clean up shop on his own.

I was watching the series while drinking so I may have forgotten a few things.
Could you list those moments for me please?

There's a comic?

>The guy who plays Homelander is GREAT. Makes me want to try the other show he's in.
Banshee is fucking AMAZING

>There's a comic?
Where they go meta and shit on comics!

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Butcher was played by a really good actor, wonderful act, but his character sucks. He's improvising everything, no plans, none of the "every word spoken is carefully considered to manipulate", he's just kinda stumbling through life.
No one hates supes for any real reasons, they just... kinda don't like them?
Homelander's actor is also amazing, and his character is done quite well, but I really don't like how he's a corporate lapdog. Like, he respects Vought and the company and their money. He should be flagrant, he knows he can run the world if needed, he shouldn't cower in front of a couple of threats of withdrawn dollars.
Most of all, what made it shit is that it's not about superheroes like the comic is. The concept of superhero kayfabe, of what supers do behind closed doors, is gone, since the supes still act supey in their private time, training and smiling and going on rescue missions.

The show sucks, it's a waste how good actors they got for it.

>Should X have been more faithful to the comic?
Yes, the answer is almost always yes.

3 episodes of content jammed into 8 episodes. Only thing they can do is pad it with boring oc. Good thing Jews can't get enough of slandering christ. They were able to get an entire show out of it

Yes and no. The show has honestly tackled the idea of corrupt Superheroes far better than the comic ever did and the characterizations they gave to the capes is far better than Ennis's but in that shuffle we lost a lot of what made The Boys themselves worth caring about.

They improved the parts Ennis didn't care enough about to give his attention and detail and worsened the parts he did.

>televangelist scumbags = christ

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Butcher has dog toys but makes it clear there is no dog. Maybe Terror died with Mallory's grandchildren.
Mallory explains that when she retired it would have been that or alcoholism, the male Mallory from the comics took up whiskey.
CIA deputy director laughs at Butcher's requests, including offices at the flat iron building.

Why the fuck did they change two pretty major characters gender for no reason?

I regret watching it, should have not been made.

>Butcher has dog toys but makes it clear there is no dog.
Terror is confirmed for one episode of Season 2 so you're wrong

There's no way that isn't a flashback

Anyone else excited for Black Noir: Insurrection?

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>The guy who plays Homelander is GREAT. Makes me want to try the other show he's in.

He was in this show in New Zealand, Called outrageous fortune. The show focuses on a family of criminals trying to become lawful members of society. Anthony Starr plays twins, a fuckwit stoner and the lawyer who is the biggest dick. its one of the shows from New Zealand ever.