The Justice League is far more famous than those B-Listers, the Avengers. So WHY do people act like DC's a laughingstock again?
The Justice League is far more famous than those B-Listers, the Avengers...
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>The Justice League is far more famous than those B-Listers, the Avengers.
Yeah, eight years ago.
>So WHY do people act like DC's a laughingstock again?
Because Dawn of Justice was a bad movie. The only people who don't think it's a bad movie are crazy and spam #ReleaseTheSnyderCut all day every day. Believe it or not, sperging out over a director's cut when most people don't like the director is funny.
DC isn't a laughingstock, WB is. Learn to separate the two, retard.
Justice League had a string of bad movies. Avengers didn't. I love cape comics but you've got to accept that the ONLY thing that most people care about is successful mass-market adaptations.
I wonder what will happen when Avengers are CEMENTED as THE go-to superheroes, and not Superman and Batman and the like.
At this point, even the worst MCU movies clean house at the box office
>black Panther
>captain marve
>iron Man 3
>ITT everyone(or some single faggot) will pretend that this is not clear falseflagg
So did Aquaman. But that presents another problem for DC now that Aquaman makes more bank than Batman or Superman.
You mean like they did 5 years ago?
Snyder and general WB executive shit
Their names might be known, but what is their appeal?
I've seen enough DC fan posts to know this is legit
They are a sad pathetic group of "people"
You do remember DC had a movie that came out after Aquaman, right?
>You do remember DC had a movie that came out after Aquaman, right?
>I-it's Snyder's fault every DC movie except maybe 3 are absolute shit
God DCucks are fucking pathetic
>someone makes a clear falseflagg thread
>a cringey obsessed Marvel company war faggot show up
You're just like Barneyfag making mlp threads just to shitpost right after.
And it sure as fuck didn't "clean house" dumbass
We live in an age of blockbuster movies and memes. All the Marvel Movies provided memes and memorable quotes and moments that have intergrated themselves into mainstream internet pop culture. DC has not.
Also, marvel has been doing this for a decade. That’s like half the lifespan of young millenniums. So you have multiable generations who grew up the the meme ‘Avengers Assemble’ or ‘I’m here to ask you about the Avengers Initiative’. What has WB done with their DC properties? Nothing, that’s what.
>Avengers Assemble
I really wish Cap yelled it loud and proud.
This happens all the time
DCucks usually do it so they can bash Snyder and talk about how amazing DC's animated shit is but actually only meaning some cartoon from 20 years ago and a handful of direct-to-DVD shit from before 2015
Instead we got Thor yelling ‘Blaaargh’
Everybody knows the Avengers, huge successes, it helps that the JL are seen for old people,
>Another Bait thread made by a Marvelfag
What is your obession with Snyder and Dc animated movies, Laddercuck?
>making over a billion isn't cleaning house
You're not making the point you think you're making.
>DC has not.
That's not true at all
DC has tons of memes and memorable moments and quotes like MARTHAAAA
Can't wait for your fatass to get perma banned
I know I shouldn't be surprised DC fans are fucking retarded but we weren't talking about Aquaman you fucking moron we were talking about the DC movie that came out AFTER Aquaman that sure as fuck didn't make "over a billion"
Without a tentpole "Avengers" movie to build up towards over the next several years, it'll be interesting to see if the MCU maintains its hype.
Did Endgame have any sequel hooks or post-credits scenes? The only sequel hook I know about is the "Far From Home" post-credits scenes with JJJ and Fury.
Kys laddernigger
>we were talking about the DC movie that came out AFTER Aquaman
We weren't. You brought that up yourself. Quit having an aneurysm because you can't pay attention.
The fuck are you talking about
Of course they're building up to a new Avengers. They're literally building up to the New Avengers
FFH made a billion, and there is so much hype for Multiverse of Madness and Love and Thunder.
I don't recall a New Avengers being announced at SDCC.
Is there hype? I missed it if so; all I remember is people complaining about Love and Thunder being too lesbian for viewers, which probably says more about the circles I follow than anything.
How do I put this? If any board on Yea Forums predicts an MCU movie will bomb (i.e: Black Panther, Captain Marvel) it is guaranteed a billion dollars.
DC trying to emulate MCU makes the same mistake everyone made when LOST was the biggest thing on TV - they try to imitate it by skipping the middle.
You gotta hook people on first with individual offerings, not promise them that while this specific offering might be boring, in the next few years it will all be worth it.
>which probably says more about the circles I follow than anything.
Maybe next time try looking outside of Yea Forums
>Another company war bait thread
Delete it already
WB went full retard after MoS. Marvel managed to not do that.
nah, senpai
A couple of crap movies.
Fucking normies. Fucking Warner Bros.
Going MoS -> Dawn of Justice -> Suicide Squad -> Wonder Woman -> JL is like if the MCU went First Avenger -> Civil War -> Guardians -> Black Widow -> Infinity War.
That's exactly why, you fuck up a famous property like that and it's 1000x worse than if it was something else. It's like fucking up a Godzilla movie.
Back to the nursing home with you grandpa.
>Superman 3
>Return of Swamp Thing
>Superman 4
>Jonah Hex
>Man of Steel
>Superman Returns
>Suicide Squad
>Birds of Prey
>Wonder Woman 2
>Batman Forever
>Batman and Robin
>Green Lantern
Sure "a couple"
>Superman Returns
Come on Mouseketeer
>Wonder Woman 2
Not even out yet. Try harder drone
The difference is that the Justice League is remembered even when it's bad
So how will Abrams fuck this up even worse than Snyder
Mystery box involving Superman/Krypton and the GLC.
Because they trusted their image to the guy that wrote and directed Sucker Punch.
this is a bait thread right? how can the Avengers be B-listers if they are more popular now?
S-shut up. N-no, they're not. F-fuck you.
>this is a bait thread right?
It wasn't even subtle.
true A-listers don't get forgotten
If only
Unfortunately DC fans actually think like this. They believe that while Marvel heroes are popular DC heroes are "iconic" and once the MCU "fad" ends DC will be back on top.
That's not how it works.
To be fair, they’ve had it coming
I wonder whose ban finally got lifted
>spending a year your life making this
Hope you're proud of yourself, user.
>I don't recall a New Avengers being announced at SDCC.
>I don't recall a New Avengers being announced at SDCC.
Do you live under a rock?
Black Widow: May 1, 2020
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: fall 2020 (Disney Plus)
The Eternals: Nov. 6, 2020
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: Feb. 12, 2021
WandaVision: spring 2021 (Disney Plus)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: May 7, 2021
Loki: spring 2021 (Disney Plus)
What If...?: summer 2021 (Disney Plus)
Hawkeye: fall 2021 (Disney Plus)
Thor: Love and Thunder: Nov. 5, 2021
And there's even more at D23
But not a specific "New Avengers" movie or series.
Speaking of which, I wonder if those Disney Plus series will perform well.
prove it wrong
No one under 30 really knows who the Justice League are anymore. Marvel have dominated to an extent my 20something and teen zoomer nieces & nephews barely know who DC heroes are other than Batman and maybe the Flash because of the TV show.
they are outdated lame bricks from Superfriends
>true A-listers don't get forgotten
It's literally happening to Superman as we speak
Superman has been deemed lame by edgy kids for decades now, he will never be forgotten regardless
X-Men are more known than Memevengers