Hi Yea Forums, Fresherluke here. I just wanted to let you all know you are a bunch of poopyheads.
Hi Yea Forums, Fresherluke here. I just wanted to let you all know you are a bunch of poopyheads
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums is the only place that cares about his comics
>he constantly shit talks them and then cries when his kicktarter fails
Is Luke retarded?
I'll bite.
>Hurrnhurrr le Yea Forums bad cuz mah favorit yutuber sed zo
As a fool and a coward, I cosign this tweet.
Well fuck you buddy
I like to get horny about cartoons
Literally who?
This guy is an absolute retard and deserves all of his misfortunes for being an absolute retard. He just couldn't contain his powerlevel.
i don't know who you are and i'm sure you aren't important in the grand scheme of things.
I am going to say the N word!
Shit falseflag.
Not your personal army.
Literally who.
Nobody here gives a shit.
>all these newfags that don't know who fresherluke is
Someone post the copypasta.
He’s not wrong
>turns out the source for EZ's video is real, guy called Luke Weber, author of Bikini Cowboy
>mega autist that's hard to work with, got fired off steven universe for showing rebecca art of him fucking pearl
>worked at jibjab where he met Dana Terrace, got a huge crush on her
>gets cucked by Hirsch, starts spamming Dana shitpost threads for months trying to spread rumors about Alex and Dana, and tries to spread fake rumors about Dana's show
>hangs out with comicsgate autists because nobody will even hire him anymore for being such a giant faggot
>ends up "leaking" libelous material to EZ, who lets enough info slip for people to piece things together
>is now trying to do damage control before he gets sued for libel
Who? Never heard of him. Must not be important.
I don't think he is, or even that this is a real tweet.
I bet he stole OP's GF and OP is trying to start a raid. In fact, put me down for OP never even having a GF and the Chad Ninjaluke taking the girl OP had a crush on but never had the guts to talk to and impregnating her.
This post is cringe incarnate.
Hi OP.
I think I struck a nerve, didn't I?
hey 'luke I really like your style!
Since you’re here, Luke, how was your time on Gravity Falls and that one Steven Universe episode? Got any SU boards to share?
>starts spamming Dana shitpost threads for months trying to spread rumors about Alex and Dana, and tries to spread fake rumors about Dana's show
It's kind of funny someone actually really thinks that all the backlash against those two is because of something that can basically be narrowed down to "muh dick", rather than the fact that they are incompetent, overrated, and constantly whinging showrunners who encourage left-wing indoctrination all the time over their social media/"charity" events/etc. Cumbrains aren't exactly the most rational folk.
Yea Forums has the balls to say what most cocksuckers wont
>its real
What the fuck
lmao luke is actually browsing this thread twitter.com
Is it true Fresher Luke said that he hates fucking Muslim women?
He's right tho
The thread has only been up for half an hour.
I think it's safe to say that OP is actually this nobody trying to reverse shill himself.
Hey Luke when's your next indiegogo? Maybe this time you'll get 10% of your goal.
He's done a terrible job of it. Yea Forums used to like luke because of Bikini Cowboy. Now he's just another twitter sperg.
Luke, when the heck is Bikini Cowboy 2 gonna come out? I want to see more lewdness with Jill and Rod.
>He needed someone to tell him this
Underage detected
Well, then he should stop fucking Muslim women!
Yeah, this needs to end.
Time to nuke the thread and forget this ever happened.
Jill is dead, and Bikini Cowboy 2 was cancelled after the indiegogo to reprint the original failed horribly.
>hi I'm fresher Luke I dab on my haters
>Yea Forums has the balls to say what most cocksuckers wont
risking nothing.
which is why he was here for months anonymously slandering his co-workers while shilling his pedo-romance I-can't-believe-it's-not-plagerism FLCL Outlaw-bop comic.
if it's mad at us it's only because we're not his personal army and Comicsgater used him like the wet cumsock puppet that he is and left his ass to dry up and rot stuck to the corner of a forgotten bedpost.
but man, he sure does draw good /ss/. if only he had the guts to be horny on main.
what a waste.
>Bikini Cowboy
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, THAT guy.
Never really cared for it, but there is some real talent in his art.
I nominate a thread about kittys in comics and cartoons!
What's the most fucked up sexual fantasy you've had about a girl you know?
She's got some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers. Giant bonkhonagahoogs. HUMONGOUS hungolomghnonoloughongous.
He's right though, I only come here for the hilarious shitposting, but nothing said here has any real value whatsoever.
hugs and then kisses and then sex
>Time to nuke the thread and forget this ever happened.
if you knew anything about Yea Forums you'd know this
anonymous never forgives
anonymous never forgets
user, we both know that hasn't been relevant for years.
Besides "anonymous" has been adopted by cringe culture by now.
The only thing Fresherluke hates is living in a world without Captain America
Follow me back on twitter.com you coward
Anything you guys say is just going to be used as ammunition for Luke to get ahead. If you really hate the guy then ignore the thread or don't say anything and post hot babes which is something Luke and all of us can like together
Luke is a gigantic nigger who doesn't have the balls to work on bc2 even though his funding failed. You are a NIGGER luke, a fucking NIGGER.
I just want to see Luke go all in with Jill X Rod /ss/ porn. Is that too much to ask?
Yo Luke, I follow you on twitter. Just curious on why you suddenly wanted to start a fight with the anons here. Hope you are alright, man.
>ammunition for Luke to get ahead
How? Nobody give a fuck about him. He desperately tries to appeal to comicsgate, but nobody cares. The people against comicsgates obviously don't want anything to do with him. Yea Forums only cared about Bikini Cowboy, and never really about him. He is the most forgettable man in the industry.
Yeah I saw he has like 600 followers so I underestimated how popular this guy is. Regardless I don't have a problem with the guy and enjoy shitposting with random babes in this thread
>and post hot babes which is something Luke and all of us can like together
Fine, but only because you asked.
But really, is OP Luke, or did Luke make that tweet to bait OP into making this thread?
c'mon man, I mean in the generalized sense, bruh.
geez, mom... can't never let me have ANY fun around here. GAWD.
Alright cool, thanks for the reply dude. You do you. Just keep on drawing those hot girls.
Probably the first option desu
Fuck you Luke. Get off twitter and continue Winghead already.
Is this what Luke is into?
If you're reading this, you are one of the most fucking pathetic people I've ever seen. Which is sad considering the state of cartoons and comics industries.
Who the fuck cares
Luke definitely made the thread.
>someone will fuck this uggo
This is why ugly people still exist. Cause guys will bang anything
To be honest this is probably one of the most fun threads on Yea Forums and at least it's not SJW outrage farming or /pol/ bait or company wars shit
The madlad
>tfw will never have a cute redhead GF
Hey there's someone for everyone
Yeah like your tranny ass for the glory hole in the birestroom
Selena Gomez fucked Luke?
Is he ever going to follow up on that wing head girl comic?
>Anything you guys say is just going to be used as ammunition for Luke to get ahead.
have you seen his follower count?
he needs the help.
Luke, you unstable narcissistic fucktard, take my (Yu).
log off and get therapy.
Would Luke do something like this?
Did Alex Hirsch actually shit in a trash can?
imagine posting Yea Forums screencaps on tw*tter for attention
Probably not. For some reason he seems deadset on making print comics through crowdfunding, but he doesn't have a big enough audience. He would probably be better off setting up a patreon and doing a webcomic which would help him grow his audience. Instead he thinks if he posts a couple of sketches on twitter here and there that eventually that will build up a big enough audience to fund his shit.
Ohh, so this is all because someone compared him to Shadman.
Does anyone who is stuck posting here for any amount of time have an actual high opinion of posters?
Is Dana Terrace really a sociopath? Please say yes so I can never watch The Owl House.
No, but I still love you guys.
Some of the generals I've been a part of have felt like family and Yea Forums is honestly the LEAST toxic online community I've ever been part of.
FresherLuke wants Alyssa Wong to get fired that should be enough to make him /our/ guy
This, you guys are alright. And I'd rather shitpost here than anywhere else. Especially silicon valley shithole mega corp platforms where you can't say shit without someone losing their mind.
await are you saying that if she isnt you are legally reauired to watch the owlhouse?
Don't lie Luke you would still fuck Dana given the chance
>Ohh, so this is all because someone compared him to Shadman.
What a horrible comparison!
Shadman has followers and a successful career!
>claims he wouldn't be browsing the thread long
>is still here an hour later
Get a job Luke.
Bikini Cowboy art by Shadman when?
Come on user, if we were in his shoes we'd milk this for all it's worth too.
>Get a job Luke.
can't. he's banned IRL for having shitty opinions.
someone convince him to run for elected office.
This is what Luke wants
What other industry secrets ya got. Since you are here we might as use you for all your worth.
>Bikini Cowboy art by Shadman when?
main characters too old. also not gay anal enough.
>shadman has stable following of thousands
>luke can't even get a pity like on his comments
I mean, he isn't wrong. I have no idea who he is, he's probably a jerk, but he isn't wrong.
What's better? Her tits or ass?
As a white male who's about to enter this industry. What are your tips on me avoiding your fate? Which company is the worst? Which people are the worst? Who should I be buddying up with? These are legit concerns I have. All I want to do is write and draw cartoons.
>As a white male who's about to enter this industry. What are your tips on me avoiding your fate?
shouldn't you be asking that question of a white guy that actually avoided Luke's fate?
There are none accept numales like Alex Hirsch.
>being compared to shadstain
That's a reasonable reason to be triggered. He's a poor artist who only gets by drawing for creeps. His fans are some of the stupidest posters I've seen.
Good gravy, what a trainwreck. I don’t know what’s worse, this guy posting his replies via Twitter or that DTVA crew member straight up posting in here with her name attached.
What happened that made Dana a sociopath? Was it the orange man bad syndrome that affected your retarded peers or was she triggered by something else?
This is so weird seeing both his tweets and this thread going simotanously with replies.
She was like that in high school, so I hear.
I remember this thread. That user’s name was passed around DTVA for a while.
thanks for ruining your own career and leaving more space for the rest of us!
He should just post here directly with a trip.