Other urls found in this thread:
I think both are stupid.
What now?
Both are OK depending on the setting
If you really want historical accuracy, watch a documentary.
has there EVER been a person who likes the second one, who tries to bullshit his reasoning for liking it outside of "it's hot"?
>clearly fantasy setting can't have naked barbarians and amazons because you won't let me put niggers in medieval Europe
How tiresome
I've only ever seen people defending the second and explaining how it'd make sense in-setting after someone decided to complain about it not being realistic.
You don't exist, you are clearly lying if you don't fit into this artist's dichotomy of a drooling moron and an implied smart and enlightened person opposite to him.
2003 called, they want their comic back
That is pretty much /tg/ desu.
I personally think bikini armor looks dumb and that historical accuracy only matter in stories set in the history of the real world.
>Low Tier
Bikini Armor
>Still fucking Low Tier
Drab Practical Armor
>Alright tier
Fully Covering Impractical Fly As Fuck Armor
>God Tier
Bikini Armor but it's a sexy buff Orcess wearing it
Shit, guess I'm into ryona now.
>tfw I like both equally
>Not now
Debora wants to marry Frank. But she can't right now. And it hurts her and him.
forgot pic
wait for it...
The second isn't even necessarily unrealistic if you put it in the context of like, Gladiators, or demented drugged up barbarians. We know Celts went buck ass naked into battle just because they fucking could. Hell, why would a female warrior even bother with the bikini? just have the crazy bitch charge people with an axe with her tits flopping around.
The thing is that these arguments are always coming from the perspective that the things presented in fiction reflect on morality or character of the people watching it, because everyone is so fucking vapid and empty inside they use the entertainment they consume as a cornerstone of their personality.
>What now?
A lot of goalpost swapping from idiots on both sides, I think.
I remember people pitching a fit because the Hobbit movies had blacks in Laketown. Or people on this board complaining because there were blacks in Hilda. I don't like the anti-cheesecake brigade, but at least they're consistent about their dumb ideas rather than hopping to whatever argument best serves them in the moment.
i pretty much assumed the second pic comes from a story where the guys dress like in the first pic but the girls dress like in the second
if the guys also run around in underwear like gladiators, then there is nothing to even argue
Literally no one has made both of these arguments.
I have gone “Hey bro, want to kill some women and niggers?” in games like Apex where white men don’t really exist. It’s amusing.
how are you this thirsty?
Something like that can make sense in-setting if it is ritualistic, like viking helmets
Red Sonja doesn't wear full armor because she's a wandering lone adventurer, not a professional solider with servants to care for dozens of pieces of gear and several horses to carry it all.
But both happened the Silk Road even shows this
What should I post next bros?
>if the guys also run around in underwear like gladiators, then there is nothing to even argue
Chainmail bikinis are primarily derived from the works of Frazetta, who drew dudes like this.
There are more white men in Apex than black men and more white women than black women in Apex user
You could assume that, but it's more likely that the dudes in that kind of fantasy are also wearing ridiculous shit like a fucking dinner plate with leather straps.
The thing is that if you're making everyone wear realistic armors and establsih the PRETENSE of realism then it makes the fact that everyone is color blind, sexually diverse and gender accepting, stick out like a sore thumb. Race and sex actually matter for humans and it mattered even more when life was a lot harder and societies needed to be a lot stricter to function.
>they had blacks in laketown
Those are called burned ruins user.
And eh. Tolkien had fucking half orcs able to waltz about just because they could in the Prancing Pony, and there's still not a concrete answer for how half orcs are borne. Immigrants a long time ago from other lands to Middle Earth? Vaguely thematic. Rape babies from a dark fallen empire visibly walking about, and no pogroms occurring? I call bullshit.
>because you won't let me put niggers in medieval Europe
This isn't even a problem if you design them to look like they're from a far foreign land with their own unique culture clothing and weapons. Berzerk is a good example of this done properly.
No one has ever said that lmao
Have sex, OP.
post fang
Or if it's enchanted magical armor, and it's skimpy because it's a fashion trend.
Armor historically took on a lot of inefficient elements just because it was fashionable or a status symbol. You can justify it in-setting, but you do need to justify it somehow, and keep it consistent.
But there's only one white guy (Caustic) and one white girl (Watson). Are you thinking about Overwatch instead?
Oh but user, if you do that then white boys will still be the protagonists of their own history, can't have that, much less focus the story on any other racial group because they have a culture American blacks won't relate to
enjoyed, thank you
There's a difference between a historical drama taking minor liberties with historical accuracy for the sake of good drama or the purposes of narrative (Apollo 13 having the Moon be in a different phase so they could have the dramatic shot of the crew going into shadow when they went to the 'dark side' of the Moon, or Chernobyl creating the character of Ulana Khomyuk as a stand-in for the 30-something other scientists who aided in containing the accident because you can't throw that many characters into what is already a big ensemble cast) and doing it for the sake of multiculturalism good boy points (the BBC casting Don Cheadle's wife from Hotel Rwanda as Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England).
user Octane, Bloodhound, and Faith are white
What the fuck are you talking about?
People used to say LOL all the time back in the days.
When did I walk into a /tg/ thread?
Consistency is always key, I think that is what people usually mean when they go on about realism in fiction.
Tolkien’s work has rape in it. They weren’t really half-Orcs, just orcish men. Uruks were the result of Saruman running a eugenics camp for 50 years.
They could've used the actual Black Knight instead
It looks like shit though
Either have them fight naked, or give them suits of armor
Don't the neutral-ish coward's route.
their isn't even a "bullshit" excuse as to justify them being there, they're just randomly inserted
I didn't actually know that Bloodhound was white, but then again i couldn't really tell what accent they had, also have they actually released Faith already? Octane is a cholo, though.
absolutely correct
tauren and troll accepted.
That would be racist.
Octane is clearly white since his name is Octavius but Bloodhound is white since she's based on Nordic culture and Faith should be in the game I haven't pkayed recently
Red Sonja doesn't wear armour full stop. If those bits of metal aren't fashion statements then what are they?
See the sad thing is I can see where people are coming from, but goddamn does seeing Dobson agree with me make me rethink my positions.
They could do a lot of things to have diversity in fun and interesting ways, but they don't want that. That's the biggest thing to take away from these things, it's not about diversity, no one is making stories about the insanely interesting stories of African kingdoms and empires, or middle eastern history in general. None of that interests them.
What they want to is to take histories from white european culture and replace the whites there with dark skinned people to pander to and encourage the groups of the populace that fetishize blackness and get satisfaction from seeing whiteness undermined. Which is mostly rich white women, anyhow.
wouldn't that be funny if her boobs just grew like balloons haha they would grow so large
trips of truth
also its extremely easy, the story is already written and played out several times in the last century on stage, in text, and on film. why not copy and paste instead of research a story if it is the same impact on the audience, who you correctly identified?
People usually only bitch about it if it's only the women doing it, or if they're very stupid. I mean hell, Frazetta was drawing from ERB, right? A 1910s author making the bold claim that everybody on Mars is naked.
Ahh that explains the accent, i actually thought that they might have been from Louisiana or something. In that case you're right, there's two white guys in the game, but Octane totally has a cholo accent and skin so i don't really count him. I mean a cholo called Octavius isn't much weirder than a Maori called Gibraltar.
is the armored guy looking at the naked guy's junk?
>no one is making stories about the insanely interesting stories of African kingdoms and empires
God damn would a love a war/comedy movie about the Ethiopian and Italian war, that shit would be hilarious.
>front page of reddit
Dobson also does sexist crap tho
How the fuck did Ethiopa win when they lost more than 50% of their soldiers?
Tolkien lore doesn't fucking matter, it's not like the moviegoers received any of that information.
I'll happily pivot 180 from what I said above and complain that Uruks are just largish orcs. You're talking shit. Orcish men and Uruks aren't the same thing.
I'll just watch the old Shaka Zulu series again, that was some good shit.
Same way North Korea won, despite being slaughtered beyond decimation, their opponent lost the will to fight.
>What they want to is to take histories from white european culture and replace the whites there with dark skinned people to pander to and encourage the groups of the populace that fetishize blackness and get satisfaction from seeing whiteness undermined. Which is mostly rich white women, anyhow.
You don't think that's a bit of a conspiracy?
They add non white characters because doing so will undermine the influence and power of white people because they have a fetish for seeing that?
>"Noo! PLEASE!"
Jesus Christ
The Italian's were just that bad at fighting.
I would love to see a series based on these wars
Chain shirt and hotpants Sonja was best Sonja
the bottom panel pisses me off. No on justifies bikini armor that way. They'll just say thats the art style of the game, it doesn't have to make sense. No one said dragon crown was realistic, everyone just saw it as a "what if frank frazetta was a weaboo".
My ningen right here.
I would love actual African stories. I don't get why people get mad at the blacks for taking these roles. Money is Money
This picture ages like milk every day that passes by. Quiet's design isn't even that much more risque than Sniper Wolf.
Then again this is the same fuckwit who gets all his knowledge of FF from 2008 deviantart, and thought the western cartoons were accurate portrayals of LoZ.
What if multiculturalism is part of the narrative?
Is this comic from bizarro world? Only autistic nerds and feminazis bitch about bikini armor. Nobody claims it's realistic. Meanwhile, people be WE WUZing on the internet.
I'm still waiting for the day one of these webcomics will make fun of the fact that a fire sword is technically less functional than a normal sword
Because part of what they do is NOT tell African stories, they tell Anglo ones with African's randomly placed in it. No one complains when an African actor plays an African character, but they'd complain if a European one did.
>Only autistic nerds
Just say Yea Forums you dolt.
>Old Gods coming
>Just whip out 9mm P-38 pistol, that'll stop 'em.
I mean, a magical fire sword would probably still be alright.
I mean the way he says it makes it sound more sinister, the truth is it's simply liberals trying to make history anachronistically multicultural to be more inclusive and undercut the idea of an ethnic national identityand appeal to their own modern sensibilities.
How would today's audience react to the wiz? would they bitch that its another black washing of a "white" story.
No one fucking thinks like that second part. God women suck at comics
Maybe they do it so black extras can get a job? No? I mean you're not talking about fucking documentaries.
I mean it depends.
One that's always on fire, always emitting heat would be a bitch to carry around unless you had a magic scabbard.
Luke Warm shank would actually probably be pretty nice during winter and cold nights if only as a perpetual hand warmer.
Ember sword similary and could be an easy firestarter.
Though they lack the same offensive capabilities.
only if the sword also works as a flamethrower. A simple sword covered in fire is stupid because you would slash your enemy and he would not die due to hemorrhage because the wound would cauterize immediately.
Well they'd probably be a bit weirded out that the cast was mostly dead.
Other than that a lot of gifs of black women snapping and drinking tea.
>Something something "Male power fantasy" something something
That sounds a bit more reasonable. Though that sounds a bit more like a Progressive slant than a Liberal one.
>the wound would cauterize immediately
Y'know, I'm not a doctor but I sincerely doubt that.
I think it's a lot more likely you'll cut your enemy and their clothes will catch fire WHILE they're screaming bloody murder after you buried a blade into their shoulder.
>Reminder that that show also made Merlin a nig
>he would not die due to hemorrhage because the wound would cauterize immediately.
It'd at least be distracting for them, since burning hurts and some of the fabrics they're wearing may have caught on fire, so they'd be left open for a killing blow.
God dammit, you got me there bucko.
>You don't think that's a bit of a conspiracy?
I'd call it a conspiracy if it wasn't very easy to find statements by these people declaring that to be their intention
>They add non white characters because doing so will undermine the influence and power of white people because they have a fetish for seeing that?
They add non white characters because they're relativists and functionalists. Depicting history accurately for the sake of how interesting and unique it is matters less to them than making it comfortable and reflect the modern world with the modern values of diversity and inclusion, since they themselves see it as their mission to promote their ideas, they think that by passing this erroneous interpretation of history as real(tactitly or otherwise, these are productions made by the BBC) they can inculcate them into society more effectively by faking a historical continuity of these values and weaving them into people's cultural heritage. History is only a tool to utilize for social engineering.
There's of course inherent harmful repercusions to disrespecting peoples' heritage, from the erosion of cultural cohesion to driving people to more extreme and hardline positions. The resurgence of white supremacism is entirely due to the fact that whites have progressively lost their connection to a common unifying identity so they have begun seeking a new one contrasting other groups' racial ones.
This is "what-about-ism" + strawman all rolled into one.
First the criticism with inserting minorities or women into media based on western folklore is that it's done ham fistedly half the time. As a point, if the region where the folklore originates from is massively one ethnic of racial group aet up in a very patriarchal way (feels dirty using that word..) them you're not likely to see female combatants or minorities and those that do appear are more likely to be oddities. Imagine a story based on Nigerian folklore in a medieval Esque era. You're not likely to see white or Asian people walking around and those that might appear are gonna be seen as oddities. In modern shows they dont reconcile this issue.
The strawman is the bikini plate is OK with proper context. If were talking about frank frazetta barbarian esque stuff where both men and women are running around in speedos or bikinis or loincloths, then it is consistent. It's an issue if you have bikini plate and the men are running around on full body armor like a walking talking fridge. Context matters.
>Imagine a story based on Nigerian folklore in a medieval Esque era. You're not likely to see white or Asian people walking around and those that might appear are gonna be seen as oddities. In modern shows they dont reconcile this issue.
I'd be fucking hilarious to see a modern version of Zulu but there's random ass pale, skinny white dudes in loincloth among the zulu soldiers
What white culture? The thing that was invented after WWI or the other thing invented after WWII?
> It's an issue if you have bikini plate and the men are running around on full body armor like a walking talking fridge.
Just like most videogames with bikini armor?
I can't think of any videogames with bikini armour to be honest.
I think different iterations of Elder Scrolls had some types of savage armour, like forsworn in Skyrim, but it usually had men barechested.
The male armor in games with bikini armor is usually also fairly impractical.
"White culture" as in the same thing as "Asian culture" or "Black culture"
All of which translates to "The collective cultures of a given region of the world, and especially the cultural values that are mostly consistent across that region, despite the other differences"
That just means you have good taste.
The elder scrolls' armor is full of impractical fantasy armor. Of course, it's impractical in ways that some people are more comfortable with.
>The resurgence of white supremacism is entirely due to the fact that whites have progressively lost their connection to a common unifying identity so they have begun seeking a new one contrasting other groups' racial ones.
thats their own damn fault caring more about their fucking dna percentages than keeping their great/grandparents traditions. Every white person I meet either claims their german/irish/1/32 native american. Yet they dont speak their family tongue, don't cook meals from their place of origin, or anything of the sort. The death of "white" culture came with american culture and pop culture started intertwining. No you guys have nothing of merit because most non-white american do the same thing you guys do, but still have cultural family traditions.
But the entire mediterranean culture and the nordic/germanic cultures are very different, that's without the almost"japanese" british culture, all of that only in western Europe
Well...thatd be interesting to just see the fallout from that atleast
Yeah. That's why MMOs like wow got memed to death over the bikini plate stuff back in vanilla or bc. In most modern MMOs that arent straight up cheesecake you'll get armor sets that fit both Male and female respectively and are fairly analogous. Hell even in cheesecake MMOs, there are Male outfits that are straight up designed for sex appeal. As plenty of other people point out, the "it makes sense culturally" argument usually doesn't get used. Most people pretty go by cool or sexiness and just own it.
Which btw is the other thing. As long as transmog/glamour is a thing, you're gonna see bikini plate users or fully body armor users. I'd the player makes that choice then it doesn't matter what anyone else says.
I fucking hate this new generation.
Yes but not as much as a bikini armor
It's nice having someone in here who's actually educated and can carry a conversation without resorting to smashing their keyboard. I like you, user.
It's hot and it's cool. That's more than enough to justify it it any non-historical fiction. In many circumstances it can also be defended as making sense in the setting, particularly if a character is a magic user or non-combatant.
And you should. There's nothing sexist about having a skimpy-clothed woman in your spy thriller with supernatural elements.
>But the entire mediterranean culture and the nordic/germanic cultures are very different,
Not him but:
So is thai, vietnam, china, mongolia, laos and japan.
Yet most people wouldn't stop you from referring to asian culture or asians as a race.
>They add non white characters because they're relativists and functionalists. Depicting history accurately for the sake of how interesting and unique it is matters less to them than making it comfortable and reflect the modern world with the modern values of diversity and inclusion
In the case of a documentary I could understand this complaint but in the context of fantasy I don't really think this is an issue. Despite having a medieval aesthetics fantasy fiction has always made adjustments to what it decides to depict in full accuracy in accordance to modern sensibilities. I'm sure there would be tons of accuracy in having slaves raped to death on the daily but we generally (GENERALLY) keep that away from fantasy fiction because nobody wants to see that shit and more importantly it doesn't really make for anything worthwhile and most people would prefer if it focused on something else. So while the blackest of blacks being a knight may not be super accurate I honestly don't think is inherently a flow no more than than I think the peasant hero receiving a fairy sword to fight the King is.
>The resurgence of white supremacism is entirely due to the fact that whites have progressively lost their connection to a common unifying identity so they have begun seeking a new one contrasting other groups' racial ones.
This however is sugarcoating it a bit. The rise of white supremacy is for the same reasons it has always risen. The newfound existence of certain groups of people make many white people feel threatened as their identity is based largely around the idea that they are the biggest and most influential of groups and anything that might prove otherwise even if it's completely non-aggressive such as a rising birth rate of mixed kids must be eliminated.
We will now resume our regularly scheduled programming. Sorry for the wait folks!
These people would spit in Frazetta's face if they could. They hate art and artists.
>No you guys have nothing of merit because most non-white american do the same thing you guys do, but still have cultural family traditions.
You mean Chicanos that pretend to be connected to their roots and thump their chest about how hispanic their are while buying 300 dollar tortilla making machines and get offended at Speedy Gonzalez or Blacks pretending southern culture is exclusively black?
Most, modern, European cultures are unified by two things. Christianity, and the cultural mores it imposed on those nations, and Rome. Even parts of Europe never conquered by Rome are heavily effected by it. In particular Germany and Russia.
Moreover similar differences exist in "Asian culture" and "Black culture". Do you really think the Koreans and the Indians have similar cultures beyond only a few things due to Buddhism being practiced in both nations?
Untrue for Elder Scrolls
It would be another overnight sensation on Tumblr that people mostly forget about in a year.
>So while the blackest of blacks being a knight may not be super accurate I honestly don't think is inherently a flow no more than than I think the peasant hero receiving a fairy sword to fight the King is.
Depends entirely on the setting. If the setting is medieval Poland then a black anything doing anything is a flaw, because it takes the viewer out of the story.
If you're talking about literally doing The Wiz, I suspect today's audience would ignore it.
If you're talking about doing a remake of The Wizard of Oz with a black cast - I think it could be made to work without feeling like shameless raceswapping, especially because in the context of the Depression Era you can make black characters fit naturally without changing too many of the details.
I disagree, to be frank. They're both impractical in their own special way if you were to scrutinize them in a realistic setting. Football pads belong on football players, and being naked may be preferable to being a walking pincushion.
At least, again if we're talking elder scrolls. Elder scrolls is a fantasy title so we give it a pass, but you might be better off with swim trunks than wearing something like this.
No, you are wrong. Conan wears a fucking loincloth. Go back to tumblr.
It's the "man covered in shit" principle. No matter what position you may have on a thing, you have to be prepared for a wretched, horrid abomination of a man covered in his own shit to sidle up beside you and slap a big, stinky, shit-caked arm on your back and say, "YUP, I AGREE WITH THIS GUY ONE THOUSAND PERCENT." It happens to all sides in an argument, and you just have to suck it up sometimes.
That being said, Dobson really IS a particular rancid shit-stainer to be slapped by.
Smelly opinion time:
I thought the wiz was bad for reasons outside of race.
can't dispute
Ethopians have balls.
Your position being retarded and evil would make you rethink your position, if you were worth anything. Please kill yourself soon.
wait did.. they just murder three girls and then die themselves and we're supposed to get off on this? the fuck.
Better than being white and having to take a DNA test to find out how much of a mutt you are.
>i pretty much assumed the second pic comes from a story where the guys dress like in the first pic but the girls dress like in the second
That's a retarded assumption.
>if the guys also run around in underwear like gladiators, then there is nothing to even argue
They do argue this. All the time. It's safe to assume that whatever made the evil SJW "artist" to draw the trash in the OP was a piece of media that featured both men and women in skimpy clothing, but the deranged animal singled out the women to complain about.
Britbong here.
I have never left England and my genetic heritage is from two old Anglo-Saxon familes.
I'm still both more Spanish and Mezo-American than fucking Chicanos.
lmao sounds like a nerve was struck
The movie was rubbish but the play is still pretty fun.
White women don't count as white anymore, user.
>there are fat stupid femcels and their pathetic lapdogs in this thread seriously arguing against bikini armor
I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums.
fair. I was referring to the movie, so perhaps that's why I formed that opinion.
When OP made a stale bait that they've served a least weekly on /tg/ for nearly a decade now.
He ain't wasting important bullets on no faggot spacemen.
In the context of the converaation we are talking about works of fiction with women in bikini armor and men in full plate armor
And that's why we don't have more diverse history based works of fiction, wath was the last time we had a story based in the Balkans in WWII or a story based in real japanese pirates?
GTFO out of our country. Go back home to Saxony.
That was a joke. I'm intentionally exhibiting the same nonsense attitude as the people who bitch the Americas belonged to the natives, so Europeans should GTFO
Heroic sword & sorcery genre fiction has had a long standing trope of very powerful characters showing off their physique while fighting and being bad-ass.
>I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums.
/tg/ has been having a war of Bikin Armor vs Practical Armor since the board was born. Both sides have their autists, and many people like both but wanna see the autists fight it out.
And then there are the guys who scream "Both suck, give me frilly dress armor" We don't talk about them.
>half-plate armor
The real problem is that it's dangerous to the user, can obscure your vision and even blind you to incoming attacks because you have bright fire in front of your face all the time.
>In the context of the converaation we are talking about works of fiction with women in bikini armor and men in full plate armor
No? The whole argument is that most games or media with bikini armor have guys in loincloth or some minimal barbarian shit where they can show off their ripped muscles.
Also no one's managed to muster an example of a relevant piece of media where practical realistic armor is available for males while only females only get skimpy outfits.
Most evidence points to the Anglos invited as a mercenary force and then they simply brought their families along while the Britonics retreated due to decaying Roman infastructure collapsing.
I mean the Anglos did literally conk the Britonic kings on the head, but this was at a meeting where the Britons were planning to muder the Anglo leaders too.
Our history is hilarious.
>incels and autists can't fathom that female power fantasy involves beauty and empowerment
Both the top and bottom pics are indulgent fantasy nonsense. (Which I have no proplem with) The comic is right to make fun of people who oppose one but defend the other, but neither is more valid.
I'm not against stories from a more diverse background. I'd love to see the stories of Anansi(an African deity) brought to a movie or TV show. Or the mythology of the Slavic countries. There is some great shit there.
But the comment was that "White culture" is a thing, at least in so much as "Asian culture" and "Black culture" are.