Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Family Guy for being problematic
Peter is always wrong, even when he's right
Her, for not showing some cleavage.
Everyone involved.
OP for being a faggot
me for being 11 in 2001
Arr yoo tellin jooks?
I lav jooks
I was 1 during that time ;^)
The woman because she overacted over a man joke like typical SJWs
I'd say Peter was in the wrong, but he's retarded and didn't know any better
Peter. The woman didn't even do anything.
The girl for being offended. People should be mocked and humiliated for the crime of being offended easily. Thin skin should be punished. There should be an adulthood rite of passage where you are shown a series of extremely offensive things, tailor made by the highschool secret police agents (because schools should have a secret police that keeps detailed files on all students and what their weaknesses are and how best to punish or humiliate them because teenagers are awful people and deserve to live in a totalitarian mini-dystopia) to be as offensive as possible for you and if you cry or get angry during the test you fail and can't be an adult or graduate highschool. And you can't drop out, dropping out should be punishable by torture. And the offensive anti-sensitivity test should last hours, and take up most of your day, a whole day of being poked and reminded of things that enrage you and you absolutely can't get angry or cry or else you fail. It would make for better adults.
The coworker
Bad joke or not she didn't have to listen to it and even after she did she could have just told him to his face that she didn't appreciate it and follow up with not listening to his jokes in the future.
By actually being upfront with her grievences to him she could directly hash out a solution between them, by going over his head and just whining to HR Peter learns nothing and only becomes resentful towards her for doing so, also other employees start to see her as a humorless jerk that they cannot trust and just assume she will tattle on them for any little thing they do that displeases her.
In short by doing what she did she basically made the entire workplace a far more hostile enviroment than what his joke may have done.
I can’t tell if you’re genuine or if it’s is a shitpost. Good job, mate
Both, Peter shouldn't make inappropriate jokes in the work place and the woman for even working at a toy factory and not expecting to get childish bantz from your Male dominant co-workers, butch even asks what jokes they were saying, but if it wasn't a set up for a joke the guys should have warned her it was offensive
The joke wasn't even funny.
Peter. He could have stopped at one time, but he decided to go for it three times, maybe more.
Who hurt you?
Nothing wrong with this. Just a man getting what he paid for
Based Satan
Both of them, for being in Family Guy
If he'd only said it once and apologized after seeing her get a bit uncomfortable, she would be overreacting a bit. Peter kept saying it over and over, though. It's obnoxious and she isn't really obligated to put up with it beyond that.
Just don't tell sexual jokes at work desu, it really isn't difficult to save it for when you leave. You're paid with the expectation of acting appropriate at work
Kek, what a way to destroy the United States
Why does women hate sex so much
It's the equivalent of our disgust when they talk about their menstruation or other disgusting stuff in public and we just want them to stop talking, I guess
Peter, he had no understanding of context, like you dont make a joke about blacks to a black guy you don't make a joke about women to women
Seth MacFarlane, for not getting on his plane September 11, 2001.
Women need to hear them