Conan the Barbarian #8

Conan the Barbarian #8


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And that's that.

Download links are in the Win-O' Thread.

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Which current Conan series does Yea Forums like best? This or Savage Sword?

How come no Japs are capable of writing stories this engaging. They always either make it too hopeful or too bleak, there's never a nice in between.

nice, thanks OP.


bumping to read



I found savege conan more faithful to vonan mythos

Savage Sword has arguably been the overall better series, but this one is well worth reading as well.

Snakes slithering in and out of your ears is a pretty good clue.

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This is surprisingly nice art. I literally cannot even think of the last time a Marvel book looked this professionally drawn. It's not GREAT, but it sure as fuck looks better than anything else they published in YEARS.

It's got that sketchy raw feel to it which suits gritty fantasy. Like Mike McMahon's woodcut style on Slaine.

Attached: Slaine Sky Chariots 166.png (2188x2945, 325K)

Nice cover.

what's he eating?

Does this contradict Conan canon? Isn't it canon in the Conan stories that he NEVER returned back to Cimmeria after leaving there?

i like the art here more, but writing wise, its savage sword

dat nigga dead

It's not.

>Esad Ribic is going to write and draw a new Conan miniseries

Holy shit! That sounds amazing!


this guy doesn't do a good job capturing Robert E Howard's voice

'bet your ass', really? at least try.

What are you talking about? Manga?

With Valeria? That's five Conan books a month. Damn, Marvel is serious here.

So I've been buying up Marvel's Conan trades and books as they come out. Just the right kind of schlock for the mood I've been in. How's Red Sonja? Worth finding trades of? Any logical jumping on point?

No problem.

What's the 5th book?

Am I in bizarro world? Savage sword was dogshit for like 5 issues

Savage Sword was fine.

I think he is counting Belit but that just ended.

It's a one-shot

Oh well. That's still something! And it still sounds great.

Jason Aaron clearly doesn't care about writing anything anyway other than the way he wants to. This is one of the few decent things he's ever written, so if anything we're lucky that it's not a lot worse.

oh ok

This is alright. The Dark Horse run with Busiek was best.

OF COURSE the Dark Horse run was better. At least the first couple volumes and any of the later stuff by Truman or Thomas.

So Dynamite Sonja... should I?


I really wouldn't say that, specially if you talk to the general stat of USA comics right now...