>tfw we never got a future episode
How do you imagine a "future" episode/special/movie? I imagine something like
>Gumball is the jobless trophy husband of Penny. He still acts like his 12 years old self. Main plot is about Gumball learning to be an adult of something
>Nicole divorced Richard once the kids were old enough. She has a new boyfriend that is younger than her. She and Richard get back together at the end tho.
>Anais works a dead-end job. She is as fat as Richard.
>Darwin has like 10 kids
The Amazing world of Gumball
Other urls found in this thread:
Ding dong bannu
-Penny leaves Gumball after school once she realizes he literally doesn't have anything going for him
-Gumball becomes a stoner slacker with a burger flipping job, spends all money he earns on dumb shit
-Richard dies or his health deteriorates so much he's bedridden, Nicole is less burdened but accomplishes nothing and continues to work minimum wage
-Anais goes to college but her degree is worthless and also ends up working a shitty job to cover the debt
-Darwin gets a grant doing sports or something mildly useful but spends most of his money paying for his family's constant crises
Too realistic
Nicole gets two boyfriends
Did anyone else find that the show became more childish despite some of the topics it would touch upon?
Granny Jojo size Anais...
Or Richard size
Dead fandom
gumball looks like such a cutie in this shot
between the two I'd say shortstack Anais is the better one
unshaven Gumball looks like a scrotum
I personaly barely want anything to do with this series, I know I say this alot, but the is just so much of a Smart-Ass that's it's too depressing for a kids show, I mean it's okay for something like most of the FOX's Sunday Night Lineup to do it cause it's made for Adults and they can handle the world being cruel at times, but these are kids, and kids shouldn't be convinced the world is shit cause I'm worried they can't handle it and it's gonna end them up as even more depressed adults than the usual adults, sorry if I'm going on a tangent here, but Gumball's humor just rubs me the wrong way for a kids cartoon to be
>Image my future
I can't, I have no imagination only thoughts
Is this a pasta?
I'm just expressing my hate for the type of humor this show has for a kids show
>even teen titans go threads get way more activity than Gumball threads now
I think you’re taking the humor too seriously.
>can handle the world being cruel at times
The world is not cruel, stop mixing that up with the mistakes some people make, the planet is a living being, and we are part of it’s lifestream/energy.
>>Gumball is the jobless trophy husband of Penny. He still acts like his 12 years old self. Main plot is about Gumball learning to be an adult of something
That's just the plot of the Chowder episode. And the Live action Fairly Odd Parents.
Short. I honestly would love to see Darwin and Gumball making fun of her for not growing at all since they were kids. She probably still runs the same too.
That plot is older than these two
If you can't understand yourself I can't help you
I thought Yea Forums loved big girls
Was this comic ever finished?
Amazonian girls yes, girls built like Richard no
I thought nicole had a nice office job
Feederism is a disgusting product of Western decadence
No one is talking about that, retard
That is literally the Chowder finale you hack.
It's a The Simpsons episode and the FOP movie and others. Chowder didn't invent that storyline.
>Darwin is the only one with a good life
As it should be
She moves papers and answers phones in a cubicle, she isn't actually trained in anything and is only employed out of charity.
She supposedly knows how to write reports but never does anything actually useful on her own. MIght as well be a cleaning lady.
Darwin gets a harem