How long can this last?

How long can this last?

Surely this unparalleled success can't go on forever?

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Just getting started

We're in a post-quality world now. All the matters is the brand. The brand is good. Purchase brand products.

Probably for a long time but I imagine people might start getting bored of it.Espcially since the movies are with a formula in mind

they're the only game in town, the only one who could give them a reason to compete totally fucked it up right out of the gate.

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Phase 4 seems to be a "do whatever the fuck we want" sort of phase, so unless Marvel shits the bed and makes consistently terrible movies worse than Phase 1, it's going to go on for awhile.

For a long time. There are hundreds of characters and stories they can tell.

I suppose 5-8 years more untill all this collapse like the westerns did

You really think the films can still keep people interest?

What was that superhero fatigue people were talking about?

>but I imagine people might start getting bored of it

That's why they are doing stuff like The Eternals and Shang-Chi to change things up

It will never end because Based Marvel know what people want

There will always be an audience for action movies, and the movies can always adjust their tone or the characters they use to fit their needs.

The comics have all different non-superhero stuff as well that they could pull from too.

Westerns are one genre. These are multiple.

>Westerns are one genre. These are multiple.
Western can have different variations, you can make comedy, drama or even musicals, just like superhero movies.

It will last at the very least until they've introduced everyone.

Probably never. It's too big to fail. They could make the worst movie with worst effects, bad characters and storylines and Normies would still see it, just because of the logo

Feige is so unbelievably based it'll probably take outside forces to kill it. Probably what will happen is there'll be some economic downturn or just localized in Hollywood itself (since the whole thing is a money laundering scam, google "hollywood accounting") where the big studios just find it too risky to make 200m dollar budget movies anymore.

This I mean when's the last time a western came out

3? 4 months ago?

Besides in order for them to get truly bored of it they would have to reject every Marvel comic ever written.

>What was that superhero fatigue people were talking about?
You mean the one that people have been talking about for over 10 years?

Westerns don't have great followings outside the USA, outside of cult followings of course. It's not a genre that's innovated in this century; hell, the closest thing to innovation in the genre is a videogame and an extremely slow yet entertaining film with Fassbender.

Superheroes dip and dive into different genres so that they don't have to innovate as much. Whereas if you mix western with anything, it's just the anti-horror effect; whereas horror films get so much stronger for being mystery horror instead of that bullshit Midsommar and Hereditary pulls, where no one has any spine until people start dying like lemmings, westerns that try to be comedies aren't funnier for it, sci fi that tries to be western aren't entertaining as films and episodes in the same series, and horror western just comes off as PSA for proper hydration.

>What was that superhero fatigue people were talking about?
Those same "people" are convinced Disney buys their own tickets

Eventually some deranged snyder-retard is going to kill Kevin Feige, be about wheels will fall off pretty quick after that.

>yfw Marvel announces a Rawhide Kid movie for Phase 5

>We're in a post-quality world now. All the matters is the brand.

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What are Italian spaggetis?

>We're in a post-quality world now. All the matters is the brand.

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>not part of the Disney(TM) family
What's your point?

>disney franchises never sputter out!

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The Dark Tower, the books I didn't watch the movie, is fantasy horror and Firefly and Westworld are Sci Fi....

>All the matters is the brand.
Yeah like Harry Potter, Godzilla, DC, and Pokemon

Don't forget Marvel and Star Wars, Mickey

>people never get tired of even the dumbest disney brands!

Attached: all disney does is win.png (2058x392, 139K)

>Don't forget the successful franchises when you list failed ones
Alright time for you to go back to your retard farm

>Star Wars
>60+ % second week dropoffs
>$700 million drop in gross between their 4 releases while increasing the theater count

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I expect it to begin to deflate now. The momentum will buy them a few more successful movies, but I doubt it'll stay on the level, let alone rise. I don't expect any of them to outright flop any time soon, though.
Also I think they left too much time between FFH and the closest movie, people are used to having one of these every 4 months or so.

But then, if they the movies start showing signs of building up to another big event, I can imagine them gaining new momentum. Doesn't seem they will start building yet, from what's announced so far, but you never know.

think people are also forgetting the impact RDJ had on these movies' popularity

there really isn't any other classic movie stars (who are actually good actors) that they will be able to rope into another series of sequels

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and every character gets a trilogy

What a trainwreck

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>The Falcon, the Eternals, Carol Danvers, and Shang-Chi couldn't sell as many comic books as Captain American, the Mighty Thor, Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk but they will definitely sell as many movie tickets!

If Feige had gained access to the X-Men and Fantastic Four a few production cycles sooner, than they **may** have found a way to follow up Endgame without losing steam.

But i don't know if thats possible given it took them 2 reboots just to get back to the heights of Raimi's Spider Man 3

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you're talking about one franchise with one particular set of characters over and over again rather than a shared universe with constant new characters and storylines.

>Also I think they left too much time between FFH and the closest movie, people are used to having one of these every 4 months or so.

wouldn't the space help? Giving a breather would help offset any fatigue, and they can ramp up to 3 movies a year when they are building up to something again.

instead they can make their own stars like Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Hemsworth, etc.

Marvel has good casting directors.

>>The Falcon, the Eternals, Carol Danvers, and Shang-Chi couldn't sell as many comic books as Captain American, the Mighty Thor, Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk but they will definitely sell as many movie tickets!

Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther (and fucking BLADE) destroy this retarded thinking. Movies and live action =/= comics.

GotG were lesser known. Black Panther was a low seller prior to his movie. Blade was literally a supporting character in Tomb of Dracula before his movie. If they can all get succesful franchises, what's stopping others from doing so as well?

>and Shang-Chi couldn't sell as many comic books

his run in the 70s reached 100+ issues

Are you dipshits allergic to not saying the most retarded fucking thing imaginable jesus fucking christ

>there's no way Captain Marvel will make a billion
>Far From Home won't make a billion because no Spiderman movie did before
>People will jump off after Endgame
>Pokemon is the biggest franchise in the world there's no way detective pikachu can bomb
>Aladdin is bombing hard it probably won't even get to $600 million worldwide
>Aquaman made a billion so Shazam will be huge as well
>Alita will make a billion because of Cameron
>No one wants to see a soulless Lion King remake

Well, they kinda already did with Captain Marvel....

GotG were fan favourites, coming out of the best series of events Marvel put out in ages, maybe ever. Normies didn't know them, but they had an install base.

Eternals are these weirdos who had a mini by a famous writer like 15 years ago, and haven't been around in any significant manner since.

Tbh, it's not so much the lack of success that'll kill'll be the lack of 'unparalleled' success.

If they continue to branch out and get more niche, they'll still bring in the crowds and be successful, just not super huge hits. And then investors will ree and Disney will eventually shut the MCU down because it's not breaking world-fucking records.

Can't let too much time pass between doses, the normies may lose interest

If only there were some kind of expo that Disney had where they could promote future marvel movies

Fucking dumbass

Oh fuck off, I said in my first post I was going from what was announced so far.

and not a single storyline or villain was memorable enough to be revisited since

>thinking any of those guys even compare to the acting juggernauts of today

Is mouse dick laced with crack because it has to be some sort of addicting substance for people to ever think any MCU Chris is a great actor.

Those guys aren’t even as good as the DC Chris.

>Those guys aren’t even as good as the DC Chris.
How many billion dollar movies does Pine have again?

It's going to get increasingly difficult to get new people on board with a 10 year+ franchise with over 20 years.

Well, hopefully, but Hulk is guaranteed not to get one.

MCU shits like you still don’t understand that box-office =\= good movie.

Otherwise you all have to give Avatar the respect it apparently deserves going by your standards

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>Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther (and fucking BLADE) destroy this retarded thinking. Movies and live action =/= comics.
The Blade movies were non-summer B movies that hit big but did not change the landscape of the movie industry. There is absolutely zero proof that casual movie fans will care about a non-Wesley Snipes reboot.

Black Panther I'll give you. Because the character is actually strong enough to sustain a movie and it was a perfect storm of timing when it was released.

The 2000s GOTG itself was already a reboot of a niche, not-that-successful property. And it was tailored to be a more cinematic, Star Wars-style adventure. There is nothing else in the Marvel cosmic lore that has the same kind of audience anchor. Everything else is too, too weird and literally inhuman.

Serious question: WHHAT CHARACTERS DOES MARVEL HAVE LEFT? Name a property that has never been featured in a movie or as a side character in the MCU, and is ripe with cinematic summer blockbuster material.

>Mousefag only cares about $$$$

Superheroes are a setting

Westerns are a Genre and a setting.

Western Genre movies (Logan) can still do good. Western Setting movies are pretty meh

Moon Knight?

have you ever read the Moench/Gulacy run? Shang-Chi is a good character who fell out of favor due to not having superpowers when capeshit fully took over the Big 2.

>instead they can make their own stars
the only non-Marvel successes between their combined star power is legos and dinosaurs

What? It's always been do whatever the fuck they want. It's their franchise.

Fantastic four and the X-men? There's a shit ton of content right there.... Sure they've had movies but now they can have good movies consistently instead of occasionally.

>Eternals are these weirdos who had a mini by a famous writer like 15 years ago, and haven't been around in any significant manner since.

I agree with you (and predict the movie will probably do Doctor Strange 1 numbers) but to the general public, these are all new characters. They are stacking the movie with people like Jolie, Madden and Hayek to ensure it doesn't flop.

It's going to be like James Bond. They'll shut it down and reboot it if starts slowing down.

should have clarified
>Name a property that has never been featured in a movie, OR as a side character in the MCU

People have already sat thru a dozen FF and X movies.

Hasbro should partner with Marvel to make a ROM: Spaceknight movie

quality doesn't matter. and honestly Shang Chi has the best chance to break out cause martial arts are eternally cool in movies, he's not tangled down in MCU bullshit and he can have a fresh, hip Black Panther like demo.

mmmaybe? but i don't think it will be possible to escape the batman comparisons.

I can't imagine it'll die anytime soon but I feel like Phase 4 is gonna be a good test for the longevity of the franchise going forward, creatively and audience-wise. I expect public hype levels to fall a bit now that almost all of the original team is off the field and that story is over without even really planting seeds for the next one, but I think we've reached a point where it'd be stupid to count Feige out even with things that seem anti-hype like the Widow movie being a prequel.

you can literally watch any Marvel movie and follow the plot without seeing the others

I mean nothing can last forever. But if it keeps on at the pace it's going to could maybe get 40-50 years out of this franchise

Not sure about what sort of quality their comics have had but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Nova movie and a Power Pack Movie.

the first 20 minutes of Ragnarok are wasted on having to clean up where Thor 2 left off, including a dumb ass Dr Strange appearance

And yet

>I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Nova movie
that would literally just be a retread of Captain Marvel except with "those space cops from the first Guardians movie"

Supporting character at best, at this point

>but I think we've reached a point where it'd be stupid to count Feige out even with things that seem anti-hype like the Widow movie being a prequel.

apparently the comic-con footage looked good and brutal. I want to see footage and maybe hype will increase.

It'll be a comedy with the main Nova being the fat guy who like the GotG

350mil Dom/900mil WW

>sci fi that tries to be western aren't entertaining as films
Star Wars. You have not a single clue what the fuck youre talking about. Never post again

Okay? Daniel Day Lewis doesn’t have a billion dollar movie. Are you gonna say that Chris Manchildren 2,3, and4 are better than Daniel Day because they were in one billion dollar movie?