Character makes a slightly scary face

>Character makes a slightly scary face

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Anyone have that one where it talks about a scene from the Animatrix where the robot woman gets beat up and tries forcing their beliefs that it represents trans rights?

OP crowning moment of awesome

right here

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>Trope pantheons

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>Character is gay

That's Immortal Hulk in a nutshell


>Celibate Hero+Troper Tales

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One off characters for 1 episode never seen again.


Posting it for you. Look on and despair.

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That's pretty obvious, though. Like, regardless of your beliefs, the Animatrix was unsubtle as fuck. If it wasn't for the stylistic direction, it'd come off stupidly ham-fisted, and arguably still does, if you think about what's going on for more than half a second.

>Million Machine March

spoil that shit man. I almost had a fucking heart attack.

These are so incredibly milquetoast. I love it. It's like if you asked a 6 year old to describe the scariest parts of their show and then transcribed them.

how are robots supposed to start rising up. killing everyone with laser beams?

is that shipping is general?

>At one point in the episode, Mindy explains that she wants to see a witch fly across the moon on Halloween night. As she says this, we get a terrifying close-up of her◊, complete with dramatic lighting.
Is this actual autism?

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Wikis are built on the backs of autism
Wikipedia wouldn't be as comprehensive without them


brb trying to check what the collective wordcount is.

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oh my god.

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I really do wonder how TVtropes is still so popular even though everyone who bothers to talk about it mocks the shit out of it for being so fucking awful.
What exactly is the appeal of finding and tagging every single minor instance of a"tropes" in a series?

I use it like a Cliff notes for after I finish a movie
Reading about it helps me further digest what I just watched

I unironically think it's autism.

Out of curiousity, I actually did participate in the forums for like three weeks. Got kicked out for posting economic studies that disagreed with a moderator on monetary policy. While there, literally ten posters in a single big thread advertised to me that they had autism (in the context of either saying "hey I think your wording is offensive to people like me", "sorry for overreacting to your post about my anime fanfiction but it really spoke to me because I have autism", or "my argument was bad because I have autism"). I notice that both people with self-declared autism AND transsexuals are extremely over represented in these kinds of communities in general. I'm not saying that to denigrate them, but it's just what I've noticed.

Is there like a "has autism" trope? Check the troper tales for it and I'm sure literally dozens of the site's

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it is handy for finding other things with particular plots and stuff you like, and can help you better understand how stuff is put together.
It just has a really autistic side to it. But you can mock something or an aspect of something and still use/value it. Just ignore the really stupid shit

this is one of the things that always rubbed me the wrong way about tvtropes, and I actually read fanfiction from time to time. Very, very few fan stories are really worth recognition imo, and most of the ones referenced are put up by the creators anyway. Feels weird to have garbage-tier fan stuff alongside legitimate works too

>nightmare fuel example
>begins with "imagine"

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Here's a fun fact: I worked on Wonder Pets ages ago and there was a Halloween episode where a character dresses up as a ghost in typical white blanket fashion. Originally, the white blanket was going to drag all the way down to the floor and cover the character's feet, but during a storybook testing (For anyone who doesn't know, this is when you boil down the entire script as a kid's book that is maybe 10 - 15 pages long with concept screenshots and read it to kids for feedback) and a lot of the toddlers said the ghost was too scary. So we had to make the character's feet visible so they knew it wasn't a real ghost.

There's no reason why a fucking adult should see campfire lighting and get scared, but that minor type of shit really does freak out four year olds.

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I use it for purely organizational things. Like, if I want to find stories about "A kid who befriends a reckless adult" because I love that type of Papermoon pairing, it's a pretty handy list.

But what if those kids were also autistic?

Yeah. There’s basically unwritten rules on just how spooky you can get. Oh well, it’s for The Children

>Tails' Heroic Sacrifice is both this and a powerful Tear Jerker. Dark Tails attempts to possess him in a last-ditch attack. As Tails fights back with all his power, the Shroud parasite inside him - and then his body - begins to rapidly mutate from the Dark Chaos Energy surging through him. His bones slowly shatter one by one, his limbs turn to goo, and tentacles burst from his eye sockets as he tries to talk to Cosmo one last time - before they start to regrow and fall off over and over again. It's honestly a relief when Cosmo finally gives him a Mercy Kill with the Sonic Driver - and takes down Dark Tails with him.
>At one point, Tsali mentions the fate of Muslim women in the Emirate of Mecca. Because their religious beliefs revolve around Sex Is Evil, the Muslims turned their women into living baby factories who are surgically impregnated and forced to give birth every few seconds. It's not shown directly, but it doesn't make it any less disturbing. Until it actually gets shown in the Episode 71 rewrite, when Eric and friends find a damaged Miriam pod littered on a battlefield. With the woman still alive inside it and still pushing out half-formed fetuses.

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Then the kid would be screaming or unable to function for hours to days at a time.

I like tropes like Gameplay and Story Segregation because it gives a name to something I see often (though this is just a Yea Forums example)

It's normal for toddlers to be afraid of that kind of shit user, when I was 4 a fucking whale documentary terrified me.

It's autistic when adults are afraid though

For me it's this and the occasional trivia.

Outside of that tv-tropes offers fucking nothing of value or insight to whatever medium they leech onto.

In b4 that awful shrieking wiener child comes around.

It's kind of like Watch Mojo where if you want to find a particular thing, it lists a bunch of movies/books/comics/etc with it.
If you want a game where you turn into an animal, there's a trope page for that very gimmick with around a dozen examples. If you want a comic with a bunch of historical injokes, they have a page for that as well.
Basically, it's good for finding very particular examples of things.

To be fair, it genuinely does have its moments.

I like using it to look for gameplay mechanics (e.g. Standard FPS Enemies, Gameplay and Story Integration, Duel Boss). That's about it.

Found you.

I keep thinking that's Grandpa Max from Ben 10 whenever it pops up here.

Funnily enough, the tv tropes page for Immortal Hulk has "this will be my final post on Yea Forums" in the meme part of it.

>Linkara TV Tropes page
>At the end of the Silent Hill Dead/Alive review, we learn the origins of the Magic Gun. It is made of the soul of a tortured little girl. A girl tortured by her parents to revive an ancient god. Upon learning of this, and how he has been using the Gun for so long, an already weakened Linkara is mind-raped to the point of believing that he was the girl's father and tries to shoot himself with the Gun. He only survives because the girl's spirit in the Gun sees he's worth saving, and doesn't shoot.

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>I have to say, I love Linkara. I was watch- I WAS WATCHING various places, and I saw, Linkara, THE GREAT Linkara! And he did Atop The Fourth Wall, and he talked about the famous Power Rangers rant, right? And he said it'll be out when it's out. And we like that, it'll be out when it's out. But great work ethic. It was so g- AND Iron Liz was there, the great Iron Liz.

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this is just pathetic.

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>That inhuman!


>that entire paintball line
>33 pencils

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Post weird shit from TroperTales

>Preverse Sexual Lust
>I'ma go ahead and say LISA. FREAKING. SIMPSON. Her IQ (159 ate age 8? Hawt!), mad sax skills. personality... YOU WILL BE MINE!

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>that Beware the Nice Ones entry about the kid who could break a LOT of pencils when he was mad

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I'm surprised they removed Troper Tales but let this shit slide.


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Get him ou- get him out of here. Get him the hell out of here! Throw him in the cold, don't give him his jacket!

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things that totally happened.

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Are you well, user?

I hate that shit where spergs say "ladies and gentlemen" all the time.

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Look, I'm not saying it's the scariest goddamn thing in the world or anything. Or even scary to me personally, because it isn't.

But considering it's MLP, if you weren't already expecting it, I can see how someone can be creeped out by it. especially for its target demographic.

...Nah, user. Nah. Even for a kids' cartoon it's tame.

Of course it is you dolt, it's a fucking cartoon for 7 year olds.
Doesn't change how it was clearly intended to be creepy for it's age range

Besides what other "extreme" kid's cartoons in the same age group would you put in comparison?

this really

although i had to back off on it after reading the "Us" movie page and i shit you not every other "trope" was about the big end reveal

it gets so fucking repetitive sometimes

troper tales for "Kubrick Stare"
>The second involves a mugger on the NYC subway late at night. The guy pulled a knife on me, and stabbed my right shoulder when I refused to hand over my wallet by saying, "I have no intention of giving you my money. It's bad enough I pay taxes!" I clamped down on the pain long enough to pull the knife out of my shoulder, give the guy a Kubrick Stare over the tops of my glasses, and ask, "Did it ever occur to you that I might be left-handed?" I then drove the knife into his shoulder, broke the blade off, and got off at the next stop to get my shoulder stitched and report the incident to the NYPD.

>that one from BBW or Chubby Chaser about the fat lady in the little pool

as if that isn't Yea Forums in a nutshell

Imagine IMAGINE getting called out on TVTropes of all places.

>there are actual Barneyfags who were scarred for life by this shit

I hate this world sometimes.


You forgot to post the thing Lee

Still not as bad as that deviant post with the holocaust pony.

The what now?

Oh hey I remember that. I think anyway. Its been like 25 years since I saw that show. There was a person at my school who played one of those kids once

Only time this ever worked was the BURN scene in For the Man Who Has Everything. I feel like that's the only time an author and artist have absolutely nailed making Superman into an inhuman alien without being dumb edgelords about it.

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This is the only actually worthwhile post I've read on Yea Forums this week.


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Hilarious in Hindsight
>Actor X portrays a villain with glasses in Film 1, and plays a hero opposing a villain with glasses in Film 2!
>Nevermind the fact that Film 2 came thirty years later, nobody remembers Film 1, and the villain in Film 2 is female, it's gotta be an intentional reference!
>After all, how many people have glasses? It's such a rarity!

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fucking this

The fucked thing is that they beat the shit out of her and made her robot boyfriend watch

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Same energy

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I wanna see the ghost pls

Why did you fags make this thread about another site? Yea Forums does the shit OP talked about once a week

This is the final design, screenshot from the show. The original concept art was also at a darker night time where it was colored very dark blue and the ghost's eyes were completely blacked out instead of being able to see an eyeball poking out.

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Why the fuck does a fanfic have this many NF examples to begin with?

Dark crystal


Ah, Troper Tales.

Now available in webcomic format.

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What made this person think it had anything to do with transgendered people specifically? Isn't that extremely far fetched?

This is patently false.

Oh yeah then how did this get past the cutting room floor? This shit traumatized me

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Be careful

that's the problem with children and manchildren mentality, they are more on the "how to react" than what they react to, it's mostly immitative, none of htem have ever been into a real danger in their life and thus don't know what real fear is.

to be honest that sort of "art style" is nightmarish to kids to begin with.

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What i cannot understand is why on earth did they give their machines sentience?
It's like they wanted a machine revolt or something.

I used to enjoy TVTropes for the little bits of trivia and hidden gems I overlooked. Seeing it turn into a forum for autism is depressing.

Whale documentaries are terrifying with the deep ocean shots tho

>that guy with shadowcat powers

I can’t see that dude without hearing It Has To Be This Way.

>tfw Fetish Fuel and Fetish Fuel Station Attendant had to die for the ad revenue

That doesn't sound correct

From the thumbnail I thought the show had planes with kid heads attached and I was honestly going to be with TVtropes on that being pretty terrifying

I miss when this was just a cute show about cute ponies doing cute things without it being a movement.

>suggest a friend to check tv tropes to have more media awareness about certain cliches
>goes into an autistic rant about troper tales, which are not even there anymore
I mean, troper tales were really damn funny in the worst way but still

And that's why you mustn't forget your umbrella.

Hes just trying to make you bite your own fingers

Okay, so I did. He me? or something?

This troper thinks you are a faggot

So you miss October 2010?

is... is this supposed to be a new 'breathing manually thing?

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they've permanently stained the site's reputation and it's hilarious

>not remembering the lolicaust
That was when the site started its death spiral into safespace autism, tbqh

>Do robot versions out of real life photos and videos of past atrocities.
>Trannies think its about them.
A mob beating a woman to death with a weapon reminds me more of Rwandan genocide, where Hutu government openly told every Hutu to rape every Tutsi women they saw, then hack them to death with machetes.

because fanfic writers use TV tropes and will add this autistic shit to their stories just to make it look edgy on TV tropes

Why are tropers generally such gigantic pussies.

>MCU has Nightmare Fuel pages
Even the Netflix shit is pretty damn tame horror-wise sadly

Man the worst thing I can think of is that dude getting beheaded in Doctor Strange

I guess those autists were lucky. In nordic countries 90's kids watched imported anime shows that weren't exactly meant for kids but people at the time assumed all cartoons were made for children. So a man-eating bear that doesn't hibernate at winter and mauls you into bloody pieces in dark winter forest is a thing that still haunts the nightmares of a lot of scandinavians.

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The culture and userbase there is shit but the site and information on it is useful a good amount of the time.

>You know, those racially motivated genocides were bad, but TRANS PEOPLE, they are the real victims!

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Autism. Simple as that

Really missing the context of where the episode up to that point was coincidentally following the plot line of a very popular edgelord fanfic to a T and actually went off the deep end. Chat went insane when that happened.

good times. also if NMM won wouldn't everythign fucking die because plants need sunlight?

the communist hell, 1000 years of being all alone, I have no mouth and I must scream living stone / petrified for eons and "can't have a nightmare if you never dream" is actually disturbingly undertoned. that's about it though.

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>Kissing cousins Troper Tales

What the fuck were they thinking making that

>Berserk, Bloodborne, Guyver, Hellraiser, etc
>A single page with 10-20 entries
>11+ individual pages

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Makes sense with sexbots. Real question is why they made humanoid-shaped construction robots that pull ropes, instead of just making fuckhuge blocky self-driving A.I trucks with arms.

Just goes to show what the users of the site watch. And what they don't watch.

Addictive layout.

Almost like MLP was a widespread phenomenon or something. all my fucking normie classmates were quoting it in highschool for about a week until the next fad came along.

>Lolita (book) was removed for being offensive
>creepypasta about horse turning other horses into cupcakes has multiple pages despite being a fanfiction

> Berserk
there isn't much to trope off, not like they put effort or budget in that adaption. But seriously MLP is both Trope heavy and Trope averting, it likes to rotate between the two. each season page is probably smaller then a proper page... probably.

Of course autism too like Yea Forums too duh.
Generic, versitile easily mass producible models for multipurpose maybe? nature had a winning design, why fuck with that?

I'm guessing it is to better interface with their creators. Doesn't make sense to do it for ALL of the robots, though.

>creators are two trans women
gee i wonder why there's a trans metaphor in this

>What i cannot understand is why on earth did they give their machines sentience?
Bad writing. Early science fiction robots had more in common with magic golems than actual machines, with a simple sliding scale from inanimate object to human, without considering emotion and intelligence as separate things. It's basic "man plays god" garbage.

With The Matrix at least, the original idea had something to do with the Matrix being made by wiring a bunch of human brains together to make a super computer, but executive meddling said that it was too confusing for movie-goers, so it was changed to robots using humans as batteries.

Because the story wouldn't have the same emotional impact if it were a bunch of people beating-up autonomous cars and construction equipment like a Street Fighter 2 bonus stage.

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You asked for it.

I like it when people begin arguing with one another with how the trope they're describing was actually REVERSED in the series in question but they didn't just GET IT just right and then you have two more or so reverse-reversals trying to make you agree with either points.

>Mr. Lovhaug
I can't believe some people respect Linkara enough to put him above themselves.

>tfw I'm also doing conversation with my OC characters in mind

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>tfw your OC says something hilarious but you're in public so you cant laugh

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>character has red eyes
>not even glowing red, just red irises

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they changrd the name of that video

>I have honestly forgotten whether I am actually stupid or just pretending

what makes a layout addictive?

>the "Team Rocket" trope gets renamed into "Terrible Trio" as people realize that Team Rocket didn't really invent the trope
>sudden deluge of "well hey here's THREE CHARACTERS terrible trio am I rite?"

>creators had mental illness that was exploited by hollyweird and cut off their dicks

To be fair, it is kind of annoying how so many people still only cite the same handful of Troper Tales examples, most of which are pretty typical for dumb internet confessions. The "I was scared by an ice cream truck sound" entry was by an admitted troll and the "I pulled out a sword on a burglar'' one, while probably made up, isn't THAT unbelievable (If you were some dumb crackhead breaking into a house while tripping and unarmed, wouldn't you be scared by some 400 pound basement dweller coming at you with a sword screeching in pseudo-Japanese?). A teacher of mine actually made the local news for doing the same thing. I'm not defending Troper Tales, but I've heard way worse than those even on here.

The really fucked up examples are the sex-related ones and self-diagnosed mental illnesses, because even if some of them are made up, it tells you a lot about how these people think. The Nightmare Fuel ones were the most entertaining, because given how recent some of the media cited is, it means the userbase is either literal 6 year olds or 'adults' who make CWC look functional.

spoiler tag your shit asshole I felt my pacemaker heat up

I have personally seen a horse bite off a person's finger, but I'm pretty sure the carrot thing is just not true.
Pro-tip: don't feed horses if your drunk as fuck

That sword thing really is much more likely to be true than all the other fighting ones. People holding off home invaders with swords isn't really that uncommon, it comes up on the news every so often. I'm more inclined to believe it than "got stabbed but made a quip and stabbed them back" or "six-foot tall albino"

I'm pretty sure bones is harder than carrots, but fear of large hungry animals biting onto your hand instead of only taking the food still seems reasonable.

did they seriously remove lolita?

This one?

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>Dramatic Lighting

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What's wrong with this?

What is that bear from?

imagine needing to see a cartoon character to relate to human suffering


>there are millenials who only came to relate to the Holocaust victims because of this shitty Photoshop
Honestly, I wish their ancestors were Holocausted.

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They show a ginger making a smug face on PBS? what the hell are we doing to our children.

That's clearly a cactus

>Badass Boast Troper Tales.

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This legit scared me as a lad

Everytime I see this character or that George Liquor I just get the feeling that John K was beaten A LOT as a kid by his dad

Didn't they have "tropes are not bad" removed from their main page after some popular critic argued otherwise?

John K. just radiates "Daddy Issues" in everything he has made. I swear there was some blog where he talked about that character, Anthony's Dad, and said he was pretty much based on his own dad. Well, his father watches the episode and not shockingly, the guy was pissed off. Not because of his portrayal but because the character acted "too soft"

I like reading the So Bad It’s Horrible sometimes, I can find a lot of bad obscure shit that way

Was the monetary study conservative or liberal in leaning?

Common trope normies love to eat up despite how so much about it and its affiliates are utter nonsense.

Swords, even ornamental ones with no sharpness, are still long, blunt objects that can be gripped easily. Why do some people act like grabbing them as improvised self-defense weapons is such a bizarre thing?

Growing up, I’d sometimes grab a metallic Eiffel tower decor that was heavy (and pointy enough) to crack someone’s skull open whenever I feared someone had broken into our home. Thankfully I never had to use it, but makes me wonder if it’d have made headlines if I ended up injuring a burglar with it instead of, say, a baseball bat or a frying pan.

I imagine the surprise is more to the fact that the average person does not have a sword and thus it appearing as a defense weapon is strange enough to note.
And from what I've seen personally, most ornamental swords are still very pointy, which is probably the best way to use a sword anyway.

And the thing that gets me, is that an intelligent machine is going to act differently and have different wants and needs than an organic being. And yet too often they just act like humans.

>averted trope
>subverted trope
>reverted trope
>inverted trope
>fuckverted trope
and the best for last:

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Sup fellow preschool show crew user.
I worked on a production years ago that got us in trouble with the network because we made an offhand reference to a character being superstitious in the script. I don’t think we did storybook testing so who knows what actual kids would have thought but they came down very hard on us for it. Apparently that’s too scary for children as well


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What cartoon is this? Reverse image search tells me nothing.

Sorry for not cropping but, yeah people can be fucking autistic at times

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>All Girls Want Bad Boys
>This troper embodies both sides of the argument. Most of the time he comes across as a happy, quite smart guy, and attracts a wide circle of friends because of it Sure you do, buddy - but no romance. The two girls he's let the mask slip to reveal himself to be a Broken Ace, and quite a lot smarter than he comes across, have subsequently dated him.

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Ginga Nagareboshi. Him and Groke are the nightmare fuel of nordic countries.

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TvTropes is the source of my utter hatred of that word. "Deconstruction." How about I deconstruct their skulls.

The fact that I myself have autism is also really depressing, to the point where I really can't wait until an actual cure for autism is created.

> biting off a finger takes the same effort as biting into a carrot

What are bones


That led me to Linkara growling.

Attached: linkara.png (1152x100, 31K)

uhhh pics please? what are you talking about?

For me it was the Evangelion fanbase that made me hate "Deconstruction"

Were you in elementary school at the time?

TV Tropes is what got me into Eva and by extension Anime and Manga. I love the shit out of it, but I remember all the terrible WMG pages that said "X takes place during 3rd Impact" or some other fucking garbage.

>no one backed up the videos

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The fuck is wrong with these freaks

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Been addicted to SWTOR lately, it's actually a lot better than Yea Forums led me to believe. At least the Sith Warrior storyline was.

And Madoka. That show isn't even a deconstruction.

Why is that the funniest exchange Zach has ever done?

Attached: aaaaaaaaaa.jpg (275x183, 13K)

Late high school.

are you two in the tulpamancing scene?

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The tv tropes idea of deconstruction is basically made up whole cloth and has almost nothing to do with the literary idea of deconstruction. Even then, the idea that either Evangelion or Madoka are deconstructions they way tv tropes (poorly) defines it is laughable with even passing knowledge of their influences.

My parents rented a lot of shit they shouldn't have from blockbuster in America. From plague dogs to adult anime. Not that different really.

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>that image




my little brother fucking loved that show, was on all the time in my house. Thanks for making him happy as a kid.

Helps me find my fetish in mainstream works.

holy fuck what thehell is this?

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A nice place to gather trivia and to know just how autistic the fandom is.

>I have honestly forgotten whether I am actually stupid or am just pretending
This is actually quite the good line.

I mean, I'm sure you can understand how someone else could easily make the connection that transwomen are artificial, manufactured beings made to resemble women.

>>At one point, Tsali mentions the fate of Muslim women in the Emirate of Mecca. Because their religious beliefs revolve around Sex Is Evil, the Muslims turned their women into living baby factories who are surgically impregnated and forced to give birth every few seconds. It's not shown directly, but it doesn't make it any less disturbing. Until it actually gets shown in the Episode 71 rewrite, when Eric and friends find a damaged Miriam pod littered on a battlefield. With the woman still alive inside it and still pushing out half-formed fetuses.
Why is a sonic fanfic talking about fucking muslims?

Attached: pony holocaust.jpg (990x1043, 304K)

Ok, I could see that scaring a 4-year old.

>there are millenials who only came to relate to the Holocaust victims because of this shitty Photoshop
Honestly, I wish their ancestors were Holocausted.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

the fucking what

Yea Forums used to have an /loli/ board.

It's called Yea Forums

>It's like if you asked a 6 year old to describe the scariest parts of their show and then transcribed them.

It's a show for 6 year olds, so that makes sense

>there were videos

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That's when my hatred of Snacks began. Never forget.

It gets better everytime it's posted.

honestly lolis aren't that big of a fetish, just put them alongside /h/

It's more an issue of legality, now that more and more countries are deeming it child porn. That's why exhentai closed down for good.

Because anyone who writes these kinds of "robots rise up!" stories just wants to write a shitty allegory for slavery or whatever without ever actually touching something too triggering, like the millennia of slavery that actually happened all over the world.
This usually means stuff that makes no sense in a logical world, like programming something that's supposed to work 24/7 for no pay with the ability to feel emotions for some absolutely retarded reason.

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Or, you know, robots are cool.

IQ tests are age adjusted though

I’d be alright with 11 examples total, because there are a few unnerving moments like when Luna forced Sweetie Belle to have a nightmare of her sister being ostracised from society and going insane but I press X to doubt that fans are legitimately kept awake by those moments, or if they just found them “epic” or “out of place for a little girls show”.
To be fair, the whole concept of the "robot" literally originated as a shitty allegory for slavery.

The way I would go with this is make the robots develop conscience on their own and then the humans have a shitfest of a problem to deal with them.

What the fuck is this

Holy shit I'm not gonna sleep tonight

The community is completely terrible and pointless, but the does have some value when it comes to 1) identifying specific ideas/cliches that might not be described elsewhere and 2) finding other works that contain a specific idea/cliche you like. I would also say that every so often there's mildly interesting analysis of a book or film, or at least a bit of text pointing out a detail in said book/film I otherwise wouldn't have noticed.

As long as you don't bother with the community and the pages for huge properties with abysmal followings like Dr. Who then you're good to go. And I find that rewriting shitty page descriptions to make them more articulate has been good writing practice.

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That's an interesting point. We often talk about things that scared us when we were kids that are still kinda creepy or weird today, but what about things that freaked you out that now seem ridiculous?

This scared the shit out of me when I was little, for whatever reason it was the shot of Donald fading into the hallway and turning around that unnerved me the most.

What the fuck

I watched jurassic park and star wars at least three times a day when I was 4

Because the Trump impression is actually really fucking accurate.

What you have to remember, OP, is that everyone on Yea Forums today is a massive fucking bleeding pussy faggot crybaby bitch who bawls his eyes out at the drop of a hat, screams "HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS??" if a character says "poo" while fapping to the youngest characters they can find.

A grotesque creature, all in all.

Honestly speaking that episode DID freak me out as a kid, but that was less from the scary faces and more just the slow ass build up of quiet rage after the guys son gets beat up.

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oh thank god, me too

>AGPLarry falls for the sissy meme and gets brainwashed by his mistress girlfriend into trannying out
>Andy follows suit or only pretends to tranny out for whatever reasons
There is no trans here, just a fetishist and his bro.


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What a fucking badass

Its designed to remind the viewer of any violent lynch mob, so if a tranny has that on their mind then that's valid too. It is a transhumanist piecd

fanmade ones where people read the most ridiculous tropertales pages like PSL

>Holy. Crap. Where to begin?!? First of all, there's a storm in this episode, which only makes the tone scarier and dramatic.

Do you mean these ones?

the hell is a tulpa?
I'm not from the /x/ scene

Tl'dr - /x/ has convinced themselves that they can make their imaginary friends real.

They came out as transgender several years after they didn't have that much involvement in it.

Say you're reading the entry of a movie you just watched. Entries are full of esoteric terms that'll make you want to look up the terms' entries for context, which may lead you to reading the entries to see examples, and so on and so forth.

while that is a myth, humans can bite hard enough to bite off their own finger if they get it at a joint, and horses can easily. It's just not on the same level as a carrot.

Th-These were all written by a five year old, right?

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>tfw i'm now reminded I spread info on TVTropes of an episode of Braceface I once believed was real

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>moment of awesome/heartwarming/buttscratching
>starts by listing iconic moments from throughout the franchise history
>as you approach the story from the last few years you have multiple events for each fucking installment be it chapter or episode listed

>TVTropes unironically has separate Western Animation pages for non-standalone tv-movie episodes of The Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, and both Christmas episodes of SpongeBob

>even though those should be in recaps

..... hey there, have't seen you in in a few decades...

Hunter x Hunter fans are a lot worse about it.

we should start adding stupider and stupider examples of this shit and see how long it takes them to realize that it's someone mocking them and not genuine

I'm not sure they'd ever figure it out.

Where the fuck is that from?

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Probably Spongebob wiki. Another fortress of autism.

what is deconstruction?

i read tvtropes but a lot of the time they do get stuff amazingly wrong.

Don't remind us of Jay Jay the Jet Plane
Don't bring that evil in here

Didn't he fall into the Earth's core and burn to death?

But don’t you dare try to correct them. You have to be a Power User with 5000 approved edits before you can make your first edit without it being instantly reverted

Is the trend of forcing Dr. Who into every WMG page where time travel of any kind is involved a meme or something for the site?

"X is a time lord" is something I hate with unending passion.

Can Time Lords even do time shit without technology of some sort? Every time I see this, the character in question just has time magic.

>a ginger

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Pretty much.

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>there are millennials who only came to relate to the Holocaust victims because of this shitty Photoshop
Honestly, I wish their ancestors were Holocausted.

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I miss O-Ring Orifice

>inside Genom R&D

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>there are millennials who only came to relate to the Holocaust victims because of this shitty Photoshop
Honestly, I wish their ancestors were Holocausted.

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>there are millennials who only came to relate to the Holocaust victims because of this shitty Photoshop
Honestly, I wish their ancestors were Holocausted.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Too late, user.

Do you have absolutely nothing else to do in your spare time? Maybe try something productive for once

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People type posts like this on this board. Not about wanting a loli, just that really juvenile shit like you will be mine! that you see in these troper examples. I wish people noticed.

Turning into trannies was a calculated move to jump out of their post-matrix 1 flunk and back into relevance