Post Yea Forums moments that made you laugh

Post Yea Forums moments that made you laugh.

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Ok, what comic is this, that was funny

doctor strange damnation

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Pool is right, the skeleton face is so dumb. And the name would be better for come commander villain, not ra mercenary agent.

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Daniel Ways Dpool was grandious.

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oh man, did spiderman actually get raped?

It's not 616


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I loved these too, hope Spencer uses them more.

Two* Christ I'm autistic

Capeshit comics are much better when not taking itselves seriously, prove me wrong

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This gets posted a lot, what's it from?

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the 2013 Thunderbolts run. Don't know what issue.

Not a big Spencer fan, but he writes villains way better than heroes, especially the loser henchman type villain who is basically just a working class 9-5 type villain as a job

Kek every fucking time

Issue 21, start at 20 for full story.

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