Phase 4 is hers
Phase 4 is hers
I wish but we're stuck with Captain Cunt.
Yeah, hers to get worn out then quitting!
I would be totally okey.
>Show with 6 hour screentime
>Lead female of Strange 2
She even robbed Carol's fan girl for her own show
How many SW films in Phase 4 would you like to see?
>Steals Monica away from Carol
I'm okay with this development
I don't understand her appeal at all. I find everything about her underwhelming.
Her appeal is she isn't Brie Larson or Captain Marvel.
>small breather phase is hers
>big gun return of the F4 and X-Men is all Carol's
As good as "all of them" would be, let's not put her into the position where she could get the same backlash Carol got. One Wanda or Wanda/Vision movie per phase would be enough.
I don't even know who she is.
She better have Vision's babies or i swear to god i will kill Byrne.
I wonder if a prequel could work. A warzone kind of movie.
> Possess Vision
> Wanda traps him in a 1950s sitcom
He'll fucking hate that.
Byrne was motivated by his disgust for robosexuals, but seems to have convinced Marvel's writers and editors that their story has to end in tragedy, then Wanda moves on without Vision. We have to wait until 2021 to learn if the MCU will reject this and bring Vision back or not. Both Wanda and Vision have had so little time spent on them so far, it would be better to use the series to spend as much time as possible on them before introducing children. Make that a season 2 or 3 plot, if we get more seasons.
My dicK is hers!
WandaVision is about her becoming Scarlet Witch, I.e a real witch. Basically a hero's journey story.
Blade might well show up as well.
You will (in 2021).
>have competent female characters that people like such as scarlet witch, lady sif and valkyrie
>focus narrative on captain dyke and literally-who-female-thor
what the fuck is wrong with marvel
Nah, she's just the breeding cow they'll use to make the X-Men happen.
She has accent and boobs
Guys like that
Does she? I barely ever noticed any accent.
She forgets to use it sometimes
It was stronger in Infinity War
God that movie is shite
>only female Marvel character to show cleavage
>all of her struggles have been on-screen and related to the plot unlike Black Widow or Captain Fungal
Her and Nebula overall are probably the most fleshed out and interesting female characters in the MCU.
>Captain Fungal
Fun isn't something one considers when reading an MCU thread, but this does put a smile on my face.
As it should be
After all the theories about reality warping, Monica being in WandaVision before she inevitably appears in Carol's sequel seems to be the biggest indication we have that whatever happens will be real, and will matter going forward.
why is her face so fucked up?
Combination of 2 things:
> 1. Character is beloved by Marvel traditionalists who are happy to see her fortunes rise in the MCU because the comics won't use her in anything
> 2. Actress too talented for this part (though only people who have seen her low-budget projects know this) finally getting some actual screen time
I hope she just dumps the accent once and for all though. She keeps trying to sound like someone who used to have an accent. It just sounds weird.
Byrne's story was bad, but if he hadn't broken them up someone else would have. There's a reason no one in editorial had a problem with that (DeFalco objected to Byrne's changing Wanda's hairstyle but not to breaking up her marriage) and it's because the idea that "all marriages must break up except maybe Reed and Sue" was becoming codified at the time.
There's a reason the editor of Byrne's WCA, Howard Mackie, later wrote a Spider-Man run where he had Mary Jane presumed dead, just so he could write Peter as a single guy again.
>I’m the comics the Maximoff twins are Romani-Jewish
>In the MCU they are ‘whitewashed’.
How does this make Yea Forums feel? Is it racist to erase that part of Wanda’s comic backstory for the live-action movies?
You know as well as I do user that they were the children of the Whizzer and Miss America for years before they were retconned again into being Magneto's kids who were raised in a gypsy camp, and *that* was years before Magneto was retconned into being Jewish. And there was like one line in one comic that said Magneto's wife was maybe a "Balkan Gypsy."
I don't think anyone outside of Tumblr seriously believes they were whitewashed, it's just something they made up because the Red Skull called her "Jew, Gypsy, Mutant" in that one issue of Uncanny Avengers.
Django was around way before Magneto.
Those were comic retcons, they were originally just White Europeans. The MCU making them Slavs is closer to the original comics. Wanda and Pietro being related to Magneto meant them learning as adults that they were half-Jewish, this was never explored, not even once, and now it's been retconned. Them being half-Roma happened out of 1970s or 1980s ignorance that all people living in European countries look the same, it's basically a mistake that went on for so long they can't back out of it now, especially since it has been seized upon by Tumblrs and the type of people who sincerely abuse the word 'whitewashing' in sentences about movie casting, to insist that after 50 years of being white they should become brown, and Quicksilver's recent mini threw out decades of Pietro being ashamed and embarrassed by his childhood to make him Roma Pride Representation Character because he's got to have some role now he's not Magneto's son.
Wanda and Pietro coming from a background of extreme poverty and oppression is important to some, but it has always fit badly with the characters as they first appeared in the 1960s. The only other things the MCU loses is Django Maximoff and his magic powers, or Wanda's Perez costume, which Olsen was never going to wear anyway.
Not really, he made a few cameo appearances as an old generic Eastern European man, but they only made him into a "gypsy magic" shaman (because Wanda, Nightcrawler and Doom were all raised by sorcerers in gypsy camps for some reason) as part of the same storyline that made Magneto her dad.
>I hope she just dumps the accent once and for all though. She keeps trying to sound like someone who used to have an accent. It just sounds weird.
In Infinity War she was meant to be trying to hide it because she was a fugitive. It was fine in Civil War, Wanda and Pietro should have accents.
>There's a reason the editor of Byrne's WCA, Howard Mackie, later wrote a Spider-Man run where he had Mary Jane presumed dead, just so he could write Peter as a single guy again.
That Spider-Man story wasn't something Mackie did on his own, there had been movement within Marvel for years to get an unmarried Spider-Man again, the Clone Saga was the first failed attempt, MJ dying in a plane crash was the second failed attempt.
You're right that a lot of Marvel marriages were broken up in the 1980s, while Reed and Sue have always been protected out of respect for Lee and Kirby, but unlike most of those other couples, Wanda and Vision actually had their own books before. There was more potential value in them together than apart. Someone other than Byrne might also have put less effort into destroying Vision or making Wanda insane, things that have harmed them for 30 years. The problem is Marvel editorial and the writers they hire don't care about Wanda or Vision, or just see Wanda as a plot device, or want to ship her with someone else.
Monica teamed up with Strange and Wanda to fight Chthon's followers. That seems to have been behind the decision to include Monica.
There is absolutely no reason we can't have Dracula appear as the villain.
Incorrect bub
tentacle scene with shuma gorath incoming
The logo confirms the Yea Forums leaks.
Note the two "i's" in Vision, and that the second has a red Chaos Magic spark at its head, implying Wanda uses Chaos Magic to give Vision a new soul...and of course if she does that he will be possessed by Chthon, as implied in the Yea Forums leaks (which also said Zemo would be in Falcon and the Winter Soldier).
Agatha vs Chthon is actually a legit great, inspiring feminist story: Agatha, the motherly witch, empowers Wanda to defy the evil abusive controlling "dad" that is Chthon. The angle of Agatha having had no daughter and thus Wanda is the one to whom she passes on knowledge, is a big witchy theme.
I actually think the grit and reality of the Sokovia background, if it is mixed with the mystical eeriness of Wundagore Mountain, really fits Wanda's character and creates something unique.
We don't even know if they were allowed to use Agatha back when they were first planning this (she could be a shared character like Wanda but she might have been bundled with the FF).
I do like that the symbol above the second "i" is Wanda's headpiece. It hasn't been seen anywhere in the MCU except for that brief shot of her costume at the end of Age of Ultron, which featured the shape of it (though not on her head).
People got mad at the actress for complaining about her costume showing too much cleavage when she happily wears low-cut outfits on talk shows and such, but after that scene I agreed with her. Not because "cleavage is bad" but "every shot shows cleavage and she's the only person dressed like that" must seem weird.
the fuck?
answer pls
The new Black Widow isn't a big name actress so she'll show in the same level and even more
She wasn't even complaining about it that much.
It was more about everyone else having more discreet costumes and it bugged her a bit.
"She truly earns the title "Scarlet Witch", implies she learns magic, and masters the dark magic she wields.
Implication is Agatha teaches her, and she defeats Chthon.
Seriously, the people who say WandaVision and Doctor Strange MoM should be used to introduce muties, should fuck right off. I absolutely fucking hate them.
"What if Wanda goes mad and pulls mutants out of her ass and then she and Doctor Strange stand in the background while the movie becomes about Wolverine."
>carolfags are this upset about Captain Fungus being a nobody now that Marvel has gotten the "women power" movie out of the way
Enjoy watching Thor Jane become the symbol of girl power in the MCU.
She wants to do it man. It can't be stopped.
The most selfish and entitled of all Marvel fans. Fans of Wanda and Vision got a few minutes per movie, now this series is happening and X-fags want to take it away from us and make it all about them? After everything they've had already that was never enough for them?
Give us 6 episodes of Wanda learning magic, saving Vision, and learning to smile again. No more, mutants.
Carol stuff was literally the sequel hook of the Spider-Man movie that just came out
It looks like Carol is going to be more of a "space" character, which probably leaves Wanda with a larger-than-expected role because she's still one of the few superpowered women on MCU earth.
In other words it's not really one or the other, they just really don't have a lot of women until the X-Women arrive.
>they just really don't have a lot of women until the X-Women arrive.
And most of them have no solo lore to work with at all. "All Marvel's best heroines are X-women" is just a meme.
If they wanna put a mutant in it should be Magik and no others.
Tying Scarlet Witch to Doctor Strange and Blade would be the wisest as they have mutual interests or mutual villains.
Dayum look at them titties.
Wanda learning magic is a story about actual empowerment, the kind that brings happiness back into a person's life.
It's an empowerment story until someone calls it satanism and dumbasses climb aboard the bandwagon.
I’m really hoping Doctor Strange appears in Blade. He’s had so many run ins with Dracula, it would only feel right to include at least a cameo similar to Ragnarok
it's called beauty appeal
Wanda has always been the best Avenger. This is a well known fact.
Finally, they can see her as we do.
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Why weren't she casted to play Captain Marvel
At least she got tits unlike that titslet
Because she was already cast as Wanda.
Besides, they had a slew of better talent for Cpt. Marlel than Larson anyway that could've done her justice and made the character entertaining.
I always wanted Katheryn Winnick.
I wish
Brie has better boobs and more talent.
The better to seduce you with, my dear.
What? Brie has one of the biggest pair of tits in the MCU, beaten only by Atwell and Dennings I think.
Nope. Monica Rambeau will replace Carol.
>people are actually conplaining about more female leads
What are you, fucking gay?
It can happen at the end. No one is asking for mutants to take over.
Why is Elizabeth so lush and attractive yet her two older sisters look like skinny meth addicts?
because she wasn't a super famous child actor. Child actors are doomed to burn out into drug addicts.
my nigga
dracula is almost all but GUARANTEED since we're getting based blade. maybe he escapes, and becomes the villain in blade, since i doubt feige will retread frost as the villain since it was so based and loved by fans
>Give SW no character outside of:
>>Shy witch girl
>>Vision's girlfriend
>proceed to kill Vision
>pretend she has anything else to work with
This series is going to be so dependent on Wanda's angst over her robot husband being dead. That'll probably be half her fucking dialogue.
Olsen has spoken in the past about how she wanted to do an adaption of House of M, she's probably going to get her wish
Especially since WW to Strange 2 is confirmed to be a tie in, only one of phase 4
It's worse than that, user
They're carolfags
>Brie has fake boobs and no talent
Imagine being the one to make her smile
At least try to pretend you've seen a real set of tits. Having sex isn't really that hard.
i want to be hers
>Having sex isn't really that hard.
It's not going to work unless it gets that hard, user.
It's all part of the agenda. They are intentionally antagonizing a part of the audience by designing a character they hate, player by an actress they hate in order to bring in the SJW dollars/shills.
They are fabricating this idea that comic fans hate women by rubbing the worst possible female characters in their faces. Comic fans like characters such as Scarlet Witch, so you can't have them in focus or it will break the illusion. Won't even get a movie of her own, just a TV show.
I hope she has the twins and becomes a milf.
I hope Thor Love and Thunder is 2 hours of Nat smashing unused alt right incels cocks with Mjölnir
I'm sorry, but what?
Have sex, faggot.
>Haha I use buzzwords and love female! Am I cool now Yea Forumsumblr
Have sex
I can’t wait to see them together. These MCU shows might be the thing to get me to subscribe to D+
>Oh,hello user. I didn’t see you back there. What did you want to say to me?
Look at those fuckin delicious thighs.
I swear m,an when i get a gf with big legs/ ass ill finally be sanctified and complete, if i marry one i've completed life