What would you guys consider to be the coolest power? For me it's eye beams. 2nd would be teleportation.
What would you guys consider to be the coolest power? For me it's eye beams. 2nd would be teleportation
It has to be electricity manipulation, the idea of just summoning lightning and wrecking somebody is awesome
Super intelligence
Superspeed since it comes with loads of badass secondary effects like super durability and super perception and eventually OP shit like time freeze and phasing.
The power to have all the powers.
The three T's:
Which is the most useful?
I'd have all three to:
I'm a big fan of any type of Element Control purely for the visuals
Bonus points if you can turn into the element
Super speed.
Reality Warping or something equivalent, honestly. I know there's a stigma against powers like this, but it really would be the ultimate ability if you had total control over it. You could give yourself any power you wanted, with total control. Or just make or have anything you wanted. Nearly anything would be possible, which is why I find it so cool.
>timewarping (timestop, travel, general time manipulation)
>slime/elastic body
>summoning weapons
>elemental control (water and wind)
>speedforce (without hyper OP buffs like said, otherwise that would be godtier)
>shrinking (but without fragility)
>animal control
>infinitely able to be underwater
>plant control
>elemental control (fire)
>enhanced senses
>elemental control (earth)
>cyborg body
>titanic growth
>ragemode (hulk and similar)
>most animal based powers
>shrinking (with human fragility)
good old magic is probably the greatest power because of the possibilities
purely for coolness
>summoning infinite swords
>unlimited self duplication
>being liquid metal (T1000)
Superspeed doesnt "come with" stuff. Those are just more powers you want. Which, granted, i think you should be able to have. But not all speedsters are created equal.
mob psycho 100 sold me on teleportation being the scariest fucking super power.
>elemental control (earth)
Depends on the extent of your power. Being able to shift tectonic plates is pretty fucking big time
if an earthquake is the most epic thing you can do then it deserves the shittier spot.
This has no practical application, it's just something destructive and wacky.
I'm a big fan of turning into metal, personally.
Earth control has plenty of practical applications, you literally control the ground we stand on. You have the power to change the landscape
Good old fashioned super strength. Hitting a guy so hard he flies two stories into the air is some visceral stuff.
yes but in very limited ways. you can build disgusting dirt castles and hills out of nowhere (cant control plants or other extras), throw rocks, make rifts and earthquakes. there's not much else
that's not very epic
If we're going for cool factor it has to be telekinesis. To amplify the coolness you have to dramatic wave your hands around in the direction of the objects your manipulating for greater effect.
I'm a fan of plant manipulation but I understand it's not very cool
Throw fire from the hands ... super cool.
And also, i understand we talking of the coolest not the beat one
Regeneration. With a torn ACL it's already too late for invulnerability.
Ability to create portals in any desired direction. Besides to teleporting, you can use them for lots of other fun things
you forgot ground surfing ,sand trapping,environent odification,farming would find neat applications for it
Time manipulation, although super intelligence sounds intriguing.
>ground surfing
>sand trapping
forgot about sand manipulation, that as a whole elevates it.
>environent odification
besides the ground or rocks there isnt anything
Energy construct creation. Green Lantern ring is my favorite super equipment by far.
Manipulating one or more of the fundamental forces, it's powerful and gives you a lot of utility. Basically the power cosmic is about as good as it gets.
The power of The Implication.
to have sex whenever with whoever i want no std or pregnancies unless i want to child
Light manipulation
I'd just want to fly.
Controlling time. It certainly is one the OP ones
Meta-narrative manipulation
Create diamonds and gold? Control lava? Easily pull people into the ground to subdue them without harm.
Luck would be my all time favorite i'd do so much off the wall shit but i have luck on my side so i'll be good. Lotterys, sweep stakes, giveaways.
Mind reading. Imagine being able to access the memories and thoughts of anyone in the world. Arguably the best part is it's totally inconspicuous so you'll never get hauled away by a secret government testing facility.
Reality control/distortion. I could do anything and get away with it
How dare you, peasant.
can ensure isolation or protection over virtually any stronghold or individual on ground, can cave in any stronghold or housing, can move entire continents given enough time, shift whole countries, create earth-based structures at will... this power, in determined hands, could collapse a country over night by using the earth to both crush and swallow up select powerful individuals or institutions by massive holes, wage terror throughout the entire planet by hitting crucial areas such as generators and dams and farms, periodically hit communication towers and cause roads to spread open and eat possibly millions, especially if freeways and cities are opened or caused to fall by separating the ground and causing those driving to fall into caverns and deep holes created at your will.
it's a very strong power
Gravity manipulation. You could fly, walk on walls, pick up cars. You could make yourself lighter to feel less strain on your joints, you could make yourself heavier to work out. It's a quality of life booster and it's powerful as fuck.
>my favourite colour is rainbow!
if you say some bullshit like the power to have all the powers you aren't allowed to play
I'd opt for orgy inducement. It takes it from incel freak to benevolent sex god. Bonus points if you can cause abstract concepts and ideas to fuck as well.
Pretty common superpower, but I'd love to be able to fly. I already love flying the old fashioned way, but being able to just strap on some goggles, warm clothing and blast through the sky at 5000+ feet would be incredible. Or get low and skim the surface of the ocean, fly through canyons and over forest canopies. I'd be able to easily explore the most remote places on Earth.
Teleportation would be better for simply getting from A to B, but I'd miss out on all the stunning views along the way.
Power you can think up yourself:
Ability to create human bodies that you can order around or take over if you're dying.
Popular superpower:
Well it's true.
Regular power? Mind control/reading.
Just picking literally anything? Give me Rohan's Heaven's Door.
>Reality Manipulation
>Super healing
>Energy manipulation
>Gravity manipulation
>Super strength
>Shape shifting
Precognition. Especially when paired up with martial arts.
There has to be at least some baseline of "support powers" that allow the main power to even function without killing the wielder. If someone with Super Speed doesn't have the durability or friction manipulation/reducing aspect, then they're just going to grind themselves into paste the first time they go 100mph.
>Earth control
>Shit tier
pic related is going to come visit, you'll know when you wake up at the bottom of a sink hole.
Building your own place by hollowing rooms out of a mountain would be really cool.
Precognition would be useless in a melee unless you had a super fast mind or your body reacts instinctively to future events.
You'd also be able to warp space and time, I'd imagine lengthen and shorten time, or distances, and at high levels, create singularities and such.
The biggest problem would be localizing the effects to human sized ranges.
Hate to say like, try to make a car float, and accidentally warp Earth's entire gravitational field to do so.
Flight, to ignore Atlanta traffic. Or any other ability that goes far distances fast. Hulk leap, teleportation, portal creation, ect...
I will never stop hating STAS for introducing the idea that Darkseid's OMEGA EFFECT is nothing but heat vision.
Coolest? Cosmic Energy Manipulation and Teleportation.
I don't give a fuck if everybody would be able to see me. I want to fly.
Honorable mention to super strength (if you get the usual secondary power of being durable enough to deal with having said strength).
Another honorable mention to immortality. Not necessarily the cannot be killed version, but even just Highlander-level.
>everything I like about flight
My compatriot of melatonin-enriched descent.
unstoppable force like juggernaut
Same. Lately I've been leaning towards the benefits of shapeshifting, but flight has always been my dream power.
You listen to the way pilots and astronauts talk about the joy of flight and the perspective shift that comes with being able to view the world from above, and then imagine being able to do so without the aid of a vehicle. It's just majestic.
Well you could give yourself wings with shapeshifting. Or turn into a winged creature. Assuming it isn't crazy high level shapeshifting where you could like turn into a Kryptonian or something.
I like regeneration like Wolverine's
>Animal control great
Nuetered dry Aquaman
>Animal based powers shit
Some hasn't read/watched Terraformars or JoJo part 2