Are you getting tired of generic copy/paste tomboy characters Yea Forums?
Are you getting tired of generic copy/paste tomboy characters Yea Forums?
>long hair
I'm so fucking tired of Yea Forums calling everything that's not a bimbo a tomboy
>Getting tired of tomboys
you realize that tomboy =/= butch right?
>getting tired of tomboys
Fag detected.
>Yea Forums can't read
I'm talking about generic copy/paste tomboys who always end up having the same personalities and same sub plots.
Think Ashley Spinelli from Recess
>Fag detected.
I think you should be attending to the jizz leaking out your leaking asshole user. Its getting all over the place.
Sounds like you've come down with a serious case of shittasteitis.
>he thinks I don't like tomboys
I think tomboys are fine. I'm talking about how so many cartoons literally copy/paste the same tomboy persona, and rarely mix things up. To the point where they almost all have the same personality and subplots. It gets boring.
So how do you suppose cartoons "mix it up"?
Posting a top tier tomboy.
Are you getting tired of generic copy/paste goth girls?
Yes OP as a mater of fact I am. I think we should see more
- Tall tomboys
- Brown tomboys
- Goth tomboys
- Fat tiddy tomboys
- Big dick tomboys
- MILF tomboys
- Robot tomboys (tombots)
There's room for innovation here
>"mix it up"
Its not hard to come up with varying personalities user.
Yeah I am. I like Goth girls, but if you've seen one
>monotone voice
>dry humor
>thinks she's better than everyone
cartoon goth girl you've seen them all.
>Its not hard to come up with varying personalities user.
Then it shouldn't be hard for you to give suggestions.
Maybe one that isn't a rule 63 equivalent of a 90's skaterboy or a "I have feminine interests but I'm ashamed of them drama, or a "I'm not like other girls" character.
Ah, so you don't have any actual alternatives. You're just here to bitch.
I want to see a good Yea Forums show with a nice /fit/ tomboy with nice abs, short hair and lovely thick eyebrows.
Me, maybe.
My dick? Never.
ultimate rank of moldy annoying character tropes
>lolrandom pixiegirl
>idiot dad
>witty cynical marysue tomboy(often goths too)
>random snarky overcharming villain
>black nerd sidekick
>straightgirl (get it? it's not a guy but a girl who's the smarty making sense in the group, so original)
>issued bully
>You're just here to bitch.
Isn't that the entire point of Yea Forums in general?
Wendy had no personality, fuck anyone that defends such a bland character
Not an argument
I love the sporty tomboy who has surprisingly feminine side and gets flustered around her crush, wants to wear skirts but is afraid she'll look stupid.
I asked for suggestions, since OP thinks it's "not hard" to come up with something new. I still haven't gotten that.
>watching Gravity Falls for the tomboys
I watch it for the cute chubby guys, the plot and characters are just icing on the cake
its a shitty argument
>be viewer
>expect originality from entertainers
>criticise their lack of it
point: it shouldnt be hard for a creator to create
of course its harder for a retarded consumer you dummy
Sorry but I will never get tired of tomboys. My first crush was a tomboy and I've loved them ever since.
So from everything I gathered from this thread, no one knows any other way to write tomboys. I guess if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.
> Tomboy who is pressured by sporty/soccer parents to be a tomboy because they really wanted a boy leading to deep feelings of insecurity, and worthlessness. Maybe being overcompensated for with bullying because it's "Masculine".
> Tomboy who isn't as tough as she appears. gets easily scared by horror films, ghost stories or maybe even wide-eyed teddy bears.
> Has a feminine side too ashamed to show as pointed out.
> Tomboy who acts like a tomboy to keep the memory of a well-beloved sporty male kid who tragically passed away young.
> Tomboy who goes through a tomboy phase. She goes through other phases as well.
> Tomboy who's targeted by "Alpha girl" bullies. Character development involves her being conflicted over whether she really wants to be a girl with boy interests.
> A girl who wasn't a tomboy before suddenly starts acting like one. Either to get close to another character she's pining for or because the spirit of an actual tomboy is influencing her to do so.
> Tomboy who emulates her deceased father/uncle to "keep him" alive. Either for herself or for the family or both.
> Tomboy who acts like a tomboy because she's an amnesiac who has no recollection of what kind of girl she was before suffering a traumatic brain injury. She settled into a tomboy persona.
Probably more I could think of, but that looks like it's pushing it.
So which do you prefer? A spoiled princess cutting off her hair and becoming a tough warrior after a tragic event, or a tomboy who eventually becomes a feminine housewife with long hair?
The former
I am but my dick isnt
>Are you getting tired of generic copy/paste tomboy characters Yea Forums?
>- MILF tomboys
Thank you, op you sure showed me the error of my ways.
>Tall goth milf robot tomboy
God help me
I like it
>police woman who only acts like a tomboy because of the men in the force look down on her because she is weaker than them
>girl raised without a mother but has to look after her dad and two young brothers
>tomboy who lives in a shithole that cares for no one but the strongest
>tomboy who just like to fight
>tomboy who's from a Nobel family of knights who lost their son and she has to take his spot.
>her daughters are all tomboys, too
>the oldest, an alpha-bitch tomboy who decided receiving cheers was better than leading cheers
>the youngest, a super-girly tomboy who has ballet recitals and football games in the same week
>the middle sister, a nerdy tomboy who hides how fit she is with baggy clothes, fantasizes about being a badass warrior woman, and agonizes over whether to let her mostly-male nerd friends know how in-shape she really is
kill yourself pacificafag
As long as they're straight and don't racemix. Literally never.
Honestly? No. They’re like comfort food.
No I prefer my girls hot blooded with some girly traits
"And her freakish lumberjack genes that make her tall like a grown woman!"
>Brown Tomboys
They're good freakish genes.
We get it, you're gay. Now go be a fag elsewhere.
>brown milf tomboy
I think you're onto something.
better than copypasta lesbians
tomboys are the miracle of the universe
>> Tomboy who acts like a tomboy to keep the memory of a well-beloved sporty male kid who tragically passed away young.
I actually have that backstory for a character
Latter, always the latter
What I'm tired of is tomboys and rougher women being rug munching bulldykes. It happens literally all the god damn time nowadays and I'm sick of it. Susie from Deltarune is my last hope for a non-dyke tomboy, and her chances don't look good thanks to a lesbo deer openly crushing on her.
Was Alex a tomboy? I remember her being pretty feminine.
Your fetish is more annoying than feet or diapers at this point.
Interesting. I think Wendy is the "Raised without a mother" type.
The policewoman made me think of Judy from Zootopia, but I don't think she really acted that manly.
Could use a little more muscle. For immersion reasons.
Sounds interesting. Is it a small-town setting like Gravity Falls?
How do you pair up a female character like that with a male character? Maybe a male who isn't passive, or effeminate, but more "suave" perhaps?
I actually know one. She was a skater girl back in her Junior High/High School days, lived down the street from me. Was a cool kid, was even in a garage band with a friend of mine and the guy she'd eventually marry. She moved downtown when she got married but I see her on occasion, and friend still keeps in touch.
She still skates and apparently has taught her kids how to skate, since I saw them practicing together a few times.
Does she ever get as good as him?
Is Wendy even a tomboy?
I would also like to be immersed in Wendy's muscles.
and I've loved them ever since.
not hard considering they're all the same character lol
I think I read somewhere that if Season 3 ever happened, the Time Baby would have been the villain? (Maybe that was a fan observation) Also, would you have included more Wendy centric episodes in it? Though I'm not sure if there's much with her to write about.
If the gme is anything to go by, Kris is a flirt master, so it works.
is Yea Forums bored of white characters getting pasted over with a black reskin?
A tomboy is a boyish girl. What the fuck about Wendy is a tomboy?
No. White genocide best day of my life
>is Yea Forums bored of white characters getting pasted over with a black reskin?
Honestly, I'm just kinda curious to see who'll get blackwashed next. I'm thinking about starting a betting pool.
G*nger subhumans have no souls and must be replaced by superior BLACK genes at all costs.
"Ginger" is and anagram for something else.
“Urging” is spelt with a U, dumbass.