So, what experiments are we gonna do on the robot?
So, what experiments are we gonna do on the robot?
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You leave Emily alone you fuck!
two days!
Did she build a robot Catra and Hordak because they die and she's grieving them?
I believe she built them for Catra's time in Beast Island.
Hordak: "We're gonna see how much of me is gonna fit into you."
But seriously, I'm looking forward to this season. Apparently we're gonna get a Hordak backstory and he and Entrapta are going to grow as friends.
I'm still peeved that the focus is on the Horde. I know they're better, but I think a Rebellion storyline has potential.
They'll probably get more focus (hopefully, because Adora and Catra's relationship problems are kinda getting old and the drama is boring unfortunately) in the next seasons. I'm very interested in seeing the how the First Princess Alliance was formed and how they fought against the Horde, as well as see the final battle that caused it to splinter.
I hope you're right. They've been neglecting them for a long time.
2 days for what?
Season 3 is dropping on August 2!
Based. I just watched it recently so I waited very little.
Could you imagine being the play thing of someone so autistic that only 1/3rd of what you say even registers to them? No matter how much you plead and beg for her to stop she doesn't even ignore you, she literally cannot comprehend you. Just helpless at her mercy and listening with terror as she goes on talking to herself like you're not even in the same room as she treated you with the same lack of empathy she'd treat some lost toy a kid found in the ravine and just figured he'd fuck around with it for shits and giggles.
The moment she's done with you and you're a sobbing mess curled up on the floor you get no after care, no reassurance, not even so much as a passing "you alright?" because her mile a minute brain has already completely forgotten about you to go pursue some other thing that caught her attention, when you finally regain just enough of your facculties to realize you can escape now she finally remembers you and grabs you, throwing you inside of a locked room with nothing in it, licking condensation off the walls for nearly a week before she finally remembers you exists and pulls you out for more "experiments"
There really isn't enough porn of Entrapta getting HORDAK'D
No stop. No more goddamn threads.
Just wait until Infinity Train drops.
They're less likable than the villains though, Glimmer is such a brat that I'd root for literally Hitler over her.
Everyone else is shit by association for not going Brutus on her ass.
>Glimmer is such a brat
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
S3 soon right? Been holding off on S2 so I can binge the whole actual season that Netflix split up for "reasons".
I will leave to Yea Forums next week.
August 2nd. This Friday.
There fucking needs to be.
The flashback episodes have been the best episodes of this show, it'll be cool to have one about Hordak.
I'm hoping we get flashbacks for:
>Scorpia getting bullied by the princesses
>Seahawk and Mermista's early dating
>Frosta assuming her role on the throne
That technically already exists
Well, we could get a grown-up Micah flashback where he's commanding the rebellion.
Entrapta has best tits, but who has the best ass?
>Not Light Spinner
>3 seasons in just over a year
Damn, they work fast
>let's pretend 5 episodes makes a season
Take it easy there guy, I didn’t even know what the episode amounts were.
We're already going to be Adora's origin story this season.
>Adora will have a twin brother
>he will be named "Adam"
>we'll never actually see him
>they'll never say the words "He-Man"
If all they do is say that she's from Eternia, I'm going to be pissed.
These two are 95% of the reason I'm still even watching this show.
Eee why
Wait, there was a season 2 released? Did anything happen outside the completely expected and just spinning some wheels? I remember watching through S1 and thought the whole thing was set up to never go anywhere.
>not watching it for Catra
Yeah, well, here's what Noelle said about that. Good luck.
Start at the time 5:51
“So Entrapta is you know, she’s, feeling so at home in the Horde and she’s making this connection with Hordak. Where both of them are into science, so, they’re science-ing together. And it’s like she’s understood in a way she has never been understood before. Like she has this, like, she sees herself in Hordak and he sees himself in her to a certain extent. So they’re working together and developing this friendship, this unexpected friendship. Uhh, and they turn out to be the two people that they can kind of actually be themselves with. Which, I don’t think that we’ve seen much of from Hordak, like he’s always, like he’s very,… he hides in his lab all the time, he doesn’t let anyone close to him. And Entrapta, is the first person who kind of actually gets to come into lab, gets to like see who he really is. And so you know, they are cooking up all kinds of, just like, really, really terrifying, uh, science in the lab. And I’m sure that will all end, great.“
Uh, yeah. But it was cut into two "seasons" season 2 had seven episodes and "season 3" has six episodes.
Ah, so it's basically just season 2.1 and season 2.2.
Yeah, kinda sucks but at least we get our content several months sooner. Still don't like them padding the seasons and making them more than they really are.
dumb waifu > autistic waifu
tsundere waifu > dumb waifu > autistic waifu
She only took it because she's making him a Harder, Better, Faster and Stronger dick.
reminder that Entrapta's endgame is to replace the entire planet's population with robot replicas.
>Even the typically generic and villainous Hordak receives a backstory entangled with the grander scheme of the story that affords pity, not for his deeds, but for his motivation.
>Most surprisingly, the ditzy gadgeteer Entrapa (Christine Woods) and the no-nonsense Hordak bud into a compelling odd couple. When the absent-minded inventor designs a less painful armor for her superior and assures him, “imperfection is beautiful,” he expresses gratitude in humorously villainous language: “Anyone who discounts you are utter fools.”
Team Horde is way more interesting. Team She-Ra is mostly just a bunch of spoiled kids.
Hordak/Entrapta confirmed OTP
>"Do you know what the definition of failure is? Failure is when something ceases to serve a purpose and when that happens it becomes worthless to me."
YFW Horde Prime tells that to Hordak before possibly disfiguring him and sending him to Despondos to rot.
God that's so hot.
Who's the artist? That's really fucking cool!
What are you guys looking most forward to this season? What is the least?
I'm not really sure. The trailer made it seem that the Horde was actually going to do shit now so I'm going excited for that. The reviews however said that the season ends on a cliffhanger so that's a negative.
The one review said the last two episodes are focused on AU stuff so adora can meet mara and the audience/cast can see what will happen if the horde wins (and other stuff like that). I worry it'll take way too long to get into the meat and potatoes of that concept and will fuck around in a "what if adora stayed with the horde" for 15 minutes.
And apparently shadow weaver takes a interest in glimmer, so that'll be fun.
What is up with Shadow Weaver and hurting Queen Angella? Killed her husband and now wants to do something to her daughter, what kind of grudge does she have with the Queen?
This feels personal.
That actually sounds like it could go somewhere.
She's not that big, right? She's like barely a handful.
Do you think she gets gangbanged by her robots?
Uh, yeah
Catra suffering, Glimmer edginess and Adora being dumbcute.
Scorpia sucking up to Catra. we hit the peak of that in the snow episode.
First, Second or last Third of what you say? Because you could possibly say it in such a way she could understand what you're saying and let you go
Just kidding
I’m still waiting for Kyle to turn out to be He-man and Rogelio is his battlecat.
hey fellas, would you mind telling me when exactly (what hour in what timezone) are new episodes released?
I think whenever Netflix adds new material it's 3 am EST
>Entrapta has a different voice in the spanish version of the S3 trailer
hope they didn't change VAs because the current voice actor is very distinctive and fun to hear.
Catra coming into her own on BEAST ISLAND, Adora actually advancing the plot, Scorpia being cute
give me some lewd ideas guys
Perfuma being wrapped up by Entrapta's hair?
Perfuma grabbing Bow's ass as he's bent over.
I can guess what Swiftwind is censoring but why is her whole chest blurred?
They just drew over her chest. The original drawing didn't have her fabric. Probably an attempt to not get the image deleted.
The artist seems to be
Hordak and Entrapta, doing something of your choice.