Peggy Carter is back from the dead in this week's Captain America #12. Thoughts?

Peggy Carter is back from the dead in this week's Captain America #12. Thoughts?

Attached: Peggy Carter.jpg (1041x1600, 414K)


Remember when people were pretending that Coates would be an awesome fiction writer because he wrote a non-fiction book that nobody read?


Okay, the nosering is obviously a much more obvious source of wtf...but did this artist seriously fucking leave Strucker's monocle on when he has him floating mostly-naked in a tube?

Sharon is old still?

Soooo, are they gonna make her an important character now?

But why?

Otherwise it could be anybody.

Because the MCU made her popular.

they just can't fucking help themselves can they?

Marvel has been incapable of keeping characters dead since the 1960s, why are you surprised?

MCU synergy baby

She's a spy, so maybe she's undercover?

Considering Coates‘ glacial pacing there won’t be a worthwhile pay off or at least plot development to this for the next two years.

>that nosering

that's a clone.

I just find it funny that Steve quits being Captain America for like the upteenth time this issue, but because it isn't affecting any other books nobody cares. When this story finally ends like a year, we'll hopefully have a clear timeline of when the fuck it takes place.

>made Sharon old
>she and Cap are on a break or something because she's old and he was Hydra Cap
>bring back Peggy for movie synergy
>Sharon is going to be cucked by her own great aunt
Oh, boy.

Comic books terminally refuse to move past their status quo established 5 decades ago.

Yea for some reason they still haven’t fixed that

on the bright side, they didn't bring over au peggy carter from exiles

Attached: 1558058140815.jpg (450x351, 56K)

Worth noting, there are now 2 Peggies running around 616, this one and the Captain America one from Exiles

Artists put signatures on comic pages now?

Bright side? That would have actually been something interesting in this iceberg of a book

>Canceled Show

>Still Popular

Yea, no

That's when she was a character of her own, now she's "what Cap fucks" and "Lol, tits"

Wasn't she blonde?

How new are you

Because Peggy was always RADICOOL

Yes, but reading old comics is for losers. MCU Peggy was visually based on a completely different character entirely.

It's surprising that the MCU never did something like this.

MPQ Peggy was fun in game.
The latest Exiles was a goddamn shitshow, though.

Can't wait for the reveal of a "new" Captain America. Is there any other hero that has his mantle passed back and forth more than a whore at Softball practice?

I hope for once there is no Captain America until inevitably Steve decides to take it back. At this point they should just change his name to Nomad and stop with the Captain America name since obviously Marvel hates it.