Thanos #4 Storytime

This issue has more Thanos than usual, if you can believe it.

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... This looks like it's a tie-in with whatever Cates was doing in GOTG.

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Magus looking mighty buff.

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And now back to normal, apparently!

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Right, this is weird because the Blood Brothers are supposed to be alive later on (they show up in No Surrender), unless they're also retconning this?

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... But make no mistake, it is still very Gamora-centric.

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Nevermind, the other Brother isn't dead.

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So this is why we don't have a sexy brown Amazon in the Black Order.

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Guys, I know this is boring, but a bump would be nice.
>mfw I just realized I didn't have the trip on for some reason

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Oh look, the entire Zero Sanctuary plot with the proto-Black Order was basically pointless.

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And that's it

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Next issue: More stuff happens.

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Thanks op

Here's your bump of pity

Thanks, OP.

The Blood Brothers first showed up working for Thanos, they attacked Iron man when he found Thanos’ base on earth, timeline wise that would be a good twenty years after this mini.

didn't they die like a half dozen times?