Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #9 storytime

Where Rumour and Cap fight nazis

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Kickstarter is indeed dangerous

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And backstory time

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>steve getting flustered

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I did not expect this comic to go here

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TIL Spidey hates mice

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As if he would stay

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Thought for sure it would be cap but ok

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Thank you my man

Wow, being evil doesn't age someone well does it

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So when's tony getting punched

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And done! If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something

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Really? You didnt expect a marvel comic to talk about racism, concentration camps, and evil whites in literally 2015+4??? Did you not see mecha hitler ruling america and millions of doctors and engineers dying in gas chambers on mexican border? Thankfully warren made sure everyone knows whites are the biggest single threat to america and largest terrorist threat in the world at the debates on CNN tm last night. Check your privilege if youthink this isnt relevant today you fucking bigot.

Thanks for the storytime.

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It will always be relevant, but japanese concentration camps are hardly ever mentioned at all especially in American media. Calm down and stop sperging out

As long as you win, your crimes don’t get brought up much. And even if you lose, you can keep denying it

Damn, granny wanted to get in Cap’s pants back in the day.

i hate retcons like these

I honestly don't care about Rumour and don't understand why she is a member of the main cast of a spider-man book.

>I did not expect this comic to go here
Then you have not been reading the same Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man we all have.
Was not the Orange Man Bad Guy not a huge tip off? Subtlety is not this comic's strong point.

Is Lienil Francis Yu teaching comic pencilling classes somewhere?

This retcons close to nothing though?

Last panel couls be a reaction image

Thanks for the storytime, OP

Have we had a TASM 26 storytime yet?

only issue I have with this is... she's not American-Japanese.
She's 100% Japanese traitor.

The problem is, you say Concentration camps and everyone instantly thinks of the Nazi DEATH CAMPS. The media has managed to instill in everyones minds that labour and death camps are the same as concentration camps.

Was it the nicest thing for America to do? No. Did it make defending against foreign agents at a time of war much easier? Yes.

Saying that it's immoral is the same as saying that putting conscripted soldiers in POW camps is immoral, they didn't choose to be fighting you, they were forced to, but you still have to lock them away until the war is over.

There is no way she "swap" countries in 4 years. Much less if she was from the era of the Shintaisei movement how was much more virulent in their propagand than even the nazis. i don't even care about the message, but the lack of effort when writers come with the background and development of characters.

Ok, now this is bullshit from Taylor. The detention camps had poor conditions, were unconstitutional and certainly it wasn't a pleasent experience. But there are almost none record of torture or abuse from the guards. The perpetrators of rapes, attacks or murders were other japanese interns. Sure, the guards were responsible of this, but they were not the perpetrators.

>Saying that it's immoral is the same as saying that putting conscripted soldiers in POW camps is immoral, they didn't choose to be fighting you, they were forced to, but you still have to lock them away until the war is over.
Conscripted soldiers are trained and armed to kill you on command.

Civilians are normal people that pose no discernible threat to the greater population and were imprisoned solely on the nation's hysterical fear of their race and heritage being perceived as a threat due to the actions of a foreign nation that they happen to have emigrated from.

The difference in levels of immorality here are apples and daikons, user.

>Ok, now this is bullshit from Taylor. The detention camps had poor conditions, were unconstitutional and certainly it wasn't a pleasent experience. But there are almost none record of torture or abuse from the guards. The perpetrators of rapes, attacks or murders were other japanese interns. Sure, the guards were responsible of this, but they were not the perpetrators.
To our knowledge, there are also almost no records of Adolph Hitler having used arcane magics to summon the Aryan God of Thunder to crush the Allied armies with his mighty hammer either, user.

The japanese detention camps didn't had the same purpose of a Nazi concentration camps. The guards had not the same interactions with the prisioners either. There was no guards looming over the interns planing how to harass them. Most of the problems in the detention camps were in fact for the lack of vigilance.

Because people said to make their own hero instead of race and gender swapping. So instead of making their own comic they shoe horn them into a popular hero's story and then retcon history to fit their hero in. Happened with Blue Marvel too. I don't care about the hero being shoe horned in I hate how they rewrite the history so they were there all along. I call it the Dawn effect.

take my low effort image crop

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it retcons my enjoyment for this shit.

love this book, thanks OP.

Lmao fag

Oh, fuck off.

If she was an objector in the first place that landed her as a guinea pig, I can buy it.

Even if not being experimented on is a good way to make an enemy.

It was easy to become a citizen back then.

I thought she was fromthat upside down New York. Now she’s Japanese?

Not that user and have done zero research, but I dont think this book is saying #allguards. Looks like this one dude is a dick. Calm down.

Actually he has a deviantart page, so maybe you could ask him some tips in the chat/comment section.


I've actually heard a few nissei talk. Most had okay interactions with guards. I actually asked about this. Only real issue was people trying to shake you down for cash. Other than that a lot of people lost homes and other things.

There were German-American and Italian-American Camps too. Only thing was the Japanese were a very Alien culture. The Niihau incident and a few cases of violence kinda helped FDR make the choice to round them all up.