Get in here, Carol Yea Forumsrps and Kamala G/a/ng, for today's issue of Marvel Team-Up...

Get in here, Carol Yea Forumsrps and Kamala G/a/ng, for today's issue of Marvel Team-Up, featuring possibly-maybe Mar-Vell, but not really.
Or is he? We'll find out in a moment.

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A Kree mystery guy!

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Reminder that this book is already cancelled and we're just reading the leftovers.

For all your sad Kamala needs.

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Brunch with the Khans.
One more issue left, though.

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>Clint McElroy
Hard pass

>Chabris Matanat
Okay Sana, don't be so subtle.

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There's no getting through the thick skepticism...

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>Biz Carol again
I don't know what about Kamala team-ups makes this happen but HNNNG

And since the Spidey arc was three issues, next issue will either be rushed to end this arc in two or be forever unfinished.


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I'm not sure we needed a whole page for the refresher, but alright.
It's weird though, I figured having Spider-Man as the hook would help with the sales, but clearly didn't work.

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Now this is how you get into the heart of a banker.

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Some good material for cropped panels in here.

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Kamala's tanking so hard that not even Spidey can save her.

Now why does she want the Kleaner back?
True, but Ms. Marvel was never really a top seller even in GWW's days. It was mostly sustained by trades and digital.

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>You should be proud of your heritage
You're losing me, Carol.

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Been a while since I saw one of these in a comic.

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>I bet it looks like Starfox's bedroom!

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No Kamala, Starfox is from way before your time. Also, he's dead now, "thank you" Cates.

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Carol puts the vengeance in Avenger

And so we learn the identity of Wastrel...

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OH, no way.

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And that's it, next issue is the final one, where we'll learn who this guy actually is (they wouldn't bring him back, would they?)

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What the fuck are they talking about?

Of course not, at least not without killing him again.

Kamala's new costume looks real ugly in this style

How can you not know Eros?
It does, I have to agree.

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Nope this is three too

It's okay when the silver parts are colored blue like on the cover.

Ok Carol is making a semen joke but was Kamala making one too?

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Cocky little freak!

>next issue is the final one

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This is a lot worse than the Eve Ewing issues.

Can't let you do that, Captain Marvel!

Haven't been keeping up for a while, what's up with that awful, awful, awful costume kamala is wearing?

Disney wants people to buy it with this art quality?

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Yeah my bad, I also thought it was ending at #5.

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Why has Kamala's mom gained weight in this? She's not really that fat or that old If anybody remembers what she looked like in Kamala' solo title

Kree nanotech picked up from her first solo space adventure.

Why would they team up a good character with a bad character?

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But Kamala is good, user.

>those arms
okay maybe its not all bad

we all know what he meant even carolfags like Kamala more. It'd be racist if they didn't

>Art by Ig Guara
That man draws the best Kamala, but why can't he do anything about the costume?

I mean when she first mentioned the black light

It's like they didn't read Ms Marvel or something

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Just what I need to see. Star Force.

What's his role now with Carol's new backstory?

Same as before.

Same as before: be the Superman to her Lois Lane, save her when the Magnetron explodes and triggers her powers (now her own and not his transferred over), and then die of cancer.

>The penis hallways in the bottom left corner.

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Wow they really followed through with the memory loss? Kinda lame.


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they're right you know...

>bringing Marv back
Oh no...

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Don't be mean to Kamala.

>in this style
More like in any style.

>Til Marv healed himself from space cancer during this time and got saved by sapce aliens, and went on to have a normal life
>Marv returns only to go back to his retired life with his wife, but acting as a mentor for the now PTSD carol and Now Kamala to prepare her to become the next captain, due to her unlimited cosmic potential as Captain Universe

>Makes a Rumble Pak reference instead of going for the low hanging Smash nod.
fucking Boomer comic writers...

>Kamala's new costume looks real ugly
full stop.

I'm pretty sure Kamala showers so it wouldn't make much sense

So her mom really did completely forget her secret. That fucking sucks.

I'm surprised he isn't a woman now.

Thanks, OP.

How come Kamala just doen't grow wings to fly like othar shapeshiters like Hulkling or Snowguard?

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Because Muslims can't show much skin,also, you seriously think it would be nice to see two long masses of meat coming out of her back?

Just shapeshift her scarf into wings. We already know her power extends to anything she wears.

no shapeshift the scarf to act as a helicopter away

Nervously overeats after learning her husband is terminally ill.

Carolbutt bump.

Are you shitting me? Is he old or is this just the shitty art?

All these issues wasted on convincing Kamala's parents and this shitty art, also why can't just let Mar-Vell rest in peace?

>why can't just let Mar-Vell rest in peace?
Because Marvel is obligated to remind us every few years that he exists and is dead.

Mostly the same but now that Carol is the main character he was romantically involved with her (at least Stohl made it that way in Life of Captain Marvel) and Una is out of the picture.

She would need an experienced shapeshifter to mentor her before trying that.

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Well, she has done wings before.

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Honestly he looks like Captain Dea-Sea. But he's been dead for a while.

So we're keeping the new costume, huh. Alright.


Remember how we all used to take heart in that Marv had stayed dead and exulted over that well written death taking an entire comic?

You don't actually think that's Mar-Vell do you?

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Nah, with that beard it's obviously an amalgam alt-reality x-over - he's got to be Olly Queen. Next issue he'll be hitting on Kate Bishop to annoy old-Hawkeye.

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Not a great spot for a copy/paste

Let's be honest, there is no way Marvel would be stupid enough to really bring him back. It'll be a Marvel from another dimension, or a clone, or someone brainwashed into thinking it's him.

There was no press release before or after this about the return of the character. Let's just let the story play out and not give it free publicity.

And if it really is him, it will end with him dying as always.

yes, Carol, introduce her to a harem, it is a part of her culture she should be proud of

Sexy women are not allowed anymore user.

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