Where Eddie gets mistaken for Spidey again
Venom Annual #1
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Damnit, forgot to add storytime in the subject
I like how Venom is drawn here
Messed up
>that tongue
Loving the art but that Venom's face looks weird.
Already read it, nice issue. Thanks OP
Didn't we already have a Venom annual during Cates run? I guess this is technically Venom:Acts of Evil annual #1?
>how dare she touch my husbando
>*autistic screeching*
Cockblocked by the symbiote again
And onto the next story!
The monster designs are pretty cool
Poor tentacle cat
nice reused drawing asshole
And done! if you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something
It’s a profile picture
>That 'muh style' on Venom
For fucks sake
>I like how Venom is drawn here
Yeah, it's an interesting take. It looks like something Ryan Ottley would do, in a good way.
venom bird strikes again!
Fuck off shill.
Thanks, OP.
How long will it be before Hellbender goes after Carnage or Captain Marvels cat
GOD those tiddies.
It's pretty obvious user
Wait, isn't Venom just Eddie Brock with a voice in his head now? How is he the symbiote again all of a sudden?
This annual is divorced from the rest of the series
>WOMEN STRONG, men weak Comic Number 342141
When was the last time a white male character had to fight a female one and didn't easily get his ass beaten? Does Marvel really think that women are so fragile that their heads will explode if a fictional male character defeats a female even once?
Kill yourself. Venom literally overpowers and outsmarts her in the end
Infinity Wraps, Soldier Supreme
Now take your fragile feelings and outragebait elsewhere
God I wish I were her prey
Wait but in the latest Venom issue Eddie still hasn’t got the symbiote
This is entirely seperate from the main series
Notice how carnage isn’t turning up anywhere
Man the symbiote IS an alien yandere girlfriend
If they keep playing this "Lady Hellbender tries to fuck the hero she captures" card eventually someone is going say she has been fucking non humanoid monsters too.
since when does running away count as overpowering?
Why is she so close to Eddie's size here when she was clearly a giant in the last fight. She was even bigger in her hulk appearances
just read the 2 issues.
it doesn't even feature a male character fighting a female one, let alone winning
why are you lying to excuse sjw crap in comics user?
She WAS designed by Frank Cho, so she’s likely sex incarnate
>strong enough to fight a hulk
>physically overpowered and restrained by venom
Secret Wraps*
That was two months ago
Fucking read. He caught her punches which he shouldn't even be able to, and wrapped around her, and would have easily won if not for weapons
He shouldn't even be able to do that given her past appearances so your whining is even more asinine
Now kill yourself
Nice art uninteresting story. Venom meets hellbender for the first time in a story that doesnt fit into continuity.
So who called for the Lady hellbender Redemption? Whose book would she even be used in?
Wasn't that Cho Hulk?
Seems like a decent street-level villain, and maybe it ties to the marvel monsters series coming out soon
Look at those great heaving bosoms.
Tags: NTR
You would have to down the same cocktail that turned Todd Ziller into the american Kaiju for that to happen.
Fucking this. I have a feeling that's going to be her M.O. real soon
I bet theres some writer itching to write some straight up humanoidXnon-humanoid
Is this an edit? SJW's at Marvel don't allow this kind of art. If you look at all of the other books, they're heavily censored. SJW's are ruining this industry.
She's pretty cute
Her being a street level villain feels like anbad retcon though. Her first appearance had her as a seven foot tall amazonian that was probably on par with a Joe Fixit tier hulk.
Take your meds
she showed up in kid kaiju's debut, so yeah.. she's probably going to show up again.
>sweating man jpg
>hunts giant monsters
>street level
Even if she wasn't too strong she wouldn't really have interest there.
Fuck, how can an enslaving alien queen be this cute? Props to the artist.
Wait, wasn't the Punisher next? Did I miss it?
what an asshole dad
Damn, That's sorta said and dark.
punisher was last week I think? Was quite a fun team up between JJ and Frank
Teamup with Elsa when?
Why does the cover look like it was done by someone still in art school
Who is writing this .
The fuck is going on with that cover?
Why not just hunt Carnage instead?
Stop being so ass hurt kid.
Outrage white man bitch #561289. Go be mad at a rally. White men have been the dominant heroes for a long time. Get over yourself
You have over 100 years of "strong and courageous white men" stories and media. Why are you crying?
Ok. Then why are you here?
Wrong on both counts.
>Teamup with Elsa when?
Does it end in a ginger lesbian session?
I want to see Lady hellbender kidnap the inhumans