Since there are a few less retards here than Yea Forums can someone explain why Tony gave EDITH to Peter instead of...

Since there are a few less retards here than Yea Forums can someone explain why Tony gave EDITH to Peter instead of Rhodey. I've watch far from home twice and they never address this.

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Rhodey doesnt get his own movies.
He also isnt actually tech smart, while Peter, he is tech smart.

>Peter, he is tech smart
Uh... they're A.I controlled glasses. When was it ever implied or suggested the user has to be intelligent to use it. Pepper Potts fought perfectly in an Iron Man suit without any training at all.

Peter is actually smart.
Rhodey would have used the drones to troll Scott and send dick pics to Nebula.

Rhodey is military. He's not exactly a thinker.

>Pepper Potts fought perfectly in an Iron Man suit without any training at all

Tony wasn't trained either. It is auto-aim and black, how hard could it be.

Because Rhodey works for the US Airforce and literally stole an Iron Man suit, let Justin Hammer reverse engineer it and glue a bunch of shitty guns to it, and lets the US government use him as an attack dog.

Tony didn't trust him anymore

Rhodey doesn't get the exciting cutting-edge shit, because the last tech Tony have Rhodey access to, he ran straight to the US military with.

>I've watch far from home twice
People like you are the fucking worst.

You only saw it the once? Are you a 3rd-worlder?

Pepper was in a relationship with Tony for, like, over ten years. I think she got a LITTLE training at some point

This. And she and Tony have both been attacked by business associates, and terrorists while in their own home. She'd absolutely HAVE to have access to armor, even pre-Morgan.
Tony has to do as little as not sign someone's picture of him and it's "BIRTH OF A SUPER-VILLAIN.JPG".

Rhodey straight up stole the Mark II when he realized how irresponsible and self-destructive Tony was at the time. Tony didn't just give it to him or anything.

>Since there are a few less retards here than Yea Forums
??? Yea Forums is the better board, you faggot.

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That just makes it worse. You don't put the friend that stole your shit into your will.

No one with at least one neuron would watch it even once.

I didn't see it because I'm not some fucking pleb.

That and Rhodey would feel answerable to the President. So basically Tony would be leaving it at the disposal of the US President by leaving it with Rhodey.

>i'm shitting on this movie i haven't even watched lmoa

talking about bangladesh retards.

Bad writing. Tony is written as an idiot so there can be some conflict and drama. Don't bother thinking too hard about it because the directors sure didn't.

Because Peter is an insanely popular character and Rhodey is nothing more than Tony's sidekick, that's it really, they want to position Peter as the successor to Tony as the central character. There's basically no in-universe logic to this decision, Spider-Man has a huge Legacy numbering, his main book has rarely ever needed to relaunch with a new #1 (like 4 times across nearly 60 years), new issues are released 2-3 times a month, additional side-books to that,. There's a total of 9 Spider-Man cartoon shows, with a total of 361 episodes, two live-action show (one of which is a Japanese production), with a total of 54 episodes, one of which had some epiodes edited into three movies that were actually released in theatres. In terms of "real" movies (as in made for theatres to begin with), there's a total of 8 made over a period of 17 years, the worst box office performance was "only" 2.8 times the budget, the best (the most recent) earned is so far at 6.25 times. The only reason it took 40 years for the first to be made is because of how contested the license was. There are currently plans to make at least 3 more movies, Venom was made using the same license, Morbius is being made under the same circumstances and there at least 4 other psuedo-spin-offs planned. Also toy sales.

Rhodey, on the other hand, is really just Tony's sidekick outside of the movies as well. There's like a total of 75 issues starring Rhodey as the main character, spread out over 7 books and the one with the longest individual numbering is 25 issues long. For a character that has been around for 40 years, that's very little. The idea that he'll ever be important is laughable.

I really wish I could justify this with in-universe logic but when it comes to this genre, popularity dictates the outcome. It's the answer to questions like "Why is Batman on the same team as demi-gods and near omnipotent aliens when all he does is throw novelty boomerangs?"

Spider-Man just comes with hype.

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Oh and in case you're wondering why Black Panther and Captain Marvel aren't really being considered for "face of" status, despite earning over a billion at the box office? This most recent Spider-Man movie managed to do that in the middle of summer (it might even outgross both), it didn't need to be released in february/march and marketed as necessary to watch for a future movie.

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>Tony has to do as little as not sign someone's picture of him and it's "BIRTH OF A SUPER-VILLAIN.JPG".
Yeah, I don't get this. It seems like Tony can't even take a piss without some guy saying that it's the reason for his villain origin story. I sincerely hope they don't keep doing this shit in the following phases.

Because it was a Spider-Man movie

Also, because Tony kinda saw Peter like a son, and he didn't have a daughter when he came up with the project. Even after Morgan was born, he probably was done with the Avengers thing, so he didn't want to update EDITH

>All these "Tony didn't give it to Rhodey because he's military" replies ignoring the fact that Civil War undid Iron Man 2 and turned MCU Tony into a bootlicker


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Fuck Rhodey. Why didn't he give it to his wife, mother of his child and woman who runs his company? Why did Tony even have Orwellian nightmare technology like that in the first place? Not even a throwaway line like "Wow, that's pretty fucked up of him, one would think he'd learned a lesson from Ultron" or anything.

pepper was in the iron man suit in im3

>Spider-Man just comes with hype.
So what was the logic of welding Iron Man onto his story.

Established Hype+MCU Hype= Super Hype?

pepper and rhodey are too old

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>Why didn't he give it to his wife, mother of his child and woman who runs his company?
would Yea Forums watch a pepper potts as rescue movie? i would, but i might be in the minority

MCU takes a lot of things from Ults. Tony's mentorship to Peter being one of them.

How the fuck would Rhodey even work? Is he still employed by the military? Did he attain that high rank that means you might always be called back if you're needed? Ignoring the part where a guy owning his own drone-bombing systems wouldn't be allowed to begin with... Could Rhodey be court-martialled and sent to prison for disobeying a direct order from the President to unleash them on a military target, since he's taken an oath and all that jazz?

Watch Iron Man 2 again. Tony wanted Rhodey to take the suit. The donut shop scene has Fury figuring out, based on the fact that the suits are keyed so that only Tony can use them unless he specifies otherwise, that Tony got drunk and fought Rhodey at his birthday party ON PURPOSE so that Rhodey would take the suit, because he thought he was dying and wanted to set up a successor without letting his friends know that he was dying.

Pretty sure Rhodey got discharged from the military for disobeying Thunderbolt Ross in Civil War.

Tony mentoring Peter isn't from Ultimate. It's from the JMS ASM and Bendis Avengers runs that led into Civil War.

Fury trying to recruit Peter, that's from Ultimate.

I'd watch Pepper Potts, but not the Goop lady.

You're right, but just because it was part of Tony's keikaku doesn't mean that Rhodey isn't the type of person who wouldn't just steal shit.

Cap and Nat not being on the run anymore in Endgame suggests that during the five year gap, the Sokovia Accords stopped meaning shit and the anti-reg side was pardoned. Ross was probably among the snapped.


You're right, my mistake. I got the two mixed up because Ults Peter was a teenager like MCU. I'd also imagine the reason why Peter was on Team Iron Man in CACW was because not only did Feige want to show off his shiny new toy it also called back to 616 Civil War (before Peter switched sides) and set up the Iron Spider suit.

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Recast Pepper Potts and I will. I won't watch a movie headlined by Gwyneth Paltrow, a loony who makes money from a company that employs a "medical medium"(He speaks to a ghost who tells him what's healthy), another woman who thinks you should drink raw goats milk (supplied by them of course) to get rid of the "parasites" that are giving you syphilis, and various other woo-woo loonies.

Gwyneth Paltrow has a "lifestyle brand" named Goop, it's basically selling dumb housewives some snake oil while using words like "holistic".

Don't forget shoving jade eggs up the vagina.

Compared to telling people to drink goats milk to get rid of syphilis a jade egg up the hole is nothing, really. The fact that Goop is known for that "silly" jade egg business that everyone can laugh at, instead of the serious health risks involved in following their bullshit, is a pretty big problem.

Rhodes is a dog of the military and would have given Edith to the American government in a heartbeat.

Did you even watch the movie you're referencing? He was projecting a bootlicker on the surface out of guilt, but still the same Tony that did as he pleased underneath. Or did we somehow miss him informing his superiors before he went out to see Steve near the end? How about the scene where he actually hands over all his tech to the military, rather than keep hoarding it for himself and his buddies, did we all miss that too? His hands may have signed the accords, but his heart was clearly not in it, and it shows in his actions.

Because he's black.

>Since there are a few less retards here than Yea Forums

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>Tony gives Rhodey EDITH
>the military founds out about it
>the president asks rhodey to give him EDITH
>can't deny because oath
>the US now have legions of killer drones
wow good job

>the US now have legions of killer drones
What's new?

The first time Rhodey got his hands on Stark tech he took it to the military and had Justin Hammer play with it.

>and had Justin Hammer play with it.
When the fuck are we going to see the return of that soldier who got his spine twisted? If that's not the perfect in-movie setup of either a hero or villain I don't know what is.