he is right you know (as usual)
Don't ALL the regional laws set AOC at 18, effectively rendering Japan's low national AOC law moot?
Ignore all stonetoss threads, they don't need discussions. Just a morning read.
>stonetoss is a rei or asuka fag
Probably yeah, though the autistic discussion going on in the comic has nothing to do with that as he's sperging about fictional chinese cartoons.
Pedo apologists are retarded
>the nazi is a Rei/Asuka fag
Not going with KINO Mari faggotry.
Go for it Yea Forums.
>Not being a Hikari-fag
That angel is the only one who'd make a good wife
Ah, another gentleman of taste and culture, I see.
Gotta make her shirt yellow so it reads as the same person.
Based Stonetoss poster.
holy fucking based
Oddly wholesome.
Oooooh, painful
Ask and ye shall receive
>the only heterosexual male in the room
congratulations chum, you just walked into a gay bar, the girl you're hitting on is into chicks
Hopefully Rei, we Asukafags have standards.
>implying that somehow changes the outcome
"Low standards" are still standards.
They're low, but Stonetoss is such a reprobate that he somehow managed to be below them.
i reckon if he transitioned he'd smooth out the hair tuft. at least that's what i'd do. not that i think about being a pretty girl or anything
Thank you, I was thinking about doing the hair but just decided not to.
____ ____ _____, ____.
piss off shill
It is more to make the joke more obvious, I also like him doing the smug eyebrow
Boy it feels good to be a MisatoCHAD.
This makes my day!
Man you're easy to please, but thanks. The three (maybe two?) are glad to help.
>real things /pol/ believes:the comic
The dude is probably the loneliest faggot possible.
> Asukafags
> Standards
Misato gang rise up
>alt-right babyfur webcomic
We're one year from reelection and the left STILL can't meme
Is he turning against Donald Trump? Is he finally becoming woke?
Donald Trump lied to everyone. Even the most alt-right idiot imaginable has to admit they've got scammed.
>brainwashing little boys till they turn into dragqueen strippers, desmond & lactatia, for likes and upvotes
>teenage girls being naturally attracted to older men
I don't understand the left
As it turns out, it was recently discovered that you can vote for a candidate despite not supporting literally every single thing they do.
Thats what he just said you retard
Shut the fuck up liberal we'll vote for him just for the memes. He has a funny voice and his hands go like this. That's all I need in a president.
But he's not "being himself" there. He's trying to come up with an edgy weeb persona. They're all just pretending. Tell their mothers what kind of degenerate porn they fap to and they'll soon deny their "true self".
>drawing trump with a thick side part instead of his whispy comb-forward
someone went to the ben garrison school of cartooning
>unironically voting for Donald Trump
He's done everything that people said Hillary would do, but worse. The only thing that truly set him apart were his promises, and he only "kept" them the same way he "kept" his promise for the wall. Even if you were an actual nazi pedophile, you don't have a reason to vote for him, because all he does is take your money to play golf.
Well maybe I LIKE it when he takes my money to play golf.
Maybe I don't pay taxes at all!
What now, DEMOC- R A T??
he didn't escalate military action against Iran when everyone was begging him to
>women are precious, feminism, equal pay now, the future is female
>islam is precious and we must tolerate it
I don't understand the left
i dun get it
>>unironically voting for Donald Trump
I did last time, and unless start appealing to why I should vote for them as an American, instead of vote for them because I'm an illegal immigrant, I would vote for him again.
>Maybe I don't pay taxes at all!
Are your parents paying for your lifestyle...?
Jews are 2% of the population, yet 40% of billionaires.
You can almost hear the internal screaming of the one on the left.
All he has done is burden you financially while dismantling your democracy. Even if Trump becomes president for life, what's your plan for after he dies and someone you don't like cheats democracy and becomes president? It'll be too late to stop them, because there won't be a democracy left.
This is the type of man who thinks Kavanaugh is a rapist
Unsurprisingly he's also canadian
What are you, a wagecuck?
You have a job?
Well I don't need a job. I don't even need the government. I just get my welfare and my autismbucks and I am just fine. Trump will never take my welfare away, so why should I care? All i want are MEMES.
>dismantling your democracy.
>loudly and proudly voting democrat
>loudly and proudly voting republica
mildly cringe
>pretending you're a democrat, voting republican
He actually cut my taxes, the economy is doing great, and you're a psychotic conspiracy theorist that makes Alex Jones look normal.
Ad hominem is not an argument, user. Even if you love the internment camps at the border, they're costing you hundreds of dollars per child. It would have been cheaper on you, as an American, to let the legal (yes, legal) immigrant in and contribute to your economy. Instead you gladly fork your money for a system that only guarantees that the only preferable mode of immigration is strictly illegal, because you get punished either way. Logically speaking, your throwing your money away for no benefit.
>He actually cut my taxes
No he hasn't. Your cut has been eliminated by the costs of tariffs that have been pushed on to you. You got sucker punched, user, because you didn't pay attention to the other fist. The only people who actually have their taxes cut are billionaires. You got scammed, user.
I'm not sure what he is trying to say here. Like knowing the guy its propably a "the holocaust didn't happen" joke, but seeing how the guys seems that they are the kind guys who think they are smart for putting a religious book in the fiction part of a library but are then sweating when somebody else do the same it looks like he is trying to say that you shouldn't make fun of people who think a thing that you don't believe in is real because other people could do the same with you.
So? Anglos were like 4% of the world while owning half the world back then
>canadian is yet to come to terms with how utterly alone and irrelevant Canada is on the world stage
And you remain fixated on Trump LOL
I see, you're coping and seething by conjuring an imaginary version of me because you can't argue against what I'm saying. Are you going to "dilate" next?
Nope, actually, my taxes were cut, and my cost of living has not increased at all.
Meanwhile, democrats think I should pay for the healthcare of illegals, as well as reparations to people who were never slaves, despite never owning slaves.
How dumb are you goddamn
Razed and Bedpilled. Upboated.
EDIT: thanks for the gold!
>not that i think about being a pretty girl or anything
You some kind of trans tsundere?
Wrong. Hillary was anti Israel and would have turned on our Saudi masters
user, you're repeating an incorrect claim by ignoring the fact that the costs of the tariffs have been pushed on to you. These tax cuts are insustainable, as well. Just like when Reagan tried his tax cuts, eventually you're going to get them raised again. So not only are you paying more NOW, but you'll pay EVEN MORE later. I understand that this is upsetting to you to realize and that all you can do is ignore the inconvenient facts of the matter by focusing on one piece of paper that says that, for now, your taxes have been cut - you have to realize that's part of the scam. They rely on your short attention span and your dogmatic belief that Trump cares about you.
>having already outed himself as a non-american obsessed with american politics, he begins backing away
No, he's a Misato fag. He's made a comic about this before. He's making fun of people who talk about ebephillia.
Donald Trump said Israel is a FRIEND to America and why should I doubt him? He's redpilled and so is Israel! Maybe you LIBERALS need to learn to love the Jew, too!
Somaliland under Sharia law is safer than London
>when you admit the foreigner knows more about your country than you do
not that user but yikes, user, don't admit that out loud
just because the rest of us know you conservacucks are too stupid to know how your country works doesn't mean you have to be blatant about it
But I don't think Trump "cares about me" at all. I don't even know the guy.
I also don't obsessively purchase chinese doodads, so no, they haven't been "pushed off to me". I am paying the exact same amount for all the same things I was buying before, while you make baseless and loaded assumptions about my life... which, again, is not a very good winning strategy.
Young man, I appreciate the lot of how you Yea Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that Pappa Bear Trump is telling you, it's okay. But let me send you a message. This is a blip. A temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated but don't be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you are out of your parents' basement to meet a few people that aren't like you. You are afraid. We are not.
>i won't tho
this but unironically
And wasn't that some kind of injustice?
Boys and girls are not the same. Its okay for Misato or Kaji to fuck Shinji but not for Kaji to fuck Asuka. Don't (You) me
>But I don't think Trump "cares about me" at all.
You don't understand. He does not serve to benefit you in any way. You're not his concern, because you're not already rich. This means you'll pay the tab for every poor decision he has made and will continue to make, including the tariffs that have already effectively made you pay more than before.
>I also don't obsessively purchase chinese doodads, so no, they haven't been "pushed off to me".
OK, thanks for admitting you have no clue what you're talking about. "Chinese doodads"? You don't even know what is being tariffed, do you.
At this point, you're just exposing yourself as someone playing pretend using wishful thinking. All you've done is vaguely deny true things that are happening, and vaguely pretend that somehow you are removed from the increased costs of basic necessities. Your vagueness exposes you as someone who is merely shilling, like someone paid to praise a product they never bought.
unironically made me chuckle
>if trumps win i'll get a tax cut!
>i wont tho
The cuts on the upper income bracket are permanent. Cuts on the middle class are temporary
It's 2019, a man gotta be sure
He wont listen to you, the point of voting for Trump is to stick it to the libtards.
>the vast majority of /fit/ is pro-Trump
>the vast majority of /r9k/ is anti-Trump
>the vast majority of Yea Forums is pro-Trump
>the vast majority of Yea Forums is anti-Trump
Really makes you think
>believing in borders and law and shit are "your worst instincts".
>You are afraid. We are not.
I forget how many days it's been since he was elected, but TDS is still going as strong as it was election night.
I wonder what slogans democrats are going to try to sling this time around. Will they keep going with "BUT SERIOUSLY, WE CAN'T LET HIM GET HIS HANDS ON THE NUCLEAR CODES"?
Even the temporary cuts have been canceled out by tariffs. It's been a big scam from the beginning, and anyone with half a brain cell (ie, not a conservacuck) knew it. It's just a repeat of the worst of the Reagan years.
how high is the % christian billionares and muslims? Are there even muslim billionaires aside from oilsheiks?
Thousands of people actually followed through and moved to Ghana because of Trump and are living like kings.
Both those groups are like 90% of the earth and I guess they make up 60% of billionaires
>b-b-but the tariffs and the taxes
Meanwhile Canada, and let's not forget Trudeau's retardation made it a hell of a lot worse
>/pol/ thinks the majority of Yea Forums likes or agrees with them
>when in reality, this idea comes from /pol/tards going to other boards and start their shit
>they actually believe their newfag election tourists are the opinions of Yea Forums boards as a whole
We are going somewhere
Post more comics. They are pretty funny
>implying Misato isn't a piece of shit who're
Have we always lived in an age where it's common for people like you to just pretend they're right, and even when their falsehoods are waved in their face, they just pretend they don't exist? Like, I know the internet started this trend, for sure, where suddenly nobody ever had to suffer consequences for mindlessly spouting shit, but it seems to have gotten worse lately. Is it Trump? Like now that the president does it, it's the standard we should all adhere to?
I'm confused how you think any of that is an argument.
>You don't understand. He does not serve to benefit you in any way. You're not his concern, because you're not already rich.
Yes, and? You just described every candidate.
>including the tariffs that have already effectively made you pay more than before.
You keep claiming this, but they literally haven't. I would know, I purchase all my own things with my own paycheck.
Additionally, we are both morally and economically right to start a temporary trade war with China, since their business practices are abysmally one-sided and detrimental to our country. It sounds like you don't know much about the issue. It's been a problem far longer than Trump has even been in office.
t. pedo
hell yeah, dude
But the silent majority
>muh election tourists
>anime avatar
The discord tranny outs himself again
At least no one here has a big nose
Didn't they unironically have signs like that during the Wall Street protests, which lead up to the SJW thing?
Who is this Stonetoss guy? And what's up with drawing people like onions.
I hate Saudi Arabia, I hate Islam in general.
This is only going to wind up getting surreal, isn't it?
why is he talking to himself in drag
Dont most people around here who dont want the prudest of worlds where we cant even look at khazar milkers or discuss religion and why certain rules exist. We'd live in a world where the wise wanker chooses what happens, your children marrying before they even surpass puberty. Sounds like a dystopia to me
>tfw you have 368 genders but you can only be a nazi or a commie
Good for them. I don’t see how that is a negative thing if they are better off somewhere else.
>black women won't at black men to spit on them
>the same black women get on their knees to worship whiteboys
I don't get it
>Implying that burguers actually want those jobs
Clown World
At the start of the occupy movement yes. It was nothing but right wingers red pilling the shit out of everyone. Unsurprisingly SJW became a thing right at this time and took over the entire movement.
>dude but without slavery there wouldn't be anyone to pick the cotton lmfao
>implying that the vast majority of burgers are qualified for anything better than those jobs
It was spooks that infiltrated occupy to make it into nonsense
>I-It's not gay if """she""" has a vagina!!!
I love how every meme the right comes up with is a homerun that cuts so deep with the left they cry for it to be censored
The right just moves on and creates a new one LOL
Big Think
who are you quoting
This is still the best and most accurate comic he's ever made.
Well, he's right..
The best pic on the thread
Lowkey Christhian here, I don't get it
It seems like all the people who freak out and think cartoons are enabeling pedophiles turn out being actual pedos, while the ones who just jack off to anime loli would throw a kid off a cliff if they could.
They mostly get better jobs than that, despite not being qualified
Jews like to play buddy buddy with christians when they're the ones who killed Jesus and to this very day spit on his name
So the right are guroplebs?
Kek, saw this on Twitter the day before being banned for posting le happy merchant
He didn't start shooting down Russian jets. Hillary being a-ok picking a fight with a fellow nuclear power over Syria of all places was horrifying. Considering her voting record and inability to accept the reality of Libya, I'd say Trump's gotten us into fewer stupid shooting wars than Hillary would have.
Fucking relax.
Pretty funny.
y'all realize stonetoss has no power to influence people but everyone acts like his comics are a gospel instead of treating it as another webcomic that laughs at everyone
He didn't sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership, start war with syria, start war with russia, enact gun control...did you even pay attention in 2016?
>a huge ass biblie
They were right, political memes are all text
It's more of an attack on the phrase "Judeo-Christian values" that gets thrown around a lot.
Blame it on rightfags treating Islam like a race instead of an ideology. Only recently were Muslims were referred to as a "people" instead of a group that was, like Christians, composed of various different people.
But that's litetally the fault of leftists, calling everyone who hates Islam "racist".
Fuck the confederate flag
northerner spotted
yikes and suicidepercentagepilled
Tell that to the twitter folks that think art is some form of mysterious magic that can cause action by right of merely existing.
Lol is that all you took away from that
I did though
Based chad helping his friends cone out of the closet
progressives are the ones who think of all muslims as poor brown people who need rich white people to protect them. conservatives are just Quranophobic and think all muslims want to kill non-muslims.
have you sen how people act paranoid everytime he posts a new comic? they think everyone will start slavery again and kill gays on sight
>Implying the reverse doesn't happen more frequently
All three of them are putting the book in spine first, so they're all fucking morons
When the edit is better than the original.
Histrionic sóyboys, like the one who was crying over the new Star Wars trailer
>be gay
>enjoy stonetoss comics
>can't really admit that openly without my gay friends starting to question why i hate myself
what's wrong with some edgy humor? is dumb and harmless
Not you apparently, but a lot of LGBTQWERTYUIOP people are crybabies that can't handle even a little of criticism
I feel like a bit of an asshole but at least we didn't enter a possibly nuclear pissing contest with Russia.
You were at zero risk at a "nuclear pissing contest" with any other viable candidate in 2016. You are using this imaginary risk as a coping mechanism.
When's the last time you heard of some MAGA hat wearing fags beating someone up that DIDN'T turn out to be fake?
I think you're projecting, famalam.
"We can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes" was a completely unironic democrat talking point during the 2016 elections.
Does it?
The dems really wanted to begin an accelerate a series of proxy wars with Russia and to stoke a national hatred of Russians, it seemed like they were trying to ready us for another Russo-American standoff.
That shit's gay and I don't care what Russia's up to, I'm glad it's off of the docket.
it doesn't
There was zero risk for ANYBODY to get into a nuclear pissing contest with russia. the cold war has been over for fucking decades and russia lost. them trying to wave their limp dicks means fucking nothing and you'd know it if you did a minimum of research past shitty clickbait.
i love wormwood
Mark my words, Hilary will be running again
>tfw you were there on /pol/ on election night
It was magical, nothing will ever top it
>not Initial Drumph
One job
Racial caste system bro.
>Conservacucks so braindead they conveniently forgot what their own were saying 15 years ago.
You're either 15 and don't know any better, or just willfully ignorant
And what is you're going to claim that conservacucks were saying 15 years ago?
Dilate and kill yourself, transformer
Pffff, fuck me you got a giggle
Ending the world while dabing
? This seems very obvious, LGBT isn't a nation or a government, so of course the connotations are different when it represents only a people unlike the American flag.
>Implying they wouldn't if the money in them/working conditions were better
>Implying artificially lowering standards of pay and labor is a good thing
You fuckers really don't give a shit about the lower class do ya.
Jews killed Christ but are trying to play it up like they're old chums. Muslims genuinely are closer to Christians than Christians are to Jews.
I'm gonna step on your commie flag too, you fag
I find it funny that the most fundamentalist christian sects in America are hardcore Israel worshippers
Honestly when's the last time a right wing mob beat someone? It seems mostly the sheltered shooters are the threat from the right, not cause the left doesn't have them it's just that the left cant aim for shit.
well this one certainly has some implications
Hypocrisy is ingrained in American culture, specially when it comes to their religious beliefs. That's what happens when you get colonized by the puritans that no one else wanted.
It's the Jews, it's always been the Jews, playing both sides like normal.
And american golems are their enablers
>like anything of the rebuild
Can you be more of a faggot?
Misato > asuka > class rep > ritsuko > rei >>>>>>> power creep >>>>>>>> maki
I mean we have actual evidence the Russians are playing both sides while only giving tangible support to one side but that's not convenient for your narrative, is it.
No memeing i know a guy that's exactly like this, but change the "working class" part for "natives", he even claims to share ancestry with them even though he's a few shades away from being an albino and his last name is Richter.
>The working class consists exclusively of complete and utter hicks who worship a failed confederacy
This is objectively incorrect.
Regardless of how you seem to want to make the distinction free speech still applies even if its saying mean things against people. it is a flag and thus a symbol and free game to have statements made upon it.
I understand you're a communist and just despise thought crimes but words are meaningless until they become action, but legislating against words will not cause those actions you find despicable any less likely to come about.
so eat shit.
I'm so tired of fake tits
>no shut up all blue collar workers are based and redpilled and support us
I never played that game
>when it represents only a people unlike the American flag
>when it represents only people
>unlike the american flag
she cute tho
the point is that comunists like to ignore certain parts of the "working class" because it doesnt fit their narrative. It doesnt even apply exclusively to the USA.
Fake tits, ass implants, botox lips, seven layers of makeup, painted on eyebrows
Who the fuck thinks bimbos are attractive?
Actually funnier than the original.
A yes, lets forget that russia was our enemy because a little country of salvages is in chaos
>user says he hasn't seen any increase in costs from tariffs, probably because he doesn't buy a new iphone every year
Even if costs were going up because of tariffs it is literally the most fucking retarded thing in the world to say "we should just let china take over because it's too inconvenient to fight them"- neverminding the fact there is no such thing as a """"service economy"""" and the outsourcing of jobs has royally fucked us to the benefit of the rich and the chinese.
>>illegal immigrant
This is the problem, right here
Ah yes, lets get involved in another pointless war to try and civilize sandniggers just because a disease-ridden bear started to pick at the corpse.
[citation needed]
Actually the south was colonized by cavaliers and orangemen, it was the northeast that got the protestant dissenters that caused the english civil war. The cavaliers rebuilt their feudalistic society in the great plantations of the South, deeply distrusting democratic rule and frequently acting against it to prevent the common white "redneck" from influencing elections. The CSA was largely a product of the fact that only the planter class held real power in the South at the time of the war.
The anti-monarchist tendencies of the puritans eventually helped foment the revolution, and the modern political culture of the United States is a result of cromwellianism's triumph- as evidenced by the fact the originally Anglican religious culture of the South gave way to Baptist evangelicalism (another Dissenter church).
The feet guy is absolutrly happy
I think the problem is that stonefag is not being ironic
>alt-right babyfur thread becomes trump circlejerk
what shock
comics and cartoons
I dunno but tits are pretty much ruined for me. Every time I see a girl with a sizable pair of melons I think it must be fake. The fucking instathot culture has ruined everything.
>>taxes will just go up later and are therefore unsustainable
Or maybe the Fed could spend less fucking money
That would be funny, but having 8 years of trump memes is too much
>Highest economic growth in decades
>Lowest unemployment in decades, particularly for minorities.
>Tariffs have actually worked to provide better economic deals with countries
>North Korea has been more warm to peace talks
>No Standing war with any nation
Of course a fucking Democrat would bitch about how great they have it. Tell me how great things would be under Democrats, because Baltimore is a perfect example of how the entire nation would be under Hillary.
They always ask for a "real man" on top of that!!
I don't care, I'm not a communist.
There are many many complec characters in anime
Then why are you arguing favor of them? I can burn any flag I want.
Yet you won't thank Obama for making all of those things happen.
>muh north korea
Except for that sham, the only one with any influence there was South Korea, Trump was literally pointless and irrelevant other than making gold commemorative coins for you to get scammed into buying. North Korea are still conducting missile tests.
Its because mutts believe that when all Jews return to Israel then third impact will occur
It will be hate speech when you burn a flag that exclusively represents a people.
Except burning the gay flag leads to nightclub shootings and burning the american flag just leads to people getting pissy.
You'd actually be correct if the right weren't such violent, insecure, retards.
>not realizing Libya was by design
Incredibly bluepilled
>utterly defeated, the lefty resorts to crying to the mods
predictable LOL
You'd think that'd make them stop preparing for a rapture happening every second month
based as fuck
>one image
Listen, I know Yea Forums might resemble whatever forum you came from, but they aren't called avatars, they're just images, sometimes reaction images if it's a funny face.
>>burning the gay flag leads to nightclub shootings
um, no I don't think that's how gun violence happens.
Both sides of what?
>lefties try to have "an open discussion"
>obviously r
>highest growth
because 2016 was a massive fucking depression and the recovery wasn't complete until mid-election. Fuck highest growth, show me highest GDP in the last ten years. You can't, because that's not what happened.
>lowest unemployment
Lowest short-term unemployment. That doesn't include people who have been unemployed for more than 6 months, so you need to add about 3 fucking million people to that figure.
>no TPP
TPP had specific problems with copyright but pulling out entirely objectively hurts our ability to export goods
>tariffs have worked
Except no, steel prices have increased as a result of the tariffs forcing smaller local players out of the market as larger players can offer better deals, and that increased price goes all the way down the supply chain
>North Korea has been more warm to peace talks
North Korea is the same it has ever been, the hot-and-cold approach is nothing new. It's how they pump the outside world for charity and avoid death by sanction.
>No standing war
We've increased military police action in the middle east and Bolton is foaming at the mouth for war with Iran
You just don't understand what the fuck you're talking about
He's just a genuine loser weeaboo, not everyone pretends to be a loser ironic weeb for internet cred
He has never been once right in his life miserable life
Why, it’s fine as it is
I for one love the left of Yea Forums, they keep shooting themselves in the foot and creating more support for Trump
God bless Yea Forums and /tg/ and /his/ and /r9k/ and all the other shitholes
The majority of refugees aren't even allowed to work.
I think I'll take the word of the South Korean president over yours.
I really strongly suspect most of then are genuine loser weebs who tell themselves they're pretending to be one ironically.
Those truthful trips
“Go lurk moar, newfag”?
Trips of truth.
If no, walk away.
I don't live in eurofag country. Hate speech doesn't exist.
>wholesome raisins thread nuked
>zero effort boulderflip tard bait gets ignored
No hope left in man.
>t. lumpenprole
>creates support for Trump
>when even the majority of /pol/ doesn't like him anymore
How do you delude yourself so efficiently?
>having standards
So why are you even in this thread? To complain about how comics are allowed to be posted on the comics board?
Don't fool yourself, pedo.
This thread is just as bad though.
Have you not caught on to the death of context?
Reality doesn't matter, what matters is repeating what you want to be real over and over until enough people believe you.
>Except burning the gay flag leads to nightclub shootings
Ever heard of the phrase "correlation does not equal causation"?
Just because it hurts your feelings doesnt make it a reflection of reality. plus wasnt the last shooting done by a gay muslim?
Unlike faggots americans understand acts of symbolism are mere symbolism.
>You'd actually be correct if the right weren't such violent, insecure, retards.
Tell me, were the BLM riots and antifa riots conducted by a violent gang of right wingers?
Fucking stupid communist.
Wow, an actual chuckle worthy one where him being psychotic is funny instead of worrying!
I don't get it. Does he think there's no historical fiction written about the Holocaust?
fun fact: burning a pride flag isn't a crime of any kind unless it is used to intimidate (which meets the definition of assault). Just like burning a cross by itself isn't illegal. Both of you are stupid.
That isn't to say there's no difference between burning the American flag and burning a Pride flag. Neither is or should be a crime on its own, but burning your own flag is a very different gesture than burning someone else's flag.
The only options were Hillary and Trump. Between the choices of, "Girl who wants to escalate Middle Eastern conflict with our military" and "Guy who wants to play golf in China and Russia while tweeting on his phone", people are kind of pushed into a corner to vote for the latter just to prevent action from the former.
>Unlike faggots americans understand acts of symbolism are mere symbolism.
Only an american could underestimate americans like that.
He watched Home Alone 2 and interviews from 2005
Russia is a paper tiger
>offering the left hand to shake
Between this and putting books in the wrong way, it feels like this is covering up some artistic limitation but what kind of retard has those issues? Is he the Zoolander of webcomic artists?
No one likes /pol/ either. Trump curse in full effect
And by funny I mean a national tragedy and slap to the forefathers vision
>Hillary wanted war with Iran!
>Trump doesn't!
Why do people keep repeating this complete lie
Trump's chief national security advisor is John Bolton, a man who has been trying to get the US to go to war with Iran for over a decade
>Unlike faggots americans understand acts of symbolism are mere symbolism.
Lol, don't kid yourself. Americans struggle with basic abstract thinking
>let me obtusely quote some debunked statistics--
>shut up, that's stupid
>look at how unreasonable the left is!
stonetoss needs to take a short drop and a sudden stop
Worrying? What are you? His shrink?
only a european or a self-loathing city-slicking american would think like this.
>been trying to get the US to go to war with Iran for over a decad
And we haven't.
I meant for himself, I don't see him as the mass shooter type.
>Why do people keep repeating this complete lie
Probably because he specifically canceled a drone strike on them to prevent war.
Certainly feels like it.
>SEETHING europoors immediately crawl out of the woodwork
But the lgbt flag represents literally every on the planet, the American flag represents only a nation.
If i go to brasil and burn the American flag no one will give a shit but if i the lgbt flag ima get some flack for it
You mean the drone strike that was going in on his orders in the first place until a guy from Fox News asked him not to?
based Fox News
And who was about to go through with it until the last possible moment?
>Trump cancelled the drone strike that he himself ordered against the advice of every one of his generals
Yeah, what a brilliant dove move. Make Iran think we're on the verge of a pre-emptive strike.
based europeans living rent free in user's head
>clown show at the circus
>rainbow candifloss
>son in drag and clown shoes smoking a cigarette
I... huh?
>implying the left doesn't love to shitpost with shit-tier "scientific" studies on everything from climate change to gender studies
all trannies must hang
>comparing a service to a good
alt-right babyfur shmorky is quite stupid
>fun fact: burning a pride flag isn't a crime of any kind unless it is used to intimidate
That's a given, I'm not getting mad at a hobo burning it for warmth, even though it would be inefficient to do so considering many flags have some form of plastic in them.
So what you're telling me is... Homosexuality is a globalist plot?
Brazil doesn't strike me as particularly gay rights friendly.
And yet he pulled out of the deal and guess what? Things are escallating with them. That was a dud equal or worse to north korea.
>immediately assumes they're european
cute glasses
Yeah, it turns out its not 40%, its only 35%.
Stonetoss BTFO!!!
>don't care for the gays and don't mind the gay flag being burned
>don't care for the union, the tactics used to bloat America into a monstrosity with no identity, and actively want the American flag burned
>canceling a drone strike
>that he ordered against every single person's advice in the first place
Trumptards like you don't bother using your brains, do you.
He says unironically when Trump brags how he escalated tensions to a point where they were like ten minutes away from bombing Iran and then he changed his mind because he didn't supposedly know people die when you do air strikes until at the last minute, which to every national security expert immediately pointed out to be bullshit because the death toll estimates are the first thing they tell when you're given the list of potential targets when going through the motions to authorize a strike. Or how Trump was trying to get other Latin American countries to agree to invsde Venezuela.
But sure, Hillary was the warhawk. That's why Trump had to hire John "I still to this day say Iraq was a success for the US" Bolton to be in his cabinet.
have to preserve the 180 degree rule
you need to keep the first character on the right side, so unless the second guy has his back to the frame, his right arm would be crossing over himself
why are obsessed americans so fragile bros?
>Except burning the gay flag leads to nightclub shootings
I'm pretty sure it's Islam that leads to nightclub shootings.
Post. Behind. Who. Im phoneposting but you get the idea.
>But sure, Hillary was the warhawk.
She is. Because while Trump just bragged about wanting to do a drone strike and backed down, Hillary would've done it. Trump is bark, Hillary is bite.
>My name is George, I'm unemployed and I live with my parents.
>implying denying a good that is in itself enabling of a service isnt a bad thing
>everyone was begging Trump to go to war with Iran
What bizarro world do you live in? No one but ultra-hawks want war with Iran and they've got Trump's ear with Bolton as his advisor.
Trump pulled out of the best diplomatic deal we've ever had with modern Iran, a deal that would've kept war completely unnecessary and undesirable for Iran. Then he publicly ordered and withdrew a strike on their soil. That's war footing.
Nobody begged him to. Who the fuck begged him to? He escalated relations when he needlessly tore up the nuclear deal.
False equivalency. Legal abortion existing means anyone can get aborted legally, no reason for anyone to abort illegally then.
Legal gun owning doesn't mean anyone can have a gun, some people still have to get them illegally if they want them.
While buying a gun through legal means is safer, it in no way prevents the potential killing power of that gun, whereas a legal abortion basically prevents any further harm (fetus notwithstanding of course).
That is only a problem in oversimplified and lazy artstyles that use a constant perspective
>admitting you live in the best nation on earth yet choose to behave like a eurocuck
Get out of here stonetoss!!!
Based on what? When has Clinton ever so much as indicated that she would have ever struck Iran, specifically. Is this some bizarre way of coping where you imagine Clinton would do what Trump did but slightly worse because you can't handle the fact that what IS happening, right now, in actual reality and not in your imagination, is a fucking disaster?
I dunno, you tell us what makes europeans so goddamn obsessed with us americans.
Half of his works are utter fucking trash, but other half is pretty funny. How so?
Can't help it, they're chill drinking buddies
Basically this, but now that bitch isnt an option so whats going to be?. I would vote for Bernie for the same reasons the inbred burgers voted for trump, just to see if trying something different would actually fucking work this time.
You laugh at rip-offs of Facebook jokes, which is what the "funny" half consists of.
>canadians sucking up to europe like always
Too bad Trudeau couldn't translate that kiss ass attitude into a good trade deal with the EU
You're funny
>I unironically applaud Trump for first escalating the tensions to a point where we nearly started bombing Iran and then changing his mind at the last minute
You aren't the good guy in a scenario where you first set the kitchen on fire on purpose and then call the fire department to put it out. You don't get a nobel peace prize for not going through a war you yourself ordered to ignite.
You are aware Canada pays like no EU tariffs compared to the US right?
>denying a good that is in itself enabling of a service isnt a bad thing
That wasn't what I was implying at all.
Babyfur's implicit argument in the comic is that if you ban guns, "only the bad guys will have them." This completely ignores the reality that the vast majority of black market guns entered the US market legally and then were re-sold. If you ban guns, that market dries up, and illegal importing needs to take over. That means a much smaller inventory and a much much MUCH MUCH higher price on the black market.
With guns not banned, some faggot kid can buy his friend's dad's AR that he got at Walmart and blast his class. With guns banned, that kid would have to go down to the docks and pay 25 grand and probably wind up dead in a shipping container if he really wanted to blow Sally's brains out.
Banning a procedure, on the other hand, does not change the availability or number of doctors/OBGYN's. Nor is illegal abortion particularly expensive or difficult to find when you can literally throw yourself down a flight of stairs or resort to the good ol' coat hanger if you have no real medical options.
Pithy "clever" arguments are almost never right, the devil's in the details.
Highest GDP growth we had in the last decade was an Obama year actually, 2015 we had 2.9% GDP growth.
Then just reverse the characters' positions so that the guy extending his hand comes from the right instead and the commie stands on the left. It's such an incredibly easy "problem" to solve that I'm baffled. I have to assume he didn't realize at first and then was too lazy to redraw it.
They're super nationalisticm but aware their country sucks in many ways, and the combination makes them insecure.
Plus they assume other people are as nationalistic as them, so they're quick to lash out at your country or continent or whatever under the mistaken impression that you give a shit.
There's an entire subreddit dedicated to SEETHING about this guy's comics and making bad edits of it, like all memes done by the left
At the end of the day it's just mental illness
What? If anything Trump is a prime example of democracy. Thats why Putin and Xi loves the moron, because it proves to their respective countries that people should shut up and obey the leader.
This is an Adam Sandler joke
And not an SNL Adam Sandler joke. This is a Jack and Jill joke.
i would creampie every female in that comic
>Highest GDP growth we had in the last decade was an Obama year actually, 2015 we had 2.9% GDP growth
those numbers were fake tho
I don't get it
But Charlottesville sad
That’s fair. Many religions and places have more violent sects and tenets
You're fake.