They are back! Sort of.
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual 003 Storytime
It's weird thinking of Bizarro being alive/organic enough to grow facial hair
That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.
Lex became Krang?
based bizzaro
Holy shit Bizarro is hot
He looks like an orange Dodoria
>world end scenario
>having a side cut instead of just buzzing it all and having it grow back
God damn it I hate this shit
of course... in every fucking dimension he has to be there
No Sam, you are nor "normal people" anymore. you are straight up supervillains
Thanks for storytiming, op.
Face of Boe
You tried Biz... you tried.
god I missed these two. and this annual has been more entertaining than the entirety of Jason's Solo run.
When did the Marvel citizens take over DC?
>finally bring back Biz and Artemis
>they're now ugly as fuck
Is Lobdell still pissed off that people loved them?
The whole story is pretty much "Jason who?". What a great friends they are.
I mean, I know they have to deal with, but they couldn't even bother to wonder how Jason is doing for a second?
It's funny that you think Lobdell hate Bizarro and Artemis. They are the reason why he agreed to write RHATO rebirth. If anything, I sometimes wonder if he hate Red Hood considering how he treats him sometimes.
I hope all of you fuckers saying how much you want Bizarro and Artemis back out your money where you mouth is and buy the annual.
That was Woods, not Lobdell. For some reason Woods had a lot of freedom with little input from Lobdell.
>Has a cellphone
>uses her hand to call for backup
not sure why but that is pretty funny.
Shouldn't be say Hello Jerk-ass?
Haircut might be lame but she should midriff all the time.
Remember when the original Red Hood and the Outlaws was allowed to draw Starfire super hot on every single panel before sjws and feminist took over?
Good times. Comic also used to sell better back then
fucking BASED
Bizarro mentions him a bit. I'm sure they wondered about him during the time skip.
It wasn't about making her super hot it was about making her a slut.
Holy shit those faces
Yep he’s still pissed at Geofff Johns for that
No way. A slut is somebody who does it for money or to get and advantage. She did it for fun and because it wasn't a big deal in her culture. Big Difference!
Either way still sucks that DC will never allow something like that ever again and will rather continue to suffer low sells and eventually bankruptcy then change their feminist guidelines.
No, wasn't fun at all
Next issue better have Artemis growing out her already-years-out--of-style sideshave.
>I'm sure they wondered about him during the time skip
Lobdell couldn't even bother to show a single panel of this? He has Jason being worried about them, but couldn't spare a moment that they care too?
To be fair, he never showed Jason worrying about them until now.
>I sometimes wonder if he hate Red Hood considering how he treats him sometimes
I don't think he hate him, but I do feel he is more interested in other characters than Jason.
He actually did. He was quite worried about them in the previous annual and wondered about them in the issue he went aganist Solitary.
>muh agenda
>muh nostalgia
Starfire is a boring character with a meh design, so who care. Also the only good thing about rhato N52 is that it prooved to DC that Jason could hold his own teambook.
He also mentioned that he lost something when he talked to the agent in the hospital. It was obvious that Jason was missing them, but his so called friends don't seem to share the sentiment.
>who cares
consumers judging by the huge difference in sale numbers pre and post sjw censorship
wait, why does he have heat vision?
He hasn't written these characters in a while. Either that or Smartzarro was able to fix that flaw.
what makes it worse is the last time they saw jason he wasn't doing well and was getting the heck beaten out of him so one would assume that they would be worried about him
I want to lick her yummy tummy
I actually liked this. Is the main comic worth reading still? I dropped it hard once Jason went solo.
readable but not as fun.
holy SHIT
Is that popeye?
Who is this diversity hire?
IF there is a Batman there is a joker
this is a luthor clone bizarro, not bizarro world bizarro
Lobdell hasn't had a thing to do about you disliking a one-shot artist.
Hell, he even still pairs/sort of ships Jason with Artemis somehow, if what's been running recently is true.
user, a writer that makes a character overcome adversity and hardships, is a writer that loves a character. A writer that makes nothing with a character, making him totally stale, is a writer that hates said character. I would say Lobdell loves the guy, and is well aware about what people likes and hates about each of them at this point.
He doesn't. He colds with that vision. The colourist probably didn't get the memo that his cold vision is blue, not red. Look at his hand in that pic: there clearly is a lot of ice covering his hand.
It's pretty much this. Sometimes funnier, sometimes harder, sometimes more dramatic. Sometimes it is also more mystery driven, sometimes it's boring, to be honest. But overall, this issue is a good example of the whole run since rebirth.
except artemis says that bizarro is using his hand as a torch.
Why he made him a blushing high school fangirl around Grayson? Why makes his friends act like they don't care about him?Why did he humiliate him aganist Batman?
Solid issue. I don't really have much to say, the self-contained story accomplishes its goal, it gives some insight on Artemis and Bizarro's characters (and proves that Orlando's story with Artemis is non canon to Lobdell) but again, I found the setting and the other characters to be the strongest part of the issue. Since the setting has all the heroes killed, I'm sure it's supposed to be part of the Dark Multiverse, proving that the idea has potential when is not restricted to keep propping Batman up. Jack Knives was a surprisingly fun character and I'd love to see him again. For all the criticism Lobdell's writing gets (some more deserving than others), the man has a great talent to create new characters that are able to stand on its own.
The setting also reminded me of Lobdell's scrapped plans of having the Outlaws go undercover on E3, and if this is similar to that idea, then is a damn shame it never happened. Honestly, this s what I always thought was the best approach for the series, have self-contained stories (with the occasional major arc, or building towards one) where the Outlaws travel everywhere helping people. The "Supernatural" of cape comics if you will.
Now that is clear Jason's time as a solo act is coming to an end, I have to say that I enjoyed it more than I expected. It had its ups and downs and is clear that editorial derailed Lobdell's plans more than once but overall, it was an enjoyable approach. And hopefully, if it happens again, it will have fewer restrictions.
So this is what it would be like if DC citizens were Marvel ones.
Is that kid appearing for the first time?
Because the lasers still light stuff, and the ice reflect light.
Because making your character flawed, making him pass through trials, and making him sensible and relatable is a good thing, user. No one wants the new flavoured power fantasy of the day.
And everyone wordships Dick. He himself did as Robin, despite what fanfics keep telling. He was antagonistic under Morrison, and when Dick was being antagonistic to him. So, eh, not a crime, you see.
page of the week right here
Yep. New character for the upcoming new arc.
>But it hurts to use my powers, sir...
I don't know how making him Batman's bitch or Dick's fangirl is "relatable" and what kind of trials did he pass by going through this humiliation by being the laughing stock of other fans?
I love characters with flaws which is why I liked Jason, but this isn't what's going on here.
>I don't know how making him Batman's bitch or Dick's fangirl is "relatable"
Welll, wordshipping heroes, or admiring people who's worth being admired is something people usually do. Being the guy beaten by an angry, righteous prik who was at some point someone you respected but failled you awfully is something one could relate too. Messing up a lot is definitely relatable too. And be angry against the world is, too. Jason under Lobdell has passed through a lot of mods and emotional places and states. He's, you know, not static.
Which is something people is, especially when they're in bad places.
Not saying that the writer is a nobel prize or something (ha ha, hilarious), but come on.
>and what kind of trials did he pass by going through this humiliation by being the laughing stock of other fans?
Being falsely accused, beaten, abandoned, alone, lied, used, imprisoned, deeply hurt, but also, stupidly enraged and high because revenge and power. For example.
Ah, also. People who ridiculise stuff are cunts. And often pretty stupid and insecure. I don't pay attention to them unless they're doing some actual criticism.
that shading in the bottom panel is wonderful
For what he would admire Dick for when he was never in his life? Besides, both Tim and Damian admire him and still didn't act like a stuttering high school girl in the presence of her crush.
Also, Jason was always supposed to be different from the rest and not one of Dick's ass kisser.
>Being falsely accused, beaten, abandoned, alone, lied, used, imprisoned, deeply hurt, but also, stupidly enraged and high because revenge and power
He didn't bother to defend himself and let himself beaten like a bitch just to hug Batman two issues later to suddenly getting angry at him again. Jason act like a freaking bipolar under Lobdell because he can't make up his mind about what he wants him to be.
Can this lead to a new Challengers from Beyond like arc?
Which Jason Todd team/line up do you guys prefer:
Challengers from Beyond (Todd/Rayner/Troy)
The Outlaws V1 (Todd/Harper/Starfire)
The Outlaws V2 (Todd/Bizzaro/Artemis)
Outlaws V1
The Outlaws V2 while having a cute family-like dynamic, Artemis and Bizarro are a total bore when they don't have Jason around as foil.
None. I want someone to write a good story with Jason, but DC doesn't have good writers anymore.
I dunno, her cucking Dick with one of her own kind and watching him spiral into a depressed alcoholic was pretty amusing in a ridiculous kind of way.
>Jason act like a freaking bipolar under Lobdell because he can't make up his mind about what he wants him to be
This is pretty accurate description of his on red hood.
For all the whining about how much you people miss muh Artemis and Bizarro, the thread is pretty dead.
Donna Troy>>>>>>Artemis
Coincidentally, Bizarro World Bizarro was given an offer by Luthor in the Terrifics.
>Carebears t-shirt
This is so stupid but hilarious.
Outlaws V2, V1 are pretty boring, and I'll always associate Rayner and Donna with that shitty event.
Dickfags are cancer
challengers because I wanted them to have a threesome
of course
i agree
v1 because at least roy was alive
GL is clearly using his powers in this page though?
But the Ring's powers aren't protecting him. So I guess Lex couldn't stop the connection between the Ring and Oa but stopped the wielder from using the Ring correctly? A la Tower of Babel nonsense
Uhg. This punk shaved side-cut is a big no for me. Looks horrible and makes no sense. Not as bad as I feared though. Really hope it doesn't last any real amount of time and grows back to normal soon, preferably by her next appearance in a few months, or at least by this time next year.
Otherwise things are looking good again with Temi and Biz on their way back.
Dark Multiverse is a helluva drug
I understand why Bizarro looks like that, but Artemis looks like she used too much Botox.
It's not that he hates the dark trinity, it's that he supposedly hates the Jason/Artemis pairing.
What's been running recently?
Jason, Kyle, and Donna could've made an interesting team in the hands of a good writer, which Countdown didn't have.
Dark Trinity is the best team by far, as is.
>DC doesn't have good writers anymore.
When did they stop having them?
Honestly, I think Bizarro looks kinda neat both there and with the facial hair he has. I would honestly love it if he kept it once he and Artemis reunite with Jason.
Pretty sure he gave an interview a few years ago where he said as much. Which, if I'm being honest, did feel like it came out of left field. Still better than Jason shacking up with the other blond chick; can't remember her name.
Like bizarre, Bizarro only has one Z, not two.
Is this page implying that Jason's gonna get cucked by Bizarro?
Good riddance you talentless hack, enjoy your garbage carnage tie ins!
She looks like Joe Camel
Artemis is much better than that waitress garbage he’s keeps pushing
That comic did not sell better.
Lol this book is cancelled
My god that last Artemis face was an atrocity
They are not why he’d agree to write Rebirth.
They are what Geoff Johns told him to write and he’s been pissed off about it since.
Lobdell never left the book he has a tenured guaranteed job on this title till Bob Harassment dies.
Lobdell hasn’t created a new character in the past 10 years that isn’t rancid dogshit.
The Jason solo arc is aimless dogshit where not a goddamn thing happens in over a fucking year.
The book lost 8,000 readers when they left.
Bunker is a better character than Jon
eat shit
>where not a goddamn thing happens in over a fucking year.
Which is a shame because I thought it was going to go somewhere. Particularly in the case of Bunker, who I thought Jason could've bounced off of really well.
But nope; as you said we've had fuck-all happen since Artemis and Bizarro left. Even worse, I've got the feeling that the lost readers that mentioned won't be recuperated when Artemis and Bizarro do return.
The book was already on the 16k~20k mark by then
>109 108 Red Hood and the Outlaws 24 $3.99 07/11/18 DC 18,829
>114 95 Red Hood and the Outlaws 25 $4.99 08/08/18 DC 21,874
>136 121 Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual 2 $4.99 08/29/18 DC 16,132
Going solo actually gave the series a boost for a while
>90 91 Red Hood and the Outlaws 26 $3.99 09/12/18 DC 24,688
>83 91 Red Hood Outlaw 27 $3.99 10/10/18 DC 30,343
>83 85 Red Hood Outlaw 28 $3.99 11/14/18 DC 24,485
>83 86 Red Hood Outlaw 29 $3.99 12/05/18 DC 24,026
>80 81 Red Hood Outlaw 33 $3.99 04/10/19 DC 24,708
>117 117 Red Hood Outlaw 34 $3.99 05/08/19 DC 18,984
>113 115 Red Hood Outlaw 35 $3.99 06/12/19 DC 18,067
Can we get Dexter back?
I hate Lobdell but thought the Iceberg lounge owner idea had legs and Lobdell doesn’t a single fucking thing with it.
Blame Bendis
His Leviathan bullshit derailed everything
I also miss Dexter Onions, user
>Leviathan bullshit
As someone who only really read Green Lantern and RHatO (and only recently caught up to RHatO because of this Annual), could you elaborate further?
This was something else that I despised as well. That and the fact that Cobblepot just happens to 'forget' what happened prior to Jason shooting him feels like such a cop-out as well.
On one hand I'd love for Dex to come back to RHatO. On the other hand, given how horse-shit the writing and plot has been for the past year, I personally think he could find something better. Although I get the indication that given he did the cover and his sketches on social media he still loves Red Hood.
Bendis' big new event literally called "Event Leviathan", where this new Leviathan person destroys every big organization or something to create a new world order because "good and evil are wrong, my way is better yadda yadda"
Jason is a suspect for being Leviathan, probably just a red (lol) herring.
He fucking loves Jason. him leaving the title wasn't voluntary, was an editorial decision.
And Woods only left because he got the gig at Marvel.
Is it as much of a shit-show as it sounds like it is?
I legitimately wasn't aware that it was non-voluntary.
Either way, Red Hood has definitely been lacking since they both left.
I fail to see how that would interrupt the Iceberg Lounge arc considering it’s not interrupting the babysitter arc.
Dex was booted off when Rob Levin became the editor
Yea it’s definitely another Dark Beast situation.
Why did DC think it was a good idea to have 3 events happen at the same time I'll never know.
Woods suuuuucks.
He made Jason look like a bald 40 year old Mexican.
Doomsday Clock (does that even count as an event when it was originally set in the future and only comes out once every four months?)
Event: Leviathan
and what else? Oh yeah, "Year of the Villain" I guess
I was actually thinking of Year of the Villain, Leviathan and the Batman who lmaos infecting characters with Dark Multiverse bullshit.
>the Batman who lmaos infecting characters with Dark Multiverse bullshit.
I don't think that's really an event. It's the plot of the first Superman/Batman relaunch arc, leading out of a LMAOS miniseries
Status quo, user. It only changes when a story has enough impact in the readers or the general audience. And sometimes, changes like those don't even last. Corporate comics suck like that.
You really, really have a rageboner for him, don't you?
Jason is pretty bipolar in Countdoun too.
He's also under Winnick, to certain degree. Shows maniac and depresive episodes.
stopped reading
>the babysitter arc
lmao, I thought of that same exact name too.
All I fucking want is for Artemis and Jason to get married and adopt Bizarro. Is that really too much to ask?
Maybe this is the reason I'm slowly turning to hero anime, because at least I know that it's about telling a story with a definite starting and end point, not just resetting to the status quo.
Probably. Doesn't mean you can't dream, user.
Its kinda boring so far
Pretty sure that Batman/Superman books only reason to exist is to follow up on his Batman Who Giggles plotlines that he didn't have room for in his Justice League book. And he got one of his croneys to write it. Hopefully the dark multiverse stuff stays contained to there because I think people are getting a little burnt out on it.
Oh and those goofy one-shots about Knightfall etc. should just use the Elseworlds branding