He's Back!
Death's Head #1 Storytime
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won't bother with it since it is going to feature sjw characters like vagina hawk eye
Tini Howard better nut up or shut up and prove she can handle Marvel UK before Excalibur
Why should she? All women have to do these days to get work is cry on twitter about how racist and sexist everything is.
They don't need to bother with creating good work. They can produce one terrible comic after another and still continue more chances while.
I mean it worked for Zoey Quinn and that Overwatch writer who called the head of marvel racist.
Fuck off with your sperging, it's for me, not marvel
If nothing else I'm really enjoying the art and the colouring
Thanks for reading.
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>any women ever bothering to proof anything to a guy like you
I mean yeah, if she wants me to buy her stuff, she has to
Don't project user
>written by a woman
Low hopes here
nope, story is the average feminist crap and the art is making my head hurt
like I said why would she care if her comics sale or not? as woman in comics she is going to get unlimited chance anyway regardless. all she has to do is cry on twitter and the feminists/sjws cuck editors at marvel will give her a new comic.
God damn it just shut the fuck up. I hope Gail Simone becomes your girlfriends favourite author assuming you ever get one
I hate it
Thanks Norrin, sorry you have to deal with this shit in your thread
>caring about used white goods
I got myself a qt korean gf. I am glad I will never have to bother with the average feminist white women
>like I said why would she care if her comics sale or not?
Uhhh, I care whether her comic is good? Because I like excalibur's team and premise, and would very much want it to be good? It has absolutely nothing to do with your boogeyman, fuck off
>six "Yes?"es in four pages
Yep, it's trash.
You forgot to point out all the "the"s and "a"s used, try harder
>I like the Excalibur team and premise
you are in for a dissapointment then. the new comic won't be anything like the fun once you used to read in the past. we already know that they have once again changed the race and gender of captain britain. the story will be about sjw and feminist crap as well
Overusing "Yes?" for DH is a sign someone didn't read any of the Furman stuff but just wiki'd it. If you actually read the comics instead of virtue-signaling you'd know he uses "Right?" and "Hmmm?" too. That's not even getting into the gay witch boi who wears skirts and inverted cross earrings.
Nah, I'm not a sperg looking to desperately hate something. I'll give it a chance going in, I like most of Tini's stuff so far
>Uhhh, I care whether her comic is good?
this one isn't and the other one won't either because she doesn't have to produce good work. she can continue to produce crap and still get payed. making good comics for your is no longer the goal of marvel. all they care about is social justice
Has Billy got even faggier?
more like a loser with nothing better to do in his life then read garbage. if you grew a spine and said no more often people would probably treat you better as a result
>this one isn't
I liked it
>posts aren't even about the actual book just complaining about SJWs and women
if it doesn't even feature Captain Britain for sjw reasons how will it be good or even an Excalibur book?
If you think it's all garbage why are you here? And why are you constantly posting here when you totally aren't a loser?
It's doesn't have to be? I just like the mutant team and the premise with them guarding the shores. Team names have never been fixed to a certain set of members anyways
Are you ESL or just blindly white-knighting?
Except that Brian isn't going anywhere, that's already been confirmed. Literally appeared on the big X-Men sheet from Comicon as Captain Britain.
user, seriously. Why are you here? It's not too bad if you're bored at work like me, but seriously if you're just here to shit on something it's kinda pathetic don't you think?
for one issue then he get's cucked out to make space for the "empowered wyman"
I think you can do better than make up imaginary scenarios to get mad at
why are you ok with always making excuses for sjws ruining just another part of comics?
honestly when is enough for you? when literally every white male hero has been replaced?
>you're wrong, and here's proof
>why are you making excuses you KEK?
I think the one thing this made me want is seeing Billy getting railed by Teddy now he's in full fag mode.
I am sad to see Teddy is once again second fiddle to Billy though
You know Betsy's been Captain Britain before, right? And that how badly it went was integral to her even joining the X-Men in the first place.
Really seems like you're clutching at straws and vomiting buzzwords just because you hate the author of a book about an obscure character.
>user, seriously. Why are you here?
1) I'm not the lowercaps guy complaining about SJWs
2) I came here to read Death's Head with the hope that MAYBE Marvel wouldn't fuck him up
3) I was wrong
4) A hack with a vagina is still a hack and this comic is still shit
>Really seems like you're clutching at straws and vomiting buzzwords just because you hate the author of a book about an obscure character.
No, not just that. He wants to hate literally everything and confirm to himself sjws are the literal devil
I am at university at right now I have holidays. It´s also still early in the morning for me.
I only knew Death Head vaguely so I decided to give this comic a look and was disappointed.
if you are bored you should grow a spine and get a better job instead of wasting your time with this garbage. you honestly deserve better user
I mean that's the implication, I just wanted to be a little diplomatic about it.
>1) I'm not the lowercaps guy complaining about SJWs
Then why hurl weird ass buzzwords at me? Jeez
I also know that Betsy had a cute outfit when she first become Captain Britain but that isn't allowed anymore in sjw marvel
My job pays too much for me to quit, it's just slowed down lately since we moved onto report-writing
Anyway, thank you for your pity, but I enjoyed myself and honestly I feel you should be off doing something else if this is not to your taste
Because you keep acting like a giant Buzzword of an emasculated guy
Because I like Tini's writing? Don't know man, sounds like projection to me
Well I am honestly glad to hear that user but you still should act less like an emasculated guy and let women shove you around
>weird ass buzzwords
You didn't understand a basic English sentence and are literally white-knighting. They aren't buzzwords if they're true.
>but I enjoyed myself
Then you're either a woman, a soiboi, or a casualfag who's never read a single Death's Head story published before the 21st century.
>cute outfit
>not allowed
You're out of your fucking tree, mate.
The only VAGUELY scandalous thing about it was the low-cut top and that awful wig.
>if you liked something you must be x x x
I know autism makes it hard to understand people have different opinions, have you tried therapy?
>Why should she? All women have to do these days to get work is cry on twitter about how racist and sexist everything is.
Fuck off back to /pol/ and YouTube, snowflake. Nobody has time for your whining and persecution complex here.
I said cute not sexy. Now compare it to the generic sjw shit they gave her now.
Where the fuck did that come from? Are you sure you aren't speaking from experience?
Well the way you talk is one big give away. Trying to spin it on the other guy for example is a big pussy move only women do
>Well the way you talk is one big give away.
Tell me more, armchair psychologist.
>female character having neckline or a not flat chest
not in todays marvel
>I said cute not sexy
You have absolutely horrendous taste
Nyx is dressed way more proactively than that. No Road Home is a great read, you should try that
>Tell me more, armchair psychologist.
That's funny considering you just said this
>I know autism makes it hard to understand people have different opinions, have you tried therapy?
I actually have a psychology degree, although I am not working in that field right now. Your symptoms seem to match though
>You have absolutely horrendous taste
You have to be clinical castrated if you prefer the new outfit to the old one
No, you must have been. Either that or you're blind
>I know autism makes it hard to understand people have different opinions, have you tried therapy?
Not even the same guy but you do talk like a faggot or at least somebody who is very in touch with his feminine side and used words like "toxic masculinity" unironically
Are you sure you are old enough to have a job?
>calls people castrated for having different taste
Are you out of third grade yet?
If you like something's that bad, doesn't do anything interesting with the established character, and sperg out about people not liking it, maybe you're the one with autism.
>and sperg out about people not liking it
Woah woah woah, when have I done that? Only sperging I see is from those not liking it for whatever reason
should've dumped him in jersey
another bill and ted's excellent adventures
Stop with the fucking question marks, Christ. Those are statements, not questions.
It sounds like she's trying to copy Kelly Thompson's writing style, and succeeded perfectly.
And by that I mean this was fucking awful, it was so bad i could have sworn Thompson was writing it.
You knew what castrated meant during the 3rd grade? Why? Where you castrated by your mom so that she could raise you as a girl?
Either way you must have had a weird childhood.
>no one's seen Eli in a while
They sure haven't!
No to fit in with Yea Forumsmblr you have to say stuff like "Comics have always been full of extreme feminism and leftwing propaganda. Female characters with big breasts and revealing outfits make me uncomfortable, I am glad that Marvel have gotten ride of them all. SJWs have totally not ruined comics guys. Sales are totally not down because of them!"
Jesus, can you at least try with the insults? It's like having a playground spat with you throwing random shit around to see what sticks
>Teddy, Billy, Dani and Riri all as part of the same generation
This is weird. I don't like it.
It's a shame there's not a reality where they're part of the New Warriors.
Have Sex
Kill yourself outragefag
Thanks for the storytime, Norrin. Can you do it again in a thread that hopefully won't be shitted up with fake outrage that has nothing to do with the comic?
Looks neat.
There is no point in staying after the storytime is over unless you have nothing better to do
>the writing is bad and the character is poorly written
>fake outrage
Pick one
Look at this thread and tell me most of it is even criticism
This was pretty bad.
>Completely wrong Yondu
Please stop this
You're the only one who seems to think it was in any way "good".
It's probably not everyone else who is the problem.
SYNERGY will never stop
Genuinely thought Billy was a girl there
I liked it too
That has nothing to do with my post
Nobody's given a single reason that the writing is bad other than "he doesn't say "hmm" or "right"". It's literally all "muh feminism, vaginas evil".
Maybe I'm old fashioned but I prefer my murder bots and sex bots to not be a single unit.
You don’t have to think it’s good to realise most of this thread is fake outrage and has nothing to do with this issue
Calling shit "shit" isnt outrage, you retard. Nobody's going to be writing Marvel letters or staging protests over the fact that once again, as usual, nuMarvel released a shit comic.
have sex
Saying it’s bad isn’t outrage, but going “sjws are ruining everything” is
Well, they are. It's not like libertarians ruined Marvel.
At least you admitted most of the thread has no relation to the content of the issue
>long fake nails
holy shit he's so gay
The content of the issue is shit. I guess the art's passable, but that's the only thing that meets even a bare minimum standard of quality.
Case in point
Humour me, what’s SJW about this issue? Having a gay couple?
>content of the issue is shit
We heard you the first dozen times, and still you fail to give reasons
Thanks Norrin, will be keeping an eye on this
Amazing, thanks Norrin.
>126 post about sjw strawman
>only 18 posters
Someone is sperging hardcore.
Get some taste
Purposely making all the make characters incompetent so that the female one can look good in comparison. Having the Death Head be a side character in his own comic so that a female one can take central stage
>user counting didn't move an inch
Get a life.
That's a dude, you moron. And you really think the payoff for a comic with the core idea of "Death's Head feels redundant and obsolete" is going to be "fuck him, there's a new better Death's Head anyway"?
Which female character?
>hangs around to white-knight a comic
Take your own advice
>no u
>sperging all day on a comic
No, i want to keep laughing at your raging autism.
I want to see this thread reach the bump limit with your fake outrage alone, i know you are retarded enough to do it. Don't let me down, i'll be watching special boy.
>Do you really believe nuMarvel writers would consider an old character redundant and obsolete and replace them with a diversity soi-ified version?
Where exactly the fuck have you been for the last decade?
Fuck off, your just as bad for enabling this shitty behavior and off-topic shitposting. Both of you need to fuck off and die
So who has been replaced right now?
Shut up, incel bigot.
What female characters? The bounty hunters?
Get the fuck out of here
I saw the cover and thought it might be interesting.. and instead all I got was Heavy Metal, but run through a faggoty numale filter.
I didn't see the Marvel logo in the corner, or I would have known to expect it.
have comicsgaters finally lost it? these obsessions aren't healthy, my dude...
So it's common knowledge that he's from the Transformers universe? Or at least the Avengers know?
>midriffs and cleavage
This is not your "Outrage General" little special boy.
But keep posting and proving how big of a retard you are, reply again. Do it slave. Fill this thread with your pathetic idiocracy and once you are done, die like you have lived, in the most worthless way possible.
Irrelevant bug.
>I got myself a qt korean gf
Pics or it never happened.
>user counter didn't changed
Wow they used to ban turbo-retards who samefag too often more quickly in the past.
It's a shame that the cool Ironheart design at the top is going to be wasted.
>Kei Zama
I thought I recognized this shit art.
I hope for your own sake that this is ironically cringe and not an unironic post. Yikes!
Yes, that's because I made another post in this thread.
Cool it with the homophobia, /pol/cel.
Same. I like the Death Head designs and the fact that he is a robot bounty hunter in space. Of course Marvel had to focus 60% of the comic on some ugly tumblr girl and her green boyfriend
Holy shit that's a dude? Honestly thought it was a girl. Ok then having some faggot shit take center stage in a fucking Death Head comic is sjw as well.
sjw, much like nazi, has lost all meaning
I'll agree with you when nuMarvel starts hiring nazi writers.
How is a comic about a bounty hunter robot mostly focusing on a gay effeminate wizard and his green boyfriend not the definition of sjw?
show said sheet as proof
What about Cassie?
Or any of the AIMvengers?
>implying marvel has ever kept openly nazi writers and weren't made of mostly SJWs at their time
>equating SJWs with nazis when nazis have actually killed millions
>Not "He's Back yes?"
One job OP.
The presence of gay characters is not sjw. Keep up. And the focus is mainly on the robot. The characters talk near constantly of the robot, the situation is all about the robot
yet the robot has no agency. he has been turned into a mcguffin so that the fags can be the protagonists
SJWs have killed million as well thanks to legalizing abortion.
Millions of dead babies all at then ends of freaks like you.
sjws literally are nazis at this point you only have to replace jew with white men. judging people on their skin color, sexual orientation and gender instead of content of their character. denying people opportunities if they were born as a white straight men, openly calling for the death and discrimination of white men, etc...
Whatever happened to American Dream?
Yes, also Lockdown Replaced him.
I wonder if theyll redesign the second version
>talking shit about Kei
Fetuses are not people
>No to fit in with Yea Forumsmblr
can someone explain me this meme. just looking at the catalog with many "gays are everywhere and ruining my cartoons/comics" I don't understand what Yea Forums and tumblr have in common.
It's basically "if you don't agree with my opinion then you are tumblr"
Yea Forumsmblr pretty much had no problem with sjws ruining comics for 6 straight years so much that you can't even recognize it anymore.
this place keeps making excuses for censored costumes and retarded feminist propaganda filled storylines or dialogues
>can someone explain me this meme.
The userbase is mostly center to rightwing.
The moderation staff, however, are radical leftist trannies that think that banning all wrongthink will somehow make everyone love SJWs.
This, of course, has had the opposite effect.
there are probably homos that browse Yea Forums and even tumblr users, but the meme comes from Yea Forums not caring. other boards have been platforms for political discussion, but Yea Forums doesn't want to take part in them. as a result, Yea Forums get call Yea Forumsmblr because it's supposedly "left-leaning". it maybe true. Yea Forums would rather talk about waifus than politics. does Yea Forums hate sjw shit in their content like other boards? yeah, but Yea Forums doesn't feel the need to shitpost about them 24/7.
Why does Billy dress like a gay porn star now?
>yeah, but Yea Forums doesn't feel the need to shitpost about them 24/7.
is that why there were daily Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Arthur threads? Yea Forums is just like any other board here
>I don't understand what Yea Forums and tumblr have in common.
Then you're a newfag.
Too white, diverse enough for the current year.
>He's Back!
He seems to come back every few years.
he got EMO
Does that even exist outside of being a genre of gay porn?
Wait, is Billy in gay porn now?
Proof how bad this comic is, barely anyone cares about it.
Also second chance I gave the writer and it's strike two.
I think that went over your head.
>Proof how bad this comic is, barely anyone cares about it.
If people caring about a book is a showing of its quality, then Tom King's Batman is a masterpiece.
what does she even know about the Mys-tech War
give them to a rude chav or blint from otherside the pond
Billy makes my dick dingle
You guys can blame Dogfuckers for this, they basically retconned it so this guy is the original Yondu's ancestor. Also the Centurions somehow went from rednecks to tribal people in the 31st century I guess.
Also Dogfucker tricked James Gunn into reading his shitty Star-Lord comic because it had Rooker Yondu and Gunn probably hated it because he never brought it uo again.
Fuck you guys bring Eli back, I don't want more of Spencer's shitty Patriot.
Is that Necker?
Are you butthurt or something?
>Wiccan has secretly been keeping a teenage sexbot under the bed he shares with Hulkling
He had an ongoing billed back in 2016 that never materialized
Based Wiccan
He needs to trim nails or he'll end up scratching Hulkling's dick like his mommy did to Wonder man
I'm not into this new Wiccan look. The long black nails, the cross earings, the chocker. The man looks like he stepped out 00s deviant art page..
I'd rather see Pyra.
Make friends
This guy gets it.
Geez these guys got shafted post young avengers.
Hate that version.
>Like mother like son
Robosexuality runs in the family?
Didn't his old costume include a Naruto headband? He's always been a DeviantArt OC
So... Incel ranting aside (I saw a lot of it early on), was this good? I see a hundred and a half replies here, unlike other storytimes today.
That usualy means it's utter shit, because cucks spend days bumping their shitty threads in the hopes that people will magically change their minds about it.
Not necessarily, we've had long threads about great stuff (Immortal Hulk, Doctor Strange, Secret Warps is still going, etc), so I was curious whether this was well received or not. By the looks of it, it seems it was pretty divisive... Or is that people have it against Tini Howard now?
I admit I don't like her Thanos much because it's boring (and it's more about Gamora than anything), but she's not a bad writer. Everything else she's done is pretty decent so I don't get the fuzz.
He looks like that Buzz Lightyear villain
love this cover
would gay for Billy
I enjoyed, not quite enough to buy but is neat
Just finished reading it on my own and it's fine, the art is good and it's intriguing to see where it goes. What's with the strong reactions to this? Fucking hell get a grip of yourselves.
>The man looks like he stepped out 00s deviant art page..
I can't believe a lot of people here missed it: he went full Visual Kei, man. Emo looks aren't like this.
Get with the times grandpa, they’re great for both business and pleasure, plus they’re even better against your enemies
They can redesign him and fix him
She's writing a Z-list obscure character that a lot of comic book nerds are attached to so some anons are pretty triggered about it. I mean no one gave that much of a shit in the Thanos storylines.
Also I think she has a somewhat good grasp at Thanos since she doesn't make him into a brute like Aaron and Cates do. I like that she makes him have goals and that he's distraught by his newfound feelings for Gamora and how he starts caring for her. But her Thanos lacks that gleeful smile and that fun Machiavellian attitude. And yeah the plot is pretty bland and I don't give a shit about the pseudo Black order. If it was mostly Thanos and Gamora doing shit to try and bring the Magus down and us getting to see Gamora as a teen and then up to the point when they meet Adam, it would be better.
Marvel should give him to Hasbro in exchange for Romm.
What happened to this costume?
thanks for storytiming
He's wearing it on later covers so I guess he changes?