Bats and Joker: The Dynamic Duo on the road one last time!
Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2 Storytime
Thanks for storytiming, Norrin!
No problem, user!
Thanks for storytiming Norrin
I can name all of them except the two between Oliver and Cyborg, who are they?
Also Steel looks pretty pleased with himself.
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based Vigilante design
Looks like Starman (from Roger Stern's run) and Vigilante?
Honestly I'm surprised Diana didn't lead with that.
Is it Owl-man, the one from the n52 run?
This might be this best Batman anything being published right now. Justice League too.
Could someone explain me why people say that Snyder is a Morrison copycat? i've sidelines myself from the comic scene while still buying trades sporadicaly so i'm still fairly familiar just not participating in active discussion as much.
I just dont see it.
The fact that it's not Damien and that Damien isn't there makes for a compelling case that Omega is Damien. Is that too obvious a twist, though? There's NO Robins here, so I feel like there's another twist coming with respect to that.
Because Snyder's a Grant Morrison fanboy. For example this very comic that was just dumped was, according to Snyder, inspired by an idea Morrison told him once.
Jesus christ, this the most fucked the flash Family had ever been.
I'm not a huge DC guy by any means, but I remember a big hubbub several months ago about how DC was pushing to move past the use of the name "Dick" and embrace "Richard" as the standard terminology. Was that something which had been misreported, or is this counter to that broader trend?
snyder and horses. goddamn
Snyder's a pre-New 52 guy, so he probably doesn't give a fuck. He said that he has a lot of freedom with this book. Something he didn't had in all his previous work.
There was nothing like that. At the start of the New 52 there was a small push to call him Richard, but right now they are calling him Ric as part of a crappy Nightwing story but everyone still calls him Dick outside that shit story.
Would Jason make more since with all the Joker stuff Snyder is doing with this story?
Snyder is better than Morrison in every way though. Morrison writes incomprehensible trash. Snyder writes tripe for the masses, bujt at least it's readable.
let's see
>women are all ugly
>men are all weak, effeminie and pathetic
>women are all strong and masculine
>the protagonist needs to be saved by a woman for the second time in a row
just the average sjw shit we can expect from modern comics
Fuck off. It's Wonder Woman. She IS strong. Batman also wasn't weak, nor effeminate, nor pathetic. He was fierce, resourceful, and heroic. It's just that there aren't much you can do in the current situation.
And here come the right wing snowflakes, always ready to be triggered by anything that depicts women or minorities in a positive light.
Go back to your safe space, cuck. You're not wanted or needed here.
There are so many alternate futures with an evil or misguided version of Damian, it's getting old at this point.
We already have Batman 666, Injustice, Batman Beyond, Supersons of Tomorrow and the origin story of the Batman who laughs that had Damian turn himself into a twisted Robin to join his father.
Some people are speculating that he could be involved or even be the leader of Leviathan.
I think dc should give the kid a break.
>Is that too obvious a twist, though?
Where do you think we are?
Yeah, like I said, it feels like it might be too obvious and too easy, but you've definitely nailed down the reasons why that's the case.
Don't try the act here, we know you're faking it.
To be fair, Morrison based the character on the movie The Omen.
yet it's always only male heroes that need to be saved by female heroes. never the other way around regardless of the situation. you are just too cucked to admit that
>Ok with male heroes getting cucked for social justice
>calling still using the "evil nazi" insult anyway
what irony
Wonder Woman just admit it that he's an inspiration for her.
Of course! You can’t have a single comic where Batman gets to be competent and save the day himself. He needs to be rescued by the way more competent female character. Just like in the first issue. I mean anything else would be toxic masculinity. Can’t show men as being strong enough to defend themselves or they might start raping women randomly
And yet she gets to be the one who save him twice and Man are the reason why the world went to shit. Just the average feminist shit. Have men cry all the time and women be the tough characters who do all the fighting.
Female characters never get treated like that. They always get written as Marie sues who kick ass while the men cry
It's Wonder motherfucking Woman. Not to mention this has been their dynamic since the 60s. Batman's the cerebral guy that pick up the clues, point the directions, and exposition about findings, while Wonder Woman's the brawls that gets to save them, clock the bad guys, and keep Batman hopeful. It's a timeless tried and true formula.
And here's the desperate, scrabbling little beta male who needs to accuse people who haven't called anyone a nazi of calling people nazis because when he can't defend himself against the real man he's arguing with, he sets up a strawman to fight with instead.
You pathetic, soft little right-wing onions-boys are such a joke.
Is this the first Elseworlds where Wonder Woman is not a cunt?
Can someone dump the first issue
Whenever Synder tries to delve in meta-commentary and universal mechanics he's pretty obviously aping Morrison like with Metal.
>men are all weak, effeminie and pathetic
>Have men cry all the time and women be the tough characters who do all the fighting
Damien transformed by Darkseid?
How the fuck did Luthor and Starro do that shit?!
through credit cards
Funniest joker has been in a while
At this point I have to wonder if these right-wingers are deliberately coming across as these kind of weak, whining, pathetic cunts on purpose because they know how irritating and frustrating it is for the rest of us and they're just amused by the idea of emasculating themselves in order to troll us.
>that Joker face
>using reddit spacing unironically
Hey there newfriend
I think it's a trolling attempt the other storytimes are filled with the same kind of comments and deathshead storytime got completely derailed because of it
You'd think they would have grayed his hair a bit.
This is okay. It's shallow and trite and started with an uninspiring concept. But I sort of care where it's going and it's blowing through itself really quickly, which is a good thing.
Bad because it's giving up on any opportunity to develop itself, but also good in that sense because it minimises the chance of fucking itself up further.
Also guys, it's really obvious. Look at what Omega tells Alfred.
It's the child Bruce Wayne from the latest Batman Who Laughs issue. He told him to get his parents to stay home no matter what. I'm dead certain this bullshit is all happening in the Dark Multiverse
It's so obvious I actually hope I'm wrong and it's a red herring. But to be fair, I get the impression Yea Forums doesn't have the stomach to crossreference more than 1 batwank event at a time.
>Snyder is a Morrison fanboy
Man, you guys are mad and justifiably so. But can I just say the mental image of all this Year of the Villain shit is fucking adorable with this context? Like Snyder is this dumb puppy trying to act like people.
I see Snyder as the love child of Morrison and Johns. Never excelling at being better than either but still trying to please both of his daddies.
Snyder can be better than Johns, though.
I mean, do we really want to ask the question of whether The Batman Who Laughs is a better OC donut steel than Grail?
Didn't one of these guys start shoving things up his ass to own the libs or am I hallucinating again?
He is. I hate the character, but he's better than Grail. Nothing can be as bad as Darkseid War. Nothing.
Yeah, Mike Cernovich. The alpha male who got James Gunn temporarily removed from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. He even filmed himself shitting it back out for the sake of his online fans. Those people are fucking broken inside.
Yeah, I was wondering if it was the same people doing the same thing in both threads or if it's just the zeitgeist among these people. Any book that's written by a woman brings them out from under their rocks, gibbering and shrieking, but they're being especially pathetic and whiny today.
have sex
Sick burn, bro. When school starts in a month or so, you can tell your fellow seventh-graders what a great zinger it was.
have sex
This is fucking trash. Snyder should be beaten and left as an example to poor writers.
But Morrison also never meant for Damian to be brought back from the dead.
Bruce said it himself in Batman Inc, the future he saw, in which Damian destroyed the world, wasn't his after all.
Okay. Haven't read the latest Bat Who Lmaos yet, but it'd make sense given that Luthor had his Doom rhetoric from Justice League.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
Oh, no... Cap. ;_;
>Batman wins alone in amost everything
read a comic you secondary
... that joke is actually hilarious.
>Harley is dead
Shit, now I see why Ivy is involved in all of this.
Eh, I mean, hair dye isn't exactly Thanagarian Nth metal future tech or anything.
Fucking hell
That's a horrible logo
Oh it’s a bat
a surprisingly great story.
Was Swamp Thing depowered or something? He could fucking WRECK anyone.
>Dead Robins jokes.
Thats some 90s looking tank.
You do realize men have been the leads in almost all areas of media for decades? Especially white men. Get the fuck over yourself bitch
Kino's back on the menu, boys.
Cool the crocodile ate the children.
Fixed that for you
Dead Robin jokes are like Robins themselves, they never grow old.
>why people say that Snyder is a Morrison copycat?
Because almost his entire run stole it's story beats from Morrison's, the directly preceding run.
All the little miniseries he's done since then like All-Star Batman is just him trying to ape what Miller did by carving out his own little timeline.
He's not a bad writer, he's just unoriginal. I'm enjoying this, because it's not being ripped off of anything I'm aware of.
This is clearly bait and if you fell for it, that's sad.
The Crocodile Men of Fawcett? Heh.
I recognize that reference!
>Kyle front and center with John
>Hal in the back, Guy even further back
Goddamn it.
Wait so The Green, The Red and humans where going to work together to fight the bad guys but in the end they turned agains't eachother because????
>because it's not being ripped off of anything I'm aware of.
Superman: At Earth's End
Although it was not a very good comic, so ripping it off is acceptable
Best story of the Black Label so far. Also, all this comic for 6 bucks is a deal.
>speed force storm
jesus christ how horrifying
>shrouded in cartoon mist
How is that phrase so horrifying sounding?
so uhhh how did this happen?
This is the best Snyder has ever written the Joker.
Oh good, this book needed a beacon of hope.
>do you hear voices? I hear voices!
>That's me, Joker
What manner of nightmare is this?
>Aztek way in the back
>Literal Red Tornado
The Speedstorm is a neat idea but I'd prefer something like the Flash-fusion creating a permanent mock-ring akin to Saturn's around the planet as they are perpetually running fast enough to escape the surface but not break orbit.
Looks like something went wrong and Captain Atom blew up
I like how this is the most solid actual mystery story that Snyder's written in a Batman book since the Black Mirror. Apparently he just needs to be working outside of normal canon to do good work.
Pretty much any of the Bats would be obvious in retrospect, but I think the mystery's being handled pretty well here. Bruce, Lex, Joker and Diana all know that it's someone Bruce trained, but it could believably be any of the Bats at this point.
Joker has a ton of great faces in this book that would make for prime reaction-faces. Capullo's great when it comes to facial features and emoting. Anyone know when his Swamp Thing book is coming out?
They mentioned he lost his mind
Joker and Bats, Bane and Scare
It's pretty much a loose sequel to Snyder's run if it was freeze-framed and nothing of note happened past those events, a separate continuity. Every bad end is in the Dark Multi
Actually laughed out loud.
Sanctuary! Heroes in Crisis during a Crisis
So those were baby Clarks from other universes he had sent careening towards Bruce?
So, what, Superman saved Lex Luthor but the rest of the world was so retarded they picked the worse option even though Lex now knew he shouldn't win?
Speedster Orgy gone wrong.
Homage is different from ripping off, this isn't a Tarantino film
Humans are assholes
So this confirms Jay will be rejoining the Flash family soon
No, the world chose Lex and killed Supes. Supes lost the debate
I'm always down for a post apocalyptic Elseworlds story.
Snyder cannot possibly actually believe that. There needs to have been some sort of interference. I mean, especially not the average citizenry of the DCU, who have usually been shown to be nearly worshipful of Superman.
This needs to be more than 3 issues. Anyway, when is #3 coming out?
I bet someone mixed up the code words. I bet everyone thought 'Justice' but turned it into 'Doom' or something and vice-versa.
Basically someone hacked the votes.
it actually isn't solicited yet, so november at the earliest
This is so terrible but Snyder can't anger me, just disappoint.
>they combined multiple Haunted Tanks (TM) into one giant fuckoff super ghost tank
Well, this couldn't possibly go bad.
This is a pretty cool moment that someone clearly brought with them to the table when they were pitching this whole thing. Same with the Flashnado.
I feel like this has more in common with Old Man Logan than Earth's End
This is good Diana. I almost forgot how good she can be. Shame about the hair, though.
That's LITERALLY what user said.
Batman is actually Hodor is not a twist I was expecting.
>read the whole thing
>still not sure what the fuck is going on
whomst the fuck is Omega when theres a fucking Starro
I hope Omega is that black kid that was a new addition to the bat family