Gunnerkrigg Court Duckpond

bly already has more friends in the Court than Annie does.
Did you know that there is a Gunnerkrigg Youtube channel where I look back over older chapters and talk about them? Well you do now, and here is the video for Chapter 60: The Other Shore!

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Annine has friends?

Cvet is cute!

>that last panel pose

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Tom is an absolute savage.
Also, stop being rude you fucking cunt and listen to Cvet's story! God, why can't Forest Annie be more like her better sister?

Forest Annie is such a piece of shit. I wish she'd die already.
Literally no one would even miss her, because they have a superior version of Annie that they are all much closer to.
She has no friends, no style, no brains, she's just a waste of space.

this is how I feel about all these fucking chapters

Refresh my memory on who Steve, Lisa and Anders are? They arent coming up on the wiki/google

They are critucal to the story
Read again faggot, im not explaining all the plot again

They haven't existed until now.

This is one for the hardcore porn folder.

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>Chapter title: Perspective

If that man was a little beefier, I'd think it was Jimmy Jims looking in on the wisp nest and we got some temporal shenanigans going on. Still on the cards though.

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I thought it was obviously Court Annie, because of the pose.
Also, temporal means time related, not size.

For an instant I thought it might be the third Annie.

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I'm pretty sure it's size shenanigans.
Remember Rey said they were nearby.
I'm guessing Parley and Rey and Forest Annie and Cvet are about the same, microscopic size, going by the looks of their environments, they are probably inside the trees/roots and Eglamore and Court Annie are normal sized or maybe, like Arriety sized and are either climbing tree roots or tiny grass roots or something.

Tom made it all very ambiguous on purpose.
The rubble lying around could be anything from big building parts to tiny shards.

I hope Forest Annie gets stomped on by Court Annie and Court Annie is none the wiser.

That would be so hot!

Just imagine a 50 foot tall Court Annie slowly and remorselessly crushing Forest Annie under the sole of her bare foot!

wouldn't it be funny if the shadow is annie and she's searching for a spot to pee? haha that would be embarassing lol.

I am diamond hard, my dude!

Imagine the mixture of pain and pleasure Rey would be feeling in that moment.

What the fuck, dude?
That's sick!
I think it'd be more hot if Court Annie wasn't aware of it.
Or are you implying Forest Annie would be feeling pleasure?
Because I'm totally on board with that, I just think it'd probably be a bit short lived for Rey.

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