Great jaerb today, Yea Forums

great jaerb today, Yea Forums

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>that time they turned coach z into a thick woman.
Shit was crazy dude.

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I did a what?

a great jorb today!

a whaaat?


Thanks Homester! I'd love to come over to your house for Decemberween!



Yes this phone is plugged in.

>see random influx of h*r these days on Yea Forums
>go binge watch a bunch of the toons and sbemails
>it's genuinely still funny while not being cringey
how did they manage to do this? i dont think its rose tinted glasses, it's actually funny

the power of 100% creative control
you ever watch Two More Eggs? their thing they made for Disney? it seems they probably still had total freedom because it just feels like more Homestar

sing along with me co!

>This is impressive, disturbing, and makes me uncomfortable!

Shake dem bulbous cheeks!

Prune me in, Couch Z, I'm Reggie Toupee.

Most early flash cartoons were made by kids and teenagers while HR was made by two bored adult brothers.

I think I just puked my pants.

Ugh, I don't even wanna know...

double PANTS

>Gimme a basket of double hot wings, pants down
>a coupla egg rolls...

Th-this picture is making my family might/could feel kinda funny...

Strong Bad's ability to make fun of fans was always something I liked, especially since that behavior is even more rare nowadays

the fan costume commentaries are still my favorite videos, along with the Little Girl videos
which is weird because it means I like them best when they're reacting rather than creating, but there you are

>don't reference memes
>just have in referential shit in your own lore

No wonder he got sent to prison.

>and at some point in the night, we all get """""treated""""" to Coach Z attempting to freestyle

>that time Coach Z and Pom Pom got into a knife fight on the stone bridge.

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>I'm a blade man, man!

>doesn't mess around with other guys
>is only modestly hot
Would you a Modestly Hot Homsar?

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I'd a regular Homsar to be honest.

>AaAaAaAaAaAaA! My hips are moving on their owwwnn!

AaAaAaAaAaAaA! I'm open for interpretation.

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I’m not sure if I should puke or have a seizure

Who trims those background hedges?

Back in the day you had three major staples of entertainment.
1. Pop culture references that made you easy to find because everyone knows who Super Mario is.
2. In-Jokes that no longer make sense because all the online communities died when the online corporations finally got around to steamrolling them.
3. People just doing their own thing.

Then 3 had three subcategories.
a) Whoah, dude, you can't say that! You'd get banned from TV.
b) Creative characters in unique situations.
c) Porn.