What is your favorite thing about Wonder Woman?

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I like barbarian adventures, she is like Conan but a hot girl fighting nazis and commies

She's a nurturing character who can have a respectable bite. In short, she can be every superheroes mom if she wanted to

Her plane

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her thick slavic accent and cute mycelium tendrils she uses to feast with

The caring dominatrix thing she has.

>caring dominatrix
That's a little redundant, but I still agree.

When she is a loli

The fact that no matter how progressive people pretend she is, her home setting is always a highly classist aristocracy based on conservative authoritarianism ethics. That, and the fact that everyone constantly forgets she's an autistic alien that literally doesn't understand world politics outside of might makes right tier barbarism.

her romance with Batman in JLA 1996

I bet her underwear gets really dirty after a long day

She has to put on that muffler, daddeh.

>he doesn't know about loving submission

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Sexual thoughts about her.

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>character loosely based off Greek mythology
>has a modern jetcraft that's fucking invisible

Help me complete the DC Trinity of fine here;
>Power Girl is Tits
>Zatanna is legs
Who’s the pinnacle of ass at DC? Because Wonder Woman is a jack of all trades in this situation

came here for these two posts

I bet Hephaestus made it as a gag gift.

the porn

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You're confusing her in world ideas with what the character meant in the real world.

Old comics did not give a hint of a shit.

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Her character was created to be a bridge between modern and mythology worlds.

Canary or Dick

/aco/ literally exists for you to have a porn thread without this faint bs please go there and be free to lewd wonder woman without making this board shit

She also has a pet giant kangaroo she rides around on, ya gonna suck the fun out of that too ya fun sucker?

It's such a fucking dumb visual. Why does it always NEED to be invisible? Can't it just have a stealth mode?

But isn’t Canary more legs like Zee? What about Catwoman’s ass?

You do realize she’s not visible when sitting in it, right?

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Hello, Mark Waid. What are you doing posting here on Yea Forums?

That doesn't matter, because you can see her sitting there. It looks fucking retarded. Just leave it in the trash.

Redundant, not contradictory.
Learn some vocabulary above a 3rd grade level.

A dom should be mindful and caring by default, as much a servant as they are a master.

So are you really this autistic?

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Why would not liking a retarded visual make me autistic?

Its only stupid if Diana is still visible when using the jet

I don't get why it's always invisible, or why she even has it in the first place.

It's invisible because it's cool and she has it because it can fly faster than she can and also transport things and people.

I like that because Marston was a bit ahead of his time she simultaneously represents multiple eras of feminism.
I like that she emphasizes peace and diplomacy over all.
I like that she has a really wacky scifi mythos and rogues gallery like Superman.
I like that many writers have interpreted her in different ways.

Mostly I love how interesting her history is and how she means so many things to different people. And I love that she has so many good comics. I've read so much of her and no matter what every era and writer has given me something unique to think about.
There's an aspect of her that, like Superman, just surpasses the comics themselves and has entered into popular mythology. That's the kind of thing that fascinates me, and the fact that she's perhaps one of the first women of the 20th century to do that is even more fascinating.

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>I don't get why it's always invisible
Because the fucker was made in 1942 when full sized planes that couldn't be detected were still fantasy.
They had to use wood and paper gliders to sneak into France before D-Day.

That she is somewhere between 6'-6'5" tall and still wears heels. Most women seem to give up heels if they are taller than 5'9".

>Most women seem to give up heels if they are taller than 5'9".
They are fools.
Heels not only provide height, they thrust the ass out and make the legs more shapely.
It's a full transformation below the belt line.

What is everyone's opinion on the show?

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Does she also fight emu's?

>What is your favorite thing about Wonder Woman?

Lots of things you never use in comics and movies

> The most beautiful woman

> One of the smartest people in the world
like the other amazons

>Martial arts expert
> live 3,000 years or more on Earth
Never decided to spend years in space

It has never been portrayed with all these qualities in comics.

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The penis

The ass

The armpits

She appeals to my mommy issues.

Yeah this

I like pretty girls with blue eyes and big boobs

I like the sexy hair she had in the Justice League Action cartoon.


Aw I fucking wish the giant cutouts guy had made a few of younger Z, but as I recall Redwood chimped out and permabanned him.

>big tits
what's not to love?

Best when powerful and sexually aggressive.

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-She is also interested in actively changing people and the society, instead of simply beating villains
-Her weapons are for defense and constriction, which is unusual and interesting, invisible plane (should really be a starship or something) is also cool (as long as she's not visible inside, that's retarded)
-The clay origin, she is born from an act of love in an utopic society and she CHOOSE to join the fight, abandoning paradise. She is not born from tragedy like many other superheroes
-she is royalty and well read, but she greatly enjoy a good fist fight
-she is also super hot

wonder wombat is my favorite

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I remember when I requested that. thread got nuked when artist delivered. good times.
Would anyone be interested in some writefaggotry for this?


I like when they portray her as having infinite love and compassion, even for the worst people. When she's beating you up because as much as she cares about you, she just can't let you hurt other people. Basically when she's everyone's invincible perfect mom.

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Well that's fucking arousing

What if she is literally like Conan?

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That's a lot of bush poking out from the sides of the underpants

I don't think I can explain. I look up to her no matter what. She just sort of clicked with me when I was watching the Justice League animated series. Then I actually started to read her books and I have to admit I only really liked a few runs. She is strong and makes me feel safe.

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Her arm muscles

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>it's a rabies episode

She has super strength.

Those pale thighs of justice.

She USED to. I fucking WISH Kanga was returned to the WW mythos outside of oneshots and kid books.

Her confidence which led her to become a porn actress

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The femdom

What run/issue was this?

She still has her

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About her specifically...
> I like when they make her wise & lovingly calm. I'm absolutely not adverse to her being a warrior willing to kill but stuff like her threatening to castrate Orion after kissing him in the N52 was deranged.
> Sex appeal

About her mythos...
> The mythology and god battles. Wish she would encounter other pantheons like Thor does more often.
> Rogues gallery is genuinely unique & cool. Ares, Cheetah & pre-new52 are particularly cool.

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I liked her in Justice League. Especially the WW2 special where she befriended an agent, and visits him when he's in a retirement home.

> & pre-new52 ??? are particularly cool.
CRONUS, my bad.

I love how good and ...wait for it.... Wondrous she was in the George Perez run, just a true sweet heart who would fight to the death to protect the idea of peace

Its absolutely Dick and anyone who disagrees is a closeted fag boy

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Sorry to steer away from the weight of what you were saying but I wanna talk about her time at (not) taco bell, when I first heard about it I was expecting it to be such trash but it was incredible, she really put her heart into her cheap fast food job and it was fantastic

>I love how good and ...wait for it.... Wondrous she was in the George Perez run, just a true sweet heart who would fight to the death to protect the idea of peace

I assumed you typo'd Ares as "are".

>And I love that she has so many good comics.

I own Morrisons Earth one (vol 1), the first omni of Perez and the first golden age omni. What else should I take a look at?

He'll yeah.

Didn't really like WW Earth One.
>The Hiketeia
>The Legend of Wonder Woman
>Rucka's first run
>JLA Golden Perfect
>A League of One

which runs should I read if I want to get into WW

George Perez run from the 80s

Is this one any good?

Will check them out.

What do you think of Azzarellos and Jimenezs runs? I've seen the have omnis now.

For me its DCSHG Wonder Woman
>muh black
Fuck off

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I don't like jla-shipping, but it worked there and it was fun (mostly because the relationship is just hypotetical)

>(mostly because the relationship is just hypotetical)
that's the best kind of romance

>What do you think of Azzarellos and Jimenezs runs?
I like Jimenez run. There is no peak WW story there, imo, but he puts lots of effort in the personal relationships between WW and other supporting characters (her sister Donna, Hippolyta ....)
Azzarello's run felt like another setting with another character. It also went nowhere. It could as well be an elseworld story. Not really the run I would suggest to someone who wants to get into regular WW.
(I also didn't like it)

A lot of people shit on Azz's run, but it's a very solid story on its own merits. And personally I'd argue that the things people hated about Azz's run were easier to walk back on than some of the shit other writers have pulled.

Unless you're into WonderBat shipping you'll probably find it obnoxious and self-indulgent on the part of the writer. And if you are into WonderBat shipping then you're a terrible person.

>you're a terrible person.
blame the DCAU for that


Honestly! I think her rogues gallery is really good!

Her body is a close second though

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Ok, i'll check out Jimenezs run but leave Azz's run till i've read more of her stories. Sounds like it's a run to tackle once I have some more knowledge of her.

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Her beautiful eyes

I support this plan

If only anyone would do a fucking thing with them.

>That pose
The ass_support tag on danbooru is a diamond mine.


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dreaming is free

Good news, Greg Rucka's still around to fuck over WW's villains. He's already given us chick Luthor, Two-Fac-I mean Cheetah, Doctor GUNS, and Veronica Cale's personal assistant, what exciting new changes are in store?

Seriously though, reading that WW84 is going to be using something similar to Rucka's Cheetah seriously killed my interest in it.

I thought Cheetah was an evil Tomb Raider

please tell me its not a edit

Eh, her rogues have potential I guess. Make Genocide into her Doomsday and maybe the body of one of her former Amazon mentors repurposed after death. Alkyone really has big potential given the history. Massive potential. More than Ares.

Hating on Wonderbat is a surefire indication that youre a terrible person.

Didnt really like Rucka's 2nd run.
WW84 will be an abominable pyramid of crap, just like the first movie, so who cares...

She used to be. Now she's Diana's former bestie and fighting her makes Diana SAD. The worst part is that Rucka used Vanessa Kapatelis in his first run, so it's not he didn't know Diana already had a villain with a similar dynamic.

Genocide already is her Doomsday. The problem is that Doomsday sucks on a concept level and so does Genocide. The character needs a full revamp and actual purpose. Alkyone is kind of a mixed bag, she's got a bunch of potential but needs careful writing as it would be pretty easy to just completely fuck the character.

I don't like trinity shipping (or jla shipping), but WW+BM will always be less offensive than WW+SM

I enjoy the whole "former bestie" thing but it doesn't work with these two.

The fantasy implies apathy or even sadism, even if the reality requires the opposite

>The problem is that Doomsday sucks on a concept level and so does Genocide
Doomsday does not sucks per se imo, but it's a character (more like a plot device) that can be used only one time, only in that kind of story, only for superman and only in that historical context.
Doing anything else with it sucks by default

Genocide is worse. The corpse of a future version of Wonder Woman brought to life?
It reeks of 90s X-Men convolution and edginess.

higher ups demanded that shit.
She was supposed to be the corpse of Knockout after she died in Death of the New Gods

Simone's run was plagued with shit like that. She was also served a plate of shit after amazons attack

>Alkyone is kind of a mixed bag, she's got a bunch of potential but needs careful writing as it would be pretty easy to just completely fuck the character.
Got any ideas of what to do with her they haven't already done?

That's not any better. Imagine if Bane was some OC from another book tied to yet another franchise?

>The character needs a full revamp and actual purpose
Can't remember her name but doesn't Hippolyta have some right hand black woman? Have her play the aunt role to Diana and when she dies in some story some more overarching villain, be it Ares or whoever, takes the body and repurposes it as Genocide, so Diana ends up fighting some twisted perversion of a person she did love and an insult to that person's memory. She's off balance emotionally as well as physically being battered.

...did she just grabed her ass at the end?

nope. You are mixing at least two characters: Philippus (the black right hand of Polly) and the mess that happened in the Simone run (maybe mixed with the 2009 animated movie)


He is gonna make them all dykes or Bi

Wait I thought people liked Rucka's run

Trinity shipping is cancer

Right, so why not have her be the base for Genocide? Also, the character needs a visual design. As someone said, looks like some fucking X-Men thing.

Not guy but I prefer the idea of them being at each other throats at first, slowly become friends over time, Diana learning to trust Batman, etc.

the first one, yes.
the second one is only liked because people compare it to all the shit that plagued WW in the last 10 years or so.
On its own is mediocre

Her height and toned body.

Please no. It's one of the few WW supporting characters that didn't went to shit...

I never even knew this was as a thing but yeah this.

I won't disagree.
>Imagine if Bane was some OC from another book tied to yet another franchise?
you just reminded me of fucking Grail...

I'd argue that Canary has better legs than Zatanna

I don't know whose worse, grail or jason, but i do know that neither of them should ever appear in a comic ever again

Anyone find it hot when when one of the characters with the legs out (especially bare like WW) is squaring off with another female hero or villain more fully dressed? Like the idea they're holding their own despite being in a more vulnerable position being more exposed and naked.

It was a goofy thing they came up with back in either the golden or silver age, before she could fly. It doesnt show up much in serious setting because it's so goofy and out of place, with the best modern explanation I've heard for it is that it's the spoils of war that she took from some adventure

Because old comics were silly by nature

>Jason is Poochie and literal shit

Ed benes is nice.

It's him burning off a bunch of scripts he already had and being salty as fuck.

Make her the brutal, realpolitik counterpart to Diana's peaceful idealism.

I'd revamp her into something actually related to her namesake. An avatar of the hateful dead, born to wreak bloody violence against the living for crimes committed since time immemorial.

The Trinity concept is cancer. Wonderbat is just great duo. Snyder's Last Knight on Earth is only half good because of Diana presence.

until the 80s Paradise Island was a sci-fi utopia like many others lost civilizations

>It's him burning off a bunch of scripts he already had and being salty as fuck.
being salty about nu52 shit isn't a fault, but it doesn't excuse mediocrity

Batman has more than enough girlfriends, there's no reason to do Diana the disservice of being just another one.

Supbro and WW need be together

fuck, no. Of all the retarded ships, SM/WW is the most disgusting and retarded one

It’s a coin toss really

They all suck, really. I don't even care about romance and such, though. Just their interactions. They've a great dynamic.

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They were and it was terrible. I still ship it though

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Wouldnt she kick the absolute crap outta Conan? Hes tough as shit but still just a mighty human, she's god Hulk or even Thor tier strength and durability, like she fights Superman on the reg

Have you watched Justice League vs. The Fatal Five? It's an animated movie that hit blue ray a couple months back and takes place in the same timeline and the Justice League Unlimited cartoon. She's great in that, her fights agaisnt the Pursauder are top tier

Thought her name was Hoppa?

Jumpa that was it

Every time it happens Wonder Woman just act as if she was Maxima, which makes me question why they didn't used Maxima in the first place.

The point of BM/WW is that Batman gets to be the girlfriend and becomes a better person because of it. She's the flying brick with a heart of gold and he's the cerebral icequeen who must be defrosted, it's an inversion of classic gender roles which was sort of the point of WW in the first place.

Name recognition

>She's the flying brick with a heart of gold and he's the cerebral icequeen who must be defrosted, it's an inversion of classic gender roles which was sort of the point of WW in the first place.
Damn, this is why Iove.

But that's already Steve Trevor. And besides, Bruce already has Clark for that dynamic

>many good runs

People will shit on you for that opinion but it’s kinda true. While she doesn’t have Man of Tomorrow or Dark Knight level stories I can only think of Finch as having the only truly terribly written run. Even fill in runs like Gerry Conway's and Len Weins run are still enjoyably good reads. Batman and Supes have had ups and downs but Wondy has consistently. Doesn’t have the highs like Supes and Bats but she also doesn’t have many lows.

I think the reason why Maxima will never go back to being a thing is because nobody cares about her. The master race concept that is at the heart of SMWW simply doesn't work when the most powerful and famous heroine is not the one who's making the kids. So imagine if we replaced the N52 SMWW with Supes and Maxima, where does that leave Diana ? Could Clark and Maxima rule over humanity as their God King and Queen, when Diana, a female Superhero who can easily challenge either of them, just sitting around ?

I know this never happened in the main continuity, but this has always been the end game of SMWW. Even in the N52 there were allusions to the SMWW kids who never were, with artists even creating designs for them. The same applies to Kingdom Come, Dark Knight Strikes Again/Master Race, Distant Fires, Created Equal, or even the dream that Diana had about marrying Clark and ruling alongside him in the main continuity during Eric Luke's run on her solo. SMWW fetishizes the imaginary union between the two to create the perfect beings. As if creating a master race is Diana's obligation to the world. It's so fucked up when you stop to think about it for a second.

My point is, SMWW doesn't work with anyone other than Diana. That's most likely why Maxima disappeared into irrelevancy. Replacing Diana with another female, even one who could substitute as a suitable vessel to carry Superman's holy seed, just doesn't cut it, as it drops one of the most important aspects of SMWW, the idea that Superman is entitled to have the strongest, most illustrious heroine be his mate. A throwaway character like Maxima doesn't come close to fulfilling the role that Diana does in SMWW's narrative, so sadly I don't ever see anyone else replacing Diana and putting SMWW to rest. As off putting and creepy as it is.

Well Maxima being a villain could add something unique to Superman's romances. I don't think he has a Catwoman.

He has catwoman

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Steve Trevor keeps getting blender. Right now he's literally Rick Flag with none of the moral conflict or bravado. Where's my cheeky Trevor from the silver age?

Superman used to have Maxima, Livewire, Encantadora, Silver Banshee, Volcana. They all went gay with the New 52.

Fuck off you delusional shipper

>Can't get Superman so they turn to pussy instead
Damn Supes save some for the rest of us

>I won't be molsted
No, but you will be molested.

>Could Clark and Maxima rule over humanity as their God King and Queen, when Diana, a female Superhero who can easily challenge either of them, just sitting around ?
Man, it's almost as if you could have a conflict between WW and SuperMax over them playing Gods. Of course, that'd cut in on Batman's gig so it can't be allowed.

Rucka is really bad at character voice.

The Trinity concept does suck.

This. Steve Trevor needs to be kind of a sexist dick to work because he wasn't super smart or super tough, he was just an above average chad with way more balls than brains or brawn. It's charming watching him get put down (gently) because you knew he'd always get back up and immediately say something that he would deserve to be humbled for saying. When you take away his asshole-ness he becomes pathetic torture porn and when you give him super-skills (but still without the attitude) he becomes a copy of every other G.I. Joe rippoff.
I guess you can't have a good Steve because the character isn't PC by today's standards.

>Once you've had Superman you can't go back to dick

Volcana never appeared in the comics and Encantadora has maybe 3 appearances.

>They all went gay with the New 52.
Since when? And it’s Rebirth now.

That's retarded, you don't need to make him a sexist dick - Diana has no reason to put up with him if he was. The issue is that they make him part and parcel to Diana's adventures, so the character has nothing going for him outside being attached to WW. Take Lois Lane. She does shit completely unrelated to Superman. Sometimes it links back, sometimes it helps him, sometimes she needs Clark to pull her ass out of the fire, but what she does is independent of Superman.

Since Supergirl started to steal all of Superman's villains.

That’s still isn’t the character’s fault. We all know Steve could be immensely developed by now as a character on his own. But seeing as DC barely writes Wondy they sure as hell aren’t going to put effort in her human support

Rebirth is still infested by nu52 shit. Just look at the state of ww's lore

Steve's actually got a ton of focus since Nu52 and the film more or less cemented him as part of her cast.

DC rather fill her cast with overused public domain unoriginal characters and Batman and Superman rather than actual developing her cast of characters

He's still bland as fuck and usually drag her book down when he's in it.

Agreed. It’s slowly getting better. But it’s coming about 35 years too late, so now we have people who grew up thinking Wondy was Batman’s or Superman’s cocksleeve are issuing backlash against the character. Hence all the “he’s bland” circle jerk from people who clearly only read Wonder Woman in Batman or JL comics

Dude, there's no backlash. Current comics Steve Trevor is literally a poor version of Rick Flag. They even Etta Candy to turn her into Amanda Waller. Look at DCEU Trevor. Everyone loves him. He was forward, sexist, charming, funny, and tragic. He had character. He had that roguish quality. N52 Trevor lacks all that. Before he was bitter ex and now just an insecure boyfriend. Thats the extent of his characterization. He's the definition of bland.

Superwoman is hotter
It's a shame she doesn't have much porn

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wtf happened to her

>Diana has no reason to put up with him
Sure she does. She's in love. People put up with flaws of people they're in love with all the time. And usually, love stories have people outgrowing said flaws together. That's fine. Except if you want to pretend that sexism, of all traits, is somehow not allowed as a flaw.
It is.
>Take Lois Lane
Romance side characters over-stepping their place is one of the stupidest modern trends. Yeah, she can have her own stuff to do, Steve does too. But she exists for superman and the writing has to acknowledge that.

Her design. I can stare at Terry Dodson's art for minutes on end. I love just drinking in everything about Diana's aesthetics when she's drawn correctly. I like her personality. I like that she demonstrates strength and compassion in a way that contrasts with Superman or Batman. She's a Warrior and her decades of combat experience can trump someone with a higher power level. I like her when she's young and impulsive and I like seeing her grow into a graceful, responsible woman who doesn't rush to preach her people's cultures or politics but brings them about in an organic way.

Fuck me she's good. I just don't like Steve Trevor and her together because I find him boring. Also I have this autistic thing about names and his is stupid.

It is

she got a reboot in 2011 and became a generic character

100% this. Always start with this

When I think Justice League I instantly think of his art. The dudes are huge and powerful and the women are muscled and curvy. Everyone is visually stimulating and has classic heroic comic proportions.

One of the most criminally underutilized rouges gallery in all of comics

It really deserved mention. You have to admire that attitude. It isn't played for a laugh. It's just genuine optimism. How can you not get a happy vibe from it?

Is there a Wonder-loli archive? Every booru doesn't even fucking tag her as a separate character, so I have to go through gorrilion awful r34s of regular WM just to find one Wonderloli

Her fertile hips and nurturing mamaries

Wilson started a good narrative about her and Steve’s relationships. Unfortunately it looks like Bendis and editorial wanted him out of the way for Leviathan and Wilson decided to leave those threads hanging and replace him with another public domain trans character. DC editorial deserves the spot as Diana’s and her crews most deadly enemy

Yes. She's like a demigod or something. Conan's best couldn't hope to cause even minor discomfort. It's disgusting that they have the same legs though. How did the artist fuck that up?

What plane?

Hermaphroditeangel and Niggress OC aside, Wilson hasn't been as bad as I feared.

>She's like a demigod or something.
Is she still a stupid demigod?

SM+BM is the tr00 path

That's no Constantine.

I agree as well especially considering Wilson’s original ideas were quite clearly railroaded mid way through her run by editorial

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I'd agree with this

>I agree as well especially considering Wilson’s original ideas were quite clearly railroaded mid way through her run by editorial
Explain, did Wilson want to overstep or did editorial yank her chain for no reason?

Yes I watched it but in my experience she is very underused in JL. Both in the comics runs I read and in the animated series. The first series that really do her justice is (un)ironically DC Super Hero Girls.

I know solicits change all the time but the latest issue implied that Grail was going to be an ally when initially solicited. Not to mention artists had to change artwork on a few covers of the last couple of issues.

I doubt Wilson is the type of person to change her ideas that dramatically so the likely culprit is that she had to change details and plot based on editorial

Wasn't Vixen black at one point?

She wrote in a god of transgenderism and a gay sassy black OC, what could editorial have cut? This smells like crossover bullshit to me but who would have designs on Grail that would outrank Wilson?

SU my dude

Your pic's a pretty good example

four times two chan slash delicious has a whole 300+ post thread of pics

fuckin based

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Yeah please leave Phillipus alone

The fuck does Steven Universe have to do with Superwoman.
no seriously,what does SU mean

>Shota molests Wondy
>Wondy takes offence and when he doesn't relent manhandles him into submission and putting him into an amazon press until he begs for mercy

Not that user, but I'm guessing "Something Unlimited", a porn game in the style of the Justice League cartoons.

i should really watch this show

Oh shit,thanks.

Susan Eisenberg is a terrible Wonder Woman

Her big smile

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>loosely based
well, you said it yourself

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Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?

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The duality of man

Let's just say every "best version of Wonder Woman" Yea Forums comes up with is basically what she was in the show, decades earlier.

Attached: Wonder Woman.jpg (960x1080, 333K)

All that image is making me think how Wondy should tower over Bats and Supes, have a banging ass, and have the second biggest tits on DC. But they will never ever do that.

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Her lust for some batdick

>That doesn't matter, because you can see her sitting there. It looks fucking retarded. Just leave it in the trash.
i'm pretty sure it was that super friends tv show that started this meme.

I don't really like anything about Wonder Woman. I guess the good thing about her is that she has cornered up the "feminist character" schtick so thoroughly that I only have to actively ignore one character.

Her character


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this. aftercare is important

I know I'm totally ripping off Megamind here, but how has she not misplaced this damn plane yet?

Fun thing I recently learned about Conway's run: MANY of the stories were probably written by his then wife, Carla, and just credited to him for some sort of contractual/financial reason I can't recall.
Sadly since this won't ever be confirmed officially, which sucks because she could very well be the first woman to ever completely write the WW book.
It's a really underrated era of the character, IMO, a lot of the fun of the 50's and 60's but with better writing.

>She wrote in a god of transgenderism
Atlantiades is another name for Hermaphroditus, an actual Greek diety.

I like her ass too OP.

Liking GWW's current run quite a bit actually, at least when she has good art. That arc with Giganta was pretty bad cause the artist sucked at art and storytelling.

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>user can't into reading comprehension
I never said it was an OC. In fact I specifically differentiated the god of transgenderism from her OC.

It's not a god of transgenderism.

Reminder that she has the powers of SHAZAM, so she could be any age.

Her Legs, I finally figured out where my fetish for shapely and strong legs (great ass is a plus and almost guaranteed with nice legs) came from wonder woman
She's also why I like Boots and arm accessories like gauntlets in general character design

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>have the second biggest tits on DC. But they will never ever do that.
What did he mean by that

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she's a feminist without being a raging cunt. when written well

How hairy she is.

>god/dess is literally a fe/male soul in a futa body
nigga I'm not going to argue semantics with you, that's exactly what gets tranny's motor running.

>Now she's Diana's former bestie and fighting her makes Diana SAD.
Ah yeah lets use a trope that Spider-man already dried the well of in the 70s

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It helps that it's a magical robot plane that obeys her commands and she can just call for it.

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Between being able to make a breakfast burrito with a blindfold and reading up on the "romance of Mexican cooking" it's incredibly charming to watch her put maximum love and care into a job that anyone else would hate and take for granted

But that’s hidden by a cloak

that is actualy mary marvel though

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>That one artist doing CG futa abs WW fucking Powergirl
Artist is Nyl2

This. She's probably the nicest of the League but is also not afraid to snap necks if she really really has to.

It's actually Hal Jordan

what bullshit
canary looks about the same

I fucking love looking at Diana's legs. Love being a leg man.

I thought JL Action did an ok job with her, used more of her rouges gallery than other shows and during the fight against the red lanterns you can see her lining up her shot, a small touch but it shows she's more tactically minded as opposed to just throwing out attack after attack

Imagine the smell

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>I thought JL Action did an ok job with her
She was haughty, cruel, and snarky, constantly wanting to show off her super-powers and getting off violence. How is any of that okay? Not to mention the disgusting SMWW pairing.

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Poor Bats.

>Says this with a straight face when Marvel exists

Oh god it's you again

Didnt we have an entire thread a while back telling you to shut the fuck up?

It was a shitty portrayal of Wonder Woman. I can take any video from Youtube showing its version of Wonder Woman treating someone like shit or espousing her desire to see a villains dead.

Just accept that the cartoon had a bad portrayal of Wonder Woman despite the nice and sexy design.


>I can take any video from Youtube showing its version of Wonder Woman treating someone like shit or espousing her desire to see a villains dead.
Go ahead then, show us
>Just accept that the cartoon had a bad portrayal of Wonder Woman despite the nice and sexy design.
>just accept my mental illness as truth and don't doubt me goy

Calm down, you're both ugly and Chad isn't going to ask either of you to prom.

The best thing about Wonder Whore is her BIG JUICY FAT AND PERFECT ASS, in every version, she's a Goddess

Attached: FATANDBIG.jpg (480x360, 36K)

She's a big girl.

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She looked perfect and played great in this game, but she was such a bitch that I just couldn't stand her. Supes at least had some traces of his old self despite being an asshole, but Diana was a completely callous bitch compared to how she usually is. Amazing ass, though.

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>magnetically holds you in place
girl, my ass isn't made of metal

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Half white

well, bionic woman's ass is lmao

>sort of
wonder woman doesn't respect your intelligence enough to explain the actual process

I like atom and Wonder Woman. They’re cute together

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As usual, her breasts.That's it. No femdom shit like everyone else.

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This is a nice summary video

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For me, it's breasts, but also personality, ass, legs, costume, and indeed femdom shit. I also just like all the Greek mythology shit, and the fact that a lot of her stories read like a sword and sorcery heroine reverse isekai'd into Earth.

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eat them please