It's an American Dad thread, post your favorite jokes!

It's an American Dad thread, post your favorite jokes!

That's what I'm gonna say when I start the American Dad thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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It's an American Thrad dead!


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[Gasps from off-screen]

"I dropped my meatball in the pool..."

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>Package for Steve Smith. Sign here.
>Wait.This crate is way too big for binoculars.
>Oh, is it? I guess you know a lot about crates. Hey, good news, Sid. We got ourselves a regular crate expert. Little kid's gonna tell me all about crates. Professor Crate over here.
>All right, all right. I'll sign.
>He's right, you know. You have been kind of a jerk since you read that book about crates.

Will this thread get too spicy for the pepper?


The Ricky Spanish episode may just be the single greatest episode in all of American Dad's entire run.

I don't even remember this but it's killing me to imagine it.

>Starting with Rogershit
Off to a bad start already.

In the words of every sitcom character in the early 90's, and everyone in the Midwest through the rest of the 90's, "Don't go there."

oh go on user, tell us all about roger, how you go to roger conferences to talk about roger

Tell them how you killed AJ, user.

user NOOO

>What the hell was in that sauce?

>"I just hope it's not me in there"
>Stan and Roger go through the door
>Roger: "Crap"
>Roger's sitting in the chair in a disguise
>Stan looks to his left, where Roger was standing when they walked into the room, and he's not there
>Stan just rolls his eyes

My all time favorite is a scene where Stan is talking to Steve in the living room, and at one point it's revealed that Francine was standing just off to the side, listening to the whole conversation. Stan asks how long she'd been there and is about to continue talking to Steve when he stops and gives Francine a look,

Or in another episode
>oh good, I'm just the secretary

That’s the same one.

>"The teacher here is supposed to be the most intense and demanding instructor in all of clowning and-Shit it's Roger, isn't it? It's gonna be Roger."

everything the girl's school principal said

>I could hear your little penis slapping against leg all the way down the hall

>what now steve? do you need a special chair for your little wiener to hang through?
>Is this your first time meeting a man?

>The one where Roger is a guy, who has a human brother, but the mother is also him.

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>The main purpose for the brother persona is to get information for a competing construction company another persona owns

he's also the wife of an elderly judge and has kids in film school

>Stan, these are my sons, Alex and Ron. They're in Columbia Film School.
>How is that possible?
>I know. I look too young to have kids in college.
>No, that you have children when your persona is totally fabricated.
>We are the music-makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.
>That is an unsatisfying answer.

He also kidnapped that guy and brainwashed him into thinking Roger’s his overprotective Greek/Jewish Mother.

>That is an unsatisfying answer.
that's gold

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>C'mon Francine, say something
>Thats not saying something, thats doing something
>Atta girl

From one of the newer episodes where Snot wasn't poor anymore.

>Steve: "See, I've always been your sugar daddy, and when you got your own sugar, I was worried you wouldn't want to hang out with daddy anymore."
>Snot: "That's crazy! You'll always be my daddy."
>Old man: "I know everyone says this, but kids really do talk different these days."

I love the Roger bits that are physically impossible, like this one:

>Do YOU have a medium character?

>I'm taking you straight to the hospital
>Unless this kick revives you

The first Turlington episode was amazing.

The B plot fucking sucks though. It's a massive problem in the later episodes, the A plot is great but the B plot is just a meandering one note joke that feels forced in just to keep the structure and the whole episode suffers for it.

Also honourable mention to the end line of Cops and Roger, another great episode with a terrible B plot.

>He didn’t like Tunji
Epic fail.


>Wait, how'd I get here? I think I'm cracked in the head!
The whole bar mitzvah episode is great

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>his eyes are red, from smoking weed.
>I really can’t believe you’re an educator Brian.
Principal Lewis is the best.

Man I'm upset they killed off Turlington

God fucking damnit I read that in his voice.

And then you remember the episode where you learn that Roger has super speed and a lot of this thing start to make a bit more sense.

I googled him just to check and apparently there are multiple of them, and I was wrong, the appearance I was talking about was actually the third Turlington episode. They all have different first names apart from the first who doesn't get a first name.

I don't think continuity is a big focus anymore regardless.

>When she..fakes it... Oh my god, I love that movie.

>This clean.

One of my all time favorites

>The monkey movie is top priority. I'm already hearing Oscar whispers...or some sort of whispering. Do you hear voices, Smith?
>Yes, they're telling me if I don't want to die in a monkey costume I need to learn how to DJ.


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>"Luckily I know a guy who might be able to help us. Let's just pray that for once when we get there he doesn't turn out to be me."

"Thank god I'm just a secretary."
"I'm an associate!"

>When they all go insane with power from doing the announcements
Amazing bit.

This scene had me in tears the first time I watched it.

>this is you, isn’t it? I’m going to get there, and it’s going to be you
>it’s a strong possibility

> have husband? With grandchildren?! How do you even find the time?
>If it's really important, you MAKE the time

it's time you knew the truth

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>"But I'm not a part of your family, please let me go home!"

>My job is mostly administrative actually

I only catch American Dad on TV, and I seem to get that episode where Stan goes through a Noah complex a lot but rarely do I catch the episode after that during the apocalyptic flood. What season was this again?

>And I will let you drive my Camaro once I fix the GOD DANG DRIVESHAFT.

Dude that episode is on all the fucking time on every channel AD airs what gives?

IDK, AS also played that episode of Rick and Morty with those parasites twice a week. There has to be a reason for these.

>Roger is planning an ocean's 11 type heist
>He nods towards the camera
>reverse shot: a car is parked far away
>zooms in to reveal Roger in the driver's seat
>he nods back and drives off
Anyone know what episode this is from?

>It's time for Coco to be Coco

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Oh wow, here it is
Finally. My spirit can pass on.

My favourite scene is still
>You hustling me boy?

What’s great is how much his abilities would solve problems in so many episodes, but he’s either so dedicated to the person, too lazy, too petty or just too damn stupid that doesn’t become relevant.

too late user, its been ESTABLISHED

>You don't know why the americans and germans were fighting in ww2?
>Nobody knows.

When Klaus isn't just about
>waaaah, I'm sad and pathetic
, he's great.

>You know I gotta say Roger I am surprised the artist didn't end up being you.
>Honestly? Me too.

Will you go there?


Do you eat


I have the money.

You should fry some baloney in here...

Love that episode

>Derby guy slides over car hood right into a gate's mouth
>Get it together Derick! Keebler needs us! WAHOOOOO
>Derby lady slides over hood right off a cliff

Also that salami cop bit
>OWIE WOWWIE! Baby wants mommmmmmy ahughhugh make it diiiirty!
>Truck outta nowhere

>PS, Rogu can eat all the uncooked pasta he wants
>Rogu, I know you wrote that last part

I love Rogu

Has anyone else ever noticed that Santa and Buckle have never been in the same episode?

Kinda suspicious if you ask me

>starts crying immediately afterwards

>Santa's workshop is behind that wall
>Lifts Rodger off screen
>okay now you pull me up
>puts hand off screen and it's right net to Stan

>I got it from my daddy
>I got it from my daddy
>I got it from my daddy

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Man, the Tunji plot was great, the payoff to that is honestly funnier than the Ricky Spanish plot, what're you talkin' about?

So here's the question, was it a full moon werewolf or a three-pointer werewolf?


I love that he sometimes does sometimes doesn't have 'boys' in various cities

>oh I'm sorry, did your goldfish not fix your car good enough?!

Stelio's seed and feed

I really like the non-copyright-infringing version of Old Time Rock & Roll Steve played a few weeks back:

Just take those ol' shackles off my elf
I need to punish him by myself
I've just got too many elves to scold
I'll scar their bodies and devour their souls

>Stan, I’m worried about Roger
>Really? I’m more worried about Frankenstein. That guy’s terrifying.

Ya clipped me CHIEF!


>the redhead with the pigtails
She likes it

>I know what you did to our kids you monster!
>Haha... Why can't I leave things nice.

>He hasn't talked to his dad in years, and his mom ran away before he was born.

4:11 always cracks me up for some reason

I always wanted to get naked in front of a group of people but I'm not good looking enough for it to be legal.

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...How could she do that?

Given the show's love for coming back to various plot points, did they ever address that? Haven't had a chance to catch up on the show in a while, but I wouldn't put it past them to have come back to this thing about Jeff's birth in some way.

They didn't address that because it's literally impossible to explain
hence Stan's confusion and intrigue

I think they once implied that his mom was a hooker and his real dad was a Navy officer.

He also once offhandedly mentioned having a brother who his dad loved more than him.

It's only impossible since the current context merely sounds like she somehow left before giving birth. They could easily come up with some bizarre circumstance in which Jeff is both birthed by his mother and her skipping town prior. AD has had some pretty wild twists in its many years.

>You choc-blocked me, bro!

>Who's doing this to me? Who are you? Show yourself!

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He died years ago! His bike is left locked on the bike rack as a grim reminder of his passing! They say his ghost makes the peddles turn sometimes but its not true! When your body dies your soul dies with it!!!!!


>Jeff, if you're going to masturbate, you do it where everyone else in the house does it: On Steve's bed.
>Steve: [off-screen] WHAT

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>Sounds like Steve is going bananas again.

Basically any short one-liner from Steve screaming

It'd be better with subtitles.

That one got me.

>Also, he's got a really big-
>PENIS! Damn it, I mean Haley, I was trying to cut you off-
>I was going to say heart, but hey, you shined his shoes.

That wasn't even that funny. Nothing in that episode beats the scene where the Red Rammer's revealed.

>Lewis talking about working for Machado

>Cheesers came back
>Is Chaz gonna be ok?


Klaus: Say the line Haley! Do it!
Haley: *Runs across the yard naked* HELP RACCOONS TOOK MY PENIS!

Has anyone noticed a shift in Francine's personality in the new TBS episodes? Now she just sits there with a sourpuss attitude instead of being sporadically energetic and ditzy.

The only character who has remained consistent is probably Steve, and probably Roger but it's kinda hard to tell with him. Stan is a lot zanier than he used to be.


Yea, it was around season 3 or so the show started to get more loose about Stan's conservatism and just making him "sometimes a douchey conservative" and more "idiot dad" like Peter and Cleveland, but at least more consistent in his mannerisms compared to those two who just act as stupid as the plot demands.

Yeah the show changed a lot after the first couple seasons but even after the TBS move he became more relaxed and sporadically childish/needy than he was in pre-TBS seasons.

Francine I haven't been entirely truthful with you.

>I'm being kidnapped!

This isnt a ambulance. This is a HAMBULANCE!!!!!


All time great joke

Just watched the STAAN security system one, the bit with the guy in the store is incredible.

>You’re the world’s most perfect fool!

I turned on this episode mid channel change and it convinced me to try the rest of the show out.

Muuuhhh Matthew
Mathyou can understand is what I teach in this class

>Jeff (not that one): "And something tells me you're gonna need a little help from Chad again."
>Steve: "Jeff, will you please stop calling yourself Chad? Chad died, okay? And yes, I would have loved to have had help from Chad again."
>Steve: "Everyone would. He was the best."

And later in the episode:

>Stan: "General? General? He's dead."
>Some Guy: "You talking about Chad? I know. He was great. I've been meeting a lot of adults that knew him. I think that's pretty cool."
>pic related

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That Twilight Zone-esque episode they had this season still impresses me.

Too bad Peele couldn't summon half that creativity for his revival.

Goddamnit this one was so great but only the first time. The surprise factor was so important to the joke.

I swear I always know what jokes to put here until these threads actually appear, then my mind's just completely blank.


The little stammer he does with "th-this" is what absolutely kills it for me.

I absolutely love how of the voice actors execute some of these lines, it's what really makes them hilarious.

>Mature Najavo bitches
everything about delroy was great

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>This guy rode me like an animal for three hours! Do you have any idea what that's like?
>And now I'm not hungry.

>And who
>And who are you?

>It's a Brian acts like a creep episode
>Liddle biddie things

>he's got red eyes from smokin' weed
I'm still surprised nobody has tried to sell these, either official or bootleg

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There’s a whole bunch of gangster Looney Tunes stuff.

Not a bad idea user

Anyone in this thread have any laaaunch cooodes?

Yea Forums I haven't been entirely truthful with you.

>He takes of parts of the brother persona and gets fatter then skinny again when he puts them back on.

is he gonna be okay?

Let go of the cat food!

Why is Snot eating the pork? Pork isn't Kosher.

>Pork isn't Kosher
No, but the maggots were

group of trucks

He's too poor to not eat food offered to him.

Being Jewish is who Snot is! IT’S EVERYTHING TO HIM!


The recent ep where Roger gets angry at a flight attendant stealing his jokes so he tries to crash the plan then jumps out with a parachute but they're already like 10 feet above the ground

The AD writers have managed to do a perfect "pathetic" style character with Klaus that doesn't come off as overly edgy/tryhard like with Meg from FG

>My name is Braff Zacklin. I was an international race car driver. One day, a baby carriage rolled out onto the track so I swerved into the retaining wall to avoid it. The car burst into flames, but the baby miraculously survived ... I was that baby.

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>We thought you died!

The instant karma he gets from trying to kill a plane full of people is what makes it perfect.

Loved Franicne’s imaginary friends

But that doesn't make any sense

>Oh. That's on camera.


I unironically miss when Family Guy, American Dad, and Cleveland Show were all on the same night on Fox and were sort of their shared little universe.

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>Mah... Name... Is... Wilbur... Kentucky.

Haley just quitting the plot after she finds out the guy her and roger have been hunting for all ep was roger.

She should have seen it coming tho

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>oh, my God, you're right. Lying IS wrong.
>I'd know that if I only I'd paid attention to anything that's ever happened to me before.

Loved how Roger was also the father who left his family

Delivery is almost everything on AD. A lot of the things they say are just unfunny nonsense without tone or context.

In the fake ID episode when Rogers goons slit his throat as a warning.

>the episode where Steve and Snot clone themselves dates/daughters
>the dodo that spends every moment on screen trying to kill itself
>the family just casually stops it every time
They never said a word about it, either. Just a little detail. I fucking love it.

Most of the C-plots were pretty funny, like the various squirrel ones. Would say the Tortoise and Hare one was a bit forced, if only because it didn't even feel like dark comedy, just "well, that's kind of sad"

I was expecting him to be the mother too somehow, since they kept her face out of frame.

and yet no rule 34

>This isn't the first time you've been accused of hitting a student.
But this IS the first time I didn't actually do it. ... Can I retract my statement?

Genevive Vavance is totally Jeannie Gold/Ricky Spanish tier user. Bump her up to god.

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>one of the episodes where Stan loses sight of the family and has to give up his goals to set everyone straight
>Stan: "And Steve that homeless vagrant has to leave right now!
>Steve: "But he has nowhere to go!"
>Stan: "He has everywhere to go!"

>AD and FG do exist in the same universe
>somehow each have a different God/Heaven/Jesus and Santa

I know you're suppose to take Seth shows with the tiniest grain of salt but this still bugs me sometimes.



>Pepper jack cheese... *chuckles softly* it’s my heaven.

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How do steve bucks work?


>You though I was asleep, didn't you?

Patrick Stewart is a treasure

I also like the plot where Hayley tricked Roger into signing her work study/internship/whatever she wanted signed through a complicated series of Looney Tunes-esque role switching.


>Are you chicken? Oh wait that's right, chickens have wings!
>Oh...I'm sorry, I thought you knew.


Michelle was cute

This jone only works when you hear the tone changes


Roger losing his shit about the Squash match and stabbing himself in the next then continue the conversation casually was good

Ah damn kids. Sometimes I think I should have just stayed in Peru moving coke. Machado was a cold bastard, but he was good to his men. And once you drew blood for him, you were set. Hooch, blow, girls; not women, girls. Little bitty things.



>"Actually, Francine, I seduced him. I don't know why I wanted him, but I wanted him."

Just the way he said it was perfect.

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jeannie gold is still my favorite roger persona

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I want to look up Francine's dress.

>Uh, Steve? I don't really handle the money. Your father handles the money. All the money.
>I keep a brick in my purse just to feel like I have something. And I asked your father to buy the brick.

I probably didn't quote it right but I thought the joke was great.

>"It's time for my xylophone class!"
>Stan tiptoes out of the room, making xylophone sounds with each step

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She was energetic in the Stomp episode.

That is the best one

Any sexy scenes with Francine?

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God Haley does things to me.

>I have the car keys in my pocket you stupid biiiiitch

there is so much porn of her

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He was just so enthusiastic, even before he knew

nothing like the convoy song

The what song?

Just skimming the god and shit tiers real quick easily shows that this list is complete bullshit and not worth a full review.

Like pocket rocks.

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You think she shaves her cunt?

No, she's lasered.

Any of her panties?

The nazi jokes always get me.

What the fuck did those elves do?

I appreciate this.

>she stole the brick

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>oh good, at least i can take this class by dalton galloway
>oh hayley, does dalton galloway sound like a real person to you? grow up its me

>You used to watch Sesame Street...

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To quote herself when she was mindwiped back to being 20, "Great Grizzly Adams, who fired the gardener!"

From the latest episode.

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>that episode where Hayley is going to have sex with a cop to get out of a traffic stop

I love that even Roger doesn't seem to be in complete control of his personas

>Rogu Spanish attacks Stan
>Roger starts talking about how grateful he is to Rogu and stops mid-sentence because Rogu just slit Stan's throat

>*steve nods appreciatively*

Love the part where all of Klaus’s friends turned out to be real.


>Stan constantly shitting on Jim for no reason

>Shaq and Yao Ming speaking in mandarin


>Steve speaking Spanish while working at Klaus' automotive garage

>Whenever Roger and Qui-Lo argue

He's "acting" again during the credits.


>"Valik's gonna kill us!"
>"...urrgggh... my scar's burning... HE'S THINKING OF ME!!"


Who's the mutant looking kid with the brown hair and nasally voice that shows up in the newer episodes?

He's looks like the middle evolution between Rogu and Roger?

Billy. He’s the son of Klaus’s mad Doctor friend.

Oh that's just Billy

Why is Rogu so great?

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Is AD /ourshow/?

>Blrazzy? That's not a word.
>Then I pass.
>But you have two blanks. You could spell: Liar, Go, Take, Smokes, To, Skank, Across, The, Kale
"Kale" is the one that kills me. I'm a sucker for anagrams.


>Klaus’s mad Doctor friend.
Who, by the way, was a great addition to the show.

"We're hunting the rarest of all birds, the 'Fat Asian Skank'".

>"Staaan! I'm a Shenanigans, I'm super drunk and about to get raped, come pick me up... in forty-five minutes."

I stopped watching after a few episodes of the first TBS series, I thoughtthe season or two before was dropping in quality and the new ones seemed to be an even bigger drop, recently started watching series 15/16 sporadically and I'm surprised at how Tuttle went from borderline background character to important side character, as well as how the show seemed to completely reverse what I assumed was zombification, which doesn't usually happen.

Anyone with similar opinions on the quality to me give an estimation on when the downturn I mentioned turns up?

¡Lavate sus manos!

>nat 20

Are you sure there was a downturn? I thought the same thing, but stuck with it because it still made me laugh at least once an episode until maybe a season later when I started to enjoy it more than I ever did. I've rewatched the episodes I hated at the beginning of the move and enjoy them way more than the first time and the only thing I can figure is that I was being to critical because of the move, along with that god awful "A new edgier episode of American Dad" bump that tbs did.

If you still don't like them I remember the first episode I absolutely loved from TBS was Morning Mimosa

We have a sign at work to tell us to wash our hands and I always go back to the scene where Steve screams it and a bathtub falls on one of the drug majers, ever single time I see it.

The pause before "in forty-five minutes" really makes it work

>AD adds the doctor, billy and Rogu to the show
>Usually a sign a show is dying
>They're all fucking great

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Go Bazooka Sharks!

Lover's quarrel?

>Oh Steven, I'm going to hurt you so bad

A few new characters usually isn't too bad, the problem with shows that are dying are the ones that throw in whole rafts of new characters, either all in one go or over the course of a season, thinking they're "easing" the audience in when they're just making excuses to have these new regulars. And it does help that sometimes these characters can be ones who were offhandedly mentioned now just being given form, whereas in most cases they are just completely new and were made out of the blue. The latter case can work sometimes, like with Carl and Pops in Johnny Bravo, though I think that also goes back to my earlier point about how a few new characters can work compared to a raft of the fuckers.

Fucking gem.

>and I'm surprised at how Tuttle went from borderline background character to important side character

They do that with some character every few seasons. The only difference is that they usually just take a preexisting characters and make them WAY crazier (Roger, Avery, Lewis) compared to Tuttle who, despite being shilled just as hard as the above examples, just comes in every episode doing something mundane with his screentime.

Honestly I fucking hate Tuttle though. Even though Avery and Lewis might as well be the exact same fucking characters at least their antics are better than "Tuttle is a dogtrack announcer for some reason".

There is just something about Rogu I like. I really didn't except him to be a recurring character in this season, either.

I have warmed up to Tuttle. I do hope the other neighbors get spotlight in the next seasons, like Buckle and Linda Memari.

At least Buckle had an appearance this season, I think.

I don't remember seeing him.

Shame the cop died, I thought he was fucking funny.

>Are you familiar with the... abominable sciences?

He got into a fight with Lewis in the weed factory episode.

>There's bone splicing, giraffe marrow transplant. I could boil your brain in gorilla hormones.
>I also have unorthodox options. For instance, I could have your soul put into the body of something taller. How comfortable are you with the serpent god Oxumare?

American Dad is the Minecraft of adult animation.


>You always say "This time, I'M doing the dance-off!" But here we are in the whale room, once again.

>it's popular so it's bad

Quite literally not how it works

Hey Babe! smoke em if you got em


>Smith, I don't want to go to war with you and your goons

>Think Smith, what's the most embarassing thing you don't want people to see

This episode is gold

>Hayley, I have something to tell you, but it can't leave this room.
>Last weekend, I was at that hamster's bachelor party in Key West, and he-
>Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm betraying his trust.
>He was not faithful.
>You missed my birthday dinner for a hamster bachelor party?

Why is the sign in Spanish?

>Claus spends entire episode trying to read a book and getting interupted
>Can you teach me to read?

I just wish Jeff actually murdered someone.

He already murdered those elves, what more do you want?

Midgets aren't people.

Didn't he stab a guy to death?

Guess who DECIDED to come to dinner!

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>When did we befriend this strange creature?
Alan Tudyk's amazing.

>The old guy Roger kept beating up because he couldn’t hit the people he was actually mad at.
>Roger I'll kill you!
>I'm not Roger! I'm the Phantom!
>*takes mask off*
>*gasps* Roger!
>Yeah, who'd you thin- what?

It's great when they're both idiots like that.

>Cops already? What, are we next door to a freakin' Krispy Kreme?


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>You're thinking about doughnuts, now?!

>"Hey Chocodile, watch where you're going!"
>slow turn
>"Oh HELL no."

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I am a squirrel and that feels amazing.


Sad and funny

Was that the one were Steve say fuck you to Francine?

No wall....


God that one had me in stitches the first time I heard it.

Stan is so self-aware and so unaware at the same time.

They should give Klaus a new body.

Thank you sfan

Jesus christ I read that as Stan, multiple times, and had no fucking idea what you were talking about and went through the episode list to try to remember when Stan saying fuck you to Francine was a plot point and only just now read it correctly.

Yes, that is the episode where Steve says fuck you to Francine and so she refuses to cook for him anymore.