what cartoon takes place in your state?
No cartoons that I know about. We got Logan though.
There aren't many states with series we know are in them desu'
Lots. All versions of Spiderman and Ninja Turtles to start. I guess New York is the easy one.
I have a friend in Oregon who would always talk about how Gravity Falls captured Oregon in a way non-Oregoners would never understand. I never got what he meant until Steven Universe happened.
none, i think? deputy dawg maybe, but who cares about that shit? low tier sixties garbage.
I think Gotham City is technically in NJ, so that's pretty based.
I thought that was based on the east coast?
Fuck yeah California
Star Vs the forces of evil
I'm sure will more will come to my mind as I think about it.
No wonder he was always angry. I feel his pain.
>get an animated series revolving around your hometown by Andre fucking 3000
>gets cancelled
at least i still have chick fil a
Not a single fucking cartoon is set in Arkansas.
Hell yea
Do head-cannons count? Because for every place not given an explicit location I assume it's set in the authors home state.
I always figured that Camp Weedontwantcha took place in the Sierra Nevadas because Katie Rice is Californian. It also reminds me a lot of the mountains from my childhood.
Big Hero 6 for something actually confirmed.
>I never got what he meant until Steven Universe happened.
I'm curious as to what you mean by this?
Burbank specifically yeah?
>The Loud House
Well shit. Might be other cartoons centered around Michigan, but I can't think of them at the moment.
That show was a lot of fun. It was hamstrung a bit by the censorship. Still it beat the piss out of fucking BNHNSP
please leave this thread sir
I think Family guy had a skit about North Carolina once. It was a fat joke
I think you're cooler than South Carolina.
t. Georgian
Gravity Falls and The Simpsons
Courage the Cowardly Dog is an accurate depiction of life in Kansas
Sym-Bionic Titan.
>tfw Oklahoma
>tfw Hank Hill probably hates me
Feels REALLY bad,man.
i know this feeling exactly, I remember watching bits and pieces and it felt so comfy and familiar. Though, these days the boardwalk is just full of people and not empty like depicted here.
That was Chicago, right?
>No cartoon that takes place in Queensland
He means he never knew what it was like to have a cartoon capture the feel of your home region until Steven Universe, because Steven Universe captured captured the Delmarva area really well.
King of the Hill, Jimmy Neutron and that one episode of Family Guy are the only ones I can think of right now.
Apparently Rick & Morty is set around Seattle but I'd never guessed until someone pointed out the Space Needle appearing in the background in a few episodes.
Based on pic related I believe. Funland itself is an actual place too.
New Jersey, actually.
Not canon, but I always viewed Nowhere from Courage being set somewhere in the middle of Kansas.
>brown eyes
Watched an episode of venture bros. where they were in Michigan. Ünterland borders it, apparently.
Also robocop, and after doing a minute of research, apparently the loud house is set in a town based on royal oak, MI.
Hey Arnold! & Rick & Morty. I get what is saying because Hey Arnold! captures Washington in a way non-Washingtonians would never understand and you can see that whenever they figure that out, they're like "What the fuck?! I thought it was set in Brooklyn or Chicago! Washington?! That makes no sense!" when it makes perfect sense if you're from here.
What cartoon takes place in California?
What cartoon takes place in Northern California?
Wisconsin I guess? The main characters goal is to get to the city I live in.
Back at the barnyard
King of the Hill.
That's the easy to go to for all of us Texans
Apparently Rick and Morty live just outside of Seattle, though I think that's pretty much just Roiland saying so because the town in the show is way too flat and there aren't enough trees. Everyone's enough of an asshole to be from Seattle though.