>Superman is the strongest character in ficti-
Superman is the strongest character in ficti-
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean the retarded wizard who throws grenades from a tower?
>Lord of all evil
>Can't figure out why throwing babies at a building fails to produce results.
I'm talking Dis, equal to Gan. Get that limp-dicked mama's boy Los outta here.
crimson king vs king in yellow who wins?
I assume you're talking about the Big Combination? If so, then the whole point of it was to use a bunch of massively psychically-amped kids to break the Beams and collapse the Tower.
I'm pretty sure Superman can beat a pissed off guy throwing explosive Harry Potter snitches.
God why'd you have to remind of how shitty dark tower ended up
>>It's another power level thread
Don't you have anything better to do, Op?
>Flagg finally gets to have his time in the limelight after being the main antagonist in like 1/6th of King's entire bibliography
>gets killed by some faggot rando nobody cares about
This must be how Mass Effect fans felt after 3
Depedns on which one he fights. If it's Los? He probably gets eaten by Hastur? If it's Dis? Not sure Hastur can even interact with it or get it to notice him.
>*angry cuttlefish noises*
His appearances up until then we're great though, so I'm not really mad.
>laughs in graviton
Herbie Popnecker would clown his ass.
Los?, Dis?, Are you referring to Gan?
Los is the 'human' avatar of the King on the Slow Time level of existence, and the guy we later see throwing grenades and snitches by the end of the book. Born of Arthur Eld and the Crimson Queen.
Dis is the actual Crimson King, the Outer Dark in its entirety. It's locked up near the top of the Tower, one level below Gan. It filters itself down the levels of the Tower as the Random, and has avatars like Los to address small-scale issues personally
If you make one more JoJo reference, I will track you down, look, I know your adress via your computer, track you down, eat your kids, and rape your goldfish.
That's not Mr. Rogers.
King Crimson and the Dark Tower are entirely unrelated. I think.
>laughs in Time Lord
Yeah, these fags don't look so tough.
>Bob Ross teaching Mr. Rogers how to paint, Steve Irwin brings in a baby alligator to teach about conservation during break
Fucking come at me bro
>the early Dark Tower comics have some of the best art in the medium
>goes straight to traced poser shit after the first arc
That shit will never not piss me off
I have another question, is Dis capable of defeating Azathoth?
Superman is so powerful he inspires Grant Morrison to beat the shit out of Stephen King's hack ass
One shotted by Superman's left ass cheek
Dis isn't a mindless demiurge that is rendered impotent by flute music, so yes.
Nope. The moment big A wakes up, Dis ceases to exist along with pretty much everything else.
Chambers' version is basically omnipotent
The Mythos version is just on Nyarlothotep's hats
And the moment the Tower falls, Azzy ceases to exist along with everything barring Dis, along with every author everywhere thusly including Lovecraft before he conceived of Azathoth.
Gan and Dis pretty much fulfill the role of Azathoth themselves. Trying to make out a 'fight' between the two is pretty damn pointless.
Dis isn't that strong. He fucking loses at the end.
>Chambers' version is basically omnipotent
>is defeated by an eraser
Yeah, truly a terrifying enemy.
Are the comics still a thing? Or did Marvel finally just dump them.
>Orgasming chicken.jpg
Dis doesn't 'lose'. Los does maybe, but not Dis. The cycle repeats again with Roland and Flagg playing cat and mouse, and is implied to have happened many many many times before. Dis doesn't lose, but neither does it win. Same for Gan. Gan can't definitively win until Roland reaches the final level of the Tower, which won't happen until he ascends past his flaws. And Dis can't win until the Beams are broken by Los or Flagg or any number of other major servants.
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
>Not calling the image roosterhavinganorgasm.jpg
And where the fuck was this in the books?
I remember the first part, but nothing about Dis or Gan.
It is sad that you do not know.
Got raped by Superboy-Prime in his underground rapedungeon and surpassed by Strange Visitor Superman.
>rooster having an orgasm
Dis is alluded to several times through the books and is namedropped only once as Dis by King himself in-story. Every other time, it's simply called Ram-Abbalah.
>But Gan was not the only demiurge to arise from that primordial magical soup. And just as night inevitably follows day, and as the ki'box must sit below the heart and the head, so that which came after the bright light of Gan dragged like a heavy shadow. What bubbled up from the depths of the Prim with a great burping stench of decay was the force of the Outer Dark, the ki'box of eternity.
>- The Gunslinger Born
Los is the guy we see personally, and is the one spawned by Arthur Eld and the Crimson Queen of the Prim doing the dirty. He's alluded to as bieng the antichrist, and is essentially just a mouthpiece for the Outer Dark proper. He gets his name in the comics, which fully establishes the division between him and Dis, and calls Roland "cousin" n more than one occasion.
I'm in fairy rings and tower beds.
"Don't report this," three men said.
Books by the blameless and by the dead.
King in Yellow, Queen in Red.
But you see, when I got drunk and couldn't come up with anything cool I realized I could make it a metaphor for how evil always destroys itself, heuehuehehuehue
Are the comics good?
Nowhere, the answer you are looking for is nowhere. Don't play the lorefags game of thinking a decade of post hoc wiki edits make a story good.
>the main antagonist in like 1/6th of King's entire bibliography
You are so god damn wrong it hurts. The man has written an unbelievable amount of stories.
2000 words a day every day since the 1970's
Cthtulu is just a priest and got defeated by getting rammed with a fishing boat.
Balrog. He has lots and lots of powers. His only weakness is vile jew magic but his crab of truth medallion protects him from even that.
yeah but that was only because he woke up prematurely
>when I got high on cocaine
Fixed it for you
They started out good.
>Crimson King
It's a figure of speech numbnuts, it's a more appealing way of saying "a sizable amount of King's bibliography"
Both lost to Demonbane
Fractions are not a figure of speech, they're exact measurements.
Azathoth is not even that powerful. There is no actual definite proof when he wakes up everything ceased to exist
Demonbane is op pls nerf
Yeah, and I'm telling you that's bullshit. If I told you that Mr. Fantastic shows up in 'like 10% of Marvel's bibliography' I would immediately get a bunch of people calling me out on how I'm full of shit.
They vary, but generally? Yes.
Stop being a retard and read the thread.
Demonbane, by word of its own creator, isn't actually as strong as /m/ claims. So we can toss it right out of the debate.
It literally was not written anywhere in the books. You are talking about a spin-off comic that came years after.
Demonbane Vortex Blaster from Zanma Taisen and DYN is capable of and already killed omnipotent creator and every iteration of Demonbanes itself that's capable of battling outer gods for eternity while sealing Azathoth.
For how obsessed the average jojo fan is with references you think they would at least look up some bands.
I don't think actual JoJo fans (like me) give two shits about references.
See and shut the fuck up. The only thing not mentioned in the comics is Los, and he all but states how he was born in the original books.
*not mentioned in the books*
I dunno man, the "IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE" meme didn't just come out of nowhere.
Yeah true I'll just be more general next time and say half
It didn't come from JoJo fans either. It came from ironic weebs, just like all other cancer memes.
The very guy behind Demonbane outright admitted that neither EGDB nor Vortex Blaster are omnipotent. They're powerful certainly, but not omnipotent.
I hate to be the one to break this to you but jojo has gotten awfully popular with ironic weebs.
I'm well aware of this. They don't actually like it though, hence the ironic part.
>kingfag finally makes his own thread
How many times do we have to tell you that LE EBIL MULTIVERSAL HORROR is only event level for capes and gets shitstomped every time. Please kill yourself.
No King definitely liked to get drunk too
Not sure who your boogeyman is, but continue sperging. It's cute.
Yes but still killed Azathoth. Outer gods omnipotent and omnipotency doesn't follow your or our definition.
>Outer gods omnipotent and omnipotency doesn't follow your or our definition.
Whatever you say, Suggs. Just know that Nitroplus disagrees with you.
How is that guy nowadays? Anyone already wrote a better fiction than him?
Either you haven't finished the dark tower or you did not understand it my dude.
he has many agents and they take many forms
>i know my piece of fiction better than yours
>The only thing not mentioned in the books is the primary antagonist of the books who they actually fight at the end.
this explains so much about the mind of the lorefag
Don't need to. You probably should though, since you're "muh" omnipotent robot" is no longer an actual thing approved by the canon.
God knows what's going on with Suggs. I think he's still writing though.
We see Los lots of times, and Dis is mentioned plenty enough too. Literally the only thing we never got regarding Los was the name of that specific avatar, and even then it's made clear he's the Slow Time level manifeststion of Ram-Abbalah.
Imagine being too brainlet for a King novel.
Azathoth is omnipotent and is canon. Even mentioned it on Demonbane Kishin Hishou.
Demonbane and all of its iteration is not omnipotent. I don't get what do you guys arguing about.
I don't remember any of this lore shit the dude is talking about in the books but it does fit thematically so I'm going to allow it
well there is your problem lol
Where do I start on reading Dark Tower? Can I read its comicbook instead of the novel?
What am I looking at here?
Dis ded
You start with Salem's Lot, The Stand, Insomnia, IT and Hearts in Atlantis at the very least before you even THINK about getting into the Dark Tower series proper.
Most of this stuff actually is from the books. Dis following Gan shortly after the latter's 'birth' is from Gunslinger Born (posted above), the King bieng Dis the Outer Dark and Los the manifestation of Dis in Can-tah Abbalah is from Black House, amongst other sources.
The comics jsut gave a name to the one who is a "cousin" to our main character.
But then who was armor?
Gunslinger born is a comic tho
There's probably a lot more he should read before that too, like Desperation and the Regulators for some introduction to some of the multiversal shenanigans that get introduced full force later on.
Also Talisman and Black House.
It is, but it's more or less canon and ties together a lot of other shit in the story. It also more or less fits in with what said in Black House regarding the Abbalah.
So how about them Dark Tower omnis coming out?
If you are extending the definition of "the books" to a comic that came out a couple of years after the series finished we have very different definitions of "the books".
If you want an actually sane answer start with The Gunslinger.
The comics were basically approved by King, it's fair game to include them if we're talking about the Crimson King. Not like it really matters, since Dis is still in the books even excluding them.
Our answers were perfectly sane (barring IT). Starting off with earlier stories is going to do him good if he intends to actually get into the Dark Tower, since concepts from literally everywhere get tied into it.
I actually had found out about King Crimson more from posting of that cover art than from JoJo, but I was well aware of JoJo referencing tons of "dad rock". Too bad my dad was either too old or too lame to listen to most of it. I had to find most of it on my own through Napster. That was back when my friend showed me the old JoJo OVA on VHS he got in Chinatown. I later met a friend of a friend who is a vinyl geek huge into King Crimson.
I read up through Waste Lands, then read The Stand and the other directly connected novels that were out while waiting for Wizard and Glass. Was already a King reader back then though. I found it a really good breaking point, there's meta stuff throughout but you aren't missing anything by not jumping in with The Gunslinger and Drawing (and Waste Lands, though I think The Stand is good to read before it). It doesn't get meta in a way that suffers if you haven't read any non-Dark Tower series books till Wizard and Glass and especially so beyond that.
This Hypercrisis shit has gotten out of hand.
My dad has In the Court of the Crimson King on vinyl as well. He's dadrock-core to the bone.
The Dark Tower slides real easy into Hypercrisis stuff
Multiversity and a lot of other DC shit like it also blatantly draw from it too. Which is ironic, since Marvel has comics of the property and yet doesn't give a single solitary shit about it.
Let's not forget the Wolves of the Calla and the DOOMBOTS
>Bruh beaten by literal who MAGIC ARTIST
King should have died when he got hit by that van
>t. Dis
The road was built over an indian burial ground
Dear God man, don't have an aneurysm over weaboo shit.
That was a fun little bit.
Thank you for your input, Flagg.
>Named "[The] Crimson King"
>Is hinted at in a book called The Stand
>he doesn't knows power man
thanks, power man.
>superman punches him in the face
what now bookfags
>DC and Marvel becomes so meta the next crossover event is a wrestling promotion
Only way to save comics at this point desu
What is Hypercrisis?
Fan attempt of inserting pieces of other fiction into his favourite fiction?
>tfw no time
Aw man. I'm going to watch the show and feel bad about it instead
Jesus thats way too much stephen king
First he'll need to actually be allowed into the Tower. Then, he'll have to not get BTFO'd by one of Dis' rancid farts trailing down from the upper levels. And thats just to start with.
The man has written a lot of stuff.
That wasn't Dis, that was Farson.
Talisman is the best thing King's ever written.
I don't think Dis even has an actual body. It's like Gan in that it's completely nebulous and alien.
My understanding was that Dis WAS the Prim, or at least its foremost agent. Los, or the Crimson King, was an emanation of Dis the way Pennywise was an emanation of the Deadlights.
Isn't Hastur, the king in yellow?
The Yeller Kang?
Ok, why does people think that Cthulhu got beaten by the boat?
The entire point of that scene in the book is to show that the boat going through the image of Cthulhu didn't really do shit all because it was just an imaginary image in the sailors mind. Not the real Cthulhu. It was just a case of a smaller creature lashing out at the dark with no real consequence.
The hell is this?
From the thumbnail, I saw a screaming chicken.
Yeah, far as I can tell the difference between Dis and the Prim is meaningless. The Prim is the Outer Dark is Dis. Everything evil and vile flows from Dis/the Prim, and returns to it in the end. Kinda like how Gan is also the Tower which is a rose that is a dog that is a talisman.
Photino Birds, main antagonists from the Xeelee Sequence, a series revolving around entities only below things like the Time Lords and Downstreamers.
My man.
This is brilliant and I love it.
i knew it was an open-mawed beastie of some sort, which made me click on it, but yeah; chicken with the red crop makes more sense
Golden Experience Requiem
No one believes Superman is the strongest character in fiction, but many believe he is the strongest super hero.
Stephen King spams so much shitty books that people think hes a good writer.
Who is this Stephen King donut steel edgy loser cosplaying as little red riding hood? Superman one shots with his ass crack.
No Stardust. You were the demons.
I beg to differ.
>"Araki, change the script and make King Cirmson and Diavolo into prostitutes being raped by hobos."
And so it was. Flawless victory.
>strongest character in fiction
That would be God, retards
We've already established Gan as being supreme, yes.
>His only weakness is vile jew magic
Yeah, that and stuffing his mouth with so many snacky cakes he can't climb stairs.
The comics also portray Merlyn very differently than when he appears in Wind Through The Keyhole.
Maerlyn was always evil, even in the books. He's a thing of the Prim, a force of raw chaos that utterly despises order and stability. Literally his only reason for doing most everything he does is his own amusement. Whether or not this benefits people is none of his concern.
That's what levitation is for,fag.