I just got fired from Marvel comics

I just got fired from Marvel comics

Ask me anything about those corrupt bastards

Attached: A486A756-DB88-4054-99D5-B5BB5B89FC7A.jpg (970x545, 176K)

Give me one reason to believe anything you say

What is Immortal Hulk #25 about?

What are the next omnibuses for 2020 that haven't been solicited yet?

Do you have any pets at home?

If you're fired you're not too pussy to post even a scant shred of proof so go. DO IT

So I guess you lost the lawsuit, Mark.

What are your thoughts on Diversity and Comics/Comicsgate?

Is the climate shifting from SJW back to traditional action heroic like cape comics should be?

Why is Dan Slott given license to ruin Stark?

I believe you OP.

>What are your thoughts on Diversity and Comics/Comicsgate?

>Is the climate shifting from SJW back to traditional action heroic like cape comics should be?

Fucking cringe

Would you know if someone came into your home uninvited?

How hard is it in the workplace to deal with Waid's notorious anti-Semitism?

Attached: MarkWaid.png (346x437, 176K)

Post a shred of proof

I wasn’t involved with it but I do know Galactus, Dormammu and Doctor strange appear in that issue

It’s pretty dumb. Representation is great, but the diversity scoreboard now they require is painfully annoying and detrimental to storytelling.

Why do only big 2 books count to your kind? Why don't you read Zenoscope or Avatar of you want action?

It'd be funny if you were the OP of the thread a couple days ago saying you just got a job as a letterer at Marvel or if you were the person that the OP from that thread was replacing.

Why does Captain America only come out once every six months and also why is it so fucking boring

Are you a clone of Jack Kirby and if so, did clone Stan Lee bang your clone wife?

I don't believe you, but this could be a fun RP thread.

So my question is, who's the most beloved hero among the employees at Marvel?

Let's just say you could learn a lot in a few days.

>Why is Dan Slott given license to ruin Stark?
Because they didn't want him to ruin Spidey-Man anymore.

Cap is a legacy character now. They’ll never say it publicly but they have restrictions on storytelling in order to not risk damaging the brand for toy sales. His comics don’t sell well enough to risk doing so either. So now after the public backlash from the Hydra reality altering storyline, they’ve decided they can only do bland as fuck stories, and only semi regularly

Who is Sana Amanat? Does she just boss everyone around? How did she get in to power in the first place? Did you work in production?

Is there any hope for Sam and Kamala's love to blossom in the near future?

Is there even any hope for Sam under Zub's thumb?

Most loved amongst general staff - Spider-man

Most hated - Iron Man

One coworker drew a picture of iron man passed out in s puddle of vomit and stuck it on the fridge in the staff room

yes, when is Kamala going to pop her cherry? Will Kamala's fundamentalist brother excommunicate her for her haram activities?

Are digital sales on titles like Squirrel Girl and Ms Marvel high like they say they are?

Wow thanks for the savvy insider insight

But are they exact clones with the same thoughts and memories?

Attached: ShapiffanyHGF.png (496x495, 177K)

What happened after Stan died?

Since you already lost the job, post proof of your claims first, nothing to risk anyway huh?

You mean other than his chances of getting a job elsewhere.

Because the big two are the state of the entire comic book industry in the West. If those two titans are compromised then I imagine the rest of the medium will be a wash. And I never gave a shit about indie comics as a whole. Unless it comes recommended or the cover catches my eye I don't care.

I want my comics how I've been getting them for the last 30 years where entertainment and good storytelling comes preaching politics and delivering a lesson a story that's paced for the trade paperbacks so it loses your interest.

Yeah man real cringe asking an insider for their take on one of the issues plauging the industry right now.

LOL where? Unless DC hires Yea Forums scum, he alreday lost the job on one of the two bigger American comic companies and won't ever get close to that level of oportunity again, his life as a successful wageslave is over, it's all downhill from here

Yea Forums is so bored right now, they're even making up things like being industry workers who got fired for being incompetent.
The truth is, OP never even got hired because he's incompetent in the first place.

how does carol's pussy smells and looks like?

Were you the letterer from the other day?

Why is Doomsday Clock taking so long, cocksucker?
I know it's not your company but I'm blaming everybody.

>I just got fired from Marvel comics
good, new marvel sucks ass,i hate you and everyone in that company,i hope you die

Speaking of DC; how bitching was the party y'all threw when Hulk started outselling Batman?

johns is changing it according to negative reader feedback.

No party, just cheers and congrats at the staff meeting, and the usual artist joke drawings

What department did you work in, and who had the best tits in it?

Hello, I am comicsgator. Big 2 bad. SJW bad. I read many comic so I know where SJW infect. I don't read SJW comic because theyy bad. Listen to me and I show you what right. Support comicsgator and comicsgator friendly creators. Thank you.

Comicsgators self destruction this weekend is a hilarious listen on youtube. They all backstabbed each other.
>Inb4 ur a SJW accusations
STFU comicsgator boomers, SJWs are gay faggots too

How does Marvel feel about superheroes having marriage and children?

Was Quasar killed specifically to push Captain Marvel? Avril never got much of a chance to stick and then she blew up.

they don’t really like it. they know the majority of their audience are incels, and veering into family & marriage may alienate some of them

it's the opposite. It helps us incels project and live out our fantasies of having loving familes of our own with dream waifus.

have sex

I'll bite, what is up with that Annihilation tease and who is writing it? Ewing or Cates? Also what do you know about everything Cosmic Marvel related.

I’m a janitor at the Marvel Studios building in California. Ask me anything.

What kind of floor wax do you use?

Why do your old bosses think anyone gives a shit about Carnage?

Do they have bathrooms or only urinals

Proshot Floor Restorer. They said I could choose which one to use, and it worked great in my last job at a school, so I told them and now they buy it. Pretty nice.

This, OP. You want anyone to believe this, OP? Post something that shows you actually worked inside the Marvel offices.

Do you ever meet anyone interesting, or do you work after everyone else is gone?

i don’t actually know anything. i’m just the janitor

Night shift, unfortunately. And as you might imagine, their security is tight: in-progress projects are shelved in tiny closets that "don't need cleaning".
Maybe they'll change their approach when a dust fire destroys their work.

>Most hated - Iron Man
Real or not this wouldn't surprise me in the least seeing as how they've treated the character in the last decade.

Hey true believers ghost of Stan Lee here, ask me anything!

was Kirby's wife's pussy worth it?

How's Ditko

>Because the big two are the state of the entire comic book industry in the West
Try going into a comic store for once and actually looking at what comics are coming out instead of letting youtube hucksters tell you what's going on in the comic industry.

Did they bury you with your sunglasses on?

I'm glad you didn't live to see them dump all over Spidey in Far From Home.

It was absolutely sensational! Old Steve is doing fine
They didn't give me a cameo! That better be the lowest grossing spider-man movie!

I just keep wondering why Disney stopped playing "Weekend at Stan Lee's" with his corpse? Was it just too expensive to pay for the animatronics involved in making it look like he was still alive for so long? I figure THAT'S the reason he always wore such dark glasses (to hide his corpse eyes). So sad how he pilled and killed himself when his wife passed away.

what did you get fired for?

why were you fired?

Why would you go on the internet and just lie to people like that?

>>Most hated - Iron Man
>Real or not this wouldn't surprise me in the least seeing as how they've treated the character in the last decade.

I'm on board with that. Marvel seems to made up of people who hate, hate, hate the 'one per-centers' -- even the made-up ones. I thought it was hysterically funny when RDJ's Tony Stark became so flipping popular.

Batman, Black Panther, and Iron Man are out 0.1%er multi billionaires.

>Batman, Black Panther, and Iron Man are out 0.1%er multi billionaires.

*all, not out

>Twitter ruined Captain America because they couldn't let a storyline play out

Color me surprised.

my first thought as well. you and I should spend less time here...

How much does J. Scott Campbell make per cover?


That bitch run off with Tiny Hittler