
How shit will the 2020 Scooby-Doo movie be? Are you excited for the Hanna Barbera Cinematic Universe?

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>3D shit
I can't, just can't

Except for Mystery Inc.

Fucking shitty taste, holy shit, eat shit you shit eater.

>hurr 3d is bad

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I hope this is a fan mock up because damn shaggy looks awful

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Scooby-Doo content is consistently good so they will probably deliver.

Wouldn't look out of place in Wallace and Gromit.

i hope that fucking. captain Caveman clubs some of the girls. and takes them home, as is the Caveman way

for scooby doo it is, they never seem to get it right

He looks like a Rankin-Bass character.

Is there a trailer?

>implying they'll put that much animation effort in a Scooby Doo movie
We all know CG can do creative and unique things. We just know how rare it is when it actually happens

Not really, we saw a lot of amazing cg movies recently like pic related

Attached: The_Lego_Movie_poster.jpg (220x326, 153K)

Looks bad like that CGI Pokemon movie.

Shaggy looks like some sort of weird claymation figure. Something is seriously offsetting about whatever the hell it was they did with his eyes. They have this weird sheen to them.

That came out 5 years ago

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Is this real, wtf.

>5 years ago

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It's from a Happy Meal commercial. I see the same image being used on IMDB too.

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Is this the Shaggy model from the movie? The toys don’t seem to advertise SCOOB but Scooby looks like he does in the poster.

I want the movie to look like the upcoming Lupin film.

Just noticed it’s from 2013

Why can't foreigners just learn English? Why are there even other languages now that the entire world is connected?

Do kids even like Scooby Doo anymore? It stuck around for so long because it was played nonstop on WB and Cartoon Network in the 90s/00s, but I feel like there's a whole generation of kids who grew up without the original cartoon. I know there were other series, but none seemed to carry the same steam.

I actually like how stylized it looks, it's definitely better than how they handled CG Scooby in the live-action movie. Will definitely check it out when it's in theaters.

They still make new Scooby Doo TV/Direct-to-DVD movies every year so SOMEBODY has to be buying it.


That's not the actually designs, that looks terrible anyway

This is the design and artstyle

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I work with kids and, yes, 100%. You can put on pretty much any Scooby Doo cartoon and they'll immediately get immersed in it

You're still posting on Chinese Basket Weaving forum.

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This looks a lot like that Lupin the Third movie coming out next year. We all know both are gonna be dog shit.

It’s gonna be pretty fucking solid, so...

God I hate those mascots. I remember before they had come over here in America and I saw some videos on youtube, there was this weird ass music video of them, I haven't tried to look it up.

>I want the movie to look like the upcoming Lupin film.
Wishful thinking my man. Also I hope they jiggle Fujiko every chance they get, her model is really good.

Why does it look so shit? Just compare it to fucking Lupin trailer, it's like night and day

Get with the times dude.

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I was babysitting a kid that knew no cartoon I had aside from Toy Story and only knew internet memes. The kid barely recognized Mickey Mouse

you say that like its a bad thing

Can they please stop making these movies look like something Robot Chicken already did?
First that remake of the first Pokemon movie, and now this.

Yer missin' the joke, dumbass.

Eh, it's more tolerable than live-action people with a CGI dog

you'll be surprised

Disappointing but it still doesn't look bad