ITT: Characters whose powers nobody understands

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His powerset is a weaker version of Apocalypse's.

Nobody understands Apocalypse's powers either.

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He has the power of being edgy.

Doesn’t he have telekinesis or something?

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The anime did a much better job of explaining it.

This one is only for brainlets, it's just the skip 10 seconds button on a video player except Diavolo can remain aware in the time that no longer exists.

Write your damn list yourself top10nerd

The Scarlet Witch back when she only had her "probability altering" mutant powers.
Writers eventually just gave up and made her an actual witch with magic powers.

Well I guess everyone knows what it is but writers can't settle on how it works, what are the limits, is it his genetic power reached without terrigen or a technique anyone can learn. Is it just Physical objects or abstract things. What does it even look/feel like from Karnak's POV. It has floated all over the place for years.

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I like when it's just a bit more than plausible, not God mode.

According to the wiki he has:
>Cellular Shape-Shifting
>Regenerative Healing Factor
>Superhuman Strength
>Superhuman Durability
>Concussive Blasts
>Force Fields

I will never get how some Marvel Writers mistake his years of training and fighting skills for a Super powers and then make it do dumb shit like be able to revive himself and allow him to see the future.

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He has the power of being awesome

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Apocalypse's base powerset is shapeshifting, regeneration and altering his size.

The Celestial technology that Apocalypse has gives him his other abilities.

Whts his power

You wouldn't understand

Cosmic Awareness post Genis writers pretty much just use it to show that a character is strong and has space related powers. Same thing with Kirby crackle.

His power is to shoot some blasts, do evil science stuff and have a jelly like body who can twist around bullets and energy beings.

his power is to make sure scott summers gets laid

I don't even understand why his head is so big when he's not supposed to be mutated

Karnak is wuxia bullshit.

That explains anything t.b.h.

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>probability altering
Isn't that what Black Cat does though?

I am retcon incarnate, the avatar of asspull, the comic world's bullshit force, the circle of cluster fuck, i am eternal

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I don't know for certain but I believe it's because some writers played it as him activating the mutation with training instead of terrigen.

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Also it shown kinda like a psychic power in the old comics so Big brain = flaw perception

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Is it magic? Is it science? Fuck is proportional spider strength? How does spider radar work? Why can some spider shoot laser? Do you prefer mechanical or natural web shooter?

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The ONLY thing I am 100% certain of is that he can resurrect himself. Ever other aspect of the guy is a total mystery and changes from appearance to appearance.

All I got is general cosmic stuff like flying and occasional energy shooting. Sometimes strong, sometimes not. Cooler than an eternal, but weaker than a herald. Maybe weaker than a Nega/Quantum band person.

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I always took him to be a non techno version of Apocalypse. Thry both have the total control over their cells and can morph thing going on. While Apocalypse morphs into robot arms and rockets, Sinister morphs into normal shit like people, monsters, or just simple things like knives.

I thought his base power was that he was a huge superstrong guy. Everything else was celestial armor.

Isn't his powers essentially
>It's Genetics I ain't gonna explain Shit
So essentially it's whatever the writer wants. Usually involving cloning of himself and others. Also at one point I believe he was supposed to be perfect and have perfect control of his shit or something.

But his real power is his boner for Cyke.

He is the ''21st century schizoid man''. What's so hard to understand?

He does know how to surgically remove and implant X-genes into anyone. So technically he can have any power he wants, as long as he finds a mutant with that power first.

I prefer his be mechanical and miles be natural

Any magical character really but her powers have become less and less defined with every subsequent version.

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The 90s was pretty obsessed with magnet

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Magic is so ill defined in the big 2. Sometimes it is explained as being advanced science equation shit, other times it is just whatever. I think the biggest ill defined magic user's power is Zantanna. Most writers make her powers God mode as long as she can say it backwards. But as far as I know it is just more powerful magic due to the stipulation/family casting but still has limits.

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Also annoying that you never have a magic person that specializes in one area for long. Each time someone does make one, the next writer will just make them into another "can do anything" type

Does anyone really know what the extent of the power cosmic is? It seems to just be able to do whatever the story needs it to.

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Like comic scientists, no one specializes. They can all build robots, make portals, genetically engineer things, and translate alien languages on a whim.

Other than the generic shadow manipulation a la Shade and Nightshade and intangibility, Obsidian’s powers are just fucking bizarre.

>Sees the darkness in people (‘s souls?) which can traumatize them and leave them vulnerable if he shows them
>said darkness is their fears, guilt, and regrets, but also sometimes their horrible backstories or their evilness??
>he can possess people while this is going on
>it’s not mind control
>none of this is telepathy
>actually becomes more resistant to telepathy the more unstable he is due to this power
>it’s considered soul manipulation I think?
>also he can became really big

I mean this makes him OP as hell but I feel like if he were used more a lot of writers would have difficulty with this.

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I think Banner managed to last the longest as a specialist out of the big name scientists.

don't forget the power to induce even the highest of cosmic beings into pseudointellctual conversation

mirror master is just

the worst

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>I will never get how some Marvel Writers mistake his years of training and fighting skills for a Super powers and then make it do dumb shit like be able to revive himself and allow him to see the future
Maybe they read One Piece and thought ''this haki shit is a good idea''?

I herd there is a fraction of a cosmic cube in the hammer but it might as well be the Wabbajack the way it changes from story to story. Also it does shit nothing any other accuser.

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Quasi Sonic Voice. Don't even worry about the rest i'm fairly certain 90% of the time they are left out by choice. The voice nobody really knows how it is suppose to work.

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He just live in he mirror world. What's so hard to understand?

That's just Jim Starlin's writing.

>Maybe they read One Piece and thought ''this haki shit is a good idea''?
considering there is a comic where Hulk gets Dio's stand armor, I wouldn't put press this to be true.

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he has more powers than that

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No, Black Cat just gives people bad luck.

Tony had a good run too. Engineering and Physics is pretty encompassing though.

It's reality warping not toon-force he just likes to reality warp sometimes in kind of cartoony ways sort of like Mister Mxyzptlk.
Also he's Bighead not the Mask.

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Black Bolt's other powers come and go so much. In some instances he is a flying brick that can go toe to toe with Gladiator, and then in others someone like Emma Frost can throat punch him to prevent his voice.

His voice is sadly the most defined thing he has, and like you said even that is ill defined. Can he shatter planets with a yell or split mountains? Being a BB fan is so frustrating when they cuck him and his powers so often.

Other then Karnak (who is wuxia bullshit at the times) the rest of the Royal Family have Powers that are well defined.
>Hair Powers that she can use for many things like garbing people and climbing Building and maybe some H2H combat training.
>Basically Namor's powerset
>Can control Water, Fire, Ice, Earth, lightning and Air.
>Some H2H fighting Training as well.
>Strong guy of the group and his Stomp shake the ground alot.
>Trained Warrior
Maximus the Mad
>Mental Manipulation, Pretty much any form of it you can think of.
>Very Smart and a good engineer.
It's just so weird for Black Bolt's Powers to come and go as they please and have his ace in the whole be so ill defined for some reason.

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oops second tag was for

Since when can Triton fly or has strength to take on the Hulk?

The thing with Black Bolt's voice is that Quasi part is so they can explain why his voice is dangerous even when quite and why it works in space like during war of kings. The thing is that whenever a writer wants to stop Black Bolt's voice they just play it like it's only sound then it gets stopped noise nullifying shit or whatever else they come up with.

Piper is worse tho because how do you get anti life equation, hypnosis, and creation of a sentient music note from playing a flute you built yourself

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Lookin good, Knuckles

He can't fly but the two times he and Namor fought were pretty even because Triton use to have super strength until they forgot he did.

having the same Power set doesn't equal same level of those Powers user, it's why while Many characters have Super Strength most of them aren't as strong as the Hulk or Thor. But you are correct he can't fly like Namor.
they remember when the plot asks for it.

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I heard it was supposed to vibrate the individual parts if atoms

It just works (like this)
>has 10 second precog, so he can avoid damage
>can erase 10 seconds of time, so he can smash-cut behind people
>his precog can see every negative outcome within a 10 second interval ahead of time
>can erase these outcomes, thereby ensuring only the best outcomes for himself with his smash-cut powers

He just games his abilities, just like everyone else in JoJo.

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Medusa has superstrength and enhanced speed and reflexes, too

Man, that's peanuts compared to this

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You know, having a character with D4C and Love Train powers would be neat to get rid of all these mutant refugees from different timelines.

True she does indeed have those as well.

so his powerset is that of All For One?

shooter is mechanical, web is organic.

Warping of reality and magic.

Stop pushing this dumb shit.

It's confusing because he still displays most of his powers in appearances set before he enters the Celestial Ship or gets Cable's techno-virus, yet there are stories that insist most of his powers come from these things.

Karnak gains his ability to see the flaws in everything thanks to his religious study and eventual enlightment.

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If I recall, he mentions in his first arc that he "learned to control his molecules" over time. Then in his origin mini he seemed to just be super strong or resilient or something.

Sinister is explained perfectly when you take into context what Claremont intended for him to be:

Sinister was actually a kid who knew Cyke when he was a child at the orphanage. This kid didn't grow up because of his mutation, but instead acquired the ability to create fake, malleable bodies for himself. So every time he reshapes his body or somebody blows a hole in him it's the fake body and won't hurt him. Also the whole goth edgelord appearance and "Mister Sinister" name was intentionally supposed to evoke what a little kid would create as a badguy.

Essentially he was evil Billy Batson who was obsessed with Scott since their shared childhood.

The whole "Nathaniel Essex" shit was Lobdell and Nicieza fucking up Claremont's plots just like with the god-awful Kwannon retcon.

Black Swan from Hickman's New Avengers.