you come back home and you find this creature sitting at your computer making cartoons
what do you do
You come back home and you find this creature sitting at your computer making cartoons
Other urls found in this thread:
face fuck
Leave a trail of pennies out the door for it to follow. If it comes back, I'll put a bagel under a cardboard box propped up by a stick to trap it and relocate it.
Eat it to gain its power.
Then I can date Alex Hirsch!
Kick it as hard as I can.
Man, just thinking about kicking that thing like a motherfucking football makes me kek hard
>Putting your self-insert smack dab in the middle of your intro for several seconds
do you know what a self insert is?
>do you know what a self insert is?
Yep, and this is Dana's and it appears in the intro.
It's Dana's self insert
Bruh this is literally Dana Terrace's persona she uses in social media.
Yeah, when Alfred Hitchcock does it it’s based, but if a girl does it then REEEEE
Why does Dana draw herself so creepily?
Yeah, I self insert my tongue into your mum's bum and go yum.
>Yeah, when Alfred Hitchcock does it it’s based, but if a girl does it then REEEEE
Nah. M Night Shyamalan's self-inserts are awful, too. No gender discrimination high horse for you to ride on this time, Dana.
the profile picture thing is kinda charming but the jew nose one looks absolutely retarded
There's nothing wrong with using your avatar as character design. Lots of characters seem to be in this intro.
Not that I have high hopes for Owl House.
Dana's self-portrait doodle is cute on simple pictures, but trying to give it a three-dimensional form for purposes of animation was a big fucking mistake. I guess she let her ego get the better of her judgment.
Being a creator and doing the voice of some minor character = Fine.
Putting yourself in the background of a crowd of people = Sure.
Putting your self-insert avatar in your intro and giving it just as much screentime importance as the magic school main characters = cringe.
Matt Braly designed it during their time on Gravity Falls.
It would take me a bit to find it, but I remember her saying that Matt drew it as a little doodle for her on a Reddit AMA and he was inspired by the Lemmings video game. I don't remember why he drew it like that, though.
la creatura
I take one look and I am reminded of this:
I'm so happy Yea Forums lewded her before it was revealed she would be in the intro.
i honestly find her little avatar really sexy
>Dana tried to make her gremlin self-insert so ugly Yea Forums couldn't sexualize it any more
lol, nice try.
thats a jinjo
>cursed to forever stay in one place making cartoons until she finally recieves some form of physical human contact.
We’re gonna be stuck with her for a while.
Reminds me more of a Moomin/Raccoons hybrid.
Ask her to play with my Lego Friends sets with me :3
source tweet?
It's an edit. The real tweet is Owl House fanart.
Own this Sjw midget with FACTS and LOGIC
I never got why the Friends sets are hated so much. It's not like they're marketed as "These are the designated sets for girls."
Who killed Connie?
Oh okay, this random guy on Yea Forums is triggered by an animators inside joke so that means it’s not okay. Cartoons have done this forever. Pinkie & the Brain were literally created to be a caricature of Eddie Fitzgerald and his board partner. This scene was boarded by Spencer Wan who was probably doing this as an homage to his friend and boss, but even if Dana asked for it, animators do this constantly
>animators do this constantly
Find me another cartoon where the creator self-inserted their cartoon avatar prominently in the intro.
I'll be waiting.
How about every single frame of Regular Show brainlet
Making a character inspired by yourself isn't the same as a self-insert avatar, retard.
Have sex with it.
Don’t bother, these guys have decided they hate Dana because of >muh politics, they’ll just keep making up reasons to be mad over nothing because no one wants to lose a hate boner once they’ve started it
>It's not like they're marketed as "These are the designated sets for girls."
?? Have you seen them, they're literally designed to look like the boxes of every other girls toy in existence.
Kill it.
Give him a break, his marriage ended horribly.
Man you were so close to give us a good example yet not Close Enough...
I think it literally is, especially when you’re doing the voice, like JG was. What’s the difference between JG being a himself as a blue jay and Dana being herself as a little gremlin. Maybe it’s that you’re s s scared of g g girls and they hurt your fee fees
You know Dana will never fuck you, right?
Remember everyone seething about how JG self inserted himself into Close Enough? Oh wait no one gave a shit. Hmm JGs allowed to do it but Dana isn’t I wonder why
You mean the show that never came out and has no release date? Oh yeah, why aren't we seething all the time over it.
Because he never tweets. The more a creator tweets the more we hate them
She literally did a fundraiser for killing little unborn babies, user.
When someone publicly presents themselves as an asshole, it's fair to call them an asshole.
Man believe i must be in this little group who think Close Enough is cursed 'cause how so self inserting that thing is...
It hasn't been released yet i feel JG self insenting himself was the biggest red flag in that project...
Haha this makes me like Dana. She’s one of us
You could've made your bait less obvious, user.
Every show does this, some are very prominent with dialogue and everything. Honestly gives shit?
Ask if I can draw with her
call her a cuck
No, see, they can do it wherever they want, but they’re not allowed to do it in their intros, because random user 4,564 gets butthurt about it and starts crying. See? Those are the rules that were invented right now
Yeah, but they didn't say shit like "IF YOUR A GIRL THESE ARE THE ONLY LEGO YOU CAN HAVE." They just expanded their range to capture the princess and tea set market.
I start goose stepping and fire up the ovens.
Are you morons actually forgetting that Rad is Ian JQ’s overpowered Mary Sue self insert? And of course he’s in the intro. The whole point of making your own cartoon is that you can put whatever personal stamp you want on it. Why is this suddenly so offensive?
They’re just mad because it’s Dana user. When anons like a creator, everything they do is based. When they hate a creator due to politics, everything they do is unforgivable. That’s it. I just solved Yea Forums for you. Now you don’t have to wonder
>asks user to name one other cartoon that does this
>user does it
>”d...Dana w...won’t fuck you”
BTFO’d mate, take the L
No he didn't.
Goofball from Brain Dump is a much more attractive simply designed accidental waifu, please stop spamming this carrot faced fuck
Sure are a lot of Dana defenders in here. Maybe too many. Is animation Twitter leaking into Yea Forums again?
Creating a character inspired by yourself =/= sticking your avatar with no personality in the intro and highlighting it as much as the actual characters of your show. It's cringe, pure and simple.
Rad is still a cartoon character, he's not just a blue version of Ian JQ. And he's more than just an avatar that was shoved into the show because of his ego.
> anyone who isn’t furiously triggered by something a cartoon creator does must want to fuck that creator
Wow lad you actually believe this don’t you
I don't know how to make gifs, but this was my first attempt.
How do you know the avatar has no personality? You haven’t seen the show yet.
Literally nobody knows if her avatar is even going to be in the show or if it's just a harmless cameo in the intro.
We also didn't see a split second of it in the teaser. My guess: It's not in the show except as an obnoxious background character that keeps showing up.
It made me laugh. Good jearb.
Not just anyone, a single person samefagging because they're S E E T H I N G.
>”it’s different!!! It’s different!!! Waaahhh!!!!” He’s a cartoon character and a blue version of Ian. How is this so hard for you.
It is different, you're just too autistic to notice the difference between something with personality and something without.
Or maybe, just maybe, you’re mad for no reason and you’re doubling down on it because you’re a child
>physical human contact
Naw she needs to specifically be touched by a bear.
Nah, I can point out when things are cringe.
Hey look it’s showrunner Adam Muto as a self insert in the adventure time intro wow how did Dana go back in time and do this I’m furious at her
Oh weird Alex Hirsch put a self insert of himself in the intro of Gravity Falls this must be Dana’s fault I’m furious at her
>Using ADAM MUTO as an example of non-cringe
Are you fucking retarded? Here's another example of a cringe self-insert. And look! It's a man! But keep crying you think it's because wah girls, triggered boy.
You said to name one example and now there’s like 3. You just are mad to be mad at this point. You should see a therapist
Meet the criteria, fag. A cropped goatee for a second is not prominently.
>Calls people mad
>Fervently defends Dana for like 30 posts in this thread
That's a yikes from me.
You two have been sucking each other’s dicks for 30 posts. Let’s just agree that yeah cameos are a little self indulgent, the guy defending this is overzealous and the guy who’s mad about it probably has autism and we shouldn’t be mean to him
Oh my god this guy actually underlined his screencap like it’s the gospel and says anyone else is seething
>Can't give an example of what I asked
That's how you know the person has lost.
>Trying to act neutral and telling everyone else to shut up
Ew, you people are the worst type of posts in these threads.
Thanks for making my dream true, my dude.
why the retard added that creature to the intro?
Sweet, I have a computer now.
Dude... are you autistic?... 'cause that argument was pure pristine autism™
She’s right you know.
>People lewd her avatar
>A year and a half later, she puts it in the intro
She has to know. Considering she said the intro was not made and couldn't appear at last year's SDCC, she did it on purpose as a reaction. She even made it uglier to prevent people from lewding it more.
Seven Trumpets is right, people are going to be a dick no matter what. Lecturing people is pointless. And that's evident by Dana's retarded response.
Based. I fucking HATE the "my childhood is ruined" phrase. I feel like wringing necks when I hear it.
>B-but my childhood! How dare you to ruin my only loved memories by doing things for new generations! You disgusting cartoonist!
>Don't act like a dick
>Acts like a dick
109045987 (You)
>I won't add the >>, that'll show him
Maybe you should've waited longer than two minutes for me to actually leave the thread, pal.
Throw it into a pot and make some Sausage Stew
>She even made it uglier to prevent people from lewding it more.
That's not gonna stop anyone. In fact, I think the ball one is hotter.
To keep the male gaze off her hot body.
I think that's Jasper
Yes, but what kind?
My brain went to this old VGCats comic.
This was also one of the earliest memories I have of getting a boner because of some weird cartoon character doing something sexual. It was all downhill from here.
I think Dana is a cunt but she is right about "muh childhood" shit.
Blind squirrel, nut, etc
This was a comment made about Thundercats Roar when every industry person and their grandmother was going on the defense mode about it, and I don't think "muh childhood" was the thing people were screaming about. I remember the majority of complaints being, "I fucking hate that this art style has dominated everything and it looks like shit, this is the last straw of seeing this dumb beanface and beanmouth garbage".
I would just say "CalArts" but I don't want people responding to me going, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT CALARTS IS!".
Every industry person started grasping on the idea that it was all about "you ruined my childhood" even though that wasn't what the Roar controversy was about and I think it was to use as a shield to make the opposition's complaints seem less credible and as a way for them all to bond over some fake enemy.
Well, I do still think she is somewhat right, but an even bigger cunt for choosing TCR of all things to be the hill to die on.
You can't escape FATE
foids are always cringe
is he, dare I say, /our guy/?
probably has some dark sexual history
if i ever saw that damn thing standing in my living room
>They accidentally colored part of the hand as the hair
I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
I say “Psychicpebbles, what are you doing here?”
I’d stomp on it until it was a small brown stain.
sell its cartoons and have a wacky new roommate
So what is this from?
The Owl House
Ehehehehe, hey Lois, remember that time you got turned into a freaking borb
oh dios mío querido santo, sálvame, la creatura ha despertado y vendrá por nosotros, la encarnación de todo lo malo del universo, la abominación de las américas, el duende de la perdición, el espíritu de la oscuridad...
Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maléficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, la luz extinguida, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, la abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja la aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas...
Throw my steel toe shoes at it
Hated Mac growing up. i know Bloo was annoying but he was kind of fun while Mac was a buzzkill.