What do we think about Our Cartoon President now?
What do we think about Our Cartoon President now?
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...that's still going?
Where’s Melania? She’s hot.
She is not in the slightest bit hot
I legitimately can’t tell if this is supposed to be right-wing or left-wing propaganda.
Blinded by hate I see. Sorry user but we have a first lady that doesn't look like a man gorilla now.
I cannot imagine Our Cartoon President is in any way more entertaining than real life politics.
She looks like risen skeleton that made its own skinsuit in an attempt to relive it's life as a prostitute.
>imagine being this obsessed with politics
The people that watch this garbage are probably a dream to be around.
Never watched it. Im sure the answer is obvious.
Unfortunately yes.
Yummy Ocasio
we don't think anything about it, it's a completely marginal work which is really saying something.
She’s ugly
The ending credits song is pretty damn catchy.
Think of it this way Satan, George W had two cartoons based off of him.
Season 2 is coming out next year.
From the thumbnail I thought Melania was some spunky teen chick meant as an everyman and potential waifu.
Dubya was a genuinely goofy guy though. He said and did goofy things when he was nervous. Trump just says dumb shit, but it's only funny because of the reactions he gets from people.
>Strawman The TV Show
I didn't even vote for that orange asshole and I can't be bothered to watch this trash. The Dems are so out of touch with reality, they need a cartoon character to argue against instead of dealing with the actual asshole we ended up with because their 2016 election was such a mess.
I used to watch Colbert Report every night. It's sad to see Colbert has become the very type of person he used to parody.
Trump has proven himself to be the most hateful president the United States has ever had the misfortune of having. No one comes close. It is especially shameful that such a man could be elected after the presidency of such great presidents as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Even with George Bush, with all his issues, you could not deny his heart was in the right place.
Looks like Kamala Harris is the Dem's preselected frontrunner for their rigged primaries, as I predicted.
Who funds this partisan propaganda?
>after the presidency of such great presidents as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
these guys were rapists and warmongers who locked up kids in cages, locked up whistleblowers, and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians with drones.
Right wing propaganda.
These presidents accepted immigrants with open arms, and with their foreign policy efforts that bettered the entire world over the selfish interests of Americans. These men moved us one step further to a global society. A society where your race, your sex, your age does not matter.
Trump has already undone all of this. He has attacked the cornerstone of our the democracy the media, while attacking our allies, while pandering to our enemies such as Russia, North Korea, and Nazism.
The American President has normalized Nazism. Think about it! America's conservative heartland should be furious, but the ugly truth has been revealed that they have and had the same beliefs as the Germans in WW2 since the very beginning.
It’s pretty decent, and mocks both parties pretty equally
Why is the show shilling Beto so hard on that poster? He's basically irrelevant at this point?
because the potato2bean transracial was never relevant, they just missed the memo that the artificial hype is being diverted to other projects
This isn't even the worst anti-Trump cartoon.
It really isn’t though, they refer to him as a loser/dork
>Trump has proven himself to be the most hateful president the United States has ever had the misfortune of having. No one comes close.
Laughs in Andrew Jackson. Trump sucks but learn your history. Uninformed libs make the real left look bad.
as a democrat, yes obama and clinton put agreements including children into holding facilities. obama locked up a whistleblower and i'm not sure about clinton, and both murdered civilians in wars by proxy of being commander of chief in wars STARTED by republican presidents.
but in no fucking way did they put immigrants into fucking concentration camps, denying them basic ammenties, trying to fucking deny them due process, allow them to be raped, separate families, piss on immigration law, or so god damn blatently commit treason & high crimes for profit and do everything in their power to stop justice for their crimes.
One of the funniest recent things is Trump calling Elijah Cummings racist. I hope they use that as part of his developing character. No real concept of what racism is, yet absolutely certain it's what motives people to speak ill of Israel and the conditions illegals are kept in.
It’s by Stephen Colbert, so it’s definitely meant to be left wing propaganda. With this, Harvey Birdman and his regular show, Trump must be the only way this guy pulls in views.
Damn shame really i miss those days I want to go back user
She looks like a fucking doll, she’s had to so much surgery I’d honestly say she’s 2 spooky 4 me
Obama separated children when it's questionable if they really came with family or if the family they came with was criminal. Under Trump's zero tolerance, all families were separated and he said it was so that crossing the border wasn't like "going to Disneyland". The purpose was to make people miserable so they'd self deport and he was ready to own it until there was backlash and suddenly he credited Obama for his tactics.
It's insanity like this that's going to make people re-elect Trump.
It’s amazing how often that happens.
If you actually watch his show, he does more than bash Trump.
>It's sad to see Colbert has become the very type of person he used to parody.
No he's a democrat.
I would unfortunately have to agree that the living conditions in the immigration detention camps are often times sordid, but I don't think you know what a concentration camp is.
I agree that we should make conditions in these areas more hospitable (I do not agree with abolishing these camps outright) but your hyperbole makes you look like a zealot.
no it's the fact people refuse to see that thier own side does dirty shit that's going to fuck the human race into the grave.
>Obama was fine keeping children with their "parents" (traffickers)
>Trump separated them to find out what's what
Really makes you think, especially when you realize Epstein was a Democrat.
>don't think you know what a concentration camp is.
He knows exactly what it is. A buzzword.
It's funny how people says this, but completely excuse pro-trump nonsense.
Exactly. Trump is genuinely embarrassing but for some reason people aren't satisfied with sticking with his very real flaws and have to make some shit up.
They're no more sordid than any other American prison.
Some of us were concerned about the state of US prisons prior to it becoming an immigration talking point. Some of us know how fucked-up conditions are in places like Angola.
>It is especially shameful that such a man could be elected after the presidency of such great presidents as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
You went just a little too far and made the Bain obvious. No (You) for you
always sordid. the trump0 administration went to court to gain the right to refuse children basic amenities. they didn't claim that giving it to them might help them escape or anything just we don't have to fucking give human beings soap or toothpaste or showers.
these camps are so bad a us citizen illegally placed in one considered being deported to escape them
>Obama separated children when it's questionable if they really came with family or if the family they came with was criminal.
Literally the first sentence and Trump has been supportive of teachers fucking their underaged students but okay.
>Firebombs ICE
>Circles wagons around the squad
>Defends Baltimore
>No platform besides TRUMP EVIL
>DCCC aides quit because the party is in such a bullshit state
No please. Tell me why Biden 2020 is the way to go.
Yeah but everyone makes fun of Trump. He's been in anime and manga and the butt of jokes in other countries. People made fun of Bill Clinton for decades for a variety of reasons.
Okay. I'm open to this actually being the case. But can you pleas post the sources for where you got this information?
even the democrats don't want biden running he's got huge opposition in the party.
Giving him a (You) just to spite you.
Don't fucking post in the first place if you don't want to give him attention, faggot.
>the left is a biden antifa hivemind
No real point to make a sales pitch to you in a thread that's probably going to get deleted. Just try to understand more than just memes.
Except he didn't unless the evidence was to the effect of a guy wearing a I'M A HUMAN TRAFFICKER shirt.
Considering even huffpo admits 80% of migrant girls are raped crossing the border, the sane solution is to separate adults from children.
80 percent user.
80. Percent.
I mean on both The Late Show and and Our Cartoon President they mock both Left and Right.
If not Biden then who?
Biden is literally all the got and he's got the energy of a dead fish behind him.
No. It's a mostly-Biden hivemind that's coming apart at the seams because Trump played them into rallying behind the Squad.
Bullshit. It's criticism of the left amounts to "try harder, be better."
it all started a few days ago when the Dallas news and other news agencies told the story of a Dallas born citizen who swept up by ICE and held for three weeks after being detained by border officials said conditions were so bad he lost 26 pounds, and he almost self-deported to escape the conditions.
Any corroboration of this story?
>he does more than bash Trump
I've never seen anything happen on his show besides bashing Trump
Source on the rarity of Obama family separations? He had kids in cages too.
They're raped from their journey from Central America. That doesn't mean that 80% of the families are traffickers.
Meanwhile, Trump was more concerned about crossing the border being like Disneyland.
>Trump said the border is "like Disneyland" now that the administration's family separation policy had ended – a controversial policy he said is a deterrent against family migration. "Literally you have ten times more families coming up because they won't be separated from their children," Trump said. "It's a disaster."
You have to buy those things in several US prisons depending on the state. Even toothpaste. Even showers.
I'm surprised people are just now realizing how fucked up the prison system is.
It's still not a civil rights violation, especially not when Angola has been happily going along for decades.
>That doesn't mean that 80% of the families are traffickers
What the fuck DO you think it means? That their own families fuck them?
You're crediting Trump for even that? You're going to rationalize whatever you want. You're immune to reason.
CBP & ICE denied his story of conditions in the camps and said it came down to the fact he was "detained due to conflicting information on a visa his mother had used for him as a child" but refused to say as to what the conflict was.
That they get raped. They travel through miles of crime infested shitholes and get raped.
Typical. Fucking Dems lie like dogs.
There are a few good laughs in it, but they are few and far between.
you aren't watching then. he literally portrays the two democrats pelosi and the guy whose name i forget as senile retards out of touch with what anyone who isn't a rich lobbyist wants needs or how they live. i could go on, but the only persons portrayed completely positively was mueller and AOC. unless you count she was completely ham-stringed by the other democrats from doing anything meaningful as criticism or not.
Yes I'm sure the amoral child rapists are just going to stop there and not abduct the children.
Get fucking real. You think the just let the kids go back to their families?
She was young once.
>Mueller portrayed positively
Well that didn't age well from his perspective at all.
It sucks
nope they told his family and thier lawyer that he was detained because of "detained due to conflicting information on a visa his mother had used for him as a child" and one news article said that was what they claimed in court as well.
I mean about the prison conditions.
after his story was on the news cbp released a statement again denying the conditions in the detainment facilities was inhumane or inhumane. so while they don't mention his claim the fact they once again denied the inhuman conditions within hours of his story being national news is suspicious.
hell they denied the claims that the camps are subjecting the detained to inhumane or inhuman conditions again today!
>Its suspicious they denied his claims
What wouldn't have been suspicious? Them not?
>every rape that occurs must only be done by the sex trafficking rape family
I'm sure it happens, but holy shit you're assuming that the only element that exists are the rape families and kidnappers while assuming that every rape ends in abduction into a border crossing. Yes, trafficking happens, but holy fucking shit if it were as bad as you say conservative media would be all over the heroes of the border patrol for liberating all of those child sex slaves.
Wow, what an American thing to do.
Why am I not at all surprised by such behavior?
when you deny a known truth it's suspicious. i mean the DOJ went to court to defend the conditions the CBP and ICE are denying are taking place.
But conservative media is.
>conservative media
Almost nonexistent
DOJ arguing that they don't have to supply toothpaste or soap does not mean prisoners are denied showers, medicine, or sleep. It does not mean that man was treated like he claims he was treated. It does not mean prisoners are kept in inhuman conditions.
Links please. Like I said, I'm sure it happens and I'm sure since Obama didn't separate every family there were those who might have flown under the radar, but if practically all of the children weren't crossing with their family that would be incredible.
i don't like the show but I really like that poster.
a doctor allowed into the facility to check the conditions of children described conditions for unaccompanied minors at the McAllen facility as including "extreme cold temperatures, lights on 24 hours a day, no adequate access to medical care, basic sanitation, water, or adequate food."
And what does that actually mean? How cold? What medical care did they lack? How much water were they given?"
Give us numbers. Otherwise you're making subjective statements.
It's funny how the crowd who thought the government was going to Jade Helm them a few years ago believes the government would never lie about how it treats illegals. Selective cynicism.
Well they had toilet water so I guess that btfos the witnesses.