How fucking DARE you save my life! This was supposed to be a waman strong exercise! Who cares if I could have died if...

>How fucking DARE you save my life! This was supposed to be a waman strong exercise! Who cares if I could have died if you didn't save me! It was supposed to show #yasqueenslay is possible! I didn't need a big, strong, man to save me!
>Same episode, a guy asks her to a dance that sexist traditions say only girls should ask boys to, thus breaking the sexist status quo
Why are women in cartoons so ungrateful that someone literally saved them from dying, just because it was a man?
Follow up question, why is it when the male decides to break traditional roles of a sexist tradition, he is still in the wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Jean Gray
>ever right

Jean Grey has always been unlikable and useless jerk. So glad she got NTR'd multiple times.

This part with the GUURRL POWAH group felt forced

Is this worth rewatching? Been thinking about it for a while. Think I was too young to understand most of the show back then.


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It likely was. Some exec probably told them they had to do an empowering all girl episode about how men are sexist pigs and women are strong and independent. So they came up with... that episode.

Sort of like whenever a show does a Boys vs. Girls episode, the boys always act like assholes towards the girls for no reason, spouting sexist clichés they've never used in any other episodes. Then the boys start cheating, but their cheating backfires and the girls, playing it fair, win and the boys have to apologize and admit that girls are better than boys.

Every time. You can set your watch by it. As much a formality as a Christmas episode.

Can you imagine if she and Martian Manhunter started dating?

J’onn’s a little bit dead right now but he’ll get better soon. I think? When’s the next hard continuity reboot?

it's not like they're going to make new shows any time soon. also, you don't have to watch all the episodes.

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Hal Jordan saves woman and she assumes he wants something from her...

Nice try with the art, but we all know that if they ever made a new X-Men cartoon, Jean would be race-swapped and made black.

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you under estimate the power of x-fags.

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that episode sucked, but Evovution girl scout Jean is top material for mind breaking

>Implying there’s enough gingers with acting talent to take those roles
>Not realising Hollywood just rearranges the letters of ‘ginger’ into the n-word because it holds power and they use it as a sigil to get easy sales
It’s all a conspiracy! Rosebud! ROSEBUD!

Not the gay beam

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Colossus looks cuddly

Wolverine tapped that

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>How fucking DARE you make a post this shit op

I’ve never, ever seen a boys vs. girls episode where the boys win. There’s the one from Chaotic but the guy won using female characters, because they couldn’t just have the guy straight up win.


Black is the new orange.

It'll be funny if they do phoenix and there's this awkward little black spot in this middle of this cosmic fire bird.

>Jean turned black
>suddenly has perfect control over phoenix

Are all cartoon telepaths jobbers?

Probably, unless their powers are very constrained. Because "fucking mind reading and mind control" is such a bullshit power that should easily over power anyone, there needs to be reasons they can't all the time. Which leads to AAAAAHHHHH and the like.

good, Storm needs some real competition

Frost was a Thot

>I’ve never, ever seen a boys vs. girls episode where the boys win.

In Friends, Chandler and Joey won Monica and Rachel’s apartment.

Not really Yea Forums but Friends is basically a cartoon, so I’ll give you that.

>In Friends, Chandler and Joey won Monica and Rachel’s apartment.

Holy shit, I watched that episode back when it aired and forgot all about it. They won in the lightning round, too. The memories are flooding back. Thank you, Ms. Chanandler Bong.

I recall Young Justice avoiding this by having Bane keep his focus on football scores while Miss Martian tried to read his mind.

Comic Iris is not a redhead.

I always hated Jean. Fucking space drama llama. Of course, Scott was never my favorite either. Even though I like his relationship with Emma, I still don't care for him as a character.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I want to clap Rouge-cheeks.

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if is to play the representation card.
why not turn Jean into a asian, or mexican or filipina.
why always need to be black?

Emma is better for Scott than Jean

I've never watched it in order, did that stick for more than that episode?

Why not just use Psylocke?

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>if is to play the representation card.
>why not turn Jean into a asian, or mexican or filipina.
>why always need to be black?

Because then black people complain that there isn't enough diversity. "Diversity" means "black". It doesn't mean "Asian" or "Hispanic" or "Polynesian". It just means "Black".

Was Emma even in this show?

She was going to be in the next season, but she never actually showed up.

Man, that was a stupid fucking episode.

That night when a trembling Jean walked into Logan and Ororo's room. Never acknowledged, never forgotten.

I think it stuck for three episodes and then the girls got it back by kissing for two minutes.

>tfw remember watching that episode and Duncan the school Chad commiserating with his hated rival for Jean's affections in Scott about how she's acting like a bitch
>Scott still has to save them at the end from accidentally killing somebody by leaving him in the trunk of an exploding car

If their goal was girl-power, they kind of subverted it a lot.

>Why are women in cartoons so ungrateful that someone literally saved them from dying, just because it was a man?

Before the current era, i think the idea was spposed to be that depends on the character and not so much on Girl Power tropes, and even then if often unexplored, because even then they were afraid of pointing this traits as bad and legitimate flaws to be corrected.

Now imagine what would it be nowadays with the current SJW/MeToo dogma, it will be hell.

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bumpetty crap

Jean is a bitch, what else is new.


The Chaotic one put the trope on its head though by having the girl use all guys and the guy use all girls. Complain all you want but by the end of it none of the characters could honestly figure out what just fucking happened and went about their merry way.