Youtube "animators" btfo

Youtube "animators" btfo.

Attached: pelo.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how the fuck does this have more animation in it than every storytime?


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Anything that portrays turkey tom as a powerful individual is a 0/10

>People still believing in Newgrounds.

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I’m glad pelo did this, telling a boring shit story while drawing doodles in the background shouldn’t be considered animation

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Based Pelo

But he got rekt

Top 10 anime crossovers.

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The only decent animated avatars I've ever seen where from spill.

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Why is SrPelo su fucking based?

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post more please

based pelo

Lol this is the dumbest shit I've watched in a while

>"animator" known for "he make the funni noise XD" is based for making fun of storytimers

Pot calling the kettle black.

He at least animates.

Man it’s a cartoon just sit back and enjoy the dumb shit.

>Just shut your brain off! Stop asking questions and just consume media!

You're a real party animal aren't you

This video made me laugh more than any show on air right now

Absolutely based


Pelo had the best smash segment in the smash collab


Story-time animator is at least better than normal story-timers, as at least it's illustrated and the format force them to script their story better.

>telling a boring shit story while drawing doodles in the background shouldn’t be considered animation
But most of those actually do contain animation.

I don't think people should be so uptight about something done in such a short time with so limited resources.

Thank you Pelo. I know you browse Yea Forums once in a blue moon but thank you anyway. I may subscribe and hit that mf bell along with it.

There's clearly some effort put into storytime animations as animatics are really time consuming but the art style is what's insulting, Odds1out for his lolrandom emoticon face style and everyone else for just cynically doing what he and Domics does

Many of them start as doolding teenagers. Of course it will be derivative. That the simpler style is easier to animate also contribute to it.


Suffering from arrested development is not a good thing. You should seek help.

Based, had some good laughs from it. The only joy I get from story time animators is the lewds

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>maplestory music in the background

Isn't Arin with the YT animators, though?

>mfw bluebreed reference

Three minutes in and I just turned it off because it was so boring. I think you need to be very familiar with the work he's supposedly shitting on to actually get it. Ironic.

At least he animates and makes some dumb shit, not like those """""""animatic"""""""" storytime

The problem is that they use desings for easy animation but they don't animate it

I recognise every single person in pic related and I'm not sure whether or not this is something I should be proud of.
>inb4 comment section is flooded with "teehee self-aware xd" storytime e-celebs with 69k likes

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Pelo will never be Piconjo.

whose the one in the middle? i can't tell

Given the minimal resources and short time they have, it's not so bad.

so was this planned with the other youtubers shown or was he legit throwing shade?

someone explain the tom turkey one to me

DaftPina with Puffer Fish underneath

It's what works for YouTube's algorithm

Youtube algorithm expose them because they are popular and YT's algorithm is supposed to put up what is trending.

Mind you, it took several years before the algorythm finally decided they might be enough of an interest for a larger public.

Egdy 16 year old commentary youtuber that has criticize some storytime people. Not a realeal turkey

You don't think it's precisely because it takes less time and effort that it shouldn't be conflated with real nose to the grindstone animation?

Just TheAMaazing and two other lesser known ones from what I remember. The rest had seemingly no involvement.

youtuber named turkeytom not a turkey nor a cat is some guy who criticize everything

i will admit it made me laugh half the video but then it wore out the joke

If a stick figure is a drawing, then the animation of a stick figure is an animation.

Calling it animation doesn't mean it is good animation.

Man I remember watching these guys.
It’s a shame they’re gone now

a-ha WOW!
that is relatable

i can only recognize psychicpebbles, johnnyutah (?), max diggity and oneyg(?) not sure who are the rest

I think you'd have to actually be familiar with story time animators to really appreciate the vid.
I recognize a few, but didn't know who most of these people were, so for the most part the joke's lost on me.
Plus, I think the vid would've been fine if it was 3-4 minutes long.
12 minutes just stretched it pretty thin.

I didn't see Young Don in this.
Did I miss him or was he excluded?

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laugh in gnome

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>12 minutes just stretched it pretty thin.
gotta get dat ad monies

same, i can recognize few because i watched a video of them one time or because someone talked about them (like turkeytom) but half of the video is the best part, the other half just stops being funny, very pointless

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Daria one is really accurate, the only thing missing is a story about unclogging a toilet her own hands

This should’ve been like a minute long at most and should’ve just made fun of the big name ones like Odds1out and Jaiden. Also the segment with all the Newgrounds guys should’ve been at the end. 6/10.

he really missed a great chance at pissing on the furfags with crossed arm avatars, i know he already did it with that one youtuber but really felt like a missed opportunity

>that ginjaninja
Goddamn pelo got me good

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This guy slaps your girl's ass
What do you do?

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Turkey Tom is a faggot

hey Yea Forums WOW !!!!! THAT IS RELATABLE

Attached: storytime animations (no audio).webm (640x360, 223K)

Thank you, I was waiting for this.

SrPelo just posted image ref of his video
here's the bully

Attached: EAwKQvyXsAAsm6a.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

put :orig behind the .png when you take from twitter

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Who the fuck even is Tom supposed to be?
Just a shout-out to that one joke video?

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>Who the fuck even is Tom supposed to be?
literally turkey tom

>sopa de maccao

Damn, based Pelo.

Who are Lovie and the feet head thing supposed to be?

I was expecting a joke out of bootlegging characters

thx for the tip

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>the baby was the Odds1out
i actually wasnt sure

I Ike how oddisout is represented by a deformed disgusting baby with an obnoxious personality
Thats pretty much his channel in a nutshell

If the audience of these things are the kids Epstein was abusing I don't hate him as much anymore


I am dying

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wasn't there another character sheet

This is an entire segment of the Internet/YouTube I didn't know existed.

I know Oney and them struggled animating on YouTube because animation was a lot of work and the algorithm punished any attempt to produce a quality product. But I didn't know there were people who just decided to make shit product to accommodate the algorithm.

I didn't recognize a single person parodied in this entire video except for the one shot of the quality animators I knew who were pushed out.

Just this and the hamster that was already posted

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Gonna need the sauce

didn't get any of that but i like this hamster

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His best vid in a while. Very based.

I really like the designs of the police characters.

Can someone explain what the popo meant

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is this video in good fun at yt animators or is he taking the piss at them? I dont really watch that many YouTube animators to begin with.

you need more street life in your life white boy

>white swoozie

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Yeah I knew that popo means police you fucking retards I meant what did them fighting storytime animators signify


They had finally found them, and they were going to bring them to justice.

>content police
people hating on them like this i think, maybe, im not sure, they had been in other videos of Sr.pelo before, so maybe just to make the joke of the rest of the animators being leave aside

A mix of both, at the credits he says he doesn't like their content with the exception of 3 youtubers.

he doesnt like them but doesn't wish them ill to them nor peoplewho enjoy them. is just personal taste

as unfunny as srpelo is, this is pretty based

there is a very rare portion of the art made that makes me diamonds. everything else looks like it was drawn by a 12 y/o

Alright thanks guys

I only know of bluebreed that makes quality lewd stuff, are there more?

wasn't domcis doing this before odd1sout?

I think another big reason these channels are so popular is that non animators are easily impressed by any independently made animation, to an outsider as long as it's in motion it's "good animation" regardless of timing or art style, like when everyone in 3rd grade was in awe when you made your first bouncy ball flipbook animation

yotam at 6:10?

my poor boy needs more attention.

Most aren’t even independently made, some of them get help from a team.

He's certainly gotten better.

based pelo ripping on the """animation""" community
same, fuck i spend too much time on the internet, but i like how he criticized that the critiques are often just as piss poor as the youtubers themselves

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I thought the baby was omgij


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He was portrayed as a midget who only screams at people and then got shot

>An abomination with nuclear screams is a powerful individual

You’re the reason Adventure Time got more “feels-y” and I now know why Teen Titans go pisses you off so much.

I think I've finally found a "thing well-known with younger people that I had next to no idea about"

Is this what being old is

It was snap chat and now area 51 raid for me. I'm only 25 too. But most of these things are shit so I don't really care.

Basado y Pelopilleado

>consume media
dude its a fucking free youtube video not a star wars movie, calm down

reddit moment

haha, that was relaitable!

Oh, now I get why the tea (criticism) was literal piss. I have no idea how that flew over my head

>El es Mark

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>uma delicia

he kinda feels like off brand swoozie to me

That's most things on the internet for me nowadays.
I stay away from Twitter and Facebook.
Outside of Yea Forums, YouTube for some music/gaming vids, and a myriad of porn sites I don't really go to a lot of websites.
I didn't even know what a TikTok was until late last year.
It's not just that I'm out of touch with today's youth, I'm out of touch with most people my age, too.
I'm only 24 but I already feel like an old man, weirded out by all the new technology that's popping up.
They're already talking about putting chips in your brain to connect to your smart devices.
Maybe some people think that sounds convenient and cool, but that sounds fucking scary to me.
And all these companies have so much information on you, they know you better than you know yourself.
Everything just seems terrifying these days.
I'm scared.

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>everything else looks like it was drawn by a 12 y/o
thats what makes it hot

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I only don't recognize 6 people in there.
>Demon (?)
>Max Diggity
>James Lee
>Large Horned Man (?)
>Cas van De Pol
>Some bearded bloke (?)
>black hair glasses guy
>Paul ter Voorde
>Tankman (obviously)
>White cat (?)
Bottom ones
>bread (?)

Who is he?

That was me at lunch today. It was idle chat and one of the ladies mentioned they were born in 96. Then the others rattled off their years. There were only two of us born before 1990. I'm only 31 man.

I have more good feelings than bad for the future of things. But there are too many distopian novels that are mirroring life to feel fully comfortable with things.

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Does the majority of this board even like those retarded storytime videos?

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A few zoomers, apparently.

I haven't even heard of most of them.
I recognized Odds1, Domics, Jaiden, Tabbes, and The Right Opinion The Turkey Tom thing fucking killed me, but I didn't know any of the other storytimers.

I noticed that the thicc girl with no mouth wasn't in it.

I still don't know what the fuck that "dilate" phrase that's been getting thrown around Yea Forums means.

i don't watch any of them but i only recognise jaiden, odd1out, turkeytom, the right opinion and daft pina. i have no fucking idea who any of the others are

Yeah but hes not white so he dosent count

I think it's when a mtf tranny sticks a metal rod in their wound-vagina to keep it from properly healing so it stays open.
I think.
I'm afraid to actually look it up.

TerminalMontage appears in the left after oney turn into oney Blanco and falls off the shot.

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If you're afraid to google something you've read on Yea Forums, then you probably haven't been here long enough.

I don't know any of them by name or watched them but I get the joke of all of them being (almost?) the same.

No one post "THAT" pic.

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Worse of all, it all feels like you're all alone in this world until you bend over and take it like everyone else.
I'm more depressed than scared over this.

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Yea Forums doesn't like anything. That's the point.

>No one post "THAT" pic.
Now you have peaked my interest. What is "THAT" pic in which you speak of.

what an asshole

Something that's worse than 2 girls 1 cup and Mr. Hands put together.
Which is funny because I thought I saw it all when that happened.
But things are get much, much worse than that.

Find the pic and post it.

Is it the chris chan thing?

It's not that bad, you idiot. Don't oversell something that tame.

That sounds tame compared to half the shit I've seen on 8ch's Espanol boards.

>not that bad
>oversell something that tame.
I might be fucked up but I'm glad I'm not as fucked up as you are.

search fireden with this

Why would someone put themselves through that?
They're never gonna be a real goil, no matter how hard they try.
And once they realize that they'll also realize they've mutilated themselves for nothing.
Just accept it and wear a dress or something.

That's why I said majority, I didn't say the whole board.

So what's the jist here, guy doesn't like storytimers and makes a video about the subject? Am I getting that right?

wtf I unironically love mr pelo now

Pelo is low quality content but he is far FAR ahead of fucking storytimers.

There was an image that was much worse.
The person's testimony before and after of how it regretted it.
Social media gives everyone a podium.
The unsavory ones can make a cesspool of encouragement to wallow in instead of getting professional help.
Doesn't help that the money trail is where that fad is at. So the media follows the money. Exploitation of a trend. I wonder what will be the next thing that will be pushed.

>Daftpina reference
Based, the guy is underrated as fuck.

unironically dilate

Now I am not against or for trans people. But really? Why would anyone put themselves through that. OK I know why, but it would be better to keep original until science gets better at recreating genitals.

i only recognize yotam and the edgy guy

>CalArts shit

Damn, you are such pussy

this is fucking based beyond words

It is like when in old shows they parodied superheroes or anime. You will recognize your Supermans, batmans, narutos. But everything else would look like shitty filler. But those who enjoy this will be even more satisfied as they got every reference

Supreme victory for coalition!

Who the fuck is that?

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what the fuck was his problem?

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Large demon guy is TwistedGrimTV
He made a FNAF porn animation and that is all I know from him

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taboo is cute

Grim is legit 7/10 girl. Check her instagram

I legit want more shorts with the Animation Force.

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Based mexico marina

Pelo here! I just wanted to say thanks for the comments, including the bitch who only watched 3 mins.

The police scene doesnt represent anything, maybe the animators "calling out" the STA, but is just an excuse to add chaos and the meaty swoozie

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Wow! That's relatable!

How do we know you're the real Pelo?

the only good thing to come out of storytime animation is the jaidenanimation porn

Check Pelo's Twitter

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>no trip
fuck off

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En la tierra, en el aire y en el mar

oh no no no no

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Jayden animations here! I just wanted to say thanks for the comments and keep drawing lewds of me

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hi pelo

Prepare for raid Pelo.
You have been warned

Show us your Ari

don't do it Mr. Yea Forums!

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jayden the animation please be my girlfriend, please

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why would you post the edited image ? here is the original

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I love you please suck my dick no homo

From right to left, I recognize:
>Cas de Van Pol
>Scott Falco
What do I win?


but i think those retards that do storytimes arent that bad at all, you can fell asleep with their fake stories and shitty transitions


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r*ddit meeting

fuck, what was the tweet?

Hey guys, sr Pelo here again, please don't say mean things or else :)

I fixed the tweet, people thought you guys were shitting on me... I MEA. SOME sure but yeh

I actually appreciate the comments

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he posted this image and said Yea Forums was based

people on the replies were mad tho as you can see

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That's right!

imagine being such a dumbass that you dont use a tripcode and expect everyone to belive you

>chris has his lets play channel
>mick is doing voices for games
>jontron is on a comeback
>corey is doing something regarding an indie game or something
>zach has written for spongebob and is doing something with the redlettermedia hackfrauds
>jeff and niall are ????
>stamper is an alcoholic who may or may not have alienated the others
The Sleepycabin lads have gone their own ways. And it's great besides Stamper.

Attached: this trip.jpg (699x392, 30K)

>retarded twitter users actively browse Yea Forums
>they publicly post their shilling and bring in more retarded faggots to infest it
Jesus christ, no wonder this board is so awful and getting worse by the minute.

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If I subscribed would Jaiden breastfeed me?

>dingdong got ass cancer but cant afford to see a doctor

This board is amazing. You're just sad emo lmao

i fucking wish

>This board is amazing.
its not as bad as Yea Forums, but its definitly not a good board

You are welcome

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It made fansubs for the stuff that I watch so it's grade A for me.

stamper almost fucking died, poor dude

Jayden animations here again!
of course me will!

>jaidenanimations will never breastfeed you for hitting the like button
life is unfair

>Jeff's working on a game with Corey
>Niall sometimes streams
>Stamper's been posting youtube vids recently, hope that boy gets some help

jayden the animation im begin you, please be my girl friend

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Hi Pelo!

Hey Pelo, love your old TF2 videos

pelo i'm gonna draw porn of your character and make your pubes an afro

Holy shit

Greetings, our holy prophet Pelo.

Que es obo

Jaiden actually posted here once

Un huevo de este tamaño

Can't wait to see it, it better be BlueBreed quality

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I don't get what's wrong with Jayden animations

Nothing. Everybody says she is a copy of Odd1 but her style has more life than Odd

Hope she sees this bro

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>egg crosses his arms and the guy fucking dies
top writing lmao

did she post tits ?

she wont show her armpit

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I've only seen like one or two STA videos and barely remember them, I know they've been kind of a topic and even though I didn't get most references I still somehow understood this video.
Thanks Pelo, very cool.

ur gay

hey guys! Jay Den animation here again!

yes i did

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Stop wanting to fuck Jaiden for the love of god.

That is not Jaiden! If she was she should f said something like ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਐਨ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਕਹਿਣ 'ਤੇ ਅਫ਼ਸੋਸ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ. ਤੁਸੀਂ ਅਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੁੱਖ ਭੋਗਣਗੇ. ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ ਆਖ਼ਰੀ ਗੁਨਾਹ ਕੀਤੇ ਹਨ.

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>no diaper
you expect me to believe this is the original?

Because it mimics the source material.


jayden post sideboob please

hey guys! ا̢̠͕͎͎̱̗̪͍̖͑̈́̊͛ͦͦ͗̃̌̿ͩ͟ل̴̷̸͔͕͚͓̋̎ͨͨͨ̌ͭ̽͛ͧ͆̾̓̔̒̕͝ب̨̛̙̯̱͈̳͚̤͎͆̈́̑̇̽̐̌ͨ̿̏̚̚ن̡̳̰̠̜̜̣͌̆͊̂̂͐͟ج̗̻̟̬̪͓̋͋͗ͦ̈̊͌ͤ̄́͘ا͉̞̫͙͋̉ͩͨ̒̆͌̿͐͆̑̈́̑ͩ͟ب̶͎̥̬̼̰͕̯̗̖̮ͧ͛ͪ̉ͨ̈͊ͨͬ̚͜͢͞ي̪̥̼̟̠̦̿̌̔͟͠ة̡̤̞̭̳̖̱͖͚̬͚͎̯̹̹͎̫̇̓ͯ͊͟ here again!

ل́̕͝ط̢͘͡م̵͢ع́ ̴̷ط͝ع̶̶̢̛م̢͟͝͠ه̢͘͝͠ ̢̡͟͢͠م̢̀̀͘ث̢͜ل̀͢ ̶̨̕͢͝ا͘ل̨͘͘خ͜͝ط̷̕͘͝ي͜͢͠ئ̛́͝ة̷̧̛́͘
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Attached: 300px-TimeManagement.jpg (300x475, 33K)

go back to twitter and never come back




my dad, please forgive him

>cop gets sent away after he kills the black one

Attached: 40k.jpg (780x780, 201K)

user that's a fucking g'nome

She's obnoxious and runs that anxiety nervous girl thing into the ground for sympathy.

He's g'not a g'nelf.

Hey guys! Odd1sout here.

ممكن تسكت شوية؟

>Odd1sout confessing his war crimes in Yea Forums
What a time to be alive

Attached: 1551639730113.gif (600x338, 1.49M)

Don't tell me to shut up!

but........ she is hot.......


It's not that, you people just have bad taste.

oh yeah faggot ? post a hot cartoon then

You're all dolts.

I love you

Is this real
Gonna need sauce for that

He deleted the tweet but it's in cache:

Same thing that happened to TB. He had pain/bleeding out his ass that he ignored. By the time he went to a doc to take a look it was already full on blast. DD can't afford a doc apparently and has no medical insurance.

Attached: DD.png (622x1232, 140K)

Damn, I'd be kinda sad if he was gone.

Damn that sucks. I like his early lets plays with chris before they left.

>burgers just leave themselves die when they can't affort healthcare
lmao burgerland truly is a third world country

>reconize 0 (zero) of these shmucks in the video (except some animators from that newgrounds moment)
>apparently Yea Forums reconize at least some of them
Damn, Yea Forums really is tumblr.

but if he dies , we'll never know if he actually is Timothy T.

Yea Forums literally only talks about storytime animators when its about porn of their characters

im not going to lie tho, jaiden's OC is pretty hot

It wasn't super mean spirited, so i guess it's okay. Although I'm kind of bothered that the newgrounds people didn't get any shit, even though some of them are questionable in character.

>Damn, Yea Forums really is tumblr.
no, you are just getting old.

>Damn, Yea Forums really is tumblr.
you know those animator are on youtube, not tumblr, right?

>people actually fucking recognizing the """""animators"""""

summerfags on full blast

Pelo is my dad I'm not lying

The only good one is Jaiden since she and her OC are hot

Well said, fucking gramps not knowing about our based storytimes bros, they're so cringe.

Attached: 1534432147448.gif (478x350, 84K)


You'll see it in the obituaries

post source or post more

This is perfect and also should be a meme.

She's a girl and everyone wants to bang her avatar.

Also pelo, after confirmation that you do indeed browse this board I just wanna say your stuff is great.

taboo is Tabbs



Attached: 1468822587693.png (327x333, 118K)

lol why is my youtube video at the top of this thread did someone think srpelo made it


Check out LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스

best storytimer of all time with only 54 k views There is no doubt that he will be the new storytime god

Attached: 6063dbef984fe6da8a713272a39af87d.png (876x464, 553K)

he fucking sucks at smash

Based 베이스드

>YouTube animators bad
>Hitting table while screaming funny
Well, at least he animates

Attached: 1563884799628.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

Can someone post lewd jay den pics?

I think you know why

>Oney turns into his LetsPlay character

Attached: chris.jpg (240x404, 18K)

Hey does somebody have a list of all the storytime youtubers referenced in the video?

>spends an entire video mocking storytime animators
>"Hey guys, I personally don't like storytime animators"
>"but if you do like them, that's okay"

I don't see the discrepancy. I can call you a whiny faggot with a retarded fetish, and I can still say I don't mind if someone wants to stick their dick up your ass.

I mean I don't like story time animators all that much either but I wouldn't really want to mutilate someone's cock&balls with a machete for liking them. It's all mostly just meh-tier for me.

>Chris morphs into his OneyPlays avatar
>Mick shoots a gun
>Zeurel has the bounciest animation
>Max barely manages to smile through the pain

Every goddamn youtuber needs to backpedal on the opinions they presented in the video nowadays, because they are terrified of people assuming they hate everything and everybody.
What's even the fucking point of voicing your opinion if you have to sum it up with "lol I don't know though, if you disagree with me, you're probably right!"

Oh you gotta check out James Lee

You severly underestimate how rabid the storytime animator fanbase is.

Attached: the-audio-of-14-crying-babies-pi.jpg (1127x806, 282K)

My story time didn't get there... I'm useless.

pls suicide thanks

can you name them all?

Attached: all the boys.png (640x360, 301K)

Why do you care so much?

Not just the storytime fanbase, pretty much any youtube commentors.
Youtubers HAVE to say "this is just my opinion, it's okay if you disagree with it" or else the dumb little commentors will think their presenting their opinion as fact and shit themselves.

>"Damn... This nu-ternet is too FKEKing sensitive........ now if I ACT and TALK like an asshole ON THE INTERNET...... People will call me an asshole......... ON THE INTERNET. What the FUCG happened the the INTERNET where I could FCUNKNG prank call a dead KID's f parENTS for the EPic LulZZ GRUfCUck, The INTERNET is F F f fu Cuccign srER rrUR UI ROningn e fcu rruined!!!!"


Attached: 1534146202031.png (359x355, 51K)

>can still see the dick
Enjoy your vacation.

>a stick figure is a drawing
Already lost me.

Is the shadow guy James Lee?

I'm disappointed Strongbad never made a cameo.

But could just be me showing my age.

Attached: strongbad.png (545x393, 102K)

I want to rape her, ¿is anything wrong with me?

Not even that.
Just stating an opinion without clarifying that it is indeed an opinion can send people in a tizzy.
Doesn't matter how calmly you do it.

i ship jaidenanimations with ngaidenanimations.

I'm a retarded shut-in neet who spends all their time online and I didn't recognize anyone in this video except Oney and Zach. I don't know who Sir Pelo is.

You're not spending too much time online, you're spending too much time online in your weird little circle-jerk groups.

>I don't think people should be so uptight about something done in such a short time with so limited resources.
they get hundreds of thousands of views
many of them have been doing it for a long time. no improvement, no investment into improving their craft and production
they don't deserve shit

based korean

>they get hundreds of thousands of views

Why is that an issue?

satan never been to newgrounds?

The same thing happened to Total Biscuit, he should ask for donations.


>he should ask for donations.

What do you think he's doing when he posts about it? If he didn't want donations he wouldn't bring it up, he wants donations AND he wants to be able to say "But I never ASKED for money, tee hee"

they clearly are able to make somewhat of a living off doing what they are doing
but aren't trying to improve

the guys who made Homestar runner now work on actual television.


Attached: 1564323504872.jpg (792x612, 53K)

Better than those boring ass storytime animations where the stories are obviously exaggerated or fake because these people life's are either boring or ran out of shit to say

This site has been shit for years newfag

This, even just shuffling a jpeg around has more animation than storytime fags

Her video on how she had eating disorders was sad, but if that is the worst thing that has happened to her, she has lived a pretty good life.

That's a relatively easy life.

>easy/hard arent subjective

Its easier than being a woman in a third world country, having to do back-breaking work for minimum pay just to keep having access socialized medicine so that you can deliver your baby without going into serious debt and fear that if you miss more than a day of work they will very likely fire you regardless of your pregnancy. And the baby's father is nowhere to be seen.

It can always be worse.

Your finished.

>C6 H12 O6

Attached: 757.jpg (1022x547, 57K)


I'm dying.

Attached: 1017412_10152536028535589_1429608629679035546_n.jpg (198x212, 7K)

>TerminalMontage shows up late since his popularity is super recent
Nice touch

Pelo if you're still reading this, you're a faggot and you can't animate.

t. Odd1sout
All of your 'copycats' animate better than you

They're not animators either, and wrong, try again buddy.

>if legitimately pelo
hey man i love your work, i'm happy to see the animation get better and better
>if someone just pretending to be pelo
have a nice day

It can be worse, you can get aborted and never enjoy the third world country to bitch about it in Yea Forums!

It can get worse!

Attached: IMG_20190305_015319.jpg (688x692, 48K)

Nah, Strongbad just wasn't a newgrounds guy.

That was adorable

I liked the Bluebreed cameo since he keeps drawing porn of the storytime "animators".

You don't have to lie, this is an user board.

Attached: 1564591198018.png (603x406, 359K)

That'll be extra goyim, freedom isn't free.

Attached: D4cxis1WsAUMbhU.jpg (652x960, 62K)

>Pelo cant animate
>Also Pelo

Now he needs to proof he is not a faggot

Attached: animators (1).gif (1280x720, 2.74M)

Your standards for animation are too low user.

Not her fault you're a third world shitter

what do you want, super smooth 24fps? It's youtube animation, it's done by one person quickly to keep making money

>flag hung in his room like some disrespectful twat
>lego fucking star wars
A friend of mine noticed this before me, but there's a real weird connection of, right wing zoomers really love the star wars prequels.

>It's not real X because I don't like it
Nice goal post shifting pal.

go to bed

couldn't you apply that logic to """storytime animators""" as well.


No because there's no animation

Why do normies always say this?

That rests my case for Pelo.

>YouTube animators bad
Did you not watch the entire video? The non story time animators appears, fag.


I know animation is give the illution of movement, not be a biased fag

Attached: IMG-20190603-WA0000.jpg (480x480, 13K)

.......Is it that fucking tails comic? Ya know Bench Tails.

i dont bealive you, i checked his twitter and in the photos that he appeard he looks like a man

From left to right and top to bottom IIRC:
>Chris O'Niel
>Rice Pirate
>Cas van de Pool
>Hot Diggedy Demon
>Arin Hanson and Avidan
>The tank guy from Newgrounds
>James Lee
>Yotam Perel
>Pikapetey, I think
>idk, Aydin Paladin?
Do I get a gold star for effort?

Attached: 060.png (600x570, 124K)

Ho ho ho ha ha, ho ho ho he ha. Hello there, old chum. I’m g’not an elf. I’m gn’ot a gn’oblin. I’m a gn’ome. And you’ve been, GNOMED’

Attached: 133AC339-4FC2-4798-9212-9001FB0EE1C9.png (671x969, 436K)

I rarely listen to jaiden as background noise and thats it. I don't really find them to be good or bad, can understand the criticism tho, my only knack with them ever was that they were pretty much all the same
I have a more burning dislike for avatar video essays that are literally just 1< hour of someone doing nothing but give le cynical witty opinion with three shitty drawn characterposes and then have thousands of kids follow that opinion and like their low effort vids, like that faggot in that video with the tophat and the monocle, think he was called therightopinion or something

Attached: 304845f86de6a1224a61c5abc98c105731921cd3_hq.jpg (1024x576, 30K)

Gingerpale, but he's A G'NOME.


The thumbnail looks like Freddie Mercury.

Attached: 1445900203828.jpg (305x350, 15K)

>cringe the thread
just let it die
too many twitter trannys here

I need to know before watching this did this edge lord add in krinkles/madness cameo and sully /ourchads/ name


Attached: SJS.jpg (561x583, 287K)

I don't know who anyone is supposed to be in this video. Are they all references to people? To memes? I'm so fucking old you guys I don't understand this at all

Attached: dog.jpg (202x164, 5K)

that depiction of the odd1sout was perfect, a baby, because that's exactly what he is, a sad little man child who gets pissy at the slightest bit of negativity about him, same thing goes for a lot of these """animators""" in general.

>Sam O'nella isn't lumped in with these tossers

>cringe the post
just let him die, nobody will care

Attached: 636.png (300x249, 83K)

Good thread

Attached: BB56.png (675x674, 47K)

based bluebreed

Attached: EA0QNeeWsAA94Xy.png (680x662, 385K)


more please

i wish he did more jaiden

Attached: sweaty.jpg (947x1057, 50K)

How do you think Jaiden feels about all the porn?

What if pelo said that instead of BB

Attached: IMG_20190731_131452.jpg (518x446, 50K)

Hey guys, Jay Den Animations here. Please draw more lewds

Attached: big ass.jpg (750x750, 50K)



post the link

probably doesn't care about it, just like candyevie

Attached: kissu.jpg (240x240, 8K)

I'm completely unfamiliar with the content he's making fun of. Do you have to nudge the algorithm a certain way for youtube to throw this shit at you?

No because Youtube shows me smoking fetish videos even though I never searched, accidentally clicked or even looked at something similar. I want this shit to end.

Watching things related to animation seemed to do it for me. Luckily I don't get them that often anymore.

Wait, he animates NSFW material too?

now its time for him to roast those unoriginal top youtube comments

Starting with Planet Dolan


Attached: 1561756722981.png (900x900, 193K)

no one:

not a single soul:

Pelo here, not like Jaiden
I actually practice a little bit of NSFW, I am not use to it tho but I try

Attached: IMG-20180811-WA0003.jpg (480x422, 22K)

Pelo have you ever fapped to any of these youtuber avatar lewds?

Fuck no, I will get bored likw watching their videos.
If Bluebreed draws it then maybe

Attached: descarga.jpg (200x252, 12K)

You have good taste pelo, unlike everyone else on this thread

>Fuck no, I will get bored likw watching their videos.

Attached: 400000kek.png (256x384, 167K)

Bless this thread. Thanks based Pelo.


post the fake thumbnail

Attached: bikini.jpg (922x1362, 70K)

bluebreed makes good shit, based pelo

stamper has starting posting videos again this month, he's back

>that brief character break at 9:43

Has it been long enough since the Newgrounds era of psuedo Ren and Stimpy animation for it be nostalgic? You know, the only where the humor is loud, unexpected noises and anatomical deformation?

Attached: 1551810814204.jpg (595x595, 187K)

Big shot storytime animators have artists they commission for all their art and editing

man this was amazing

i wish people like him got recognition instead of those shitty """animators"""

jaiden is still really hot tho

don't even bother, Yea Forums is too far gone to even notice the irony.

Tabbes is cuter.

she might be flat but she is wayy too edgy

Attached: swan-princess-convo8.jpg (611x409, 31K)

I Youtube nothing by friend simulators these days?

what a pervert

Attached: Jaiden is a fucking pervert.png (3699x4325, 1.56M)


Attached: jaiden in a bikini.jpg (1512x1693, 288K)

Ok now you've convinced me, that is actually hot. I thought death came earlier than me getting off to some e-celeb's story-time avatar, guess it's not.

i dont know why the fuck she made her OC so attractive

Attached: jaiden.jpg (3500x4000, 967K)

What am I missing here? It just seems like random "make silly voices and scream a lot" humor, what is the criticism being made?
It seems like you have to be familiar with all the people he's mocking to get what it is he's actually mocking, but then you'd actually have to like those kinds of videos to know who the hell all these people are, so it seems like it's completely missing the target audience.
Or am I severely underestimating Yea Forums's ability to hate-watch everything?

fuck i remember a Yea Forums thread with that picture in a fake thumbnail, i wish i had saved it

But he doesn't even talk about anxiety


basically a pelo shill thread.

>Blob animator shitting on other Youtube blobs
Is this really what zoomers think is quality content?

she had to know what she was doing when she created her OC

Attached: big titty cartoon girlfriend.png (795x479, 18K)

>Blob animator
The fuck are you talking about?

>that scene were the pig headed cartoon paints someone's space blue
>followed by notOdds1out appearing, having his head changed to a pig and repeat that same scene again
idk why this single part was so damn hilarious to me but i had to contain my laughter while at work.

Attached: 1562782225640.gif (228x170, 1.86M)

Use your small brain zoomie.

Story time animators sucks ass, that's the message


Attached: 1564607101817.png (567x381, 121K)

>If real
Good shit.
>If not real
Still good shit.

Attached: 01e.gif (500x280, 1.71M)

with all those illegals roaming around why it wouldn't be a third world country?

>being a bully

I hate how y'all has somehow morphed into an SJW buzzword when it's just fucking southern talk.

Attached: 1286084575241.jpg (587x509, 134K)

1.At least I have a brain.
2. Are you calling them blob animators because their avatars all have blobish heads?

I can't take anything containing the phrase 'y'all'seriously. Fucking middle class basic bitches and rednecks

was the mother a loose reference to binding of isaac or just for laughs?

Hey Pelo, just want to say that your videos are great, and also I like to rewatch your older stuff from time to time.

Attached: desnutrido negro y puto.png (2160x1080, 290K)

Wow your tiny brain was able to piece it together!
>Are (you)

Attached: 1564607600483.png (221x70, 1K)

I don't watch storytime animations, so I didn't recognize any of these people or have any idea what was going on, and I was still laughing my ass off for most of the video. I love Pelo.

>If Bluebreed draws it then maybe

Attached: yuri.png (771x282, 292K)

Who the fuck are the two classy guys coming in with Tom?

>not posting the superior version

Attached: DUMMY THICK.jpg (2013x2127, 182K)

1. Yes
2. That is literally the most retarded thing I ever heard.

Not him, but this is proof that you haven't even watched the video, there's barely any blobs at all.

the right opinion (some gay and possibly furry guy who thinks he is reasonable because of his accent and no, having 'right' doesn't imply he is rightwing before you come to that conclusion) and daftpina who is known for talking slow and there is one below daftpina who can't remember the name but uses a fish for avatar

Everything in it is a scribbley Oney-wannabe blob and most of them are just "white humanoid character", you silly child.

Attached: blob.png (302x264, 30K)

That's just every storytime animator you fucking retard, plus, all of them have some unique design and there isn't any problem with them in the first place.

Thats the point, the bully is the coolest in the video

Attached: 1564458368311.jpg (993x867, 406K)

Whose the guy at 2:16?

It was some storytime animator called illymation whose video about being abused by her boyfriend was kind of exaggerated but ended up being on everyone's youtube recommended for a while, that's the only reason I know her.

females over exaggerating relationship drama online!? no!!! never!!

so how many storytime animators ended up butthurt?

i have a lot of respect for animators who make the best with a limited budget
UPA, Hanna Barbera, Adult Swim, flash animators
but none for story time animators

This is actually really good
Too bad I hate gook insects

imma need some salsa on that my dude

No comment.

It's times like this when people forget that domics isn't just a "storytime" animator and is still a part of Hyun's Dojo.

Literal underaged zoomers airing out their YouTube "Beefs" with each other and using this board to get even more views, while talented and proven creators like Maxwell Atoms are standing on the curb dancing in their underwear for spare change... I want off this clown world already.

Attached: 1564481581486.png (455x543, 333K)

Oh fuck. Sr. Pelo is still at it?

google it lazy ass.

Who’s on the left?

Oh shit, I didn't recognize Yotam. That guy is still trying.

It’s ok we still love you.
Make more tf2 content you cunt

Holy shit i fucking hate this one

Honestly, I barely recognized any of these, but Pelo's style is just funny.

Lovie is CandyEvie

Thanks for following me on twitter

Why do all the girl parody characters have short hair as one of the only real differences from the real animators they're based on?

I think she's "syzygy Animations" in this image

Attached: EAC28MzXYAIWemx[1].jpg (1280x720, 131K)

there is a part where he came out his dead body with the dojo shirt. does he still animate stick figures ?

Domics was the first one, though? Used to watch him in 2012.



Attached: killers.jpg (680x603, 82K)

Who are Pistache and PaleGnome supposed to represent?

you guys know she's ugly irl right? most animators are. arin is probably the best looking one and he doesnt even animate anymore.

are we talking about arin as in egoraptor? because that dude was never a looker but now he looks like he does meth everyday.

She's a solid 7 but damn cute.
Arin looks like he a 55 yo man

Is she? Post pics

Pelo make more in a shellnut videos

Attached: 5D2677FB-F03F-42A9-BE4A-EC514BF46E3B.png (598x624, 157K)

I don't get any of the jokes because I haven't watched any of these people.
I have never watched these people because they've never been recommended to me on youtube.
They've never been recommended to me on youtube because I don't watch SHIT.

I don't know why you would criticize these garbage channels when the fact you're aware of them confirms you love similar garbage.

Attached: 1543478152663.webm (496x360, 116K)


Attached: 1391732268409.gif (517x400, 2.45M)

>you love similar garbage.
>Watch a "making of" documentary about a cartoon
>Poorly coded Youtube bot goes "Oh that must mean he likes this other quasi animation related thing too"

Attached: 1433645217978.png (307x232, 108K)

stop being a faggot and disable youtube history then.
You can even watch like 10 things you like before disabling history so your future recommendations will always be based off those locked in videos.

i know she is not a 10/10 IRL, but we are talking about her OC not her

Stop pretending to know how this shit works, dumb faggot. Garbage gets on your recommendations no matter what

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (294x54, 2K)


Jaiden's mom is hotter

This doesn't work. Garbage still gets in my recommended.
t. disabled my youtube history back in 2015

Calm down shill, you are dripping some pelo's cum over here.

If you didn't got this in your recommended you are probably lying

Attached: thumbnail4223.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Oh shit

Suck my dick, Master Pelo. But with love.

I don't.
Here's my current recommendations, didn't refresh it either.
>Movie shit
>medieval shit
>Austism shit
>making shit
>gamer shit
>gamer shit
>gamer shit
>tech shit
>movie shit
>movie shit
>e-celeb shit
>some behind the scenes shit
>themepark shit
>top 12 shit
>book shit
>gamer shit
>gamer shot
>themepark shit
I mean I wouldn't watch all of these but none of them are things completely unrelated to my tastes, I do like vidya and themeparks and movies and such.
No retarded clickbait or story time or whatever.

Attached: 1556834503212.png (2095x1137, 2.76M)

Fuck. I can only hope he gets enough money to get himself checked.

i'm only this far into the video and i already had a good laugh, goddamn.

Yea Forums isn't a secret club, and hasn't been even remotely close to one for years

Well, you have good tastes at the very least.

I watched some of those videos in small window on background while drawing. Most of them boring or straight up made up. I don't know how can "animation nerd" in his 20's have anything interesting or entertaining to tell unless it's something about school/college or some naive throughs about world.

Who El es Mark suppose to be? My guess is I Hate Everything.

masterlasheron > Sr. Pelo

Yo, I actually recomend RedLetterMedia, they are good shit.
but when that fuckin vid came out it got in my recommended 24/7, I don't even watch shit like that

Attached: rataagagsa.jpg (286x322, 124K)

shit taste.

IHE isn't really a storytime "animator" tho, more like a complainer

that fucking vinny OOT compilation video wont leave my recommended list

Fuck I thought all these YouTubers in video was randomly designed but it's turned out they are all parodies.

Attached: 1562914303434.gif (200x150, 2.22M)


Is Arin fucking serious?

Attached: ego.png (623x466, 56K)

looks like parodies and jokes with no ill will offend the egoraptor, glad he doesn't actually animate anymore.

Who are Katchup and Decipher supposed to be?

>when I made cartoons
so he's flat out admitting he's only a former animator huh

holy shit Arin, you were the dude on newgrounds spouting "nigger" and racist memes.
what happened?


this video has to be one of the brightest thing in quite some time, it portrays the reality of all these "animators", from the absurd exageration of their boring lives, to them "dying" when criticized, the only thing missing from this video is one of them saying something like "you cant criticize me! I HAVE PTHD, ASPERGERS, IM AUTISTIC AND IM MISSING A LEG! HAHA IM INVINCIBLE!"
but still, an awesome video.


It's great because it takes a creative approach to addressing an issue that's already been the center of some discussion and drama. There are plenty of videos already that criticize the STA community, to the point where they're equally as bad.

Sr Pelo then puts all aspects of the community (creators and critics alike) under one extremely absurd and bizarre lens, which is really the best way to convey the whole shitshow.

Daft Pina's pretty good though, even a better source of entertainment than the things he criticizes.

he speaks REALLY SLOW, and i though that was a joke from the video of pelo

Oh yeah, DaftPina's awesome. TheRightOpinion's great too. I'm just pointing out how absurd the whole situation is.

he only talks like that for comedic value, I thought he had something at first.

Of course he made an entire thread backpedaling the whole thing and went even further when egoraptor stepped in

Wait, is this fucking real? How much of a fucking baby can you be? Just turn off the screen.

Daftpina has a really bizzare hate-boner for Jaiden specifically though.

He's also very boring.

He's parodying the boring content, he doesn't have to stir up a pot or tell them they're pieces of shit just because their videos are trash.


Attached: explain the joke.png (594x389, 38K)

Terrible Joke.

Pelo literally said in the credits it's fine if you enjoy them or whatever, imagine getting mad at internet cartoons like this

I'm trying to think how to NOT be part of this gaggle of this internet bandwagon tard train.

How about just short loops of jiggly girls?

Hmm, then who is the eggshell guy suppose to be?

Maybe someone very obscure, I know Pelo specifically asked on Twitter for obscure STA at some point

LS Mark. I'd put him in a similar category to Turkey Tom.

Attached: llpRqniR_400x400.png (400x400, 120K)

Someone named LS Mark.

One of them is obviously a parody of an animator that has a purple cat furry OC (obviously not photorealistic, though).

It's this guy, he was one of the critics

What a pussy. The moment someone with popularity steps to him he retreats like a whipped dog before an Alpha.

What a bitch!