Can anyone explain this or do you have any theories? Benis said he wanted to make Superman really jewish but this seems to imply this man who in context is not even Kryptonian is jewish. So are all aliens in the DCU now jewish? Is Brainiac now jewish too? What about Martian Manhunter? Or are they supposed to be Earth jews who started colonies? This isn’t very clear. Any help here would be hot.
Newest issue of Benis Superman
Unless explicitly noted it is safe to assume that all characters in all modern works are Jewish, unless they're a villain, in which case they'll be Christian but spelled differently.
Jokes about fantasy characters/aliens being Jewish are funny to me. Guess it’s because I’m from the NE.
This makes sense. Look at the Justice League over the last few years. Benis says Superman is a jew and not in just the traditional allegory for Moses way. People argue Batman is because of Batwoman. Barry is jewish in the film universe. Hal has recently been made jewish. Wonder Woman played by an Israeli, not canon but it’s something. What’s going on?
That is an extremely dangerous rabbit hole you're peering into there user, I suggest you walk away.
>What’s going on?
the same thing that's been happening behind the scenes in comics and movies and tv for the last 70 years
Batman is WASP/WASA, maybe his uncle/aunt married a Jewish person to have Kathy.
O-ok, user
They used to make most comic characters WASPs because the jews saw more money in getting parents to buy for their kids that way. Which was smart especially in their time. But now it’s like everyone has to be jewish, they are retconning and claiming everyone.
>batwoman is actually related to Bruce Wayne
Please tell me they didn't do this. That is the most retarded fucking shit. Kill the entire bat family except Dick
I don’t know if it was Yea Forums being fooled again but I hear people say that’s how it is now, not just through marriage like they used to be related. All Kane’s are jews now even though Bob made that his name to NOT be noticed as a member of the tribe.
>Benis says Superman is a jew and not in just the traditional allegory for Moses way.
When did he ever said that?
Been the case since Morrison's run during Final Crisis.
What is WASP/WASA?
Anything that disrespect Bob Kane is probably a great choice
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, or Anglican if you're British
Who are the members of these quintessence?
We don’t get much information on them yet.
Fair enough I guess
Pretty sure since 52 and including Final Crisis that Kate’s mom was jewish and her dad, who is blood related to Bruce, concerted when he got married. That would not make Bruce even remotely jewish. But not sure if that was changed in the New 52.
>Anything that disrespect Bob Kane is probably a great choice
What did Bob Kane do?
first) Why does Hall even believe in God if he knows about Highfather and the New Gods?
second) Why does every writer think that making a white character jewish is some woke thing to do? That doesn't erase the fact they were white in the first.
third) why can't generic euro-mutts in the USA just being white?
Look at this
A bunch of times in interviews when his Man of Steel came out
Everyone hates Kane for claiming he created Batman
and this, he made Judaism a space religion or some shit
>Why does Hall even believe in God if he knows about Highfather and the New Gods?
Because The Source exists, ya tard
>Everyone hates Kane for claiming he created Batman
He co-created Batman, why do we hate the artist?
What did he do of that bad?
>Because The Source exists, ya tard
>Why does Hall even believe in God if he knows about the Source?
Are you retarded? Finger didn’t even get credit until like 2016 because of Kane
I recognize a Guardian of the Universe and Sardath from Rann, but no one else
But why do we have to disrespect Kane?
Ganthet, Zeus, Wizard Shazam, Highfather, Phantom Stranger, Spectre (but he is just a messenger)
Did you look at OP's image?
that's an odd choice
Kane didn't create Batman or draw the comic or have any ideas.
He paid Finger barely anything to create it all.