>make edit
>jannies have deleted the thread I wanted to use it in
This has happened like 300 times.
Make edit
this edit sucks. jannies did nothing wrong.
because garrison threads are shit, sorry user
conservacucks don't belong here
Political cartoons with just single images don't count I guess.
Go dilate.
Why the fuck are you even on Yea Forums if you don't like Ben Garrison?
Everybody belongs everywhere to stoke the fires of discourse
t.That Libcuck that spams ''conservacucks''
>not edits
no, no.
That's not what this thread is for.
conservacucks are a cancer that swarmed here through facebook that should remain in /pol/, their quarantine board
you don't belong here
more water edits, please
>all instruments are labeled "TAXES"
I feel like this could have been consolidated.
>he thinks it's one person
sorry that you're so autistic that hearing a common phrase bothers you
have you considered dilating? because yikes
>Goat milk mocha
That actually sounds pretty good.
At least now they have pails of water
I feel like the goat milk would be a little strong for a mocha, maybe something heartier like a chai?
Why would I go to a crummy old waterfest when I could go to Pokemon creaturefest?
It is. Goat milk is, may I say it, GOAT.
What's up with the goats?
Crummy pool water? She should've been drinking ocean water!
They're crummy animal creatures
All I want is to edit comics, but instead we gotta watch a boomer and zoomer shit back and forth forever.
>Go dilate.
So why'd so guys all start saying this lately? What's the joke, just sounds creepy?
They're so cute though.
>hur hurrrr blue cities have homeless people in it
what is up with the conservacuck's obsession with this concept? nearly every major, successful city in the world has homeless people in it. homeless people beg off of people with money, not people without money.
as opposed to towns in red states where everyone kills themselves with drug overdoses because not even being a beggar is a viable career because the only person with a job is the meth dealer.