I see all the episodes of the two cartoon but I do not get it.
Why do some people call Dragon Prince and Carmen Sandiego SJW?
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Netflix can get my money again when they renew it.
Some time this year.
because there's a woman in it
Dragon Prince because of the princess who is shown to have 2 moms?
Carmen Sandiego I don't get. Sure she's different but there's nothing SJW about it.
because I cant fap to that design
That seems to be a ‘you’ issue.
>because there's a woman in it
Women are 1/2 the population.
Do they know gay people allowed to have kids?
What you need to know is that Harrow was a fucking idiot.
>Why do some people call Dragon Prince and Carmen Sandiego SJW?
LGBTQ characters. They stick out awkwardly and the narratives of the episodes that feature them always go out of their way to show them as STUNNING and BRAVE to influence the audience.
everything that's not white is SJW. that's the rules.
On the one hand, in the original cartoon she looked white. On the other hand, the name Carmen Sandiego screams hispanic so she gets a pass from me.
>LGBTQ characters. They stick out awkwardly and the narratives of the episodes that feature them always go out of their way to show them as STUNNING and BRAVE to influence the audience.
>everything that's not white is SJW. that's the rules.
That's pretty stupid
It's only SJW if it is explicitly anti-white, anti-heterosexual, or anti-male
Or if it delves WAY too much on race and gender politics, and mistakes it for good writing
this guy was really just another villain
we were not meant to sympathize with him
Any modern show that isn't about a white male who has a traditional white family is bound to trigger someone on Yea Forums. It comes with the territory.
That was my point.
>LGBTQ characters
haven't noticed any in Carmen Sandiego
two male villains MIGHT be in a relationship (was not confirmed on show), but it is only played as a joke, and was never the main focus of any episode or plot line
>That's pretty stupid It's only SJW if it is explicitly anti-white, anti-heterosexual, or anti-male Or if it delves WAY too much on race and gender politics, and mistakes it for good writing
Not Dragon Prince or Carmen Sandiego.
Because they have a woman or LGBT character in it
I'm sorry we have to have gays in every last fucking program on the fucking planet you dipshit.
>Or if it delves WAY too much on race and gender politics, and mistakes it for good writing
See, this is the problem. For some people, all a show needs to do to delve "too much on race and gender politics" is to have a woman/black person/gay person in the show at all.
>Any modern show that isn't about a white male who has a traditional white family
are there any that even star a white male with a traditional white family at this point?
The closest I can think is The Loud House, and even there two of the family's children have Mexican love interests, and one is bi-sexual
Too bad that characters like those merely existing is enough justification to label it as SJW.
>Let's make one of our top generals someone who can't communicate with her troops without an interpreter
>I'm sorry we have to have gays in every last fucking program on the fucking planet you dipshit.
What about the Duck?
well, they exist
Because there's women and brown people
some people think that Launchpad McQuack and Drake Mallard are in a relationship due to raising Gosalyn together
The only two royal families we've gotten to meet are mixed and lesbian, with adopted sons and adopted daughters. The adopted daughter in particular is a huge, huge cunt. They attempted to make her look 'mature for her age' and ended up doing the exact opposite, unfortunately.
There's also a general that uses sign language exclusively. A few of these quirks would be acceptable, but all of these unusual traits makes things seem SJW. So long as you ignore it, it doesn't matter to the actual story.
This is the only time they've sort of shoved the SJW in the audience's face, but again not a big deal. S3 is going to make up for the low quality.
filename killed me
nu-DuckTales will introduce proper LGBT characters later on
Because they are paranoid
will you kill yourself if they don't?
>boobs not big enough
>covers up too much of her body
>main character isn't white
>too many non-white characters
>non-white characters portrayed too positive
>white male character portrayed as incompetent
>white male character doesn't have a girl at the end of each episode
>white female character is smarter than the white male character
>white female villain loses to the non-white protagonist
>white female villain's ass not big enough
>The adopted daughter in particular is a huge, huge cunt. They attempted to make her look 'mature for her age' and ended up doing the exact opposite, unfortunately.
No she is mature for thinking about the consequences of total war.
>white male character portrayed as incompetent
The Player is white, and he is portrayed almost as competent as Carmen
There isn't even any LGBT confirmed characters in it. The closest thing to SJW about it is that Carmen is Argentinian now, but she never even grew up there and doesn't make a big deal about it.
I don't know about CS but TDP is a little sjw
main character is half asian, for some reason this was important for the writers to tell us
lesbian queens
loli queen being the best at being a leader (in reality she's retarded
she's letting the enemy come across her boarders and slaughter the people protecting them
she is a shit queen
most of those things could be said about the 1994 series as well, and nobody complained
you mean the French comic relief?
Because people are stupid.
>There's people who exist that actually believe this
>she's letting the enemy come across her boarders and slaughter the people protecting themshe is a shit queen
That is not happening. One battle at a boarder is not civilians geting kill.
I didn't say anything about civilians. I was talking about the troops stationed at the border.
The woke queen doesn't give a shit about people attacking the country, she is a shit queen plain and simple.
Do you think they're portraying her as super competent because she's a girl, or because she's a kid? Remember this is a series targeted toward kids. The whole "kid is smarter/better than the adults" trope is super common in children's media.
pretty much every super competent character in this show is a female or a minority
How do not know the battle at a boarder was not on the Eif territory or something both sides do on a regular basis for generations?Look at North and South Korea.
How do not know the battle at a boarder was not on the Eif territory or something both sides do on a regular basis for generations? Look at North and South Korea.
Because they feature non white and gay characters.
That’s it.
>border on elf territory
The incompetent cop is a stock-character that's been around at least since the 60s tho
Its sjw of all the females and minorities and super competent while the white males are either comedic relief,evil or dumb
As for Dragon Prince:
>black king in medieval Europe style setting
>super-competent deaf Mary Sue warrior general grrl and her white male lieutenant who is a glorified sign language assistant
>evil white usurper
>lesbian queens who magically have a daughter somehow
I like the show, but don't kid yourself, it's woke.
How do you know the battle at a boarder was not on the Elf territory or something both sides do on a regular basis for generations? Look at North and South Korea.
The Player is white and pretty damn competent
Even more competent than Carmen when it comes to computers
It certainly is worth mentioning that the show's audience surrogate is still a smart white boy
tell that to /pol/ outrage fags who never stop bitching about "SJWs runing muh vidya."
are you really using the Korea situation as a way to defend the queens shit decisions?
The situation in Korea is terrible with both sides losing people on the border.
If TDP border was like the korean border than she SHOULD send more troops to protect the fucking border
>/pol/ outrage
no matter how long you try to pin the outrage badge on /pol/ it isn't going to work. Everyone knows the most outraged people are the sjw, you don't even need to know anything about politics to notice it.
You know, you can ignore work you don't like, you don't need to post 24/7 about how things you don't like exist.
I dislike James Woods because he's an arrogant conservative blowhard, I don't spend my time obsessing over everything he does.
Really? Only one group spends their time bitching on Yea Forums all day. I don't go on twitter or facebook, so maybe your experience is different than mine. In my eyes, conservative outrage fags are 100 times worse.
She declined going to fall scale war not defending the board.
doesn't work when they inject their political agenda into everything. They can't make their own original ideas so they try to force their shit into older stuff.
if it's advertised to the sjw crowd than it's woke.
She declined going to full scale war not defending the boarder .
bitching on Yea Forums is the same as protesting in public?
SJW are the ones who are literally trying to force companies to change for their ideology. All I see on Yea Forums are people bitching.
Dear stupid idiot. Yes, ignoring something you don't like, actually does work. I thought the Sabrina the Teenage Witch remake was stupid, I didn't watch more than half an episode, and I didn't become some cause fag who bitches about it endlessly. I just move on with my life. You should try doing the same.
>doesn't work when they inject their political agenda into everything. They can't make their own original ideas so they try to force their shit into older stuff.
>if it's advertised to the sjw crowd than it's woke.
How is that in Dragon Prince and Carmen Sandiego?
usually when the enemy assassinates your allies king and crosses your border, you go to war.
>just ignore it
wow that worked with magic the gathering
wow that worked with video games
wow that worked with Marvel
wow that worked with Star Wars
Bitching on Yea Forums is annoying to me because I've heard these same complaints a million times, I don't give a fuck. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Or better yet, make your own art and sell it. The reality is conservative art boils down to shit like Stonetoss and Dilbert, the axe-grinding of unimaginative, elitist-wannabe douchebags incapable of taking criticism.
Please, prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't.
I don't think Dragon Prince was advertised to SJW
I do know a lot of SJW were shilling for Carmen, so I think maybe a lot of people just assume it is woke pandering garbage by association
They're gonna be triggered once Morgana shows up
>Bitching on Yea Forums is annoying to me because I've heard these same complaints a million times, I don't give a fuck. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
ok if you don't like seeing people bitch on Yea Forums, just ignore it
>Or better yet, make your own art and sell it
pretty sure people tried that with comics and Mark Waid tried to put a stop to it.
>The reality is conservative art boils down to shit like Stonetoss and Dilbert, the axe-grinding of unimaginative, elitist-wannabe douchebags incapable of taking criticism.
and they use their race and gender to deflect criticism
Are you talking about the Dragon king?The eif did not go to scale war for that.
People are weirdos and like to complain. That's all. Best to ignore them, it's healthier mentally.
I would ignore it but you outrage fags inject your toxic bullshit into every. fucking. thread. Even threads where it clearly doesn't belong. People were bitching about Blade being black yesterday, you fags don't even read the comics and you think we care about your ignorant hillbilly opinions. Fuck off and die.
>I would ignore it but you outrage fags inject your toxic bullshit into every. fucking. thread. Even threads where it clearly doesn't belong
pot calling the kettle black
>People were bitching about Blade being black yesterday,
do you know what shit posting and bait are?
>you fags don't even read the comics and you think we care about your ignorant hillbilly opinions.
that massive strawman
>Fuck off and die.
you first
Player is supposed to be white? He looked brown
Like her?
Seems like you are mostly mad that the protagonist is better than the villain?
That's because triggering people is the easiest and cheapest way of gaining publicity. "Look how conservative/progressive I am. X hate me for staying true to myself. Buy my shit."
Surely there are many hardworking literally-who creators who don't get mixed up with controversies unless someone finds a bullshit reason to drag them into one.
Christ, who designed those clothes? Square Enix?
Dragon Prince retards get the fuck out of my carmen sandiego thread.
Dragon Prince, yes. Carmen Sandiego, no. Dragon Prince has two lesbian rulers of a kingdom for literally no fucking reason. It doesn't make sense how a King or Queen are allowed by a society to be gay when they have a child. How the fuck could they have a kid?! Magic?!
She's a badass though.
How the fuck are any of those are "woke"?
Both /pol/ and sjws are the same, both like to bitch and outrage about the most trivial stuff.
And we get chained to the Bawston gingers.
Why? Can't we get someone who is somewhat of a decent character? Or maybe a rock or something?
Anything but those two goons!
sadly yes
one forces their political agenda into my hobbies while the other doesn't
which one do you think i'll dislike more.
Forgot that was a hetero trope, silly me
>dies in first episode
>sister of the queen, welcome to monarchy. Also the Lt gets to talk over a powerful woman nonstop without backlash.
>would you like more PoC instead?
>I am sure they found a dick to ride somewhere. Do you need a detailed rundown of how the most suitable dick in the kingdom was determined?
>dies in first episode
doesn't change that he's king
>sister of the queen, welcome to monarchy. Also the Lt gets to talk over a powerful woman nonstop without backlash.
I don't think the deaf chick is a sjw thing, she's like Toph from Avatar.
>would you like more PoC instead?
>I am sure they found a dick to ride somewhere. Do you need a detailed rundown of how the most suitable dick in the kingdom was determined?
the LGBT community would be pissed at this
No idea why, they’re def not
Dragon Prince isn’t a very good show, honestly. There’s a mute in it, but Ehasz always puts disabled people in his shows for some reason, so I hesitate to call that an SJW thing. There’s also blacks in the show, but Dragon Prince world isn’t our own, so there’s no historical accuracy problem there.
Carmen Sandiego was pretty good. It takes everything fun about 90’s educational cartoons and just gives it a fresh coat of paint. The only thing missing is Carmen being able to steal abstract concepts. Also her being a villain, which I gotta admit, made me more than skeptical if it would be good. Though I guess that one ginger guy gets emasculated a lot.
They get called SJW because women and minorities exist in them. That's it.
so Recess was an SJW show?
so what do you suggest then?
Watch Dragon Prince S2 and then we’ll talk
If there's nothing to complain about, people invent it.
The kids have to be whiter than the Breakfast Club to not be.
That’s not why I would call it SJW, user. Not everyone who complains about SJWs is /pol/ you know
was this an SJW show?
10/10 filename
Amphibia is certainly not an SJW show (at least not season 1), and the protagonist is both of those things
You are an SJW show, and so am I
Hail the Pale Lady
>most of the male characters are weak or incompetent
>most of the female characters are action heroes
What did they mean by this?
>Fat nerdy kids
Hell yeah.
eventually it'll turn out that SJWs have been running the animation industry since the 1920s
No you don’t understand I came here to get angry about a hypothetical demographic of poster not earnestly discuss whether or not something comes across as a social justice type thing
Betty Boop was an SJW pioneer.
kinda hilarious, since I only eve saw SJWs shitting on the cartoon for "objectifying womyn"
not to mention the occasional use of blackface
Dragon Prince is SJW trash because it portrays dark magic as unquestionably evil even though the two people who use it are a couple of bumbling idiots and the fact that dark magic has been used to prevent famine, heal the sick, and allow humanity to rise up against a campaign of aggression from the elves and dragons that included full on ethnic cleansing
Her eyebrows are too fucking thick. She needs an eyebrow wax.
I did.
Badass is fine for a glorified footsoldier. If they just wanted to make her one of their top warriors, that'd be fine. But when it comes to issuing commands to troops, you need to be able to communicate with them effectively, and this means either always having an interpreter around who can do nothing else but stand by your side, or else forcing every soldier in your army to learn sign language in the event that communication breaks down.
Someone else brought up Toph, which is fine until you realize that her blindness didn't affect her much. 90% of the time she could see better than most people, it was just a personality quirk that only really presented a problem when she wasn't standing on solid ground.
This will only be true if Dark Magic isn't portrayed as a grey area, or even GOOD magic by s3.
Dark magic is the magic for absolute chads.
Viren may be somewhat incompetent but he's the smartest person in the show so far. Also Aaravos.
I can't wait for these shitty elves to get stomped on.
I don't know about dragon prince, Carmen Sandiego isn't remotely SJW. The complaints leveled at it was that it had changed a chunk of the characters for this weird AU version of them.
Carmen is not a hero
She is not.
She's the most world class of world class thieves and the show is about her fighting this evil organization, no one cares about that. People want to see how she stole the Eiffel Tower without anyone noticing.
both of them because they are both attempting to do the same.
Because mudslinging is a fun activity, bound to stir up drama. Proving that a show isn't SJW, in turn, is quite difficult. It's like trying to come up with evidence to defend your name when someone accuses you of racism.