I don't get it

I don't get it

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Stonetoss comics are full of hate and racist, you fucking nazi.

The joke is racism.


I get it, it's correct but it isn't funny.
Just depressing.

Legitimate concerns are ignored in favor of Protecting feelings and controling the narrative. The hyperbolic comparison is funny to some.

Has anyone ever actually tried to invade the united states?

The joke is that smorky thinks refugees are coming to destroy the white race instead of a safe place to live.


Whites did

They come to a safe place to live then make it less safe.

The last time we were "invaded" on continental American soil was the war of 1812, juristiction wise; Pearl Harbour I guess.

>safe place to live.
>everyplace they move into has it's crime rates spike massively

So when are gamers going to rise up?

It doesn't count as an invasion unless there's an official declaration of war!
Open the borders immediately!

>Has anyone ever actually tried to invade the united states?
Mexicans are doing quite a good job at it. To the point they've convinced the Democratic party to just surrender

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You post that and didn't even attempt to sage, fuck off faggot

Everyday this website becomes more and more like Facebook

fact don't care about your feelings

Yeah, that well known right-wing website facebook.
Which totally doesn't censor any opinion more conservative than "Property is theft"

Further examples

Okay, now this is epic

>I don't get it

Does this explain anything?

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There ya go, that's more like it.

I hate rightists so fucking much.

Saging a shitposting thread is pointless when it's on page 1. Otherwise I would have.

Immigration does not count as being invaded.

Not really.

Show any evidence of any muslim ever having said something like that.
You can't.

But white terrorists are killing people on the streets every single day because of comics like these.

>facebook link
lel. was right

What does count as an invasion? Could you define it for me? Does it require longboats and axes?

>Has anyone ever actually tried to invade the united states?

War of 1812. England tried to reconquer the United States after losing the American War for Independence. Funny thing is, if you ask ANY Englishman, they'll tell you that even though they failed to retake America, they still won the War of 1812 because they burned down the White House. Apparently that was all they wanted to do.

Also, the US won the Vietnam War because we successfully napalmed a bunch of grass huts and rice fields. That was all we wanted to do. Mission accomplished! We won!

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>What does count as an invasion?
Not people immigrating that's for sure.

If you ask an Englishman they'll tell you that was Canada. You fucking retard.

well there was the jap invasion alaska

Who gets mad at Idris Alba?

No, you misunderstood the question.
I asked you to simply define invasion. As you understand it well enough to argue what isn't an invasion then surely you can take the time to write a single sentence which defines it.

You've explained that immigration is not an invasion, cool. Please explain what IS an invasion.


Yeah, and Englishmen also say that America never won the War for Independence, but that France actually won it, so it doesn't count as a loss for England. Limeys are adorable.

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