Do you think she masturbates to Cyclops?

Do you think she masturbates to Cyclops?

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Masturbation is haram.


She has her own harem, she doesn't need it

Yes, especially to Adult Cyke.

Attached: Scott and Kamala.jpg (1988x2097, 1.3M)

This is a thing?

That child is underage and cyclops has been killed and revived and been with about 4 different women in a span of 3yrs

She's hugging a friend and past Champions member, they weren't dating or anything. They just care a lot about each other.

>implying that Yea Forums cares about her canon

Yeah well, let's not let something like facts get in the way of shipping.

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>implying that the canon doesn't help

Attached: and do not make me start with the multiverse FE.jpg (1688x3868, 2.62M)

I do.

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how does she do it, lads

can you blame her?


>Thinking Bruno counts
>Thinking Bruno will ever get inside Kamala

Top kek

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well, if exiles it is not the main route maybe ,but still a version of Kamala tasted in his own flesh Bruno's infidel meat

Attached: maybe it was not the bacon but at least if he tried a infidel meat.jpg (1101x816, 444K)

>her own flesh
fuck I need take an aspirin you not?

Bruno is completely crippled in at least one of the two known futures where he marries Kamala. Even when he wins, he loses.

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>implying that marrying a brown cutie in exchange for your legs(that in the comics those shits are quite easy to solve or replace) is a lose(and the possibility that happens is only 50/50)

Attached: sadkamala.png (321x720, 259K)

Dude, in the comics, no superhuman or supergenius is curing your fatal disease or crippled legs. They think it's "not fair" to normal people.

even so I would, who can live without Kamala?

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Shitty thread

OK, so why don't you let it die?

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Is she still a muslim?

so is literally everything about the character
honestly seems like they were shitting on islam not paying lip service to it
jews will be jews i suppose

She barely was one to begin with, mostly just going through the motions because of her parents.

yes...i guess. Did it matter before?

Attached: confused kamala-chan.png (422x721, 238K)

How do I convert her?

She's pretty fun in MUA3

Attached: Kamala.png (500x500, 114K)

you would let yourself be converted by me user?

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All hail the First Faith of (Kam)Allah.

Oh dear user, I did not mean that you had to convert to Islam, much less to some version derived from Christianity, but to the true religion,HER religion ,her Cuteness is undeniable, her Beauty is magnificent, she is literally infinite, it is the connection between universes, she is the answer to all questions

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Who wouldn't want to convert to worshiping her?

unfortunately not everyone understands her existence, the old customs do not let them discern what is clearly the cusp of the humanity

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Wish I had saved the Infidel Meat image on my phone.


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It also had a greentext post on it with the existential reason why Kamala's eating a ham sandwich.

what B.L.T mean?

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Yes. Thank you.

Bacon lettuce tomato

Big, Long, and Thick my dude.
And I'll always hold out that Bruno gets her Because he looks just like I did at his age and I that'd make the porn look like they put me in it for maximum degeneracy.

>one day, some writer will write a story about Kamala losing her virginity
>once that happens, the floodgates are opened and Kamala will become another superslut when every writer makes her bang their OC

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>>one day, some writer will write a story about Kamala losing her virginity>once that happens, the floodgates are opened and Kamala will become another superslut when every writer makes her bang their OC

I've yet to see anybody truly get crazy with the idea of her multidimensional existence.

Last bump


Trips of wisdom

Not a chance her people would stone her.