What would you do with it ?
What would you do with it ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have the greatest wank in the multiverse
My snap would actually duplicate the universe in two copies, each with corresponding halves of the same population.
In fact I thought that was going to be the twist for Endgame. Thanos' "I hope they'll remember you" line foreshadowed it.
Nothing. I ain’t committing suicide.
That would have been quite interesting, like when they would discover there is another universe and stuff.
Take out the Soul Gem.
I'd be more than strong enough with the other 5, and I don't want an evil sentient rock with an unquenchable thirst for souls anywhere near the device I use to control reality.
Give every single person a shot at being the main character of a self defining, meaningful narrative before they die.
Bring my dog back
Why? Now people are gonna be tempted to throw someone over a cliff for it.
At least with this situation you get it for “free”.
are we talking about the comics or MCU version? if its MCU then i won't because i'm gonna fucking die
The one you throw people over a cliff for doesn't do anything on it's own, they'll have to get the other 5 from me before it becomes something worth having.
Fix my life
My constant back and knee problems, migraines, poor immune system, poor eyesight,
Gonna go sicko mode on this depression
I don't know what else after that introduce nuclear energy to the world as a viable alternative to all this gay ass inefficient coal and shit? Probably
Also delete every single conservative in existence
Remove all mosquitoes,wasps, and hornets
I would eat it.
The hell it doesn’t. You can use it shit on magic, at least in the movie. No clue where it stands otherwise.
t-thanov ccar....
I'd tell you what I'd do, man. Two chicks at the same time, man.
there are people who eat those.
What did it ever do on it's own in the movies?
Snap away all mental illness and STDs in existence.
It’s said one in four people has a form of mental illness. Imagine if billions of fucking people suddenly had that condition vanish in an instant. No idea what the ramifications would be.
The STDs is to just make it interesting. Imagine how radically society would change if they vanished. No one would be afraid of casual hookups outside the scope of pregnancy.
Well they should start eating more because those fuckers are everywhere
Fuck with Multi-Dr.Strange and his whips, check out the scene
So it can counterspell soul based magic.
Alright, worth worrying about. I'll just leave it suspended in timestop in a blackhole, forever.
Well going by those numbers, you'd turn one member of every family into a completely different person. That's gonna fuck up a generation more than anything in history has.
I would snap in girlfriends and boyfriends for all the incels.
No one left to feel lonely and left out in my universe.
I see a downside there. Incels don't have girlfriends because they are such awful people that they drive everyone else away. Lots of ugly people or fat people have girlfriends, its not all about appearances. Incels are just salty, bitter fucks and the same mentality that causes them to act like incels is what keeps them from having a relationship in the first place.
If you magic in a girlfriend for them, one of two things is going to happen:
Either the Incels drives away the newly made girlfriend because they remain an awful person, and you have accomplished nothing.
Or the newly created girlfriend is a perfect match for the Incel and cannot be driven away no matter their behaviour, which means you are creating more awful people just so that the already existing awful people have someone to bone.
Its the only real answer.
Femcels are great though. Cucked in all aspects but gosh darn do they hate tranny's with a passion.
Start a cascading effect of the strong nuclear force being undone atom by atom and see what happens.
>REMOVING mental illness will fuck up a generation.
Maybe. At least the medical industry will be completely shaken. I can’t even fucking singing the radical shift in the homeless society.
Fuck knows what the original word was meant to be but I’m keeping it
If I remember correctly it turned some debris into bats. Could likely bring back the dead if the unsnappening is to be believed.
Use my reality-warping powers to turn the glove into an anthropomorphization of itself as a cute anime girl, duh.
That’s probably pretty safe. You can also use the space stone too, make it impossible to access without the space stone. Warp the area so you go out the other side instead of into the area, like in some old arcade video game.
>Also delete every single conservative in existence
And you were doing so well.
Wasps and hornets eat insects, user.
Thats nice.
"See what happens"? The universe would gradually become a chaotic ocean of dissociated baryons. That's all.
Nothing, I just wear it and pretend nothing is different
Sounds relaxing.
Destroy it.
I would make the desire to harm another human being the cause of spontaneous combustion.
Use it to Kill myself not just in this dimension, but in all dimensions, timelines, and potentialities and erasing the memory of myself to everyone in all dimensions. A true dimension wide eradication of myself, the ultimate annihilation of Self.
Instead of killing half the universe I’d turn half of everyone into people with tangerines for heads
Make the any problem solve by playing children card games
Nah some people are normal but just can’t get laid due to sheer coincidence.
And how long would you survive that?
Rhodey: "What happened?"
Captain: "Oh.. God" (But even more so)
Remove SJW influence from all aspects of western media and culture. Wipe the slate clean.
Would make it so every nuke would morph into a foam machine instead of exploding.
Then i would wait.
could you wish for a small enough change so it doesn't kill you or fuck you up? all the things done in the movies were really huge changes that took corresponding tolls.
well sucks for spider-man
are the tangerines the size of a human head or the size of a tangerine
Head to the Marvel Universe and become a hero, if these are the MCU stones they'll still function in another universe
Everyone on the planet is sexy
I just had the same idea a few days ago. But didn't have an opportunity to share.
It seems out of character for Thanos, because he just wants to kill people and can't admit it might not be the best way, but the idea of splitting humanity into two halves and isolating them seems very interesting.
Get rid of my fat become fit, maybe do something about my social anxiety with it and get out there in the world and find a cute GF.
I would also give every girl I went to highschool with Jungle Fever and see them go out of there way to fuck niggers
Geesh. Wish for something that does ME any good please.
Kill all of /pol/, then Yea Forums
Even changing reproductive cycles to a manageable level on an individual basis would have solved his problem with zero deaths. Thanos was a mad Titan, through and through
Uh, but by default, you would become sexy too.
How does that not help you?
Make the universe eternal and expand forever with more galaxies and their contents coming into existensce with that expansion. Fix stuff that humans and other races can't fix yet and just enjoy my eternity in peace.
The entire premise of Endgame was them heading to different universes for their stones.
Two chicks at the same time.
Probably grant my self massive telepathy, make my body 24 again and in peak normal human shape, stop my aging and make my self immune to diseases and have rapid healing, some lottery numbers and a map to all the still unknown lost gold and silver treasures. Then I send the gauntlet and stones to the center of the moon.
>Get rid of my fat become fit
Jesus Christ.
"I wish I had the infinity gauntlet so I could lose weight and exact revenge on girls I went to school with also by the way I am racist"
Are you a literal comic book character?
Give every woman huge, rippling muscles and an insatiable sexual appetite.
The joke was I implied I was already sexy, user.
No it was not...
>The joke was I implied I was already sexy, user.
oh...I thought you meant that you thought I was gonna dust ugly folks, and you were one of them
Whoever made this image sure was butthurt about the later seasons of Adventure Time.
Sorry about your retardation bro, if it helps is that way.
I miss when the Soul Gem as a green gem.
Now that I think about it... in the MCU is basically the Ultimate Nullifier.
Nah it's not a revenge thing just a fetish one. I left highschool on good terms with a lot of people and was generally liked. I mean with limitless power why wouldn't I want to indulge in some degernate fantasies
They traveled down their own timeline, not to different universes.
But I am open to your alternate explanation.
>with limitless power why wouldn't I want to indulge in some degernate fantasies
Because it's fucking evil, maybe?
turn 80% of the population Female and hot and give the men big dicks
Fist someone who really deserves it.
I would unleash my fetishes upon the world like a tidal wave.
Create people who suck dick so I can tell them that it is outrageous that they're sucking dick
That sounds like a weak argument to explain why things are not working out for you that requires no self awareness.
"I have such a slow metabolism, its bullshit." *Horfs down two cheeseburgers and a slice of pie* "Skinny people have no idea how good they have it. Its easy for them to be thin." *Never exercises*
Getting the gauntlet isn't going to stop you being a little bitch. Just ask Thanos or Magnus.
create the meta human gene, make it so it seems like a naturally occuring mutation
that or turn the universe into the DC one
Remove gay people
Everyone in the world becomes a cute girl. We reproduce asexually or something. How would that fuck up the worlds economies, politics, religions etc?
mah nigga got his priorities straight
kill all chestlets
calm down Davros
depends on a few things
>are you turning all men into women?
>are you wiping out all men and creating new women?
if the former is the case then it's just a question of whether this new super race of only women has the work ethic and natural physical abilities of current women
if that is the case then you'll just get a bunch of men freaking out (or enjoying) their new women bodies before going back to work after asking regular women how to deal with periods and tits
if the latter is the case then it's a question of whether you erased all memory of men existing or not
I'd snap everyone who makes more than X dollars a year
Fuck the bourgeoisie
And then I'd use it to explore the cosmos and the timeline
But then you'd be susceptible to spirits/soul based attacks that are immune to the other five powers, this is what hampered that chick in Infinity Crusade was all the Cosmic Cubes in the universe couldn't do shit to souls.
Fuckin A.
Skeleton here.
I'm worried about my metabolism crashing.
>another universe
same universe, different timeline. Like how Trunks comes from a different U7 not a whole new number
Metabolism is a function of body composition. Your metabolism is high because your body composition includes a a significant amount of lean muscle. If your physical activity level drops, you will burn fewer calories per day in terms of active expenditure, and eventually over time you will atrophy lean muscle mass you don't need anymore, resulting in a lowered resting metabolism.
But this is really just a compound effect of "if you are less physically active, you are more likely to gain weight". The people that are complaining about slow metabolism are in that mess in the first place because they didn't exercise, and they will continue to be in that situation because they still don't exercise. Blaming the invisible, ineffable god of metabolism for their woes is just a way to displacing responsibility for your situation off onto something you have convinced yourself is out of your control, when it isn't. You can't expect to reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle without actually changing your lifestyle.
>Because it's fucking evil, maybe?
Yes, and?
make it never exist in the first place
but for fun anarcho distributist societies everywhere
no king but Christ everywhere
Based God LARPer
All men become cute girls, and all ugly people in general. I think at worst everyone still ages.
So conceivably wars and all sorts of issues could possibly resume once everything gets settled with my snap.
That was the reality stone.
Why not just give all girls big boobs?
Get a fat hairy 25+ gf who loves me and won't cheat or leave me.
That's fine. My own soul is already pretty powerful, and I can just boost it's strength with the power gem. I just won't be able to control other people's souls but that's out of my alignment anyway.
If it's normal it's not as fun.
You ever hear about those worlds controlled by Chaos Daemons or whatever in 40K? The Earth would just become an ever changing mess of violence and horror. No way I'd be able to maintain my morals and humanity with such awesome power.
One big cosmic fap
No more gays
Not always, just as "slow" metabolism exists, some people have overactive ones and sometimes aren't exactly lean or fit.
Either condition is not ideal.
...Make our universe governed by story rules.
Everything means something. Stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. No more pointless, senseless stuff. Everyone can be a hero or a villain.
Yes please.
I need to explain a deeper meaning to the phrase 'fucking evil'?
Someone who has all power in the universe and still is fucking evil. That is beyond pathetic.
I think life gave you exactly what you deserved.
Get a dog, that seems to cover most of your bases.
>My own soul is already pretty powerful
Wipe out Disney
>turn the universe into the DC one
You could create a bunch of the characters, but the gauntlet can't create anything more powerful than itself. Plus a lot of the inner workings of the DCU rely on it interacting with our reality so it wouldn't function properly in our universe.
>Get a dog, that seems to cover most of your bases.
Why would you say that?
>Get a fat hairy 25+ gf who loves me and won't cheat or leave me.
Fat, hairy, loves you, won't cheat or leave you.
No more jews
Make Thanos shit his pants
Stop the flow of time and spend the next years to decades planning out the specifics of recreating the universe, but filled with super heroes, supernatural phenomena, and cosmic alien empires. I wouldn't want to just make preexisting stories real, but I would spice up the history of the universe with a few additions and relax the laws of physics a bit. Once my work is done I would erase my own memory and insert myself into this new universe as a mortal the would reincarnate repeatedly throughout this new history. Not necessarily as someone important, but someone that's always close enough to the action to have myself a grand adventure. Maybe at some point the conditions would arise for me to remember my past lives, and even access my old skills and abilities. But I would never take up the gauntlet again. I would simply enjoy this new world from a front row seat for the rest of time.
lube it up and slide it deep inside. and then snap once you get to the elbow
Make it so I don't have to suffer again.
Snap all niggers,sand niggers, jews, faggots and spics out of existence but instead of them fading in to dust, they would die in the most painful horrific way the universe would has ever and will ever know, then snap my self a cigar and stiff drink, sit back and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe
Sit on it. I want that infinty gauntlet inside my tight quivering boipucci.
No homo
See the universe.
I would use the space gem to go wherever I please. I would use the time gem to halt my aging, and to see both the far future I would otherwise need to wait millennia for and the past I didn't get a chance to see the first time. I would use the mind gem to communicate with sapient alien species. I would use the reality stone to play innocent pranks on them.
Shit would be cash.
I'd make sure I could survive it by giving myself more than enough superpowers.
I'd probably destroy it to prevent such power from being used. It's too tempting
I'll make another glove to go with the other one. Nobody will take me serious with just one glove
Take your titty socialism somewhere else, Berniebro
Give every guy in the world 6 inch dicks with 1.5-2 inch girth as a minimum
Probe the very roots of reality, commune with the creator of all, try to become or merge with that very God. With such power surely the material universe would lost all its appeal in a femtosecond.
>As you crumble painfully, you realize you were the biggest faggot of all
wish for more snaps
Turn half of the universe inhabitants into infinite resources.
Whatever I wanted that didn't require one big snap, until I got bored.
I would populate the world with the highest quality Pepes.
Assuming this alternate Gauntlet doesn't destroy me by the pure energy of the Stones when I wear it, I'd use the Stones separately, like the Space Stone to travel wherever I want without using transportation, or the Mind Stone when I want people to do what I want for a short time, etc. A Snap would be too powerful and it won't only destroy the Gauntlet, but also destroy me.
Too based for this site
Remove Yea Forums, reddit, facebook, instagram, and twitter from the world, and make it so they can never come back.
Then revive Homestar with weekly updates.
I'd make infinite resources right in front of Thanos just to piss him off.
But, where would you have to post?
My life would be exactly the same, except I can teleport to work and sometimes create pizza.
Fix the flaws in the world that I can't fix naturally, then spread each atom of the gauntlet to a different part of the universe.
Force every single human to, every standard week, have a moment of ultimate introspective clarity lasting a day, for the rest of existence. During this period they are completely incapable of self-deception and see themselves, their beliefs, and their actions in a totally unfiltered light.
There will be suicides but humanity will ultimately benefit from it.
Also I'd make elves and catgirls real.
Id makes this one guy gay. Then after he rejected me id probably get rid of it, and commit sudoku with a butter knife.
id use it to suck my own dick
1.Make anime real.
2. Pick a hand full of your to become Kamen Riders.
3. Make my dream woman real and become a family man.
Merge all genders, races, and languages. Mankind will become a race of tan futas united under a common tongue; they might do better at challenging god the second time around
Dunno, just look what happened to ironman and hulk when they did it
t. Hideaki Anno
Just give yourself the ability to regenerate from cosmic damage when changing reality.
destroy everything
“It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer
Why not just make everyone changelings and give everyone what they want?
California needs to go
I guess here's a list of what I would do in order:
>Use the power of the stones to warp reality to where I always have the power of the stones myself, even when not physically holding them. Or just absorb them into my being.
>Create some custom Humans with the exact traits that can lead the world into a peaceful future while keeping as many people as happy as possible.
>Fuck off and make weird shit for eternity.
>create female self
>now both of us are no longer virgins
dont care about the rest
"Self defining" I can see this going monkey paw fast. In the timeline I originally come from the only meaningful accomplishments were diverse teams working together dancing a common goal. If you intact a no-helping rule of a if you want something done right do it yourself mandate I can see the world becoming nothing more than a tyrant factory very quickly.
Congrats on your first steps into JRPG villainry
I'd probably retreat into a fantasy where Jesus Christ returns in his big transparent gold heavenly Jerusalem and turns the Earth into a supernaturally functional agrarian theocracy.
Weirdly specific. Why California?
>>Use the power of the stones to warp reality to where I always have the power of the stones myself, even when not physically holding them. Or just absorb them into my being.
You just fed yourself to the soul stone. You're not doing anything else.
snap all blacks and lgbt
i'd make my reality they way i want things:
one sided political american world
not much diversity means less controversy
youtubers are celebrities
good cartoons are still here today or have finally made their ending (avengers EMH, spectacular spider-man, bruce timm's dcau shows, wolverine & the x-men)
stephen hillenburg doesn't have als and spongebob is still golden to this day being in charge
spider-man 4 & amazing spider-man 3
iron man 4
hulk having quadrilogy mcu movies
x-men & fantastic four being in mcu, infinity war & endgame
video games being great all the time
and most importantly: never taking it off and continue to make my reality the way i want it to go, why bother listing things i want when i can do it by having it in the first place? this thread doesn't matter because we won't be here for this since we're busy with our infinity gauntlet.
snap away all incels and chads
I'd add Godzilla and the guardian monsters from KotM. They seemed to do a pretty good job of counteracting human damage to the environment.
I would snap myself that feel when gf.
make futas real
snap to have sex so i can win internet arguments
>Ancient Greek origin of Scylla and Charybsis
Should have done better research for that. The legend is that Scylla live between the Sicily and the mainland of Italy.
I would use the gauntlet to retroactively make my body able to handle wielding it and then construct a gauntlet capable of handling the stones and then whatever the fuck I want.
You can make your own gf with the gauntlet though.
>No idea what the ramifications would be.
The trans movement would disappear overnight.
>utterly miserable for biological reasons
>is a leftist
Like pottery
Top Dustman.
I would just make all SJWs self aware.
Chestlets don't deserve them.
>make anime real
>it's a combination of Evangelion and Attack on Titan
I'd use it to make so that me, the gauntlet and the stones were one entity so the power could never be taken away from me.
Stop time in reality and retreat into fantasy pocket dimension where I would live out centuries in my mansion and harem comprised of sexy males from videogames, anime, comics, etc
Also I'd eliminate death and fuse entire humanity into a single planet intelligence while still maintaining individuality
Turm myself into an omnipotent cute anime girl and travel around the world (or anywhere else), to help people in need and have a good time. Just imagine how much fun that would be, I can even start a religion or something.
And then I'll destroy the stones just in case.
It would destroy or eco system.
Didn't any of you watch the movies or read the comics (why am I even asking, of course Yea Forums hasn't).
The gauntlet requires insane powers to wield and do anything with. The stones even killed celestials.
Point is, the stones have eventually killed ANYONE, no matter how powerful, through their direct action or the actions of another being going after them. The stones are the ultimate power that, naturally, comes with the ultimate price. They're a curse.
Now if the question was "you're thanos level strong", then two words: loli universe.
I've wondered for a while now if the incel movement is a result of single parent households, or social norms shifting so quickly that fathers can't really teach their kids how to court women these days because it's not as relatable.
But then, the most notorious incel had a two-parent household. Then again, he was split between living with his biological father and stepmom and living with his biological mom, so maybe it is. I would be very interested to see if there's a study regarding the overlap between single mother households and incels.
Give all of you anons a happy ending
remake the worlds nations so that every nation is separated by thousands of miles of sea. then give each nation the means to sustain itself (plentiful clean water, crops ect) and they can work it out for themselves from there. Probably just isolate myself in a big castle with the galaxy internet after that.
Infinite power should come with the power to wield it and it's dumb to think otherwise. Like just use the reality stone so that your body can withstand it, or use the space stone to shoot all the excess energy off into the microverse or dead space.
God shouldn't be able to create a rock so big that he himself could not lift it.
That's always a stupid metaphor to use, because God doesn't lift rocks.
>Go into Yea Forums threads
>find and throw guy that wants to live with his waifu into a reality he wants
>check up on him if he's happy
>bring him back to reality if he didn't wanted it and give him a happy life in regular life instead
Give all the females fat horse cocks
Travel around the world asking incels who is their waifu, make her real then fuck her in front of them
>bring back Sad Panda
>open up access to cartoon dimensions
>make waifus real
>snap all socialists and communists out of existence
>save Africans
this would also be great for travel.
Form an impenetrable protective barrier around me that is breathable and can go as fast as I want it to and will always illuminate so I can see around me.
Explore the universe.
Use it to make enough money to put myself, family, and friends in a good financial situation and get myself free shit. I wouldn't use it for any bigger stuff because I wouldn't want to run the risk of doing something that fucks up the planet on accident.
Deliver justice by killing a whole lot of people painfully. I could probably try to eliminate the reasons why people are shitbags, but I want to do right by people, not good.
Get rid of my epilepsy
Probably just kill everyone in this thread and live in a small mountain town comfortably. A lot of autists here who think they know best for the world when they don't
Anyone who is consistently unsuccessful with women and blames it on external factors rather than internal can become an incel with the right push. You won't be able to narrow it down to a single cause.
If you had a really toxic childhood where you parents split up and the blame fell on your mom, that can set you up to be an incel later in life.
But you can arrive at the same destination from multiple routes. Some incels get their just from being too used to modern day instant gratification and having internalized movie logic of 'every protagonist gets a hot chick, no matter how much they suck'. So they have an unrealistic expectation about how easy it is supposed to be to get a GF, and when reality doesn't match up to that expectation they feel cheated and get angry. "How DARE women not give me access to their vaginas, I WAS PROMISED."
I know for a fact that I don't know whats best for the world. There are no easy solutions to anything.
Trying to solve any kind of social problem with the gauntlet is a total mess. It either involves mass mind control or something equally sketchy, which is going to have horrifying secondary effects. For example, lets say that you wish for world peace forever. There will be no more wars. That sounds good, but that also means that the powerless and disenfranchised can NEVER overthrow their oppressors. It locks the world into stasis, good or bad, and means that the geopolitical landscape is effectively frozen in its current state. And you don't remove all of those ethnic or cultural tensions that were causing civil wars before, they just can't DO anything about them now.
Maybe you can do something about non-human problems like climate change, but how does that really work? If the world is changing because we treat it like garbage, and I fix it, does that do anything other than buy us another 100 years before we end up right back where we started?
The world isn't easy to fix, even with wishes, because the CONSEQUENCES of wishes are as enormous as the change you wished for. I feel like you would need a goddamn building full of geniuses from different disciplines to put together a short list of changes you could use the gauntlet for that would actually make the world better and not just make it a different kind of shitty.
Or I can use it to enact some of my fetishes on a global scale and get exactly what I asked for without having to deal with all of the shit I previously mentioned. Its certainly easier.
I change my mind I would Vore you instead
Destroy Israel
I didn't imply that I would
It worked for Michael Jackson.
And Freddy Krueger.
And Hellboy.
Which at the time was Greek and would remain so until the first Punic War.
And five minutes after that, you kill yourself because that is what the original Infinity Entity did.
>God doesn't lift
I knew it.
Wouldn't you be better off by making people wise and responsible instead?
Now, this is a hero right here
Remember Fantasy Island? I'd do Fantasy Island.
>Mon-Fri let people Monkey Paw their way through their wildest dreams while I watch and laugh with my dapper midget.
>Saturday is the altruist day, turn the island into a place for kids to catch Pokemon or some shit all day while taking my family on Time Stone vacations
>Better pick up your kids before Sunday, that's when the whole island is covered in voraphilic babes of all shapes and sizes that hunt me down Most Dangerous Game style.
>comes back
>owner gone forever
>pic related
Which stones would I need to create a carbon fiber space elevator cable extending to just beyond geostationary orbit?
Presumably only the Reality stone.
Snap all the Jews,niggers and trannies.Homos are Fine as long as they never Go Full gay pride cringe
I see you're a man of culture as well.
>If the world is changing because we treat it like garbage, and I fix it, does that do anything other than buy us another 100 years before we end up right back where we started?
You have a limited imagination, just make it so the earth is always in a comfortably hospitable state.
I'd do all kinds of sick shit abd still kill people doing it, just so I could attend the survivors support group. That'd be hilarious.
>"My name is Paul, I survived the gay fisting"
>"I vividly remember that time, I just got un-wanked by iron man when he fisted me to death.again"
Two chicks at the same time man.
You're a little late, kid.
You too m8
Fuck the moon
No more mutants
lots of sick shit you don't want to know about
No. More mutants
Fuck niggers. *snap*
I'd snap to make your mom fuck me OP
I honestly have no idea why the MCU decided to fuck up the colours.