>Most shows are down by double digits from year to year.
This can't go on.. Does the channel theoretically just shut down? I know all of CN is getting dumped in the new WarnerMedia streaming platform but what happens to the actual channel? At this rate it's dead in a year.
CN is DEAD and so are the other kid networks
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This is Nick's
Disney will have Disney+ but what will Viacom do? What happens to the Nick shows?
If I recall correctly, CN has publicly stated that television isn't their main concern anymore and they try pushing the app these days.
Nickelodeon seems to be edging towards Netflix with the Invader Zim and Rocko specials going there and The Loud House and TMNT's movies will be going there as well.
Disney+ will probably be the new home for all ongoing Disney Channel/XD stuff.
>If I recall correctly, CN has publicly stated that television isn't their main concern anymore and they try pushing the app these days.
The app is a meme they were bough up and everything is getting dumped into a new platform for all WarnerMedia. You're right about Disney though but what happens to the actual channels? At what point are they running at a loss? This is going to be huge news because it'll happen pretty much all at the same time. They're all plummeting.
Note all still get cable fees so they still make some money
It’ll still make some money and still will exist to serve the app and especially steaming services
Disney Channel obviously will help Disney+. It never had much in the way of commercials anyway
Nick is fucked when cable dies and this is why they latch onto a few shows that might move to a different network
It's definitely going to be interesting to see all this play out in the next year or so.
I wouldn't be shocked if most television channels die off by the early 2020s. They'll probably still be around just not as many and not as big of a budget.
At these rates the viewership will be zero in a few years senpai. There won't be cable channels period. The only one I think will stick around is Disney just so they have a presence but they prolly will run it at a loss. Now this doesn't mean these networks will stop producing shows for their new platforms but in the not so distant future you'll turn on your cable box and at least 2 of the three won't be there anymore.
>kids no longer watch CN or Nick
>they watch weird Chinese AI created cartoons on YouTube that are programming their brain into thinking who knows what
I wonder how mentally unhinged kids who grow up with these videos will be as teens/adults.
And in a way it's not going to be that dramatic for CN and Disney since they have platforms waiting for them, but what about Nick? Viacom has no plans as far as I know, it doesn't really make sense to produce shows if they're not going your own platform, this could be the end of Nick.
>Apple and Onion is the most watched show
I was surprised it got renewed for second season, but guess that's what sells these days.
Because they have a hard time accessing it, Disney+ will bring a renissance to animation I guarantee it. Shows with solid story arcs since the need to keep people switching channels will not exist and the new thing will be to keep them hookes and binge shows like all the other mediums have been doing for a while now.
>what will Viacom do?
Make a streaming service or get brought out by WB.
>Disney is pulling in worse numbers than Nick, even their live action shit
Does this mean that kids are finally moving away from that live action Disney garbage where every show is exactly the fucking same?
I think you're being dramatic. They'll either move their content to Netflix (which seems to be the path they're taking as of late) or they're working on something behind the scenes.
Honestly wouldn't care if Nick as a brand dies out, they've had awful practices with their cartoons. (The Sponge Standard for example)
im calling bulshit on teen titans
cn replays that show it seems like every hour on the hour all day long , someone has to be watching that if its on so much
Keep in mind that Apple & Onion had like a 10 episode long season that all aired in like a month in early 2018 when the ratings weren't as shitty, that information is definitely skewed.
What could pawsibly go wrong?
It's got nothing to do with the shows, look at the percentages they're all pretty much the same. Kids are not watching cable, they could be airing anything and they'll still be bleeding.
Yeah, but it’s not immediate. There’s still ton of secondary channels that would go before the main channel, Nick 2 was only cut last year and Disney XD is only starting to be phased out worldwide
We have years until that happens
>apple and onion so high
>rapunzel so low
I haven't see so much bad taste since Yea Forums's list of best girls of the year
CN has a weird obsession with rerunning TTG and a lot of people think it's basically because the scheduler likes the show. When other shows get similar ratings they never get aired as much.
Cable might as well be dead with shitty schedules like these
Viacom is already working with several streaming services, owns one and is also working with Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime in creating original content.
>What happens to the Nick shows?
Will sell them to streaming services. Netflix and the likes. Frankly, it's a better fate than how Nick Channel treats them.
>The Amazing World of Gumball
>Latest episode: Jun 24, 2019
>0.51 viewers
>Steven Universe
>Latest episode: Jan 21, 2019
>0.99 viewers
>We Bare Bears
>Latest episode: May 27, 2019
>0.45 viewers
>PPG 2016
>Latest episode: Jun 16, 2019
>0.31 viewers
>Ben 10 2016
>Latest episode: Jul 20, 2019
>0.30 viewers
>OK K.O.
>Latest episode: Jul 21, 2019
>0.30 viewers
>Craig of the Creek
>Latest episode: Jul 20, 2019
>0.34 viewers
>Summer Camp Island
>Latest episode: Jul 21, 2019
>0.37 viewers
>Victor and Valentino
>Latest episode: Jul 20, 2019
>0.35 viewers
>Mao Mao
>Latest episode: Jul 22, 2019
>0.39 viewers
>Latest episode: Jul 13, 2019
>0.35 viewers
>Teen Titans Go!
>Latest episode: Jul 22, 2019
>0.60 viewers
>Latest episode: Mar 1, 2019
>0.48 viewers
>Super Hero Girls
>Latest episode: Jun 9, 2019
>0.44 viewers
No. Disney makes garbage cartoons for the most part. Not even when young did I like Disney's cartoons. Sure Aladdin and Gargoyles are good, but in general? Disney is shit at making cartoons and no Phineas and Ferb or Kimpossible are complete shit. The latter is only talked about because Muh Fap so fuck off.
Steven Universe was the only show close to getting a million viewers in 2019 and that might be why it's continuing beyond season 5.
>Phineas and Ferb or Kimpossible are complete shit
Holy shit fucking taste batman
No? Also doesn't mean shit if its hardly on the air
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
Surely that's to be expected as Disney is usually an extra on cable so less people have it. If cable is dying anyway, the bonus channels will be the first to drop and jump to streaming platforms.
Disney is a core part of most modern cable packages and really hasn't been an extra since the early 00s.
>Disney+ will probably be the new home for all ongoing Disney Channel/XD stuff.
So Disney+ will be like Netflix but with shitty child-friendly unfunny sitcoms nobody watches, with occasional classic Mickey cartoon thrown in the mix.
Not sure why you're surprised, Disney has marketed itself as kid friendly for years. It's kinda odd The Simpsons will be on Disney+ but I guess it's just not that edgy by today's standards.
It's really weird watching classic Simpsons and remembering how controversial it was at the time.
Wish I could see how bad Canada's stats are.
I think Nick will be doing same thing DC Universe does. They will be creating original programming that would premiere on their home app and then shop it around to Netflix or Disney see who picks up. The way it worked for television television would slowly integrate in some form into apps, nothing will particularly change, apps will resemble TV overtime.
Cable is a dying medium. Literally.
The problem is infrastructure and fixed costs. Did you know installing the network of cable lines all across America was the biggest, most expensive infrastructure project ever undertaken by private enterprise at the time of its completion. It cost more to hook ever American city and town up to cable than it did to go to the moon.
That was decades ago. The cables themselves are rotting. The need to be replaced.
The cost of replacing the lines + the government fees just to operate in an area make the whole enterprise nonviable since new technologies have popped up.
Remember Johnny Test?
That also pulled shit numbers but CN decided to spam it at all hours for some reason.
Teen Titans Go is an exercise in corporate morons trying to force as hard as they can a cartoon to become popular, and it failing because the show is fundamentally shit. Any other show spammed as much as Teen Titan Go would pull as good, or better numbers.
>only make one show after another about strong empowered feminist characters
>turn every male character into an idiot who needs to be saved or helped by a girl
>I don't understand where did 50% of your audience go
Teen Titans Go is actually unironically good sometimes which I can't say for Johnny test.
>Teen Titans Go is actually unironically good sometimes
Nobody but Boomers, sports fanatics, and very rural people with slow internet still have cable, are you surprised?
>kids actively now watch content on youtube than on tv
>networks repeat the same show aggressively with little to no new content
>older viewers watch streamed content instead
oh fuck off you giant pissbaby
are you never getting tried of coming up with new excuses why sjws "totally didn't ruin" yet another hobby?
>kids actively now watch content on youtube than on tv
why do you think boys were forced to migrate to youtube? because cartoons stopped doing content for them.
everything has to be about female empowerment these days and boys end up getting the short end of the stick.
There aren't any good action based shows with male protagonists only female once
Yes that's totally it, the Protagonist are females!! Ah that's why all kinds of boys watched totally spies and sailor moon! It can't be that boys grow up without cable anymore it's the SJWs!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>that's why all kinds of boys watched totally spies and sailor moon!
they didn't. don't act like your faggot ass is the norm user and not the exception. they used to watch shows like x-men or gargoyles while there sister watched girly shows.
there used to be something for everybody but now everything has to be about women all the time hence the massive migration to youtube and twitch.
>Not watching sailor moon for the girls wearing short skirts that show off most of their legs
The only faggot here is you
totally spies and sailor moon still had good male role models for boys. I think guys end up saving the day several times in both shows.
the same can't be said about modern shows where male characters only get to be damsels in distress or crinchy idiots. all the girls are marie sues and the boys are just like comic relive or losers.
>Noooo you!
you aren't just a faggot but a not very smart person as well it seems.
at least you admit that there aren't any good shows with male protagonists
>mass migration to youtube and twitch
So they ended up watching faggots anyways.
get woke go broke
duh, why the fuck would any kid watch these networks when the Internet, video games and Marvel movies exist?
I really want to search for this but I know if I do there'll be nothing but weird shit in my recommended feed for god knows how long.
I would literally ban my kids from watching Marvelshit.
I for one cannot wait to see the fetishes.
Sailor Moon is absolutely nothing like what's airing from Western animation studios today, fuck off.
Cable employee here. Cable as a conveyor of viewership has been in decline for the past 5 years with all demographics, save for the elderly. Why would you want to watch something on someone else's time when the internet lets you see something pretty much any time, following the release? The subscriber numbers topped out in about 2012, and have been slowly dropping since.
Ask any parent - kids don't watch TV. Kids watch YouTube or Twitch.
No, fact, character development is a requirement in everything but especially in kids media that deep complex character are required because of common sense.
Here are some the huge YouTube channels kids watch.
Obviously they should broadcast more Teen Titans Go.
That's what they get for allowing naked shotas but not naked lolis.
It turns up, people watch it. There's not much more to it than that. If anything it shows how loyal the fanbase is.
And nothing from western animation in cable TV is like anything from anime nowadays, aka almost always SoL waifushit, your point?
No, fact, kids want deep complex characters.
Why do you people care about the ratings of kids show networks? Have any of you gone out of your way to watch them in the last few years?
My point is that you're wrong. There's stilll a sliver of good content.
>It turns up, people watch it.
Except part of the reason they don't air SU frequently anymore is because its re-runs had shitty ratings. People only turn up because they hype up a new episode or bomb and then they fuck off.
Demographics are more important than raw numbers.
Yes, over at Yea Forums.
How could you know that when they've never released ratings for re-runs? There's re-run blocks running right now for SU and they're probably themed and advertised.
Just turn off watch history.
Well I guess since they own the rights to the shows, they should be fine financially-speaking, compared to something like Netflix which is running into trouble with the costs of maintaining the rights to multiple shows and are now having to create their own content to survive.
Streaming will just become a new form of television, with each service requiring money to access, as opposed to a package-plan deal cable companies do (this ultimately will probably come down the pipeline at some point too).
Nick wasn't originally all that bad. But yeah, Spongebob's success really nailed them in the end. Or rather, the CEO and higherups got too greedy.
What do you think cable companies plan to do? Promote package plans for streaming like they did for cable?
Yes. It will be cancer.
Cable and especially CN has been going down hill for a long time. SJW have little to do with it.
>better be my 10 friends than millions of kids I hate ok. WE WON
>daytime is nothing but solid blocks of their shittiest shews
>good stuff is mostly hidden in the middle at inconsistent times
>When it's not it airs either early morning or during dinner hours
>never repeats in order outside it's schedule, if at all
Gee, I wonder why the networks are tanking.
If only more manchildren had watched the shows than cable would be okay!
boys watched totally spies and sailor moon because there where cute girls in it and fetish fuel
you wish it was AI. Theres a picture inside one of the studios making it and its a bunch of indian guys in a genuine studio. Its surreal
What about any of that suggests actual children-children are likely to watch?
>Cable is a dying medium. Literally.
I think the average rate cable is losing subs is about 12 or 15%, CN is losing verys are more than twice the average. Especially when you look at the yty loses on Nick, it goes from 3.1% at it's loses to 45 at it's highest with seemingly an average of 20%, which is above the average.
CN is loses viewers WAY WAY higher than anyone else here. They're going between 13.8% to 37.9, I don't could Clarence or Magiswords.
That's really really bad.
They will all be moved into their own streaming services.
Streaming is going to go full circle and essentially just be more free form cable that just lets customers play whatever they offer whenever they want.
>le app
Prove to me how this isn't even less sustainable than cable.
based you faggots shouldn't be watching children's cartoon shows anyway
A&O only had 10 episodes and consistent scheduling, so it was pretty easy for it to get a high average.
RIP cable