God this was fucking awful

God this was fucking awful

Attached: BasicCable.jpg (250x180, 21K)

I don't remember much about it. Some of the futuristic cars and cityscapes were cool.

Most kids shows were user, it's easy to remember the gems from like two decades ago while forgetting the absolute oceans of shit you had to swim through between them.

I'd rather watch this than Liberty Kids

some kind of futuristic sherlock holmes thing?


sounds stupid enough to be fun
is it just boring or something?

No, it's great.
OP is a faggot.

oh god the stupid fucking theme song. why do I still remember?

It has smart characters written stupidly.

Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is, what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.

Were Sherlock Holmes to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that he read about in a book 300 years ago. He'd throw artificial peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as he had deduced from a picture of cats on his computer that the man had a severe artificial peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Sherlock had earlier deduced that him and the first man were cyborg partners linked together who couldn't live without eachother due to a slightly jerky movement they made once and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Sherlock doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Sherlock the entire time. But Sherlock just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Sherlock removes his mask to reveal he's actually clone Moriarty attempting to frame Sherlock for two murders. Sherlock however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they're undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Sherlock!" clone Moriarty cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Sherlock just winks at the screen, the end.

This is retarded because Sherlock is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.

Yeah, all shows are great except for the ones I dislike, those are the stinky ones!

I like this pasta, it's much more succinct than some 20 minute youtube essay

All things consider this was not that bad.

It was not great, especially considering its competition at the time, but it was solid like almost every cartoon of the 90s early 2000s.

At the very least i take this over almost every single cartoon on television or streaming service nowadays.

Conan Doyle was not an idiot, neither is Holmes written as described here within his works, even the most churned out ones.

Sherlock Holmes comes back to life (life life) back to life

Doyle's stories taught me to be observant when it comes to other people, and it's been quite helpful. The littlest things, like callused hands, can tell you alot about a person

He thought magic and fairies were real

Occultism was fashionable and indulging in a bit of fantasy is harmless fun.

I can still hear the theme song.

t. moriarty

But this was made before calarts so you should all love it shouldn't you?

Ears and brain, OP. Ears and brain.

The original pasta is about Sherlock anyway and not all Sherlock Holmes at once.

>Reading non-Doyle sherlock.

That's your fault.