Anyone remember this?
Anyone remember this?
No, I never made any friends :(
Nick fucked it
I’ve been seeing a lot of people feel nostalgic for it lately, along with myself. It sort of has a Fosters feel to it.
it was a good show
definitely deserved better. I get that Nick didn't want to give it full time slots, but they could have at least given them a 15 minute showing now and again.
Yes. Was cute and odd. Don't remember seeing much of it but what I did see was good.
Making Friends.
I think so.
Where the fuck do you see an R?
What does it mean?
Yur mnd jut tnds t fll n th gps atomstically.
Were gonna get a reboot, a spinoff, a moive, a triple A tie in PS4 game, 6 issue comic and making fiends merch.
The most wholesome part of my childhood
You really get the worst luck if you are a former south park employee
>this never completed its run
>Out There goes out quietly on IFC, took years to get to Hulu
>Future Worm burned out over a summer
>Neighbors From Hell only lasted a season
I liked it, though it mostly makes me remember how hard the creator of the show was burned by Nick.
Yup, briefly saw it on TV then it just disappeared. Years later into my teens I saw the web short version and binged watched it all. It's a shame the creator got screwed like that, she could have continued to make more and continue to sell her own merch.
A simple example of an interesting premise and how Viacom is pure evil.
Yes, I remember it.
Also, I ship Vendetta and Charlotte. You cannot and will not shame me.
I watched it with my cousin. We were pre-goths at the time and lived anything remotely "creepy"
i remember it being shoved onto the nicktoons network channel with kappa mikey, so I could only watch it when I went to my friend's house with satellite TV.